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Futuristic "Our ship will arrive in about a century and a half. None of us alive now will live to see it." a generation ship rp


worldbuilding appreciator
first, i don't want to waste your time so here are my requirements. please be:
- 21+ years old (i will not compromise on this, i am 25 and won't roleplay with people younger than this)
- third person multi-paragraph (my responses are usually 300-1000 words. i type like this ooc but use correct capitalization/punctuation in rp)
- interested in playing pairings that are not mxf (trans and nb characters welcome. in the setting of this rp, there is no stigma against lgbt+ people). romance is not mandatory
- okay with characters who are not "conventionally attractive" (ex. fat characters, characters with scars, disabled characters, older characters)
- related to the above: i would prefer that you design your own character's appearance rather than using a faceclaim (unless it's your own drawn/commissioned work). if we get further into the rp and don't have a great way of visualizing the characters, i'd be happy to pay for a commission of our characters! no AI please
- okay with themes of existentialism

one more thing: i would much prefer discord (my name on there is niurefine) but can be convinced to rp on-site

all right! now let's talk about the setting

so the setting is during the 2nd-3rd generation of a generation ship that will take 200 years to arrive at its destination. it's coming from either earth or a planet that has been terraformed to be earth-like. the ship is city-sized. millions of people live on it in relatively cramped conditions. there is not a lot of light. the middle and lower classes live off of mass-farmed insects, plankton, and algae, while the upper classes have access to lab-grown meat and (mostly hydroponically-grown) vegetables and fruits. this image by the artist avlbel on reddit is similar to how i visualize the interior of the spaceship. the oldest people on the ship - the great-grandparents of the most recently born babies and children - still remember the original planet, and some of them regret leaving

characters: i would like our characters to either be 20somethings coping with the difficulty of knowing they will never leave the ship, or (even better) middle-aged people trying to maintain the (already low) standard of living on the ship - working in water purification or algae farming, or perhaps as crewmembers. this is a setting with humans - i enjoy stories about robots and aliens and AI, but i don't want them in this setting

mood/tone: it's uncertain whether humanity can continue living on the ship for that long. conditions are worsening at the water purification plant. projecting into the future, the people heading the ship aren't sure if they'll make it to their destination planet with anyone alive. another 7-8 generations is a long time.
gradually, this information is starting to trickle down to the masses. there's not revolt exactly, but a slow creeping sense of desperation. no one has a real solution - including the people in power. i don't want this to be a cute and fluffy rp, although of course there will be moments of human connection and comfort. but i want the overall focus to be on people working together to cope with desperate circumstances. if you've seen the movie "aniara" think of the scenes in the 3rd and 6th years. i would also be interested in some focus on class conflict.

okay, if that all sounds good... hit me up! sorry for yapping so long lol

edit: also the usual stipulations about please don't control my characters, i won't control yours, etc
edit 2: sorry if i come across as mean/serious in this post! i promise i am not like that when interacting with people im just not good at writing posts
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hello! bumping this and i would also like to add please no self-inserts! i dont really vibe with playing against self-inserts sorry! this doesn't mean you can't write characters similar to you or that share traits with you - i certainly do that - but please no characters that are just straight up you! okay thats all!

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