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Fantasy Paladins-Lore



The Omnitopped Nachos.
Origins of the Realm

Long ago, when the cosmos was void of life and form, there came into existence a goddess. From where even she does not remember, but Astra the mother of Chaos began her Work Churning out Matter, Energy, Space, Time, And all things that exist. Yet her work would not go unnoticed. It would attract the attention of another being from beyond the borders of the realm. This being, A lord of order was one that existed for the sole purpose of opposing chaos, and he came to do just that.

Khann, The lord of order and Power would arrive to smite the chaotic being and wipe her new creation back to the ordered nature of the void. Yet he was himself smitten. The moment he laid eyes upon the Beauty of Astra he could not being himself to destroy her. Knowing that other lords of Order would come if he did not do something, he approached her with an idea. A union of Order and Chaos. One to endlessly create, and one to organize this creation into a functional reality. Astra found this to be a lovely plan, and would go on to admire Khann’s Work as he organized her creation into something that was more beautiful than anything she had ever imagined. She fell for him as hard as he had fallen for her. Thus in love the universe was born.

At the center of their creation they placed a small ball of rock and fire, wrapped in Air, and water. This world they called Genesis. Here they would build for themselves a home to dwell in. Soon they would sire Twin daughters Mana & Ubelia, Goddesses born of Earth and Water. Shortly thereafter was born their Son Herod Forged of Sunlight and Wind He would in turn rule the skies and the sun itself. Mana Would begin to produce little creatures of many kind, Gifting her sister and brother creatures of their own. In return, Ubelia would create currents to carry life giving nutrients to these creatures, And Herod would give energy to both his sisters creations. Life Bloomed in mass throughout genesis And for a time all was perfect.

However, Khann could not stay in this beautiful world they had created for long. Soon other lords of order came presenting a threat to his beloved family. So he would go to the edge of the universe to confront them. Astra Missing her love, would begin to weave constellations in the sky telling of their union and their works. The three children of Order and Chaos not wanting their mothers arts to go unappreciated would gift some of their creations with sentience and self awareness. Creating the first mortals. From the minds of these mortals came ideas and concepts, which imbued with the power of Chaos became new gods. Slowly but surely these gods and mortals would grow more and more contentious. For How could a god of lies coexist with a god of truth? How could their respective followers dwell together?

Finally, The first death occurred, and with it came Nero the god of death. He would begin a long campaign against the creations of the gods, eventually even gods began to die. This would begin to slowly drive Astra into a anxious state, and in an effort to preserve her children and their creation she would attempt to stop Nero. In doing so she shattered the very concept of death, but could ot completely remove it. Thus the blight began.

Mortals and gods alike would inevitably fall into a state of partial life and partial death becoming blighted ones. Despite the best efforts of the Divine, this blight would spread throughout nearly all of Genesis. Yet hope loomed over the horizon as Khann returned, bringing with him Power beyond Power.

Seeing what had become of his beloved world, children, and all they had made He would shout “ENOUGH!!!” Unleashing a pulse of energy which wiped all things from the planet, save for Astra, Five of their children, And whatever life was near enough to be encompassed in The Chaos mothers protection. Astra was horrified, the one she loved so much, had destroyed everything they had built. Thus she fled Genesis her tears creating the comets of the universe, eventually she would come to rest in a sphere of chaotic darkness so thick even Khann could not find her.

As his fury subsided, Khann would grow ashamed of his actions. He would Name Herod the Chief amongst the remaining five gods. Seeing that Two were weaker than the other 3 by a wide margin he would balance the five by granting the lesser two gifts. He repaired a portion of Deaths concept and granted it to Null the God of Knowledge, Adding the Domain of Death to him. Then he would hand his sword to the Youngest and most noble of the five Seraphina Goddess of Justice, Adding War to her Domain.

These actions would create a pocket of Order on Genesis that would allow for a lone continent to be protected from the Blight, which began to come back mere years after the destruction. Fearing his children would begin to rise as blighted gods, Khann would gather the bodies of the fallen gods he could find and bury them in the mountain range on the northern side of the continent then seclude himself there hiding in a mist that even his children could not see through.​
The Gods

Unlike most fantasy settings the denizens of the world of Genesis have no question as to wether or not their divine patrons exist. They know they are here and even where they can be found. Mortals will often make pilgrimages to their divine domains where they can pray to them in person, ask for answers, gain boons, and petition them for guidance in most matters.

