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Futuristic ParaCom: Adversary Uncertain


Nietzsche reader

Here will be our Character posts. Feel free to post up to three characters per player using the sheet as a template.

Some rules:

1.) No characters may be something inhuman without GM permission.

2.) Characters must be balanced and within parameters.

3.) Think realistically for your characters for optimal results and acceptance.

4.) Acceptable grammar and/or spelling is required.

5.) Do correct any mistakes I see for your application. Antagonistic/intemperate responses will result in me flat out refusing your character sheet.

6.) Up to three (four with Africa's bonus) CS applications can be done. Remember that anyone can die in this RP.


Country of origin:

Specialty: Assault (Close Quarters Battle with shotguns, assault rifles, etc.), Sniper, Support (Combat Medic with Assault Rifles and related weapons), or Heavy (Large Weapons and Explosives) for now.

Appearance: (Description or picture, though a picture says a thousand words). Bio: (At least a paragraph's worth.)

Personality: (Like bio, at least a paragraph's worth.)

NOTE: Extra classes may be unlocked.

For scientists and engineers


Country of origin:

Scientist or Engineer:




Also, I'm quite lax as a reviewer as long as you follow the rules to the spirit. A bonus/incentive for early characters would be a promotion from Rookie to Squaddie rank if you sign up before the action starts.

The rankings from highest to lowest for characters:

1.) Colonel

2.) Major

3.) Captain

4.) Lieutenant

5.) Sergeant

6.) Corporal

7.) Squaddie

8.) Rookie
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Name: Pedro Matos

Country of origin: Portugal

Age: 27

Specialty: Assault

Appearance: Pedro is a little under six feet tall, and has a rather 'Ancient Greek Statue' look to him. He has relatively tanned skin, and a rather dark brown hair colour. His hair is very trim and neat, and he has no facial hair. He has a very 'natural' green, almost like grass in summer. Tends to have a serious expression on, and his 'resting face' has a slightly serial killer aspect to it.

Bio: Pedro was born into a heavily military family, with a long history of exemplary service. Pedro was no exception, and quickly joined the military as soon as he could, proving himself a highly exceptional soldier. He quickly joined the Precursores Aeroterrestres (Air-Land Pathfinders) and proved himself adept in close combat tactics, frequently leading the assault in close quarters. When the invasion hit, his unit was one of the first to be mobilised, and dropped in hot on Lisbon, doing their best to at least establish safe zones. The unit suffered 78% casualties, but the safe zone stood, and many civilians were saved. Prior to the attack, he had a father, a mother, two older brothers, a younger sister, an uncle, and a nephew. Now he has a sister. When the ParaCom was rounding up candidates, he proved himself competent, and was chosen to join their ranks.

Personality: Pedro is relatively light-hearted, although the recent attacks and his family's devastating losses put a damper on that. He quickly gets serious when on duty, and he has an excellent sense of when to follow orders to the letter, and when to be a little loose about it. With the recent losses to his family, his family has become almost all-important to him, even if he can't see them due to being part of ParaCom. He knows that it's for the greater good, and so they can bear to not see him. But he still cares greatly for his sister, and keeps mementos from her with him whenever possible. Isn't so much a brave man as he is a bloody-mindedly determined one, with a grim resolve.


  • Tactical Sense, +5 Defense per enemy in sight (Max +20)


  • 77 Aim
  • 6 HP
  • 48 Will

Name: Marcus Cai Holt

Country of origin: Denmark

Age: 41

Scientist or Engineer: Engineer

Appearance: Marcus has early greying hair, and his shoulder-length hair now has a silver sheen to it. His face is very oval-shaped, with large and sunken blue eyes. He's quite short, being around 5'4" and is also very thin. He has a rough beard which is both short and not very thick. He tends to care little for his appearance, and has almost no fashion sense at all. Tends to wear a beanie.

