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Futuristic Our Differences - Lore



Five Thousand Club
Terrans are considered the human standard, with their varied coloration and body type. Implants and augmentations are not unheard of, but anything drastic like prosthetics are saved for when needed.

Terran government is a democracy, but not every Terran has the right to vote. A vast majority do, though, as to gain the ability to vote and run for office, you simply must hold down a job that benefits society as a whole. No job, no vote.

Terra separates its government into the social, judicial, and oversight branches. The Social branch includes the ruling president and congress, as well as state and local affairs. The judicial branch handles law enforcement and court of law. The Oversight branch watches both citizens and the other branches, holding the power to formally investigate and veto.

The Terran Military is a heavily regimented force, with orders travelling directly down the ranks from the General of Forces to the Squad Leader. When you are assigned to a squad, that squad is your family for your time in the military. The same goes for if you are a mech pilot or a tank operator.

Terran tactics are the result of years of theory and crafting. Frontal assaults supported by artillery and flanking units, the Terrans hold the front lines against the Centaurions.

All Terran infantry gain a military-grade mental implant.

Terran Elite infantry are trained in the use of Vanguard combat exosuits. These suits are flight-capable and designed to enhance the human’s natural strength, stamina, endurance, and reaction speed.

The Vanguard combat suits come in many flavors for different roles in combat, with different build shapes and mounted weapons/gadgets. Main (general combat) weaponry are hand-held (guns and melee) energy weapons that fire akin to kinetic weapons, using the Vanguard’s energy core. These weapons do not have ammo but the cooling packs do need to be replaced at regular intervals. Ammo for built-in gadgets and weapons are fabricated within nano-factories within the armor.

The GI class of combat suits are given to the general infantry population. These are instead built to a mass-produced standard, and are essentially stripped-down versions of the Vanguard suit - they lack the flight and incorporated weapon systems, and actu only to enhance strength and endurance (they cannot enhance reactions due to the lack of an implant connection.

War Machines
Terran war machines are considered lumbering by the Martians, but they will also admit that they are reliable and do the job they are made to do. The epitome of this are known as WarMechs, walking tanks outfitted with heavy-hitting weapons mounted on hardpoints. They are built to a classification and do this job very well. They are often, but not always, able to adapt a small amount to survive.

Terran society has two distinct tiers in adult life. Civilians who have not yet or refuse to undergo service (a career that is a boon to society) and citizens who have, thus gaining the right to vote and the respect of other Terrans

Sadly, there are some civilians who are discontent with this system and seek to overthrow it, putting any long-term civilian under suspicion of good citizens.

Terran Technology is built upon what is known to work while incorporating new technologies. Vehicles and machines are made to be rugged and reliable, and though they may not run as ‘cleanly’ as Martian tech they are a far cry from ICEs. They tend to be built to do one job the best, and they excel at that job. However, this leads to a lack of adaptability without refitting.

Martians are similar to their Terran cousins, but generations of exposure to Mars’ modified atmosphere and xeno-biological engineering has left them with horns attuned to metaphysical energies as well as scaled patches and plated tails.

The Martian Government is ruled by a democratic council, with each seat held by an official selected by a block. This council holds absolute authority over the lesser councils such as the judiciary council. In any council, new laws or decrees are passed by majority at 2/3rds or simple majority for emergency decrees.

Martian military tactics and organization is more fluid than that of the Terrans. The squad you are assigned to is still your family, but you may be on assault duty one day and ambushing the next. They specialize in unconventional tactics, and with small units or even single Aces or Venatora, they hit hard and fast against key targets while the Terrans occupy the front.

When a Martian volunteers for service they are implanted with a symbiote native to terraformed Mars. This symbiote increases their natural strength, endurance, reflexes, and other physical abilities as well as mental faculties, albeit to a lesser extent. They also allow for connection to the synaptic drive of Venatora.

In addition to the above, there are two broad categories of powers that the symbiote may (but not necessarily will) impart the martian: the ability to link with bio-engineered combi-weapons and a metaphysical awakening that allows for abilities such as elemental kinesis and powerful, temporary bioaugmentation.

These combi-weapons are few in number, taking time to grow, bond, and mature. They are also only given to ‘ace’ infantry members who have proven themselves in battle. They are made of a melee weapon - mainly a holdover from their effectiveness at hunting the new beasts Mars bore - a shield that is effective against many infantry weapons, and a gun.

Those soldiers that gain a metaphysical awakening become more aware of the energies around and within them. While all Martians have some amount of awareness through their horns, these symbioted are able to actually affect these energies, causing energy blasts, improving their biological capabilities even more for a short time, and others.

War Machines
Martian war machines’ sleeker designs are considered to be more fragile than their Terran counterparts, though their cleaner design and greater efficiency does allow for greater flexibility with these drawbacks. The flagship designs are large, humanoid machines that are called Venatora. They are flight-capable and given weapons that are less straightforward and considered ‘flashy’ in comparison to Terran WarMechs. That said they are as effective in more roles, but are harder to produce.

In Martian society, you are who you make yourself. If you want to be a symbioted hunter, a baker, a parent, you can do that. You will always have the right to vote. However, the punishments for wronging another Martian carries a generally heavier price. Every Martian holds a small metaphysical link with the other nearby Martians, allowing for a greater sense of empathy. This means that Martians in general value the community more than some Terrans.

A majority of Martian technology is based upon the study and usage of xenomaterial. The basis of this stems from the early days of mars Terraforming, where an unknown experiment made its way into the chamber and changed the make-up. From there Mars formed differently, creating large beasts and gaining an atmosphere that began the Martian metaphysical founding. They grew horns from new formations in their skulls, and tails began to reappear. Martians took the initiative and crafted a new aesthetic with plated tails and scale patches to help against new inclement weather.

Martian Technology in general is sleeker than Terran, and more adaptable. However, the constant advances in Xenotech makes these vehicles and machines require more regular maintenance as the components are more delicate. Though they might be created for a single job, most machines are able to adapt to another with little or no refit.

Terrans and Martians have finally begun to truly get along once more. Despite this, due to their different physiologies, each group is found in a heavy majority on their planet. Cross-breeds are also extremely rare, though mixed-group couples less so.

Robots are human-sized machines that are crafted for various tasks. Both Terrans and Martians created bulktechs in order to fill out foot aremies and allow their human units greater autonomy. In addition, coretechs are smarter, AI-driven machines that are offered lesser versions of human protections. They are often crafted for a specific purpose, under a specific handler, and are reassigned when that mission is completed.
Gravity-manipulation is not an unknown technology to humans, having been used to create artificial gravity in space-borne ships. However, this technology has been proven hard to downscale - working land vehicle prototypes with electromagnetic anti-grav drives are few and far between


Centaurions are an alien species theorized to be from the Alpha Centauri system. They are classified as a devourer, as no matter the form (which is ever evolving) they seem to exist solely to destroy and devour. They are not unintelligent but what intelligence they possess is unknowable to us. Their tactics are alien yet effective, ranging from an endless wave to assassination teams.​

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