These gods while fallible, try to be just and noble, as they are doing their best to maintain the creation of their beloved parents. The mortals and living beings of the world are seen by them as their children and they wish the best for them, though they don’t always agree on what that is. Save for Astra and Khann, Each god has a temple built around a kind of portal, each portal leads to a pocket dimension where the gods spend most of their time. Mortals cannot enter these portals as the area within is not suitable for life save for the gods. That said, the souls of the fallen mortals are gathered by Null and distributed to these dimensions based on their proclivities. None are sure what occurs beyond this, though most assume that they serve the gods in their realm and dwell in a state of perpetual contentment.
Astra was the first Deity to come to this realm, Is the mother of all gods Save for Khann, and the one who birthed the cosmos. Her power is Chaos itself, Unruly and equal parts Good & Evil. She is a Fickle goddess creating the entirety of Space and Time with a mere thought and Continuing to create by simply existing. She is considered an Omnipotent being. Emotions of all kinds are attributed to her, The Stars are often worshiped by mortals in reverence to the mother.

That said there is a darker side to this lovely deity. As much as she creates…she also destroys. Supernova rattle her creation, Black holes created by her grief drift invisibly through the Aether swallowing stars and planets. Her very nature makes her creations trend towards self destruction and none, Not khann, not her children, nor her worshippers Can seem to stymie the destruction. Many fear all of this struggle upon genesis will be for nought as a whim of this Being is enough to wipe away the world and all in it. Save for Khann.

She has no temples, no divine domain, and no paladins. She has not even been seem in the past 3,000 years. Those who do pray to her will often do so upon seeing a shooting star, Astronomy is the main form of reverence. Though none are sure if she even cares for such worship.

The Father of the Realm, Khann is a Lord of Order, The last of his kind. While there were once many, He took it upon himself to Destroy them all fearing his family and home would be lost to their dogmatic adherence to the Decree of Void. His power, was nearly boundless before this Culling as he swirled the matter and energy of Astra’s creation into galaxies, stars, and even worlds. Yet this power Grew to limitless proportions after his slaying of the other lords of order. So great was it that upon his Declaration of “Enough!” Mortals, Gods, Continents, Even the very cosmos Rattled in their places and most things were torn asunder.

He would go on to repair the Concept of death in part, and Bestow it to Null, Making a Second generation god as powerful as the First generation ones, Then repeated said process with Seraphina. Yet even bestowing such unfathomable power seemed to take nothing from him. It is widely believed that all gods, mortals, and cosmic forces draw their power form Khann, and when they do inevitably perish, that power cycles back to him. Because of this many will pray to the Father god to “grant them the strength” or “Allow me the power” before attempting to do something difficult.

While Khann is Absent for the most part, he does have a divine domain to the far north, hidden behind a range of mountains, A dense frigid forest, and under cover of a supernatural fog. Yet none have ventured there before as his very presence imbues the creatures that dwell there with tremendous power so much so that even the Worms are a threat to a mighty man. Even his children are turned away from him when they approach. It is widely believed that he spends his time attempting to repair the damage he has done to the cosmos, though others believe he searches for his beloved Astra. He Has made it very clear, that he cares not for mortal praise and His children warn mortals against Worshiping him lest they kindle the Great Fathers Fury. He is Also deemed an Omnipotent God, perhaps even on a higher degree than Astra herself. Though most see them as equals.

The Eldest Twin of the Union of Astra and Khann, mana is the goddess of Nature and Earth. Her divine domain in the northeastern Continents Great mountain is a place of Abundance of flora and fauna. She is often viewed as the Kindest and most merciful of the Gods, Freely giving her bounty to any willing to reach for it. Of all the gods she is the lost understanding of the cycles of nature, Birth, Growth, Life, Death. Due to this she has a close relationship with all of her siblings and is believed to have a romantic connection to Null. When she appears to her worshippers it is often as the mountain itself speaking with a voice made of the scraping and crashing of massive granite collisions.

In the ancient time of creation, She gifted Ubelia With fish and all that dwells in the seas, And Herod with Birds and insects who move on wings. The first mortals, Once apes, were the creatures she proposed be gifted with sentience so that they could admire her mothers masterpieces in the sky. Yet one would be wise to beware the wrath of the older twin goddess. Her fury can and has generated terrible earthquakes and volcanic cataclysms, though even these inevitably lead to new life blossoming often times even more rich and vibrant than before.

