Our Regular Lives!


Welcome students!

You have been chosen by the finest government council members to be part of St.Clowes Academy. The finest school known in Northern America, a school known for kids around the world with magnificent abilities; from beautiful voices to being able to remember practically everything.

So please, do take our invitation to attend this wonderful school show your talents

and remember to prepare yourself for our yearly team competitions!

Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

Your Principal,

Madam Lebeau.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If interested in this RP Please sign up! (Still accepting people)!

Julie smiled as she was off to her first day of grade 11, she was jamming out to some tunes as she walked towards the school. Being new would usually be hard for most but not for julie she was use to being known as the 'new girl' because of how much she has moved in the past.

As she opened the doors to her new school she looked around trying to see if she can find the way to the 'main office' to get her schedule and locker number.

"Oi! Mate!" she shouted to a group of kids, they looked like they've been here before "You know where the office is?" She asked her thick Aussie accent showing through.

The group of kids looked amazed, they don't usually hear her kind of accent around the school. One of the kids nodded quickly showing Julie to the office.

"Thanks mate!" She said smiling as she walked into the office getting her schedule and other accessories for the day.
Ellie walked around until she heard another girl ask for the office, so she decided to follow her. With any luck she wouldn't be noticed.

As she walked, Ellie notice how differently the kids talked around here. While it was America, she didn't imagine their voices to be so... recognizable.

"Hey, you new?" A boy asked, cutting her off by sliding between her and the girl. She looked nervously around him, not wanting to have to speak.

"Uh, yeh. Transfer student."

Ellie tried to slip past him, but the boy grabbed her arm and pulled her back infront of him.

"Oh cmon, can't I get your name?"

"Ellie, now if you'd excuse me, rat, I've got to go get my classes." She spat, finally getting past him and walking on.
Ivan walked in to the school, finding a a boy stopping Ellie before she got into the office. After Ellie got passed him, Ivan walked up to the boy and stared into his soul.

"So, Jacob. What was that about?" Ivan's creepy Russian accent filled the air.

"I just wanted to know her, what do you care, tough guy?"

The Russian noticed the pupil dilatation in Jacob's eyes and detected a dishonest response. Ivan grabbed Jacob by the shirt and effortlessly lifted him up, finally slamming him into the wall attracting the attention of the other students.

"Ivan, come on. I was just messin-"

"I do not care." Ivan interrupted."I take the feelings of everyone in this school very seriously, and I want nobody to be hurt or harassed except for the people who hurt and harass. Do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, big guy. Boys, get him." Jacob said and laughed. Ivan dropped Jacob and slammed his elbows into the coming bullys' faces, and they fell over.

"Leave everyone alone, or there will be greater consequences." he said to Jacob, and walked away towards first period.
Ellie stopped dead, not turning back around but listening intently. When she heard Ivan walk away, she caught up with him and gently touched his shoulder to grab his attention.

"Thank you." She said, her voice quiet but honest. No one had ever defended her in any of her other schools, nor even outside of classes. Even though the boy had kind of scared her, she still wanted to thank him.
Ivan continued walking and then noticed Ellie come up next to him and thank him. He smiled and thought about his response for a bit. She was a nice girl, that wanted to mind her own business, and not really getting to other people's business is good.

"You are welcome. I'll be watching, any time. The Assistant Principal saw me over the years stop a lot of fights and harassment, so she made me a "Security Officer" and said I'm allowed to use any amount of physical force I want, but of course I don't use all of it. I can bench press 305 pounds, and squat 610. So you can imagine. Also, be wary of the other boys who walk towards you. You are a beautiful girl, and some of the male students here would like to have you for... various reasons. I'm basically the over watch of the school, because sometimes the teachers get attacked too. So if you ever find yourself or any of your friends in trouble, I will be there. Now let's go to first period."
Ellie nodded her head silently, following the boy still clutching her messenger bag to her side.

