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Pack Mentality (A Teen Wolf Roleplay)


I'm titless
First Day of School

   "Lydia," I open my eyes slowly, my purple ceiling blurring into focus. 

    My mother peaks her head in through the door, "Wake up, it's time for school." I groan, and reach for my phone, unlocking it. No texts, Jackson still hasn't replied. It's not like I care. I flip my legs over the side of the bed, and stand up slowly, eyeing the dress I laid out yesterday. It's perfect. If you're the queen of the school, you have to dress like one, I wash my face and put on my makeup while I heat up the curling iron.

  I jolt awake to angry banging on my door, "Stiles, get up!" 

  "Five more minutes," I mumble, rolling over and almost falling off the bed.

  "STILES!" My dad's voice practically drags me out of bed, and I grab my phone while I brush my teeth. Still nothing from Scott, he's starting to worry me. After spending last night looking for that body he disappeared. I'll interrogate him at school.

   My alarm goes off, and I sigh, turning it off. Time for my first day. I wasn't nervous, exactly, I was sure I'd make some friends, but it's weird knowing that I'm going to see Scott and his friends again, after all these years. He probably doesn't even remember me. Enough overanalyzing, I remind myself, and get out of bed. New school, new year, fresh start. Wow, how cliché. I throw on jeans and a tee shirt, attempt to do my hair, and grab my keys.

   "Call me if you need anything, sweetie," my mom says as I pass her room.

   "I'll be fine, Mom," I reply with something between a grimace and a smile. She's so overprotective, I'm surprised she even lets me drive.
"Kira, get up!" My mom shouts. Thoughts race through my head as I race to get dressed and begin brushing my hair. What if no one notices me? Or if I make a total fool of myself? Or if my dad makes me look like--

"Kira, I'll drive you, let's go!" My dad shouts, eager to get back to teaching for some odd reason.

I hit the off button on my alarm, and climb out of bed. It's not like I slept at all last night anyways... My night was ruined when I got home after Stiles and I went looking for that body. I lift my shirt and examine the wound on me side; something had bitten me last night, when Stiles left. Of course, when I tell Stiles he'll probably have the perfect explaination. I throw some clothes on and race past my mom, kissing her cheek. "Love you!" I race out the door.

I throw my blanket over my head as my Aunt flicks the light on. "C'mon, you don't wanna be late!"

I groan. "You know what? Maybe I should just stick with homeschooling. That's a really good idea!" I feel my Aunt's glare through my blue comforter. "I'll get ready." I sigh, launching out of bed and throwing some clothes on.
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