Her worshipers will often Stand against deforestation efforts, will plant and dwell in majestic groves, and Hunters are among her most devout and prominent defenders. If the gardeners cannot convince a greedy Expanding faction to be a good steward of her bountiful lands, snares, well placed arrows, and beasts will. Her Paladins are imbued with powers revolving around Plants, Animals, Minerals, and in rare Cases Potent Flames. It was Mana and Ubelia who split the continent into four sections with a powerful quake and Flood. This was done to bring an end to their younger siblings bickering over territorial boundaries.

The Second Twin goddess born of The Union of Astra and Khann. Ubelia Not only represents the oceans, rivers, Lakes, ponds, and Waters…She IS the waters of them all. Considerably less kind than her sister the water goddess will not tolerate those who pollute and destroy her. Floods, Storms, Tsunamis all are frequent responses to the Audacity of mortals. Yet she is not without mercy and loves mortals even if she is a tad to severe with her fury. She will freely give the bounty of the sea, be it the fish gifted to her by Mana or the life-giving drink all things need to survive. Yet all would be wise to remember that the seas are hers and hers alone.

Her worshipers will often praise her by weaving jewelry out of shells and pearls and draping them over statues of the goddess that they will carry on vessels to the Island where her Divine domain is located. While she does appreciate these gifts they are far from mandatory she will accept all comers to her island and while it is said that none have ever drowned in the waters surrounding her island…One drop of blood has yet to be spilled on the island. Vessels of war and those who wish to do harm are simply unable to approach the island due to her control over the currents. For that reason it is seen as a sanctuary to those who are hunted and pursued.

The Paladins of her order can call upon and manipulate water, sometimes Ice, communicate with the creatures of the aquatic kingdom, and in certain cases call down rain and storms, even floods. While in water or rain, her champions possess remarkable physical attributes and healing properties. She and her brother Herod often have competitions which can result in thunderstorms and hurricanes yet these rarely make it inland and tend to stay in the places where the oceans meet the sky.

The third and final Child of Astra and Khann. Herod was gifted the Sun at his birth and he has been a great steward of such a boon. In his hands he holds the power to destroy All of Genesis, yet has only ever used it to heal and give life. It is for this very reason that he was crowned chief of the gods after Khann retired himself into Exile. The Skies are his domain clouds, thunder, lightning, wind. Though he is considered benevolent he is not without his anger. As plenty have found the sun can be Just as fierce as it is Nurturing. The peaks of great mountains are where he and Mana meet, the horizons where the water meet the sky are where he and Ubelia meet.

His divine domain can be found in the deserts to the far east, where the sun raises each day. It is said that each morning he sees the sun, weighing its temperament, and decides if he should mask it with cloud cover, or allow its rays to reach the land below. His followers worship him with Reflective metals such as Brass, Bronze, and Gold which they will journey through the desert to deposit in his amphitheater like structure, interestingly enough, the walk back through the desert is often said to be far more pleasant than the trek into it.

Yet even a benevolent deity such as Herod is not without his faults, he is a prideful god, not taking kindly to those who speak ill of his name. His desert is littered with the bones of those who have approached his temple with wicked deeds in their past, and no gifts in their hands. He allows none to dwell in his deserts for long be it a plant or animal. He also tends to be very selective of those he bestows with his healing light. Even still Many seek to become his paladins, for you would hard pressed to find a more potent offensive ability set than what he bestows. However he has the least number of paladins.

The god of Death and Knowledge was not always thus. Null was once the god of secrets born of the mortals imagining the concept and the chaos power of Astra giving it form. He was an elder brother and attempted to give guidance to Null the original god of death however this would end in disaster and Null would risk his very existence by revealing the secret plans of his brother to Astra. Now what does a secret become once revealed…it becomes knowledge. Thus Astra edited his concept to spare him the coming doom he would face for violating his very own laws.

In return for this boon he stood with her and revealed how to stop Nero. Inadvertently creating the blight. He would go on to record all that transpired and it was this tome of knowledge that once passed to the Returned Khann would soothe the Great Fathers rage and cause him to turn an introspective gaze. He was gifted with a portion of Nero’s domain becoming the god of Death and Knowledge. Afterwards he went on to sit down with mana and together they came up with the cycle of life and death.