As the walked down the hallways, she spotted the nameplate of her first period teacher above the door.

"Uhm, I've got my stop. I'll see you later on in the morn though. Once again, thank you." She said, the quickly slipped into class. She stood idly, seeing that most of the students hadn't arrived yet. After a moment of thinking, she walked to the back and slunked down in a seat, not wanting to be noticed any more today that what already happened infront of the school.
(sorry even though I haven't made a post I must depart from this rp. I am juggiling to much and soon I will be very busy, I hope to role play when I am not so busy )
Kurai walked about the school halls observing the students. While looking at the floor, thinking of his buisness. He bumped into a honestly beautiful girl. [username: @Clen] Kurai bowed politely and said, "My apologies..." blushing a little.
Leo woke up to the sounds of his alarm clock. Beep, beep, beep, bee- Leo grabbed the dreaded thing and threw it at the wall, hearing it smash into little pieces. After the annoying sounds were gone, Leo closed his eyes and went back to sleep. It'll be fine even if he did come in late on the first day.

Two Hours Later...

Leo ran around the house, putting on his shoes as he sprinted to the school. With a piece of toast in his mouth, Leo brushed his hand through his blonde hair.

"Why didn't I wake up earlier?" Leo muttered to himself as he jumped the walls of the school. "Stupid alarm clock, not doing it's job.." Leo cursed the alarm clock as he walked into the school. No one was around in the main hall, just the some of the staff.

Leo sighed, walking up to the secretary. "Hi," Leo crossed his arms, glaring slightly at the woman. "I'm new here." Those words were all she needed as the secretary threw a bag at Leo, almost knocking him over because of the weight.

Muttering a thanks, Leo walked away from the desk, searching through the bag. It wasn't much, just a rule book and a few introductory letters. Leo stared at the bag, not knowing what he should do.

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Julie sighed, being completely lost she couldn't find her way to her first block.

"Damn...This is almost as bad as trying to make a kangaroo stop jumping." Julie muttered, she then saw a girl looking boy looking into his? No, her? bag? Julie didn't know, she just began to walk up to him.

Once she was close enough Julie said " Oi Mate, you lost like I am?"
Glancing up, Leo stared at the girl before him. Looking her up and down, Leo raised an eyebrow at her. "May I help you?" He asked, smugly.

To Leo the girl looked too.....commonly. Kind of like those teenagers you would see walking down the street drinking slushies and doing stupid things, like walking in front of cars when it's a green light. Then again, Leo had to admit, she had something that made her pretty in her own way.

Deciding to leave it be, Leo threw the paper bag behind him, it landed perfectly into the recycling bin. He approached the girl, his hands in his pockets. Leo leaned backwards coolly, putting on a mischievous smirk.
Katu walked sternly out of the main office, glancing around at a small map he had made himself of the school. He put his hand behind his head, blocking out the people around him, and before anyone could say a simple 'Hello', he walked off towards the math hall.

However, someone had snuck out of the dorm, unannounced to his brother. Kiyoshi had walked up to the main office, and was looking at all the posters, notices, and welcome signs posted over the wall. Sadly, his brother did not notice him. Kiyoshi fixed the glasses on his face and smiled at a goofy poster of a cat someone had posted up. Suddenly, someone bumped him in the shoulder and knocked him over, and the words "Watch it!" were echoed through the area before the stranger stormed off. Kiyoshi, suddenly feeling highly uncomfortable, scooted close to the wall, and stared blankly at the people nearby.
Julie rose an eyebrow, smirking at the fact that this kid just made a perfect basket.

"Not bad" Julie stated, "You into sports?"

Smiling as she waited for a response she notice a boy in the far corner who got pushed to the ground. As usual, Julie got annoyed and had to step in.

"Oi, what's wrong with you?" She snarled stopping the kid in the hallway. This 'other' person who Julie was about to smack talk was 10 times her size and probably one of the bullies in this school.

