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Realistic or Modern P l o t s ! (◕ ワ ◕✿) (Modern and fantasy included!)


Whoa what's a custom title-
Yo! I've got some ideas for roleplays so let's go! (◕ ワ ◕✿)

1. Someone willing to discuss the plot with me outside the RP!
2. No controlling my character, no mary-sues, same general spiel.
3. I'm looking for short-ish paragraph replies, maybe 3-10 sentences to 1-2 paragraphs, but it should definitely vary depending on what's happening in the roleplay and just our general moods. I can definitely write longer if the plot demands it c:
(And if you really like one of these plots but really prefer to write longer, let me know. I'm flexible on the length c: )
4. I'm not too big a stickler on grammar, just as long as I can read it.
5. I do prefer playing female characters and I'm a real sucker for romance, but if you're really interesting in doubling, feel free to ask!

[MC] = My character, [YC] = Your character c:

1. [MC] is the daughter of an awfully infamous pirate - or famous pirate, depending on your morals. He was well known for how he stole whatever treasure he could get his hands on, constantly and relentlessly. His ship struck fear in the hearts of whoever saw it coming, but to [MC], it was just her home. Her father's riches were never impressive to her, considering she grew up with them. However, she never was fond of life at sea. The few times they would stop on land for supply runs were the best times of [MC]'s life, and she knew that that was where she was meant to be. Luckily, she had learned just enough from her father to easily be able to steal a small chunk of his treasure (Which was still a small fortune) and, during a supply one, sneak away into the town. She promised to leave the life of a pirate, that she never even asked for, behind her.

Fast forward a couple years. [YC] wasn't born into the life of a pirate, but oh boy, did he love it. A carefree life full of treasures and free of rules was his calling, so he followed it. And, like any self respecting pirate, he had sure heard of [MC]'s father. While most pirates had given up even trying to match his riches or steal them for themselves, [YC] was just adamant enough to keep trying. That's because he learns of a key detail about that pirate that few others knew...[MC], his daughter. [YC] decides to drag her right back to the sea she despises so much, but on his boat this time. The only way to get information out of her is to kidnap her, and once they're all out on sea again, it's not like she can run away.

[MC], however, claims ignorance. She hadn't spoken to her father in years and so she couldn't speak for his current whereabouts at all. [YC] isn't convinced. However, she's stuck at sea, and he's stuck without a lead on his target. They both have to find a way to at least tolerate each other to get what they want. And maybe...more? Omg so cheesy I'm moving on.

2. [MC] is the perfect good girl...as far as anyone else is concerned. Looks good, lives in a good house with a good income, gets good grades at a good school. Even if she tries not to put herself on a pedestal, everyone else does anyways. They've got high hopes for her. After all, such a good girl is surely going to have a good future, right?

Not if [YC] has anything to say about it. Of course, he's got nothing to say about it initially,
I'm not forcing any romance here, and especially not since he's got his own problems to worry about. His life was bad at best. He couldn't even have a bad house or a bad income because he doesn't have either of those things at all.

The streets were his home, and also where he just so happens to meet [MC] as she's walking home from her good school one day. For once, something not so good happens to her - boys from her school start harassing her and they don't seem to have a stopping point in mind. However, as long as the streets were [YC]'s home, then he had to have some say in the rules there, and harassing a girl was not one of them. He gets them off of her (Whether by some choice words or a few punches), and expects some thanks. However, [MC] was expecting something else: Heroin, from those boys he just chased off.

She has to ask him for help finding more, but that comes at a cost she can't buy with money - he knows her secret. [YC] is kind enough to put some sort of price tag on his help and his promise to keep it, and that's simply some help with getting by. [MC] obliges. At first, it's almost like a business deal, that neither of them hardly like, but it could get a whole lot more personal than they ever thought it would...

3. Ovferstan, as it's called, is probably the most feared country in the world - well, at least by the countries it hasn't taken for itself yet. The totalitarian monarchy of Ovferstan loves to take territory, and they keep all their territory under strict rule. They have to, in order to keep them all in line. Almost everything is government owned, almost all the decisions are in their hands and freedom of speech is nonexistent. They make up for it with a growing and prosperous economy, and promising everyone who fell in line a good life.

All of this is being passed down to [YC], the prince and future king. Until then, however, he despisespolitics. They're boring. Instead of being stuck in their capitol building, [YC] is shipped off to college, where he tries to be normal for as long as he can while he has the chance.

Meanwhile, Ovferstan sets their eyes on a new country: Noiter. Full of democracy and capitalism and all their enemies, what it isn't full of is firepower. Noiter is an awfully weak country, with many citizens starving and below the poverty line, and an economy that was crashing rapidly. They were an awfully easy take.

[MC] was a Noiter citizen - the daughter of a journalist who reveled in the freedoms she had, even if she couldn't revel in actual worldly possessions. She was devastated when her country was captured and she found herself under the harsh rules of Ovferstan. [MC], however, can't accept this. She has to do something about it. So, she decides to scrape together just enough money to send herself to one of Ovferstan's colleges, hoping to learn enough in their system that she can turn it on it's head. Besides, the professors there have so many students to worry about, there's no way they can point out one girl who may be becoming a rebel...

[YC] notices, though. But he hates politics in general. How much he actually cares is debatable. Regardless, This is where the two of them meet, ready to either change the system...or crumble under it.

4. It starts with two kingdoms with a really strong alliance - one that practices magic, one that doesn't. But they have strong enough of an alliance that their royal children, a boy and a girl (Conveniently~), are close friends. They grow up together. Until, one day, the kingdoms' alliance shatters due to a betrayal by the no magic kingdom, and the two of them are never allowed to see each other again.

The girl, in the no magic kingdom, is prepared to be married off to one of the kingdom's nobles, since she's an only child. In order to do that, she's taken inside, sheltered, taught to be more "ladylike" and doesn't make many new friends in the process. It takes awhile, but she eventually finds a husband who's capable of running the kingdom one day, and marries him.

The boy, on the other hand, is taught to follow in his father's footsteps, so he can rule his kingdom himself - and one day, get revenge on the girl's kingdom. Once his father passes and he becomes king, he goes through with that revenge and starts a war.

The girl's kingdom, with less magic and a smaller army, is quickly defeated, allowing the boy to conquer them and throw the now ex-royals in the prison. That, however, includes the girl - his childhood friend. Against his better judgement, he takes her out of that prison and leaves her in the castle as his guest, hoping to rekindle their friendship. She, on the other hand, is torn, between her friendship with him and her allegiance to her fallen kingdom.

Message me if you're interested~! :D
Hi there! I would be incredibly interested in the magic kingdom v. no magic kingdom. That plot sounds great. Uh. I'd shoot you a message, but, well, I can't. If you're interested, PM me!

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