Worshipers of Null find themselves in a precarious position. They praise him for his knowledge and pursue it with a zeal unmatched, becoming scholars and teachers more often than not. Yet its always a race against time for his Secondary concept is always waiting. Many he will grant long lives, while others he cuts down earlier than they would have liked. He alone knows the time of death for all things, even his fellow deities are not privy to such information, nor does he reveal what becomes of those who perish, even to his most devoted followers. His Paladins tend to be equal parts mortician & Librarian tending to the funeral rites of the dead, and shepherding lost souls back to their gods domain. His divine domain is to the far south nestled in a toxic swamp, where any number of things can be your demise. No strength can take you there, only the knowledge of how to avoid the toxins, diseases, and Hazards found there.

The Goddess of Justice was one of the last of the conceptual deities to be born and is considered by the gods to be the little sister. However she is not what many expect from that. Tempered and fair, she is a being of great Nobility and honor. Criminals around the nations fear her scales, and warriors through the world praise her blade. When the destruction brought by Khann came, she deemed it just, but when his fury had yet to subside, she stood with Null in opposition to the great father. Knowing she could do nothing to stop him, she was willing to risk nonexistence to do so for it too was just.

For this the lord of Order had great respect, and after the tome of null was given to him and her words of wisdom were spoken he would consider her to be his own daughter. Giving her his blade she became the goddess of War in addition to justice, as he had faith that she Alone would deliver the violent retribution with fair measure. Her worshipers do not give gifts, they do not pray to her. They simply create, follow, and enforce the law. Those laws that are just of course. Woe be unto those who use her creation of Law for misdeeds, for none earn a harsher penalty than the corrupt agents of the Law.

The paladins of Seraphina are among the most well known, they scour the lands to correct injustices, smite the wicked, and provide restitution to those who have been victimized. Some work as guards, others as police, and others still as judges. Her statue sits upon every courthouse in all the lands, and the Scales or Sword she carries can be found on the banners of warriors and judges throughout the entire continent. Her divine domain sits on the southern portion of the westernmost part of the continent. There it stands as a rectangle of white marble columns holding a Massive marble roof. In the center lies a throne which stands before her portal, she will often be found on this throne as pilgrimages make their way to her. Justice is not blind in Theos, Justice sees into the hearts of all, and weighs them accordingly. While she is deemed the youngest, the respect of the gods is no less for her than it is for any other.
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The Paladins.

In Theos, the only way to possess magic is through the Gods themselves granting it to you. When this occurs the mortal in question becomes a paladin. This magic while tied to the gods, does not require much extra to use after its been bestowed, though there are rare cases where a god will retract their gifts, this usually occurs because the mortal has violated the rules of the god.

To gain the boon a Mortal must first take a pilgrimage to the Divine domain of the Patron god of their choosing. Afterwards if they can get the god to meet with them they will be tested by the god. While these tests have similar themes based on which god you are appealing to, they are different for each individual. Depending upon the success or failure of this test the mortal will be granted magic, Denied magic, and in some rare cases…slain for their sheer audacity.

Paladins can be Divided into Five Classes based on the patron god, and these five classes can each be further split into 2 subsections, which are Physical and Mystical.

The 5 Classes.

Justiciar- The paladins of Seraphina are the Justiciar’s who scour the land seeking criminals to punish and victims to grant restitution. They have been known to take sides on conflicts but seraphina herself gives her paladins more free reign than most trusting in those who pass her trails to be arbiters of justice. That said, there is no middle ground with her. You are either Good enough in heart to survive her trail and become her paladin, or the trial kills you outright. Never has a criminal become a Justiciar, though Occasionally a Justiciar has turned to a life of crime…those who make such a mistake will have their magic fail them in a moment where it is most needed. The vast majority of Seraphina’s paladins are of the physical type, gaining enhanced physical abilities and prowess with a variety of weapons. The few who are of the more mystical nature tend to be granted abilities that let them see through the lies and masks of people gazing directly into the darkness of their pasts.