"He was in my way" the boy stated, scuffing at the sight of Julie "Now why don't you go play with your barbies and leave me alone."

Julie twitched, "Barbies?" she said through her thick accent, "I'm sorry, but I'd rather not play with toys that are meant for little girls--or should I say big boys, who are trying to overcompensate for something. With their big attitude and little--" Julie was interrupted, because little did she realise there was quite a few people huddled around them, and now there was a teacher walking up to them.

"What is going on here?!" Screeched the math teacher.

"Nothing." The boy stated.

Julie smirked, "Nothing anymore, I was just standing up to this bully. Don't worry, it won't happen again." Julie said with a smile, walking over to the corner where she saw the boy. "Hey you ok?" she asked smiling putting a hand out to help him up.
Leo watched as the girl stood up for the boy on the ground and thought to himself, "How cute.." Leo twirled a piece of his blonde hair between his fingers and walked by the two people and up to the math teacher.

"Where's Room Two?" Leo interrogated, his voice filled with cockiness. It was one of Leo's bad habits, he tended to be very mean to most people.

The math teacher gawked at the boy's rudeness and furrowed his eyes. "Excuse me, young woman?" The math teacher crossed his arms. "What did you say?"

Smirking, Leo folded his arms and stood, feet wide apart. "I said," Leo's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Where's Room Two?" Standing next to the tall math teacher, Leo looked very girly. His blonde hair glowed in a feminine way, Leo's bright blue eyes were framed with dark and heavy eyelashes as they stared confidently into the math teacher's dull green eyes.

Furrowing his bushy eyebrows even more, the math teacher gave up after glaring harshly into Leo's eyes, who didn't react one bit. "Go down the corridor on the left and it's the fifth door." The teacher pointed towards the corridor and watched as Leo walked down the hall, his hands in his pockets, and slightly slouching forwards.

Pausing for a moment, Leo shot the teacher a mischievous grin. "Thank you, Mr." Leo's eyes narrowed onto the teacher's name tag. "Pardini." Leo smirked at the teacher's open mouth. "Oh, and," Leo spun around, and continued walking down to his first class. "I'm a boy." Chuckling at everyone's reaction, Leo brushed a hand through his blonde hair, pushing it backwards and out of his face.
Niklas walked through the hallways, hands in his pockets and looking down. Maybe he wouldn't have to talk to anyone today; that's all he wanted. Just one day where he could be-- "Hey!" Nik's thoughts were interrupted as he bumped into a stranger in the hallway. He pushed him out of the way before continuing on. "If only I knew where Room 5 is..." he thought to himself as kept walking forward, hoping to find someone that knew, as much as he hated asking for directions.

"Schieße, guess I gotta ask one of these low-lifes for help." Nik began asking around, trying to get somebody, anybody, to acknowledge him in these croweded hallways. Most just greeted him with 'Get outta the way,' or 'Screw off" and other rude remarks. He was used to it, however, and was determined to not give up. "Just tell me where Room 5 is! Verdammt!"
Hearing someone yell, Leo spun around to see a lost looking student. "Maybe we can get lost together?" Leo thought, smiling at his little joke.

Walking up to the young man, Leo's blonde shoulder length hair and small stature probably made him look like a girl. If only people noticed he was wearing a male's uniform...

"You lost?" Leo asked, having to stand on his tip toes to tap the guy on his shoulder. "Ugh, hate being short." Leo cursed his shortness and was actually seriously considering that height increasing surgery that break your bones so that new bone can grow in and make you taller.
Niklas turned to see what looked like... well, a girl, but with a guy's clothing. Crossdresser? Hell if he knew. "Uh, yeah. You know where Room 5 is?" Nik always hated asking people for help, but he felt he really had to this time. He wondered why this girl - or guy, or whatever - had come to help him, while everyone else didn't. "Must be a pretty nice person," he thought to himself as he looked at the young, shorter student, "maybe this one's cool."
Leo grinned brightly at the tall guy and said bluntly, "Nope!" Leo began to laugh lightly, and pushed his long blonde hair back. "I already missed my first class by now..might as well join this guy!" Leo thought to himself when he glanced at the wall clock. The young man had already missed two periods, the third would start soon.

