Our Regular Lives.


Welcome to 'Our Regular Lives' Character Creation thread!

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Welcome students!

You have been chosen by the finest government council members to be part of St.Clowes Academy. The finest school known in Northern America, a school known for kids around the world with magnificent abilities; from beautiful voices to being able to remember practically everything.

So please, do take our invitation to attend this wonderful school show your talents

and remember to prepare yourself for our yearly team competitions!

Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

Your Principal,

Madam Lebeau.

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Please Follow these Rules when creating your Character(s)!

  • Follow the Basic rules of RpNations!
  • NO bi-post--meaning no pages full of just two people RPing. Please wait until the next day to Rp, just to give everyone a chance to join in and RP together.
  • Please don't make your character a 'Mary-Sue' (A Character whose implausible talents and likeableness weaken the story.)
  • Please No 1 Liners, in both the RP and your Character skeleton.
  • Also Please don't make your characters history 'Dark and gloomy' yes--ONE-- of their parents can be passed on, no longer in the picture but not both UNLESS he/she has another type of guardian with them, such as an aunt, uncle and even grandparents. Please and thanks!

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Here is the Character skeleton!







Zodiac sign:**

Special Talents:




**It has helped me in the past to have a Zodiac sign picked out just to go off of for the personality! It was thanks to a friend that they showed me that :)

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Here is what the school looks like!

I recommend that you zoom in and check out where the classes are.
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Heres My Character :)

Name: Juliette S. Aarons

Nickname: Julie

Age: 17

Grade: 11

Ethnicity: Australian


Zodiac sign: Gemini

Special Talents: Track and Field

History: For as long as she can remember Julie has lived with one parent of the household, and that parent being her mom because her dad is off to war fighting for this world. Thus, because of her dad they have had to move around 6 times but Julie loves to travel so it never really bugged her, that and they never stayed in one spot for too

long to be able to make 'best friends'. After getting accepted into St.Clowes Academy her and her mom moved to the city so that Julie can attend the school and get a better education though this means that she is once again the 'new girl' in town.

Personality: Juliette has probably enough energy to run a three day marathon and still have energy, though that means she is really impulsive and not to mention reckless with the decisions that she makes. She also has a natural act for getting into quite some trouble, with the school's she has attended in the past. She also enjoyed being independent, though she would like some company sometimes.

Extra: She has a large dog named pogo, and an australian accent.

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Accepted Characters:

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Name: Kurai Tenshi

Nickname: Privileged Information

Age: 17

Grade: 11

Ethnicity: It's safe to say he's a mut. His ancestor's didn't exactly...stand still if you get the point. He's mainly Japanese

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Japan.jpg.c26db10831757673c8e3766d470c8491.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Japan.jpg.c26db10831757673c8e3766d470c8491.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zodiac sign: Leo

Special Talents: Is a great singer and piano player. He uses a numerical system when playing. He's aslo a great fighter and cook.

History: Kurai's father was a famous combatant who was respected by a lot of people, but he had a smoking problem. He died of lung cancer when Kurai was 10. His mother was a pianist and taught him pretty much everything he knows. She became an alcoholic and left Coko. He's self taught in cooking, and now lives on his own.

Personality: Kurai Tenshi means 'Dark Angel', and there is no better way to describe him. He hides everything behind a bubbly personality. Malice, sorrow, dispair, everything dark inside of him. He dosen't like people. He just doesn't like them. Probably because of the emotional issues they cause.

Extra: Kurai gets by as a blacksmith. He owns a double edge katana that he made himself. The blade is a memo of his parents and is extremely dear to him.



  • Japan.jpg
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Coko_Bacon, its good but please re-read the rules! (: Just a few adjustments.