Enlightened- The paladins of Herod are the fewest in number but are among the most powerful in raw magical output. Usually they are mystical type paladins with access to the healing light, and Breath of life. Two remarkably powerful healing magics which can treat diseases and even regrow missing limbs and remove scar tissue’s even grant sight to those born blind. When these paladins become threatened or are in danger a Corona like the sun will bloom around their head. This corona indicates to them and those around them that their offensive abilities are now activated. Granting them access to searing beams of light that can melt metals in seconds, allowing them call upon fierce gales, and even call down lightning to smite their foes. However, misuse of such power results in Herod obliterating them within a pillar of light. The power he grants is great, but so too is the cost of abusing it.

Seeker- Those who make it through the deadly swamp and arrive at Null’s domain have already passed a portion of his test. The second test is a riddle, One that there is no penalty for failing, simply a denial of the magic and an inability to retake his test for a period of ten years. Null doesn’t need to kill you after all, you will eventually die all on your own. Surprisingly Nulls paladins are about a 50/50 split between Physical and mystical. He grants magical boons that allow his paladins to resist death, such as regeneration, poison immunity, heightened reflexes, and perception. Likewise he can grant telepathy, Clairvoyance, or even the ability to speak to the dead, though they cannot reveal anything that transpires in the afterlife. While they seek knowledge and give the dead funeral rites a tertiary aspect of their duty is the extermination of undead, a task which they will always have a unique ability to carry out. The sigil of Null in the hand of one of his paladins can grant the Ability of death to the undying.

Druid- The paladins of Mana are those who protect nature and share its bounty with those in need. The trails for this deity are by and afar the easiest to achieve, resulting in her having the highest number of paladins overall. One must simply climb her mountain, where they will face trials of forests at the base, stone up its face, heat and fire within its caverns, air as the oxygen thins, and finally ice at the peak. Once they have done this she will appear to them and bestow them magic from a wide range of possibilities. From The senses or attributes of animals, to the manipulation of plants, even the ability to shift into animals. However her most powerful gift and the one most sought after is the power of Geomancy which can allow a mortal to call upon the mighty power of stone and Earth-fire (lava). However a warning to those who seek her power, what she gives is the very power that life is made of, and overuse can effect your life in unforeseen ways, from getting stuck in the form of a beast, to becoming made of stone or tree…and eventually losing the ability to move or even think as you become one with nature. Sadly this is the inevitable fate of all the paladins of this goddess. It is said that this stems from Mana herself not wanting her “children” to perish, thus she makes them one with herself when their time is up. Though…Nulls paladins claim to draw souls even from these examples.

Mariners- Those who seek to be the Goddess of the Sea’s paladins will find a good way of living ahead of them. First they must seek the goddess in her domain bringing the traditional Gift to her, then they will be given a series of tests. They must weather a storm aboard a vessel, Plunge into the depths and return, then Survive the frigid expanses of the north. Thankfully the goddess handles transport to these trials. Unfortunately she will not save them if they cannot handle it and they will perish in these tests if they cannot pass them. Once completed they will be turned into a Water-bearer, known by most others as a marine. Her paladins are able to breathe underwater and swim as fast as the swiftest of fish, some can call upon the powers of ice, others can shape the water itself and some can call upon rain. A select few are imbued with the power of the “Submerged” granting them incredible strength, stamina, and regenerative abilities when their bodies are wet. Rare are those who master ALL of her boons, but those who do can become a formidable opponent even on land, and nearly demigods when in the water. Their duty is to share the wealth of the sea with those on land, to protect the waters from those who would poison it with their pollutants, and to Drown those foolish bandits called pirates who would take their greed to the seas. That said, some pirates can actually earn her favor so long as they are not to vicious and do not spill too much blood into the sea, yet these must bring her gifts regularly and are known to the Mariners by a mark that can be seen by all paladins of Ubelia.​
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The Blight
Though it has existed for more than 3,000 years. It is only in recent centuries that mortals have begun to see this dreadful phenomenon and feel the effects of the threat the gods keep at bay. The shattering of death created a strange infection that spreads through Contact, though the Paladins are protected by their patron god, Mortals, plants, Animals, and even objects can be corrupted by even a simple drop of blighted blood and time.

The effects of the blight are not instantaneous and can be treated and even removed in its earliest of stages. For example if a man were to have a splash of blighted blood on them, they can wash it off and be cleaned so long as they act quickly. If they do not act quickly they have a narrow window to have themselves cured by a paladin with healing abilities, or by a gods own intervention. Yet this window can close in as little as 24 hours. Once the mutation begins, nothing save for amputation of the infected tissue will save them…and even that is a gamble as the blood can carry the Blight through the body.