Bio: Marcus was born to rather lowly beginnings, but his intelligence was evident from an early age. He became known as something of a Mr. Fixit wherever he went, and he excelled in workshop classes and engineering classes, especially mechanical engineering. He seemed to be able to tell, almost instinctively, how things would be put together and work to act in the intended manner. At 24 he got into weapon design, joining H&K as a designer. He introduced a slight tweak to the production line of the USP series that mildly reduced maintenance, and thus costs. He also worked on, and eventually lead, design teams for new firearms. Now, in ParaCom, he is putting his talents to use. When Science gives some technology for weapons, he knows how best to put that tech into action.

Personality: Marcus, despite being into weapons manufacturing and design, is actually something of a kindly man. He has a furious temper, but it takes a good deal to push him over that boundary. He very much wants to help, and does little with only his own interests in mind. He is easily taken advantage of, and calls himself 'idiotically kind'. He is quite good with people, and putting concepts into words that those not experts in his field would understand.

Name: Darion Pendragon Chance

Country of origin: England

Age: 27

Scientist or Engineer: Scientist

Appearance: Darion has the start of what could be a handsome face, but he doesn't put nearly enough effort into it. His facial hair is a rather messy black goatee, and his hair is just a mop. His eyes, a deep grey, are ringed lightly from a mild lack of sleep. He's about average height, around six feet tall, and has rather broad shoulders. A rather long face. When he gives himself the chance, dresses formally and cleans himself up. But usually he's in a button-up shirt, pants, and sometimes a tie.

Bio: Darion was born into a wealthy English family, providing him with the excellent education that his genius-level brain required to grow to its full potential. He skipped through some of the grades in his schooling career, which served both to illustrate his intelligence and distance himself from his peers. He started to focus purely on his academic studies, losing himself in them. He was one of the newest batch of great minds, although he was neither aware of this, nor would he have cared if he did. As his life went on, he diversified, constantly learning new things. When the invasion happened, he nearly died to it, although his parents were not so lucky. When he learned of the ParaCom project and its interest in him, he practically hurled himself at it.

Personality: Darion is out of touch with people who cannot speak on his intellectual level, and holds on to his taste from his wealthy upbringing. He especially enjoys fine clothes, and dresses formally when he isn't working in the labs, which is quite a rare time for him. Quite socially inept and unaware. Has ADHD, and as a result is sometimes easily distracted, unfocused, and absentminded. Has a great passion and enthusiasm for knowledge, science, and the advancement of both.
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  • Age: 32

    Country of origin:



    Brian stands 172cm tall with slightly slimmer than average stature. The parts of his body that are most exposed are a deeply tanned olive whilst the rest is several shades lighter. Brian's dark brown hair and beard are both of medium length. They aren't styled in any shape or form but kept at a reasonable length. He has light blueish-gray eyes thanks to his father. Unless the situation takes a turn for the worse Brian always has a slight grin on his face.

    Bio: Brian grew up on a cattlefarm in the north-eastern territories of Australia. Brian's mother had found his father as she traveled the world as a young adult and brought him back and returned to her roots. Internet, Water, Food and Electricity were all constant worries. Being so divided from the cities along the coast wasn't an easy unbringing. The large distances also proved to be a major challange regarding his education as he grew past elementary school. Having deeply respected the ANZAC as he grew up, he promptly began searching for a military education.

    Over the years over training, the time came when he finally enrolled for the Australian SASR (Special Air Service Regiment) as a field medic. On the eve of the new year he was one the first reaction units to be deployed. Himself and several other SASR squads were HALO dropped into the midst in an attempt to alleviate pressure and stall whilst reinforcements were ETA. To say the least, it was a slaughter. Most of the men were killed if not severey injured. Brian gave away most of munition as he had his hands full dealing with casualties. After what felt like an eternity of hellfire and brimstone the SASR were aloud to fall back as reinforcements took over.

    Brian was sort out by the ParaCom for being one of the few survivors of the HALO squads and he expertise as a field medic.

    Personality: Brian is a fairly mellow fellow. Stressful situations tend to only improve his abilities as the urgency and adrenline are catalyst for the importancy of the task required. In conjuction with this, not many things phase his judgement, whether it be out of nature or as result of his deployment in the SASR. Comradery and respect are two sides of the same coin regarding those around him. Brian isn't afraid of putting himself in harms way if it means a higher probablity of an extra squaddie surviving the OP. Because of his families isolation on the cattle farm, and knowing the hardships that isolation brings with it, Brian has respect for those less well off in life.

