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Realistic or Modern Our Monster War



There've been sightings.

Towering shadows deep within the woods. Colossi slinking through the cities. Leviathans lurking in the deep. If they've always been here, then why are sightings only so frequent now? And how do beings so massive remain hidden from the public at large, their existence relegated to rumor and modern myth? Well that question can be answered. Large military presence has increased in major urban centers around the world, making many populace nervous as it appears they have been gearing up for something...


But things have been silent. Almost as if there is a stillness in the world. But something's slowly stirring...Many somethings. And humanity is none the wiser. Save for one. Rumor has there's a psychic located in Hong Kong, one who spoke of giant shadows darkening the skies from a young age. A company that works as an international investigative journalism outlet that seeks to uncover the truth. You are either a part of this organization or a close associate. Your aim is to find this alleged psychic...and perhaps uncover something much bigger.



This is a kaiju/giant monster roleplay where you help determine mankind's future as massive creatures rise change the Earth forever!


- Where are you hosting OOC?

-is this RP like a group of just journalists and no soldiers? All goods if we just a bunch of normies running from godzilla and friends lol


- Where are you hosting OOC?

-is this RP like a group of just journalists and no soldiers? All goods if we just a bunch of normies running from godzilla and friends lol
OOC is on discord.

And I'm open to the group having people with military training or a military escort through danger zones but overall the group will be an investigative journalist outfit. There will be military involvement but, they won't be the main focus at all.

I should also mention that there is a twist as well. What that is, I wont' say just yet though lol.
OOC is on discord.

And I'm open to the group having people with military training or a military escort through danger zones but overall the group will be an investigative journalist outfit. There will be military involvement but, they won't be the main focus at all.

I should also mention that there is a twist as well. What that is, I wont' say just yet though lol.
Ughs. Discord is dealbreaker for me. Good luck with rp!
Little late...in more ways than one lol but I submitted my character. Still waiting on a few more people but ai think we're good to start either late this weekend or Monday!

I apologize for the delay and If anyone's interested, we're still open!

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