We're only getting older, let's enjoy ourselves.
Oromis Siverspire
Once again Yaro's tone infuriated him. It was too casual. He was a fool to think that he was in a good position here. However, he did make some points. For one, it was true that the civil war, though Oromis believed would eventually be won by the Loyalists, would tear the country apart, and it would take a long time of healing and recovering to match the strength of his rivals. Normally he wouldn't care, as his aid with the Rose Princess should have made a great alliance with the Rose, but now...Yoren had gotten to the point where he would do most anything to see his land burn, and because he left making a threat to him, there was a small chance Oromis would live to see that promise come true. He knew this, and accepted it on the journey to this place...but now...
With this proposal, he would be giving up the throne. He would be showing great weakness as a leader, and might lose the respect as one...but is that what he wanted? At this point, he was bored of ruling. All the economics, the social niceties, the sickened him, and this Yaro fellow really wanted to put up with all of that. Gods knew why, but it was a good deal for someone that knew how to do this kind of thing to be in charge. "You are right about one thing...we will destroy each other" He growled after some thought. "And if there is one similarity between us, I'd like to believe that we both want what is best for our great country, yes?" He turned to face him now, though he seemed to be looking past him. "Your proposal, as it stands, essentially has me stepping down and putting you in command, though I retain control over the Military, as well as get all the perks and power a King may have?" He snickered, which began to turn into a chuckle, and then a laugh. "I care little for the politics of leadership. All I hunger for is power, and if I hear you correctly, you intend on offering me it...Am I wrong?" He took a step forward. "What's your catch?" @Andraus
Alamar Majere
Alamar jumped back as Demons began to attack. He surprised himself when he was able to dodge the vast majority of swipes that began to assault him, but when he saw the orange glow, he knew it was magic. While he was fast enough to evade the first series of attacks, one caught him by surprise. His magical barriers shattered under the attack, leaving the Demon slightly confused as to why he didn't slice the puny mage in half. His surprise may have only been matched by the expression on his face, as Majere uttered "Calinaz Rilong", and 7 magic missiles flew from his staff, killing two demons around him. Alamar was not ready for close combat, and began to dart back. "Princess, and other one. I will need assistance! I am not one for hand to hand fighting!" He called out. A lesser demon, Type III, he would guess, began a charge. With too little time to safely cast a spell, he relied on his staff...
The strings of magic, that had been embedding themselves inside the others for hours, tightened, and pulled. Energy was ripped from Cecile, Lance, Lanister and Yoren, though because there was so many of them it didn't pull huge amounts, though all of them would be able to feel it. The energy swirled into the gem in his staff, which launched a lightning bolt towards his assailant, killing it on the spot. "Seriously though! Hand to Hand, not my thing!" He began to edge towards the golem, hoping it would be a good meat shield and fighter so he could start working his magic...
@Enuky @DemetrioMachete @transcendantviewer @Dalamus Ulom @Trombone Geek