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Futuristic Out in the Black


Farseer to the Warsong Clan
Hey guys, Vudukudu here. I like big things. Universe sized things. Which is why I love spending truly exhausting amounts of time creating roleplays. For an example of scale, my prized child is Fog of Kardor, linked here. https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fog-of-kardor-overview.65114/

Most people who see it give me some feedback along the lines of "Hey, Vudu! That's like, really big, dude." And I completely disagree. I want to go bigger, and that's where this thread comes in. The way I see it, if you want to go bigger than a planet, you need to get TWO planets, or three, or four, or a dozen. So that's what I'm here to do.

I'm planning on a futuristic roleplay, taking place some time several thousand years from now. For those of us with a decent knowledge of Warhammer 40K, it may look familiar in some ways. I don't see this future being particularly bright, except for the never-ending bursts of laser and plasma fire that scorch the very stars.

All this said, I'm a pragmatic sort, and I'm not going to dedicate 10+ hours of my life to producing something that only I'm interested in. So, for those of you still curious, the "instructions" are below.

1. Just interested in participating in the roleplay once it's completed? Say so here and I'll message you when it's all good to go.

2. Fancy yourself the creative sort? I'm more than happy to let others contribute to the universe building process, especially because it's so expansive and time consuming. When I put the RP thread up, I'll lay down a lot of the ground work, and then I'll get in contact with you and discuss how you can help out.

3. Like doing art and stuff? Neat, 'cause I would really like to have some original work in this roleplay. Possible subjects include but are not limited to -->

A. Galaxy Map

B. Weapons/Armor

C. Planets (landscape style, view from space, etc.)

D. Aliens
I may, conceivably, be willing to contribute.

Sometimes that contribution will be "this is a tired cliche/trope - it either needs to be something different or far better."
Grey said:
I may, conceivably, be willing to contribute.
Sometimes that contribution will be "this is a tired cliche/trope - it either needs to be something different or far better."
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod it's Grey.

I mean, cool. I'll probably be starting up work over the next two days or so if I get some possible participants soon.
Gorram it, Vudu. You make such awesome RPs. I may be sorta swamped involved with other games, but I love writing in yours.

I'd love to play in it, if I may. I can kinda sorta do world building, so possibly I can aid in that, too.
Ignore what this post said pre-edit. Suddenly busy.
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I'd love to participate and help with world building! As for art: I'm pretty good at building ships and stations in Space Engineers, but can't draw to save my life, so if you want cool ships and stuff, you could use some of my work.
Here's my little portfolio~

I wouldn't mind doing some writing, if you don't mind.


Sci-fi and apocalypse are the roleplays that I've had the most experience with, and I've been part of two space nation roleplays before. Kingmakers wasn't the... best example of my writing. Let me try something here, I think I can flip around what you expect.
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Hey ladies and gentlemen, the thread is finally up. Sorry for the delay.


I've got a tiny, tiny bit of information up already. Refer to the Lore section for that, the overview is in the process of being edited. For those of you looking to assist in the creation process, please PM me what sort of things you would like to help with so I can direct you to the proper threads and whatnot.

Hey guys, Vudu here.

I've put some more thought into this whole process, and come to a few conclusions.

1. I probably dove into this a bit too quickly.

2. For a project as large as I envision, this is going to take a long, long time.

3. For a project this large, I think thematic coherency is going to be key.

4. I did an extremely poor job of introducing the idea to everyone involved.

Those four points having been established, I feel the proper course of action here is to avoid stringing everyone along for however long this may take. Sorry for ruining the dream for anyone who was excited about the prospect of cooperative world-building, but I don't feel as if this is a project that will get off the ground anytime soon. I'll probably reboot this thread later when I've made a lot more progress on my own time.
If it helps, that revelation has dramatically increased my enthusiasm for contributing when the time comes.
Okay, just be *very* sure that you invite me to contribute when that time comes, I am still very interested in participating and contributing!
To provide some clarity;

Anyone who's already been given some sort of role in creation who still wants to can finish what they've been given. Provided its in line with the rest of "my vision" (how pretentious sounding of me..) I'll plug it right in or maybe tamper with it just a tiny bit to fit it in nice and proper-like.
Okay! I'll get back to work on those ships, you're lucky I didn't scrap the F-82 Asp starfighter I was designing~!
Vudukudu said:
For those of us with a decent knowledge of Warhammer 40K, it may look familiar in some ways. I don't see this future being particularly bright..."
Yup, that sounds right...

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