Ozule Ibliski


Forever Dreaming

Full Name: Ozule Maaji Ibliski

Codename: Jaybird

Age: 17

Gender: Female

NOT Class


₪ Life is pain, Lifes not fair ₪
DWMA Record
Class: NOT | Type: Meister | Tenancy: First Year

Ozule isn't the biggest, best fighter in the DWMA. She prefers to avoid fighting, despite her appearance. Now, that doesn't really work for a meister. So she has been training to improve. She can handle hand-to-hand well enough to pass teacher inspection, but other than that she's a sunk as a box of rocks. She's also quite talented at the skill of... running away. If shit hits the fan, you can bet she'll be ten miles in the opposite direction before you can say DWMA. That's not something she's proud of, but she's working on it.

How do you feel about the DWMA?
❝The DWMA is a decent place. Plenty of books. Highly well stocked Library.❞

Why have you joined the DWMA?
❝I joined the DWMA because it's a highly recommended place for learning. Also, because I need a home, and being a DWMA student means I get a great one.❞

What motivates you?
❝Motivation... Motivation... Um... I'm not sure what my motivation is really. Maybe if I had to pick, it'd be myself. Or to collect lot of knowledge.❞

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?
❝That would probably have to be to become a decent meister, and to build connections. I didn't tell you that last part though.❞​

Personality Record
Ozule is a very spacey girl who doesn't take well to conversing with others. She constantly pays little attention to what's going on around her and doesn't like to put effort into anything. Most of the time, she's lost in her own head or ignoring the world with a book. She will work with a partner when needed, but that doesn't mean she's going to be nice. Her mannerisms mean she doesn't make friends easily, and those she is friends with tend to be very used to her blunt comments or constantly annoyed attitude.

Having a brain is something she is willing to prove though. She's smart and likes intellectual problems even though they usually mean work. She's not reckless or stubborn, mostly because she's so oblivious, but she's able to notice when a situations gone sour. Don't expect her to be a leader though. She doesn't like to talk to people if she doesn't have to.

✧ Rainy Days
✧ Books
✧ Being Alone
✧ Green Tea

✧ Conversing
✧ Mornings
✧ Snow
✧ Stawberries
Personal Items:
Physical Record
Height: 5'6'' | Hair: Black | Eyes: Steel Gray

Ozule is an average looking girl with ghostly pale skin. Her pitch black hair is typically seen pulled up into two separate ponytails held by her striped bows. She weighs in at close to 146 lbs and stands 5 five feet 6 inches tall with a thin build that holds very little muscle mass. Her daily attire consists of a black t-shirt and white striped vest. She also wears black cargo pants, and two leather buckle chokers on her neck. Her shoes are combat boots in black. She always has a set of stud earrings in her ears.​

Social Record

✧ Care-free/Easy-going
❝People always tell me it never looks like I care about what's going on around me. I'm still not sure if that's good or bad.❞
✧ Intelligent & Honest
❝My friends like to think I'm pretty smart. To be completely honest, I know that's true. Honest though I'm not too sure about.❞
✧ Team-player sometimes
❝I guess they say this because I don't really do well on my own in tough situations. There are times when it's just too annoying to deal with others though.❞
✧ Light on Feet
❝This is obvious. I don't really have much of a choice but to be. I can't really just run up and start wailing on people like some can. I'd end up injured or probably dead or something. Yeah...❞

✧ Airhead/Space-ace
❝Okay, seriously? Well... I guess that is true. I just prefer to be busy thinking instead of talking with people. People can be really annoying.❞
✧ Lazy & Unwilling to Work
❝What? Putting in the effort means doing work and that's almost as annoying as dealing with people. I don't feel like it.❞
✧ Blunt
❝I don't care to sugarcoat things. If you're so much of a baby that you can't handle the truth, then that's your own problem. I shouldn't have to fix it.❞
✧ Constantly Seems Annoyed
❝I have absolutely no comment on this. Go away, I'm done talking to you.❞
✧ Not The Best Fighter Ever
❝I don't care for fighting. If I have to I will, but I'm not afraid to run away if things get ugly.❞​

History Record
Ozule Maaji Ibliski grew up as one of many children in an orphanage. She did not once know her parents, she doesn't even a picture of them. That doesn't mean she didn't grow up with a family. The other kids in the orphanage became her family. She was a big sister to all those younger than her, a best friend to those her age, and a beloved younger sister to the older kids. Her little family care for each other, and Ozule never felt alone. Not once in her naive little mind did she think that this imperfect paradise she had would come crashing down.

As with most stories, it did just that. Her fal did not take the form of a physical disaster, but one a lied with a new arrival at the orphanage. A young lad, not much older than Ozule at the time, arrived at the orphanage. He was likable, or at least appeared to be on the outside. All the other kids loved him, but Ozule found that love hard to give. There was something, in her eyes, off about the boy. She didn't trust him. Eventually her distrust came to light, and upon finding out, the boy made it his mission to tear Ozule apart. Starting with her ties to the other kids.

One by one those kids she called family came to hate Ozule, fueled by lies that boy spread. She turned into a volatile mess anger bottled up until one day it just exploded. One punch. That was all it took for Ozule to become an outcast in her own home She was classified as a problem child by everyone, even the adults now, with no one to turn to for help. She found herself spending a lot of time hidden away in the attic or a small closet, looking for a way out. Before things could fall too far, she found a reprieve from the wold in her books and started to grow distant, even from the mental abuse she suffered.

Her books were her only friends, beloved and cherished. Ozule watched from afar as the other kids played, seeing but never caring. Her life outside of reading became dull and colorless, she became uninterested and snappish to other people. Destined to spend the rest of her childhood days until adulthood in that orphanage, she settled in for the long, lonely haul.

That changed when a supporter and graduate of the DWMA showed up, looking for a child in need she could help. Ozule stuck out like a sore thumb among the other kids. The woman eased into the 16 year old's life, and eventually got her out of the orphanage. Ozule spent a year living with the woman, adjusting and trying to come out of her shell, along with training for the DWMA. That next year, she enrolled in the DWMA as a first year Not meister and has been there since that first day, quietly watching from the background with her books.​
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Ozule Maaji Ibliski


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