Draco Knight
Miyaki Masamine
Miyaki eventually reached the exit, and saw that there were fewer people here than he expect, not counting rescued "civilians". He thought about heading back in, worried for whoever was lagging behind. As young as they all were, Miyaki knew that most of them couldn't use their Quirks much longer they already had; even most Pro Heroes had their limits, let alone high school students.
After standing there for a bit, he sighs and turns around just before actually exiting, heading back in to see if anyone needed help. He even had a few insects fly about to search for people, in particular anyone who looked exhausted or tired. Anytime someone as found, he head in that direction to help out. If they declined his help, he'd leave and head on to someone else; not that many people declined the help. It was mostly people with Quirks that didn't have harsh side effects, or people like him, who just hadn't realized what the side effect was yet.