Our Superpowers (May & Friends)


One Thousand Club
May + Riley R. + @Pikodonn + Shanaynay + Kisa~Kuruta's Rp. We all know what this is about so I'm gonna be lazy and not type it. :tongue: xD


No Godmodding!! (This is especially for Ashley)

No to Sexual stuffs.

Swearing is permitted but spell it out like this F*ck

And I think dats it.





Personality (optional):

Special Power:

Name: Riley Ridge

Age: 13(high school student skipped seventh grade)

Gender: Female

Personality (optional): Riley is nice and kind once you get to meet her. Many mistake her for punk due to dying her bangs. She is a vegetarian and loves animals(her favorite is a cat she owns two.) She is very selfless to friends.

Special Power: Shape shifter- can shape shift in to any animal but her favorite is a black cat.

Appearance: She has pale white skin with medium length black hair(her bangs are blue). She has blue eyes. She is small for her age 5'0". Since it is summer you will usually catch her in shorts with a bright colored tank top.

Name: Alyssa Jane

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality (optional): What I'm like


Oh also she isn't allergic to animals and she is a lot more energetic than I am and athletic.

Special Power: She can make her drawings turn into real matter

Appearance: Except she has green eyes and her hairs a bit golder.


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