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Name: Shaun Walker

Nickname/alias: The walker

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Country of origin: America

Specialty: Assault






Bio: (At least a paragraph's worth.)

Personality: (Like bio, at least a paragraph's worth.)
Name: Aero D. Wolfe (Husky)

Country of origin: America

Specialty: Support/Engineer


Age: 19

Bio: Aero grew up hearing stories about the great country that was America from his Father, Burrich. He has great pride in a country that he has never lived in. Burrich was a pilot and engineer, which is where Aero's passion came from. He earned his pilot license as soon as he turned 16 and studied planes vigorously with his father until then. He was taught engineering from his father all his life and is as qualified as any veteran engineer. His father was actually the one selected to join ParaCom, but was killed by the supernatural in transport. Aero had been taught his father's ways and was the next best thing, so they asked him to take his fathers place. With the pride of an American, he gladly took up the offer.

Personality: Aero is very kind, but prideful. He is very confident in his designs and does not take insults to them lightly. He'll put the life of his plane above any regular foot-soldier. He forms bonds easily, and is typically very personable.

Country of origin: Has never spent longer than six months in one country, but was born in Japan.

Scientist or Engineer: Engineer
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Name: Lance (No other names)

Country of origin: Germany

Specialty: Sniper


Personality: Quiet. Minimal social interaction outside of the mission. Very short and to the point. Very militant.

Bio: Lance was created by genetic manipulation in a test tube, combining several generations of strictly bred genes. He is the pinnacle of centuries of eugenics. Perfect eyesight is 20/20, which means that a person is able to clearly see something 20 meters away as any average person. Lance has the highest recorded eyesight belonging to a human being, of 6/1.5. All of his life, raised in a lab, Lance was taught patience and emotional control. By the time he was eight, he could hit a target accurately in any weather up to 75 meters away, competing with professional, veteran snipers. To date, under the best conditions his shots are considered accurate up to 3000 meters. (No wind, room temperature weather, light humidity, etc. Also, real life longest distance confirmed kill is 2,435 meters) His average accuracy is within 1,500-2,000 meters, depending on weather. Anything less than 1,000 meters could be considered a guaranteed hit. Lance has no confirmed kills as his first military enlistment is in ParaCom.

Due to the sensitivity of his eyes, he wears sun glasses under all conditions. Glasses are also custom made to assist his accuracy in the later hours of the day. (Like those lenses that darken in the sun, these lighten in darkness and focus the light into his pupils allowing him to see better in the dark. Technology stuff.)

Age: 28
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    Name: Kseniya Serova.

    Age: 34 year-old.

    Country of origin: Ukraine.

    Bio: Kseniya was born in Kiev. Daughter of an elementary school teacher and a father she never met, but was probably “a politician, somewhere”, she grew up among other suburbs kids, playing in the mud, playing in the snow and never paying too much attention to her mother's lessons. Always one of the guys and never a girlfriend, she soon developed an interest in sports and martial arts. Graduating high school with less than average marks, it seemed natural to her to pursue a career that would be best served by her impressive physical strength.

    Kseniya was more of a jack-of-all-trades than professional material in any of the various sports she played. After a bit of soul-searching, she enrolled in the local police force, but the corruption and petty office politics that she found there didn't match her vision of the job. She left after a couple of years and then tried her luck in the army. The work environment was harsh and the training was harsher, but the days were long enough to exhaust her. She resolved that this was the best she could hope for in life, and found contentment in the routine and the grim assignments. Killing wasn't fun, seeing her friends die was bleak and saddening, but it was her job and she did it to the best of her abilities. She even discovered herself quite the knack with tanks and heavy artillery.

    When the paranomarls attacked, she was on leave, visiting her family. It didn't take her long to enrol in ParaCom, feeling that her skills would be better used there.