Those infected will begin to mutate rapidly after the window has closed, gaining extra eyes, cancerous bulges and painful growths, yet death will not occur, they will eventually be driven mad as the Blight takes hold of their brain, and once the body is fully corrupted it reaches their soul. They will seek to spread this blight usually to those closest to them, seeing the undying curse as a gift to be passed to those they care about most.

Blighted beings mutations can grant them a number of advantages. Firstly they needn’t breath, eat, or sleep any longer. They can survive any physical damage so long as a part of them is left, they will regenerate overtime. Yet these abilities are uniform and all blighted possess them. However there are additional abilities that can be unique, or common. For example its common for the Blighted to develop Hollow claws stingers and fangs which will inject blighted blood into the targets. Some can develop the ability to spray this blood, others have been shown to grow wings, scales, fins and flippers, or even breathe fire. Chitinous armor is common. However possibly the most horrific ability is the Osmosis. Where multiple blighted beings can seemingly fuse themselves together becoming a tangle of limbs and faces.

The blighted are neither alive nor dead, Neither sane nor mad, they exist in a twisted form that is a mockery of All things Natural. Paladins of all five Faiths are tasked with eliminating them wherever they are found. Fortunately they seem to only be found on the outer edges of the continent and thus there are paladins called Edge wardens from all five faiths that spend their entire life monitoring these borderlands to protect the Kingdoms of mortals from the true enemy of the gods.​
World map

-The People-

Theosian culture can be best summed up with the phrase, you get what you make for yourself. While paladins tend to do their duties for free, this is because the gods provide for them in most cases. The average individual does not have such luxuries…usually. Trades tend to be passed from parent to child however there are ways out of what many would deem the caste system. Scattered throughout the larger cities are Universities dedicated to the god Null. Here knowledge is freely shared by the scholars and even the common citizen can come to learn a new trade. There are slight restrictions on what knowledges can be learned, for example the production of medicines and weapons requires a certain level of aptitude be met lest the quality of such necessary items be lost.

Regulation on things like weapons, Is fairly light one will be allowed to carry weapons across the countryside and in villages where self-defense is absolutely essential. However within the walls of most cities weapons are required to be Tied down or stored at the gate as large vigilant guard regiments are there to provide essential security. Of course paladins tend to be allowed their weapons as more often than not they are able to be trusted seeing as how the gods hold them accountable. Product value regulations also exist, one can be fined or even jailed for selling products that are harmful such as spoiled food, or products that do not do what they are advertised to do. There are also trade secret laws that prohibit the direct replication of an individual’s particular product. this allows people to protect what they produce, such as Noba Kurate who invented the crossbow.

Currency is uniform across the continent Three types of coin exist, Coppers, Silvers, and Golds. A copper is worth one currency unit, a Silver is worth ten coppers, and a gold is worth ten silvers. The Bankers Guild have spent centuries creating treasury treaties between cities and city-states that have kept the value of these coins uniform across the nation. Thus in any city from east to west, one can feed themselves for as little as five coppers per day. Wage contracts between an employer and their employees are protected by the law and both parties are able to be held liable, so if an employer trues to change their wages they can be held liable in court with fines. Likewise if an employee steals time or money from their employer they too can be held liable.

While laws within the city are stricter and less freedom exists within their walls, the countryside is not a completely lawless place. Protection against theft, murder, and wrongful imprisonment as well as numerous freedoms being violated exists in the form of bounty boards. Here victims of criminal activity can post their information and grievances and Justiciars will take up their cases free of charge. These bounty boards are monitored by Seraphina herself and those who tamper with, retaliate, or otherwise violate the sanctity of the board will find said justiciars coming their way with the goddesses fury in tow. Within cities the criminal element tend to be handled by the guard, however even they will acquiesce to the justiciar. Corruption is usually not a problem, but when it is the highest ranking officers within the Justiciar will usually respond.

Charities are fairly common throughout the continent. They are often run by the followers of Mana, Ubelia, and Herod who offer Food, Shelter, Water, and Healing services. These are not exclusive however and supplement the preexisting health and resource organization of which each city tends to have, in recent decades scandals have begun to arise within the standard medical system as it has been found that patients with the blight are often escorted out of the city for “treatment” which has been discovered to be, burning the individual throughly and sealing the ashes within iron casks.​
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