Name: Ryan b. James

Nickname: Rye

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Ethnicity: Asian

Appearance: Ryan is on the left )


Zodiac sign:** Scorpio

Special Talents: Basket ball

History: Ryan and Raven are known as the semi twins. As a joke though. They weren't born stuck together they just , aside from others they were always around each other. The had like everyone else a mom and dad. Funny thing was that the mother was cheating and the father was gay. They kept that in the closet though. They didn't mind they were cheating on each other. So those two going to them for advice was not an option. They usual interacted with other kids when separated but once together they are unstuck. They soon got the name semi twins. Made fun and picked on them. They didn't really care. They were fighters of course. Fast runners and above all they hated to lose to anything. So when they got in to an argument with a kid, it was really easy to win. The parents thought it was a problem and decided to move them. Getting accepted in to the new school, they moved in to another home in a new city. They didn't care if they were new they would act the same they did back at school and their last home. Independent, quiet and intimidating

Personality:Reputed to be the "most powerful" sign of the zodiac, Scorpios lead fate filled lives and have intense and dramatic personal relationships. Even as children Scorpios are often found to be wise beyond their years. He is old and wise beyond the average, often know all the answers, except sometimes; he too often has difficulty finding what he needs to develop his own happiness.

Extra: He tends to say che after everything (think che as humph)

Name: Raven r. James

Nickname: Rave

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

Ethnicity: Asian

Appearance: (Raven is on the right)


Zodiac sign:** Taurus

Special Talents: Track n Field

History:Ryan and Raven are known as the semi twins. As a joke though. They weren't born stuck together they just , aside from others they were always around each other. The had like everyone else a mom and dad. Funny thing was that the mother was cheating and the father was gay. They kept that in the closet though. They didn't mind they were cheating on each other. So those two going to them for advice was not an option. They usual interacted with other kids when separated but once together they are unstuck. They soon got the name semi twins. Made fun and picked on them. They didn't really care. They were fighters of course. Fast runners and above all they hated to lose to anything. So when they got in to an argument with a kid, it was really easy to win. The parents thought it was a problem and decided to move them. Getting accepted in to the new school, they moved in to another home in a new city. They didn't care if they were new they would act the same they did back at school and their last home. Independent, quiet and intimidating

Personality: Underneath her cool, calm and collected exterior, Raven differ greatly from all the other people . She manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though she has a well-earned reputation for being social. She will let others get close, but only so close as she wants them. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a her , should she not want to hear you, is rather similar to talking to the trees – she simply won't budge. And, there is no such thing as an open-book . Her feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around her would guess. Like the butterfly that chooses to remain hidden in its cocoon until it is ready and prepared to emerge, so her true spirit remains hidden behind a veneer of day-to-day activities. That's why she is sometimes regarded as rude , withdrawn, boring, or even sulky.

Extra: Raven likes to take naps

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Name: Ellie Obituis McQuillen (pronounces Eely due to accent)

Nickname: Ellie and Nacht

Age: 16

Grade: 11

Ethnicity: Irish

Appearance:Alaska's got a fair trade of tattoos and piercings. With magnetic implants on all the fingers in her left hand, a septum, and a tattoo saying "Drink Me" on the inside of her lip are the smallest. Arrows are on both of her arms, covering the entire length of her forearms. Tarot cards are across her shoulders, The Devil and The Hanged Man. Finally on her right bicep it says "I'm not the golden boy so don't shine me on, I'm the bastard son of romantic Babylon".


Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Special Talents: Preforming and tattoo art. Her passion in playing her guitar and singing on stage, and she's been known to be able to rile up practically any crowd. While she might not be a virtuoso, she's a pretty awesome sketch and tattoo artist as had been featured in multiple tattoo magazines.

History: Alaska has been living with her father and mum for her entire life, moving around Ireland every few years. So far she's lived in Cork and Dublin, and currently in Swords. Though, she only comes home for the summer and stays at the school on holidays. Her father got her into preforming, while her mother anticipated her to be a fine artist, but that backfired and sent her young daughter reeling into the world of tattoos.