    Personality: Kseniya is easy to read and easy to get along with. She's not too trusting of strangers, but since she hates the paranormal more than she could ever hate any other human beings, she'll accept anyone soon enough. It's a grim world out there, life is short and one must make the best of it. Drinking, eating, partying, that's her jam. She's as focused on the field as she is relaxed outside of it. Although she might not be the one people go to when they need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, she's definitively the one you want to go to for pep talks, tough love and the party of a lifetime.


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    Name: James Harrow

    Alias: Arrow

    Country of origin: England

    Specialty: Sniper

    Bio: Despite being fairly aggressive and getting into many fights at school, though often with good reason, he was an academic at youth, devoted to study and expected to become rich from his intellect and retire while still young. He was not exactly a super genius but he was smart, easily smarter then those around him. He soon fell behind in his studies in his last year of education and soon realized that University would not be for him, unlike his brother. It was then that he decided he needed to find a job and, after some months job searching and being unemployed he was approached by an Army recruiter and invited to join up. He originally said no but after another month of unemployment he changed his mind and signed up an infantryman and aced basic training, his skill with a gun caught the eye of his drill Sargent and he was offered the role of Sniper and told he should look into the Royal Marines or S.A.S. He took it and decided that was not really where he wanted to go with his life. He toured with the army for eight months as a sniper and then found he new appreciation for the role, deciding to join the S.A.S. and passed the fitness barely but, again, aced the shooting and server another term with the S.A.S. as a sniper. Then, after receiving the V.C. and having his shoulder weighed down with medals, he was approached to join the program. He felt it was a logical choice.

    Personality: Very defensive, especially when in regard to his friends of his team mates, he is willing to put his life on the line to protect others which, despite the way it is often viewed, is effectively the role of a sniper. With a strong connection for his genius brother that would potentially throw a mission or risk even his closest team members to protect his brother. He is hard working and very driven, very good at separating distractions from his focus while still being able to asses risks and know when he might need to delay his focus for, either, the safety of his team or the greater goal.
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    Name: Viktor Volkov

    Age & DOB: 51; April 1st, 1969

    Call-Sign: [The] Dapper Hammer

    Country of Origin: Donetsk, Ukraine

    Specialty: Assault

    Prior Service: Soviet-Afghan War [Red Army], Iraq [Red Army], Lebanon [Red Army], Angolan Civil War[Red Army], Bosnia [ukrainian Army], Crimean Crisis[ukrainian Army], War in Donbass [Pro-Russian Ukrainian Separatists]

    Bio: War hero, suspected terrorist, and political agitator; if Viktor's life has not been one thing, its boring. A relic from an erstwhile era, Viktor was born in a Ukraine under Soviet rule. A notorious local troublemaker, he was "volunteered" for service to the Red Army, and sent to Afghanistan. There at least, his destructive tendencies would be of productive use to the Motherland.

    But time changes. Governments rise, and economies fall. Returning from the deserts of Africa and the Middle East changed, Volkov joined the Ukrainian Army with a sense of cautious optimism. The peace couldn't last... Dissatisfied with the economic conditions, as well as the amounts of crime and corruption in Ukraine, strikes and protests began to occur against the central authority of the country.

    When the Paranormals attacked, Viktor was already chest deep in a foxhole - right outside his home town of Donetsk. Busy assisting Ukrainian separatists in sporadic fire-fights with Ukrainian military, it didn't take the grizzled soldier too much time to feel which way the wind was blowing, and attach himself to Paracom as an asset with invaluable field experience.

    Personality: Having worked in a profession where people are at their worst, has made Viktor skeptical. The stress, the grind of the job, has stilted his emotional stability, where every day is a wrestle for control. Trust, sympathy and affection are in short supply when it comes to him. But there does remain a streak of altruism and nurturing nature. He shows by absolute loyalty, to the people who are loyal to him.

    Socially isolated by age and experience, he has a tendency to stand at the edge of gatherings and conversation. But there are cracks in his military bearing that can be exposed, by a joking flirt or two, that give a glimpse of the charismatic and charming man underneath.

