Story Owl House- Vee's Confrontation

Catro the Writer

Sorin High Baby!
So this story is based on a fanfic idea that I had following a human Amity going to the Boiling Isles. But with that idea, Vee copies Amity and has to live her life. This story is about Odalia confronting Vee thinking she is Amity. For a bit of context, Amity had decided to spend her summer vacation in Gravesfeild by herself away from her family who was going to a beach resort. But her mom, being the controlling person she is decided that wasn't going to fly and changed the rest of the family's summer vacation to go to Gravesfield, where they ran into Vee who has taken over Amity's form. This wouldn't be a full story or a short story but what I call a "scene" as it is literally just a scene in what would be a story or short story. I had written this for a homework assignment to help with dialog and I really liked how it came out, I hope you all enjoy it! ^^

Swatting her hand onto her arm, making a loud SMACK sound as she did so, Odalia mentally cursed the cheap bug spray that her husband had picked up at the department store in the town of Gravefield. She stood in front of a thirteen-year-old girl who she thought was her daughter and frowned down at them. “Honestly, Amity!” She grunted as she crossed her arms, holding onto her silky white long-sleeved shirt tightly, trying to figure out what the preteen could have possibly been thinking. “I can not believe that instead of going to the beach resort you wanted to come to the mosquito-infested corner of the boonies!” She scolded the pale-skinned girl in front of her. Then to emphasize her point concerning the mosquito problem Odalia swiftly smacked her neck to crush an invisible mosquito, using the speed of a black belt who was trying to win a board-breaking competition.

Vee, who was currently posing as Amity, was quick to act submissive to the lady’s words. Flinching and pushed her head into herself as she sealed her eyes shut. Though she was careful to make sure her head didn't completely go into her body. As a shapeshifter known as Baskolis, a slug-like monster from a different world, she could have easily done that. But Vee her mom would have freaked out seeing her daughter’s head completely retreat into her neck. So she dug her fingers into the red cushion of the lawn chair she sat in. She was trying to do her best to play the part of a scared human teen getting scolded, which admittedly was not hard as Odailia was quite threatening. She stood over Vee like a Titan, her light blue eyes almost sparking with electricity as she stared into Vee’s soul, her nails human blood red and filed to fine points looking ready to scratch someone with them, and her shadow drowned Vee is a shadow that seemed to suck away all the summer heat.

“Um... I-I’m sorry, mom!” Vee said to the lady, her yellow eyes shimmering as they pleaded for mercy as she tried to plead for mercy and tried to sound as apologetic as possible. Trying to think on the fly, Vee wracked her brain trying to think of a reason the woman's actual daughter would want to come here to the forest instead of the beach, for which she couldn’t find a reason. In fact when Amity’s siblings Emira and Edric explained what a resort was and the family’s plans for the summer there the little shape-shifter was amazed by it. To swim in an ocean without having to worry about giant monsters trying to eat you constantly, servants serving you an array of tasty foods and drinks to the point your stomach would burst, going to a place called an arcade where you got to play thousands of games, among many other fun sounding things. So since Vee couldn’t think of a reason she defaulted to what her ‘siblings’ told her to do when she was asked a question and she didn’t have an answer for it. The young teen let her shoulders climb up and immediately drop back down, making her pink T-shirt raise up and down with it. “I don’t know.” She said, just like she had been instructed to do and remembered Amity was supposed to be pretty sharp tongue, which Vee might have ruined with her submissive attitude, but she sat up straight, crossed one leg over the other as she crossed her arms, and finally tried hardening her face, “Maybe I just wanted to go somewhere else other than the beach resort.” She said giving some sort of excuse but not an actual reason why she would want to go somewhere else.

She flicked a strand of her dark brown hair back over her shoulder, she hadn’t bothered brushing it that morning so it was, trying to seem confident with this act of annoying defiance. But with one look at her mom’s face, and seeing Odailia wasn’t impressed with the girl’s performance, Vee shrunk her continence back to normal, dropping her eyes down past the black shorts she had chosen to wear, and down to her pale feet and her pale purple toenails. She suddenly remembered that her sister had painted them the other not as they were having ‘girl time’ as the older girl had put it. Vee didn’t exactly understand the purpose of a specific girl’s time past when they normally hung out. Except this time had them indulging in a lot of ice cream, off-key singing to some boy band and their song, and various beauty treatments. Their mom had decided to opt out of it, which Elmira had assured Vee was a good thing, and the lady took business calls at that time while Edric and their dad had guys' time and went fishing.

The teenage boy had said they spotted something called a Bigfoot in the woods, which was some large hairy monster, though Vee suspected that it was an excuse for the two guys and why they didn’t come back with any fish and one less pole than when they left. Edric said he threw it at Bigfoot to try and back it away, but again Vee had serious doubts about that. Besides, this Bigfoot creature could not be any scarier than the giraffes that they were going to see at some point during the summer. The outcast freaks of the Boiling Isle were living in a place called a ‘Zoo’ not too far from where they were staying and her dad promised they could go see them, though he was confused by the girl's sudden obsession with seeing them. As far as he knew the girl that had asked to go see them thought she had seen them hundreds of times before, though the opposite was true for Vee who had never seen one in person before.
Unlike her mom, who seemed grouchy and annoyed every second of the day, her siblings and dad were nice and if it hadn’t been for the twins coaching her and training her on how to act like the real Amity the little baskolis would have been found out already. And considering her mom had been complaining at every little insect that got in a one-hundred radius of her for the past few weeks, Vee had a sneaking suspicion that the lady wouldn’t like learning she had been living with a big slug-like monster for the past few months.

Seeing the crushed look on the girl’s face Odalia feared she may have pushed the girl too hard. Amity had seemed to be a lot more sensitive to the lady and her words, when normally she would snap back or argue now she just folded. For the past few weeks if she said something Amity was rarely snarky and the moments she was rude in any manner the teen seemed to back peddles and looked sorry for it. It was like Odilia was dealing with an entirely different person. Which made Odilia think her parenting choices were finally working, so she was quick to push that voice of remorse deep into the back of her head. Instead, she sat down on the matching red chair, making sure her white skirt didn’t get wrinkled in the process, in front of the girl and reached over and put her hand on Vee’s, which made the girl wince as the lady's nails dug into her arm a bit.

“I can understand that, considering you burn like you are a vampire in the summer sun.” She sighed and riffed her eyes. Looking up at the wooden cabin that her husband had inherited from his mom and gave an eye roll. She couldn’t believe that they were stuck in the woods roughing it in a three-story cabin with only ten staff members instead of their normal twenty-staff team. All because her daughter wanted to come out here in the middle of the boonies by herself instead of the beach home. It was a good thing Odalia changed her mind and made their limo driver bring her, her husband, and her other two kids here before a bear picked the lock to the door or something horrible like that. “But do you honestly think coming out here to the middle of nowhere to live like a hobo for the summer is fitting for a young lady?” She asked, clamping her hand down a little harder and driving her sharp nails a little further into Vee’s hand, her leg bouncing furiously as if it was on a sugar high, making her skirt rustle a bit. “We could have rented a nice place in Minnesota and gone to the Mall of America! Surely eating a soft pretzel while shopping with your mom sounds better than being out here in the middle of nowhere!”

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