Video Games Overwatch: Help A N00b out


New Member
Okay Overwatch actually makes me crazy. I love the characters, love the mobile environment but I just suck at the mechanics. Any tips for a struggling n00b?

I started off with 1-12 KD during each match, now I'm closer to 12-3 or sometimes even 20+-3

Find a hero you like and play them, experiment, mess around. Don't worry too much about being good, figure out what you enjoy, then go from there!

You'll get better, I promise :D
Practice makes perfect. I main D.Va/Battle Mercy with a side of Mei salt. Also don't rush straight into the capture point, take a side route unless you're a tank. Stay behind your tanks like Reinhart, D.Va and Orisa. Don't pick yourself out.
I guess just try practicing a lot with one or two specific characters at first, on quick-play. That's
kinda what I did, like when I first started playing, I would just play Soldier 76 (he's one of the
easier characters to figure out & become good with) ((there's star difficulty levels that'll tell you
how hard or easy a character is to master)) but yeah, just focus on like one or two at first, and
then you'll sorta get in the flow & be able to more easily master other heroes.

and also, what maki said: 'Don't main hanzo' lol

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