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Samuil Yakovlev


Country of origin: Russia

Age: 39

Scientist or Engineer: Scientist

Bio: Samuil was born and raised in Kursk, his future being defined by his parent's careers; an electrical engineer father and a physicist mother. In addition to his regular studies, his parents took an interest in teaching him at home as well. When he was seventeen he bought a remote controlled plane, but was unsatisfied with its battery life. So he spent three days working on it with supplies from his parents. What resulted was a monstrosity with its power rigged up to mini solar batteries and a wind fan. It barely took off, and immediately crashed through a window in their neighbour's house. He still tells the story to this day with a rueful grin on his face.

When he moved out to a university, he did so with a great interest in energy, especially electricity, and dedicated himself to the cause of finding a way to make fossil fuel obsolete, or at the very least to find a method of energy production that wouldn't run out any time soon. He hopped from university to university until he settled in Moscow at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, where he excelled as one of the top students in the university. At 36 he lead a team of students working on a project to use specially constructed hamster wheels to power various electrical equipment, including a blender and an electric drill, as a test for a new process to convert kinetic energy to electrical energy that he'd been working on. The test was a success, and Samuil suddenly became known as a leader in his field. When the paranormal invasion happened, he was practically chomping at the bit to go out and study whatever tech he could. ParaCom's invitation to him was a formality.

Personality: Samuil is rather headstrong and impulsive when it comes to the chance to work on studying paranormal tech, but is otherwise rather calm and collected. The difference has been compared to a switch being flipped in his brain. When in his 'work mode' his sleep schedule suddenly goes off-kilter. He stays awake for several days in a row through the power of coffee, sugar, and sheer energy before collapsing and sleeping spread-eagle in the middle of a random corridor somewhere. He has a biting wit, being especially good at deadpan deliveries.
Name: Alina Ivanova

Country of origin: Russia

Specialty: Heavy



Bio: Like her husband, she was a soldier in the Russian federation. Both were lieutenants by the 2020s. Thinking he and she were both safe from the attacks, they let their guard down from the paranormal enemies. After the USA was attacked, the paranormal spread to Russia. Both tried to defend each other, but it failed as she was knocked unconscious and her husband, to her knowledge, slain afterwards. Her kids, miraculously enough, were not touched. Not believing that her family escaped unscathed, she saw that her kids untouched were too good to be true. Perhaps there was a benefactor involved.

Personality: Stoic, austere, and dead serious are words that describe her well. Alina conceals her broken heart with nothing but a cool determination to end the paranormal menace. She would stop at absolutely nothing to get to the goal. However, not being completely cold, she holds her reserved feelings to those that deserve her trust. She joined the ParaCom for two reasons: To make sure no paranormal attack ever happens and to look for the mysterious benefactor. With a typical Russian cynicism, her advice after fighting the Paranormals: "Try not to die."

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/IMG_20160410_091651.jpg.8e0031a06f6f07280d42e57ccbaf9071.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/IMG_20160410_091651.jpg.8e0031a06f6f07280d42e57ccbaf9071.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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    Name: Harold Nastda

    Age & DOB: N/A

    Call-Sign: N/A

    Country of Origin: Canada

    Specialty: Heavy

    Bio: Born to a poor family and raised in one of the poorest areas in Winnipeg Manitoba Harold had a tough life growing up. Regularly he had run ins with the law, and got into fights with others. He had been in and out of adolescent corrections numerous times, and was under the care of child and family services by the age of seventeen. It was a rough life for a kid without purpose. His life looked like it would be meaningless and without potential until one fateful encounter with a police officer.

    He had just been arrested for breaking into a seven eleven, and it was well past his curfew and he had been picked up attempting to flee from the store. As he was sitting in the back of the cop car the older officer asked him. "Son, why do you do what you do?" Nastda replied like this. "Why shouldn't I?" The officer then retorted. "Because you don't have a purpose, fine something to devote your self to then you'll fine life gets better! Look at infantrymen, or police officers. They put their lives on the line to protect their brothers in arms! What do you protect? Nothing that's what!"

    For some reason he couldn't get those words out of his head. In lockup all he could think about was what the officer said. He finally decided to turn his life around and enlist with the armed forces in order to devote himself to protecting his comrades. The day he turned 18 he enlisted with the infantry.

