Owned [Rae & Holly]



Vampires of the Coven


Name: Barnabas Valentine

Gender: Male

Age: Was born in 1601.


Barnabas can trap you in Illusions, delightful ones, but he always goes for the excruciatingly painful/nightmare associated. He can distort reality itself to one person (mentally) for as long as he pleases, however, it always ends in death, so he lets up towards the end (once in a while).



Brief personality:

Amiable and diplomatic, strong willed and stubborn, Barnabas is an exemplary leader who should have and could have led nations into victory, had it not been for his distaste for status, as well as the fact he was a night walker. He's fearless, and one to accept any challenge. For the preservation of his family, he will destroy anything; but he will attempt all angles of diplomacy before doing so. His true power has never been unleashed, it'd be catalytic. Has a deep adoration for Rae, and a not so silent wish Aure would commit to him.

Brief bio:


Name: Rachel "Rae" Elizabeth Valentine

Gender: Female

Age: 19


  • Empathy: Can both absorb and project emotions, which enables her to influence the atmosphere and those nearby, as well as know the state of those around her. It also enables manipulation.
  • Shielding: She's not a fighter (Unless provoked), so what she lacks in physical strength and combative skill, she makes up for in greatly defending her allies with a near invincible energy shield.




Brief personality:

She has a precarious, subversive and free spirited nature, often considered turbulent due to her empathic abilities. Routine, schedule, stability, obligation; she simply refuses to obide unless they fit her principals and have an altruistic foundation. Predictably unpredictable. An innovative thinker, adventurer, idealistic, expressive; led by the purity of her intent, mature beyond her years, intuitive, witty, whimsical, charismatic if she cares to be, and is light heartedly coquettish; committed and loyal to the death for her coven, loves attention within it.

She loves her family (coven) deeply, and soaks up their attention. She'd sacrifice herself for any of them, but will always side with Barnabas, even against the coven members themselves. They're her siblings and maternal figures. She's desperate for a mate.

Brief bio:


Name: Aurelie Montgomerie

Gender: Female

Age: Was born in 1820.


Precognition and clairaudience.



Brief personality:

Coy, coquettish and aggressive, Aurelie is a force to be reckoned with. Her tongue is sharp as a blade, her mind several steps ahead, with deception and sex appeal as her weapons. That's outside of the coven, however. She's an off and on again lover to Barnabas, as well as a motherly figure for Rae, and kind of with every one else. Within the coven, she's still assertive and sharp, but she's not a sex icon, and holds a high respect for herself that she earns from the others. She enjoys gardening at night.

Brief bio:


Name: Jerome Vigee-Lebrun

Gender: Male

Age: No one really knows, assumptions are 17th century, but cunning says otherwise.


Strength, agility, mind reader.



Brief personality:

The layout of his mind is a chess board, he's always analyzing, predicting, observing, assessing. He's straight forward, with a light sense of humor, though outside of home it's hardly existent. Suave, smooth, lightning fast and territorial. Not a romantic, explosion/adventure enthusiast. Has a personal bubble that's not be disturbed. Avid reader and technology expert. Martial arts and holistic practitioner. Craves speed; his love resides with automobiles.

Attempts to teach Rae self defense, but her lack of strength and distaste for being too physical always results to a short session leading to a yoga mat. Plays chess with her often, he has never been beaten.

Brief bio:


Name: Musette Tussaud

Gender: Female

Age: ?


Agility, ?



Brief personality:

Shy and kind hearted, she's usually baring a bashful smile and, though she has a loud, contagious laugh, she doesn't generally speak much. Ambitious and devoted, Musette takes everything she does
very seriously, and is defensive if you mess with her goals. Classy, always dressed at her best with a figure to die for, relays proper etiquette to Rae. Encouraging. Possessive, and rather materialistic. Adores shine, lights and glamor.

Rae glorifies Musette constantly, aspiring to be like and admiring her.

Brief bio:


Name: Jun Kim

Gender: Male

Age: Born mid-16th century, heir to an old century throne.


Molecular manipulation, agility.



Brief personality:

Jun is the definition of patience, diligence, and humor. He has a heart of gold, and a way of lightening even the dullest of moods. He's a bit of a devils advocate, capable of looking through several lens. Has the wisdom of a devoted monk, and the shine and presence of a forgotten prince. Tidy, organized, collected, endearing, empathetic. Extremely hard to anger and quick to forgive; a menace when he snaps, which is an occurrence as rare as an Eclipse.

Rae spends most of her time meditating, playing and joking with him.

Brief bio:


Former member:

Name: Gerard Deschanel

Gender: Male

Age: Born in the mid 18th century





Brief personality:

Solemn, reserved, sophisticated and a bachelor if there ever was one. Short tempered yet logical, stoic, charismatic but prefers little to no socializing. Wistful, witty and a tad sardonic; deep thinker, minimalistic, and near impossible to persuade. Easily amused.

Brief bio:

Was a former member of the Coven that's dominated all others, welcomed warmly, first for his gift about one hundred and thirty years ago, later for the Gerard the coven had come to call family. A touchy disagreement led to Gerard breaking off from the coven, much to everyone's dismay; but he's always welcome back, and often wonders if he ever should have left. He's buried his human years away, thinking highly of his kind and feeling fairly apathetic to 'mortals'.

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