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One x One Our Darkest Days Characters and possible chat lol

Name: Violet Cleares

Age: 19

Group: 2

Rank: Leader, albeit reluctantly

Sexuality: bi

Experiment type: The serum used in her experiments infused her with mockingbird dna, however some slight dolphin dna is also present.

Powers: by singing she can affect the emotions and conditions of others that hear her, though she is hesitant in using it since it doesn’t discriminate in who it affects, she also can’t speak, outside of certain circumstances including her singing, but she can replicate various sounds she’s heard to communicate instead though she prefers sign language instead due to it being easier to understand. She also has slight echolocation, but she doesn’t use it unless she can’t see.

Not shown but she has two vertical scars running parallel down her shoulder blades, from where two grey and white wings were removed from her.

Height: 5’7

Weight: 75lbs, reason: this is due to experiments and genetic warping that has made her bones hollow and lighter, much like a birds. This is as much of a detriment as it sounds.

Relatives: her now deceased parents, and her younger sister Iris, who is a failed experiment that was changed to be the songbird that follows Violet wherever she goes, though she hasn’t told her friends about this and they mostly believe that Iris is just a pet sparrow she named after her sister. She also has more than a few aunts and uncles.

History: Before she was admitted to the facility Violet was quite talkative and rambunctious, far from the current more reserved and calm persona she now bears. However nine years ago when her sister Iris was born she came down with an unknown disease that caused her vocal chords to swell uncomfortably, eventually the swelling became so bad that she was starting to suffocate and this caused her parents to become desperate to save her. After the untested treatment was successful in saving her and repairing, and even improved, her vocal chords she was required to stay in the facility to make sure the serum used had no adverse affects, at least that was the reason her and Iris were given after the scientist in charge of her operation murdered her parents. Five years of captivity later the scientist came and took Iris to have experiments done on her. Panicking Violet escaped her cage in an attempt to save her little sister from the older woman, but as ultimately unsuccessful in preventing the procedure that caused Iris to be permanently shifted into a small sparrow. After a small struggle in trying to keep the madwoman from disposing of the bird she was eventually allowed to keep Iris with her, but as punishment for her disobedience and gall she had the wings growing from her back forcibly, and painfully, ripped off. Afterwards she was approached by the middle child of the scientist and together the two vowed to escape to the outside world, and over the course of four years they added to their numbers biding their time until plans were complete.

Crush: open

Lover: open
Name: his real name is unknown, however most of the experiments refer to him as Vermilion due to the color he always wears.

Age: 23 presumedly

Sexuality: Unknown, though he might be straight

Type: All the experiments who haven’t faced him know is that he is infused the the dna of animals far more ancient than what is normally used, aside from that it is publicly stated that he uses bombardier beetle and hawk dna.

Powers: Flame Cannon: this means he can conjure a huge jet of fire to scorch enemies, however it can strangely bypass resistances to fire and cannot be manipulated by pyrokinetic abilities. There is an odd weakness to this ability though, he cannot produce more than a certain amount of flames in a month or he risks being unable to summon any for the rest of that month.
Extreme Endurance: self explanatory, he can survive and recover from wounds that most would find grievous or fatal, however while he heals from normally fatal wounds quickly, less serious injuries take longer to heal than normal, making the drawback of his primary weapon all the more of an Achilles Heel.
He also has enhanced eyesight and hearing, at the cost of his sense of smell being all but nonexistent.

Appearance: an enigma shrouded in a vermilion coat, combat boots, and light medieval esque armor, he also hides his face with a knights helmet shaped like the head of a bird. (Note: I have an image for this, however I will not be posting it here until after a certain event because it shows what he looks like without the helmet.)

Shifted appearance: he doesn’t transform in the arenas so no one outside of his hunts know what it looks like, and all of them are either dead or are too afraid to speak about it, it’s apparently monstrous.

Height: 6’2

Shifted height: the one experiment who is willing to divulge information described it as being no more than 20 ft long, however this is likely an exaggeration produced by fear and is likely no more than half the length described.

Relatives: unknown, though it is presumed that a few of the experiments in the facility are related to him.