Looking back at other guy, Leo smiled, stretching his soft pink lips. "I already missed the first two periods, I'm heading to Room 5 to." Leo blinked and stopped smiling, he looked like a girl already, and the male looked even more girly when he smiled. "Not that I would want to hang out with you, anyway." Leo added snottily, crossing his arms and looking to the side when he realised how friendly he was being to the man. "Am I gay?" Leo pondered about his sexual orientation. "Well, he is somewhat good looking..." Leo added when his eyes glanced up at the student.
Niklas laughed along with the young kid. "I like your attitude, kiddo," he said to him as he continued down the hall to hopefully find Room 5, "c'mon. Wonder where this ficken room is." He looked back at the smaller student, noticing how she, or he, was actually kind of cute. "Hey," Nik stopped in his tracks and turned, taking off his signature cap and looking towards the kid, "Ich bin Niklas. You?" He held out a hand to the other student. Niklas normally never displayed these kinds of manner to people; in fact he despised them. However, the few times he did, he considered it special.
Noticing the German language, Leo smirked and shook Niklas' hand. "Mein name ist Leo," Leo answered back in the little German he learnt around the house. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Niklas." Leo's cocky attitude faded away when he started to actually enjoy the man's company. "He seems okay enough." Leo thought with a small smile stuck on his face. After a few seconds, Leo pulled his hand away. Not knowing what to say, Leo came up with a normal question. "What grade are you in?" Leo walked in step with the Niklas, looking straight forward when he asked the question, only giving a small glance to the German speaking student.
"Yeah. Nice to meet you too Leo," Niklas threw his hat back on and smiled when he heard Leo use his language. "I'm startin' to like this guy. Seems better than the rest of the schweinhund around here." He continued to look forward into the now-empty hallways of the school, before responding to his new acquaintance's question, "I'm a, uh, senior. dude. How 'bout you?" Nik was normally a bit defensive when it came to most questions, as he wasn't used to someone being nice to him. He wanted to leave a good impression for once, so he acted more nice around Leo.
Leo chuckled lightly before placing his hands in the back pockets of his pants. "Senior," Leo's mouth turned upside down to form a small frown. "And before you ask, I'm just short." Leo was used to people thinking that he was as young as a seventh grader, and it annoyed the high school student to the max. Standing at small 5'2, Leo was usually towered over everyone else in his grade. Although there was one advantage of being small: Discounts at restaurants. But, Leo didn't need that, he was filthy rich!

Turning back to Niklas, Leo waited for what he would say.
"Hey, bein' short's cool. My vater was short, but you wouldn't wanna mess with him." Niklas turned the corner, and noticed the doors were all labeled as Room 1 through however many rooms this school had. "Ja! Schließlich," he yelled out in excitement as he finally found the 'elusive' dorms he'd been looking for all day, "we're here! C'mon, lets go to Room 5." He grabbed Leo by the arm and began running towards his goal of finally being able to lay down on a bed, with Room 5's door being the entrance to accomplishing that feat.
Leo flopped down on the bed and thought, "I thought Room 5 was a classroom...." Leo sighed and snuggled into the pillow, feeling very comfortable in the position he was in. So comfortable, the student began to doze off, and mumbled, "Mutti, I dun wanna go to school, the people there are dummkopfs..."
Nik chuckled a bit at the sight of the boy on his bed before laying down as well. "Tired, huh? Well," he said to himself as he realized, for some odd reason, he was quite exhausted too, "Gute nacht, kleiner Freund." He stared into the ceiling as he began to fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of the 'good times' of his past, though they were less than happy.

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