Personality: Alaska is always driven to do the toughest she can do. Whether that be jump around on stage, or create art work on someone's skin. When she's walking down a hallway, she's that one girl people avoid or know that she can take care of herself. Though sometimes she just can't, and her energy gets directed down a bad path, usually ending up in fights or a relapse of her depression. When in these moods, she does her best to hide it and just say she doesn't care about anything, but some people know she's lying. When Laska tells someone about anything traumatic, she has to be sure to trust them a thousand percent of the way to keep it a secret. Other wise she'll protect anyone to the end.

Extra: Alaska get's made fun of alot for being as straight as a cooked noodle.This is one of the reasons she's had to move around alot. Here, she doesn't plan on coming out of the closet until much later or until she's forced to.

Name:Eury Rea






Zodiac sign:*Libra

Special Talents:Eury is a Magician/actor.

History:If you don't mind I would like this to be learned as the rp progresses.

Personality:Eury is sweet and curious,but as the strange problem.She annoys the crap out of people who can hurt her.She likes pushing things to the limits and is a bit of a loud mouth.Which doesn't help her that much.She is also a little dense and takes a few moments to understand certain stuff.

Extra: She has trouble moving her left arm,because of a accindet that happened.It is covered in burn scars.
Name: Ivan Arlovskaya

Nickname: "RF"

Age: 16

Grade: 11th

Ethnicity: Russian


Zodiac sign: Taurus

Special Talents: Nuclear Physics

History: Ivan group up in Moscow, Russia. He lived in a disciplined and very strict household. No play, just either homework or accomplishing something. That was the rule of his house. This turned him into the creepy, ice cold Russian he is today, but has that soft skin of friendliness if you get past the shell. When he went to the new school, he made a name for himself because of the various fights he got in... and won every single time. People called him RF, short for "Russian Federation". He never minded.

Personality: Ivan is extremely cold and detached. He is taller then most, at 6.4. His voice is icy and creepy, as well as his abundance of smiles that he uses from nowhere. A lot of people shy away from him because they are scared of him, but he is nice if you get past the cold hard shell of discipline and mistreatment as a child. Some say his talent for Nuclear Technology is because he wants to nuke America, but really it just interests him.

Extra: Thick Russian accent, and can bench press 305 pounds.
Name: Leo Lim

Nickname:N/A unless someone wants to give him one


Gender: Male

Grade: 12

Ethnicity: German/Japanese


Zodiac sign: Gemini

Special Talents: Mimicry

History: Leo grew up in a household where both his parents were always busy, they cared and loved him, but they didn't have time to spend with Leo. Seeing some street performers dance, Leo began to practice their dance moves, following along with their every move. Seeing their master's talent, the maid's slipped the word to his parents and they enrolled Leo into dance. But, soon Leo grew bored of dancing, and saw a television show where there were two people fighting. Leo was in awe of their moves and started to mimic them, using some of the servants as practice material (much to them demise). His parents then enrolled him into martial arts classes, and etc. Finally they realized that their son had a talent in mimicking, when he answered back in one of the servant's voices saying, "He's asleep!" They would have believed it if the person of that voice wasn't standing right next to them. They enrolled Leo into as many things as possible, be it from boxing to knitting, Leo did them all at an expert level. Leo was a very successful young man, and when they got the letter that Leo would be going to this special school, the family jumped at the experience, telling Leo to remember to call them.

Personality: Leo is an outgoing and spontaneous young man, who's often mistaken as a girl because of his small and girly stature. Leo's quite the narcissist, and is very cocky and proud. He's quite the flirt, but really is a one woman kind of guy. Sometimes he says mean things, but that's because Leo's too confident of himself, so confident that he often rushes into things without thinking. Being from a rich and happy family, Leo was spoiled silly by them.

Extra: Leo is secretly an otaku who likes to cosplay. He also has a small talent for cooking, but is too embarrassed to show it.
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