    Several years later, 2018. He was assigned to a jump battalion serving in the middle East. It was a stormy night and their mission was to drop over a terrorist compound, rescue several hostages, and evac to a nearby FOB. During the Operation the compound was hit by a Russian airstrike causing the building he was fighting in to become unstable. Seeing that the building was unsafe his commanding officer ordered all units to pull out of the building and to begin the evac. Hearing the cries of hostages deeper into the building Nastda refused the order and proceeded deeper into the building. Managing to rescue several more hostages he began the evac . During this the roof above him collapsed pinning his leg. In order to escape from the ruble he ordered one of the hostages to take his combat knife and cut off his leg.

    Two years of recovery, and a medal later he reenlisted with the armed forces, and was assigned to one of the units reacting to the new paranormal threat.

    Personality: Harold is like an uncle to most of the units he's served with, usally giving wise advice to those that need it and making sure everything is running ship shape. During combat he follows orders and ensures the mission gets completed, though to him the most important thing is making sure that his comrades make it out of the fray unharmed or at the very least, alive. Some people may call him brave or heroic but he doesn't care much for being called a hero, in his opinion anyone willing to sacrifice their comrades in order to complete an objective is little more than pond scum. Believing that the lives of others is the single most valuable thing, he will usually be the first to volunteer for sucicide missions.


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/300px-HeavySoldier.png.625831d985a9b2d6844526a38b39b115.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/300px-HeavySoldier.png.625831d985a9b2d6844526a38b39b115.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Obviously does not carry the riot shield.

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Name: Experimental Autonomous Infantry Combat Unit - 001

Nickname: Scarecrow


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9ce67c73278303b125056bb876cee4df.jpg.7e136ace9450b858b510736d2b459c99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9ce67c73278303b125056bb876cee4df.jpg.7e136ace9450b858b510736d2b459c99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Specialty: Autonomous Infantry Unit.

Bio: Scarecrow was designed by Paracom Scientists after the New York incident in order to supplement infantry forces and gather field data. As an experimental unit Scarecrow has yet to go on any field missions. The Paracom R&D included many experimental technologies in Scarecrow's design including armor plating, processors, and paranormal scanning aperatus. It is out fitted with a 5mm minigun.

Personality: Scarecrow is programmed with a male personality and a primary directive to complete his missions at all costs. Secondary directives include recovering paranormal tech, tissue samples, recording combat data, and ensuring Paracom assists don't fall into enemy hands. These directives coupled with an experimental A.I cause Scarecrow to be extremely merciless and efficient at combat, though they also make him a wild card due to the fact that it's unit's safety is not a primary objective. His A.I is also designed to evolve as he experiences human interaction so his personality will develop as Paracom operates.



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Name: Benjamin "Mut" Summer

Country of origin: Illinois, United States

Specialty: Assault



(scars on his upper torso and left shoulder)

Bio: Born to two engineers, Benjamin led a relatively sheltered life. His little rural community protected him from the everyday problems most people endure. He had no lack of friends and excelled in his studies, placing third in his class. It was curious to most why he joined the army after high school. It was mainly his lack of drive that lead to this decision. Everyone told him that if he wanted to join the military, he should go to officer school instead, but he joined like any other recruit who goes through basic training. During his deployment he was found to be "exceptionally brave and loyal", putting others before himself in all situations.

He was in New York with friends when everything went wrong, screaming and panic was everywhere, and Benjamin had no idea how to react. Before he knew it something big ripped everything in the area to shreds. Everyone around him had been partially devoured, but he was almost untouched, give or take a few scars. He was recruited to ParaCom straight out of the field hospital, he obviously agreed.

Personality: Ben has a lack of drive that keeps him from actively seeking promotion or other self betterment. He copes with bad situations through sarcasm and jokes, though this is rarely appreciated by his sterner of colleagues. Ben has been known to act inappropriately from time to time, even childish. He seems to values others lives above his own, risking his in order to ensure another's safety.
Name: Hal Jordan

Country of origin: Texas, United States

Specialty: Support

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/BF4_Us_support.png.f77653388791e7966030090fa42ebb27.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/BF4_Us_support.png.f77653388791e7966030090fa42ebb27.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Hal was raised in a normal middle class family in the United States, he was in the military at the time and had been since he turned 18. He had been to hell and back and then back again. Like everyone else, he was unprepared for the attacks, he was with his family at the time and knew that he would be called back into the field. He was a Gunnery Sergeant at the time and when the US had him thrown into the battle once more. He was picked for reasons unknown to him into a battle he did not understand or want, and this is why he fights.

