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Fandom Out of Tower Chat

Aw c'mon, she's just a tiny fish in a vast sea. They can't possibly notice little old her. Just another faceless nobody tryna climb the tower, riiiiight?
Random Ha Regular: So, which branch are you from? Definitely not the main one, since the eye and hair colours are not matching.
Hmm... what sort of new tricks should Nyra have learned during that timeskip? She's still a weakling herself, so weapons are out. Maybe some supportive shinsoo techniques.
Aw no I didn't see that simj changed their character's name. The "change it" scene! Noooooooooooooooooooooo
His base level is around Khun's physical strength, but he ramps up to 'would hold his own against Anak without her hax vine whip' if given enough time and opponents.

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