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Fandom Overwatch?


I never quite realized...
Roleplay Availability
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"Hurry up! We can't be here long, we need to find something!" A gruff voice boomed out, causing Daniel to flinch and cower slightly, gripping his stabilizing rifle harder. Despite it's weapon like appearance and name, it wouldn't be much use in a real fight. After all, it was only a healing tool. He was here to heal and support the Talon task force on their mission, and not much else. He was treated as such. He was on the short end of everything, from sometimes not getting a bunk to being the butt of all the jokes.

Regardless, he needed money. He didn't want to get caught up in this, but he did before he could stop it. And now he was trapped. At least he got to travel, he always told himself. Right now, the task force was currently stationed at a castle in Germany. The site of a awful battle in the omnic crisis, it now lay in waste. The inside was a mess. Books, bullets, and fallen omnics lay everywhere. Not to mention the haunting sight of the left over crusader armor.

Daniel paced down the main hall, glancing around. He looked over a woodrotten bookshelf, some of the books still intact. Albeit they were moisture damaged. He was fascinated by all the history here. He traced his finger over the spine of one of the books. However, the Talon soldiers had no such interest. They could care less about the significance of this place. They were here to find some kind of armor-piercing weapon the omnics used against the crusaders.

The moment was peaceful. The soldiers were busy searching for whatever they wanted, leaving Daniel to his own. He continued to examine the bookshelf, gently grabbing one of the books. He went to open it, looking at the weathered pages. Before he could continue, an explosion made him freeze.

The next few moments were a blur. Screaming, shooting from all angles. A bipedal pink meka had entered the main hall, flying to the side of him. As it flew by, he looked at it in fear. For a brief moment, he made eye contact with the pilot. The woman looked familiar, where had he seen her before? A commercial maybe? He didn't have long to ponder as the meka's left arm cannon shot, the energy pellets all hitting his chest.

Daniel let out a pained whimper, his armor taking the brunt of the damage. He was flung backwards into the bookshelf, getting knocked unconscious from the impact. The battle that ensured was an easy victory for Overwatch. All of the Talon task force was either dead or escaped.

Except Daniel. With the dust settling, he slowly woke up. He was in severe pain, and dazed. He slowly sat up in the remains of the shattered bookshelf, not realizing that the attackers were still there…

Hello, I'm currently looking for partners for a plot based around Overwatch, where my character is captured by Overwatch!

Note: I don't mind if you are male or female IRL, as long as you play female characters.
What I'm looking for:

Someone who is detailed. I'm looking for someone who puts effort and detail in the replies they send. I don't expect wall after after wall of text from anyone however! I tend to write about one to three paragraphs per reply. It's okay with me if your replies are shorter/longer. Just no one liners, please.

Someone who knows the characters. This is a pretty important thing, given I'm only looking for people to play canon characters. Now, you don't have to know every detail about all of the characters, I just ask that you have a general idea of how they look. How they act can be up to you, I'm not too much of a stickler on that, as long as they don't act the complete opposite way they normally do!

If your interested, please pm me!
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