Personality: Hal can be a multitude of things. He is usually calm under pressure, preferring to allow the stress to wash over him and past him rather than get nervous over a fight. Hal has been told he is well humored and still gets told that to this day. TL;DR - Hal is calm under pressure and well humored



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Ava Kjersti

Country of origin:







Born in Bergen, Norway to a family of 6, Ava had it relatively easy for most of her life, her parents were well off, she had a good relationship with the rest of her siblings and her parents, she was doing well in school and had plenty of friends, really everything was going well for her. That was until she didn't want it to anymore, ever since she was young she'd had an interest in being strong, she was a tomboy, she didn't want to be pampered and have everything handed to her on a silver platter, and so she begun taking survival courses, going mountain hiking, riding BMX's, smoking, drinking, getting into trouble, one could say she was ungrateful for what she'd been given but that couldn't have been further from the truth, she was grateful, but she simply didn't want to be known as another pretty face to look at. She went to the University of Oslo later in life and then joined the Army, where she served for 4 years before enlisting with the Forsvarets Spesialkommando [FSK] the special forces of Norway.

She became the first female special forces operator for Norway, which made big news for the region, giving her some fame. Her speciality was that of a sniper, she conducted 2 tours in Afghanistan with the FSK on counter-insurgency operations, doing reconassiance missions for other Coalition forces in the region. She also participated in 8 counter-terrorism operations within Norway's own borders from extremists, her skill with a sniper was well heard of and when the Paranormals begun their attacks on Earth, ParaCom got into contact with Ava's superiors in the FSK, and she immediately accepted, as Oslo had been attacked previously.




Ava is fiercely independent, but friendly enough once she gets to know people. She does enjoy company yet at the same time prefers to not have any distractions from teammates during operations, thus her occupation as a sniper. She is immensely focused on her goals once she has them in her sights, this always goes for her combat operations, she isn't the type to let a target go once she's got them within view, and has been known to follow them for great distances. Ava is always doing her work with victory in mind, anything less simply isn't good enough, she is proud of her heritage and is protective of her family, friends and country, she isn't the type one wants to get into an argument with, unless they're looking for a 2 hour rant from the young woman.
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    Name: Jackson Knight

    Rank: Rookie

    Call-Sign: Blackjack

    Country of Origin: United Kingdom

    Specialty: Interceptor Pilot

    Bio: Born in a small town somewhere in England Jackson loved aeroplanes. His father was a simple farmer and his mother was a nurse in the nearby city. His early life was relatively easy and quiet working on the farm. They had a little bit of everything a cow, some pigs and a horse. Everyday he would wake up, feed to pigs, eat breakfast, get ready for school, and then hop on the bus to school. At school he wasn't interested in alot of classes, except physics and mathematics. Both he found interesting though not greatly exciting.

    As a teenager Jackson's life changed, his parents died in a car crash when he was 13 and he had to live with his uncle. His uncle was a bad man you could say, getting drunk regularly, beating Jackson's Aunt. As would be expected as Jackson grew he became more reckless and more rebellious. By the age of 16 he regularly would steal his uncle's car and drive it at high speeds. He would also regularly skip school. At 17 he decided to join the Airforce and become a fighter pilot. After several years of training he eventually did that. Just in time for the paranormals to arrive.

    Personality: Jackson is very aggressive when flying due to only ever engaging non-human targets in the air. On the ground he can be rambunctious and regularly getting into conflicts in bars and the like. In terms of personality he sees fight the Paranormals as a game and not "war". He also has an enjoyment for playing cards specifically blackjack.

    Other: Unlike many pilots flying Paracom interceptors Jackson is primarily trained on the Raven rather than training on other aircraft before learning the Raven.



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