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Traditional Panda's Art


New Member
Everything you find here will be traditional art. I work with Prismacolor markers, pastels, chalk pastels, watercolours and basically anything I can get my hands on.




Let me know if the images are too large for your screens or are sized correctly. I'm on mobile and cannot tell accurately. Thank you. :)
New art for here! A watercolour and marker experiment of Kamen Rider Kabuto from close to a year ago. I've since gotten much better with the techniques.

Oh wow, these are beautiful! It's so hard to color with traditional medium, let alone achieve colors so vibrant. :D Pls more!
So! The previous WIP is now being updated! This one is further along and is at what I call the 'ugly' stage of the painting: where nothing is right and nothing is done. All the same, I think it's worth showing since I'm doing a progress run of this watercolour.


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