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Realistic or Modern Outlanders (MxF)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Do you remember those old B grade post atomic warfare apocalypse movies? You know. The ones with the mutants in the wastelands, marauders attacking small settlements or travelers, enclaves with totalitarian dictator barons, slavers.

Do you recall any of these movies or TV shows? (Okay, some are 80's and even recent.)
Mad Max
Genesis II
I am Legend
Damnation Alley
The Last Ship
The Stand - included, but this one had religion overtones
I will even include Walking Dead in this, but I don't want to do a zombie RP. I just like the society that develops.

Or even RPG's like:
Gamma World
Morrow Project

Anyways, I am looking to develop an RP setting based on some of this stuff. I prefer the more realistic ideas. But adding in some mutants might be fun. I have yet to decide on how long after the apocalypse it is or whether our characters will have survived in cryogenic suspension - or this is right after Skydark. (How do mutants develop right after an apocalypse? I can come up with ideas, I am sure, but most aren't based on nuclear warfare.)

These MUST not be average people. I will reject a boring CS. Yes, you will need a CS. Please keep the format simple with no animated gifs. Yes, you will need a good image for your character. Your character is going to be facing monsters, evil men, mutants. If they are unable to adapt, what is the point? Don't waste my time with a character like that.

Writing skill. I can easily write 2-4 pages. I am looking for someone who can manage at least a page.

Interested? PM me.

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