History: this enigma of a man showed up not long after the last escape, and quickly became an one of the most efficient and deadly chasers in the facility, easily earning his role as a head chaser. While much of his past is unknown, that is not to say his actions in the facility do not speak about the person he is, as if he is pitted against some poor soul in the area he will offer them a weapon so that they may fight him on even ground, not that it ultimately makes a difference in the end, and if the put up a good enough fight he will spare them unless ordered otherwise. He also will not allow any other chasers to accompany him on his hunts as he claims that they will interfere more often than help. As for the preferred tools that he hunts with he is never seen without his kodachi, named Empath Fange, which was forged from a fang of a previous experiment in the lab which has empathic properties, namely it’s odd property that causes him to receive any wound he inflicts on someone in exchange for growing stronger, however these wounds take far longer to heal and are strangely more painful than they normally would be. His only other duty at the facility seems to be guarding its southern gate, which he does so singlehandedly.

Crush: None

Lover: None
Name: Serena

Age: 17

Rank: Second

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Serena is a mix of Puma, belguna, and falcon. She has brown white wings, and a heightened sense of smell and sight.

Powers(Up to three): She is able to grow gills when underwater allowing her to breath, she can also do a partial shift gaining cat ears, eyes, fangs, and claws.


Height: 5'8

Weight: 112

Relatives: Lexi & Brie, Mother - Dr. Helen Clarefree, Father - Unknown

History: Serena, Lexi, and Brie are all test-tube babies, their mother not wanting to deal with the problems of human birth. She grew up in the cages with a few other kids, one being her youngest sister. While their oldest sister seemed to get to run free following their mother like the dog she was. Yeah Serena didn't care for her big sister because the girl seemed just as crazy as their mother! Serena hated this place and couldn't understand how anyone could think to torment people so much. Ever since Serena found out that that there had been a group of kids similar to them that had escaped from a different facility she has been making plans to escape. Of course she had to talk her flock leader into agreeing to try it and it hadn't been a simple task. She knew that trying to escape could come with great risk but she figured getting out of that hell hole was well worth it.

Crush: Toshi ( Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf :D )

Lover: Open

Name: Lexi

Age: 20

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power(Up to 2): Fire Manipulation

Human Appearance:SPhotoEditor-20190225_223532 (1).jpg

Shifted Appearance:night_time___the_lycanthrope_c_book_2_illustration_by_alfaluna-da1mzdj.jpg

Human Height: 5'6

Weight: 167

Shifted Height: 5'8

Relatives: Sisters - Lexi & Brie, Mother - Dr. Helen Clarefree, Father - Unknown

History: Ever since Lexi was made she felt like her mother was somewhat of a Goddess. After all, she was creating such unique life forms, so why couldn't she see her mother as such. So she follows her mother around doing any dirty work needed to be done and she is happy to be of service to Helen. When her mother decided to make herself two other children she became a bit jealous. But that jealousy subdued when she found out that they were going to be simple experiments. In Lexi's mind the Chasers were of higher stature than the stupid experiments. Least to say she still isn't fond of her sisters, because their mother does pay attention to Brie and Serena at times more than Lexi.

Crush: Open

Lover: Open now she guesses, she had one boy she loved but he ended up killed in the challenge ring by a feline Chaser(akak Terrance))

Name: Dr. Helen Clarefree

Age: 39

Sexuality: Questionable

Job Specialty: Maker


Height: 5'1

Weight: 201

Relatives: Daughters - Lexi, Serena, and Brie

History: Helen had always studied science and had always had an interest in creating better human beings. So when she graduated and began to experiment she was met with a lot of disapproval. Having to move several times to get away from people who tried to stop her crazy experimenting. But at one point some government people approached her asking her to do her crazy experimenting with their funding. Her job...creating the perfect weapons for war out of humans. She jumped at this chance and accepted it without a second thought ever since she has been creating some of the most wonderful creatures. Though there have been quite a few failures, but those never bring her down. She has even went as far as making herself a couple of daughters...

Crush: Open?

Lover: Her Work

Name: Derek

Age: 19

Rank: Fighter

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Type of Experiment(Explain what you are): He is a mix of a bat and starfish. He has a pair of large black bat wings in which he can use to fly.

Powers(Up to three): The concoction he was injected with allows him to regenerate a part of his body if it gets cut off. He is also somehow able to use his blood like a weapon. Though the more blood he uses the more he has to eat. If he doesn't eat shortly after using his blood as a weapon he will be weak.

Appearance: Screenshot_2017-08-27-20-52-51.png

Height: 6'1

Weight: 198

Relatives: He doesn't know honestly

History: Derek was 7 when he was sold by his parents for the money that was offered to them. They were in a great need of money for his mother's medical bills so he never really blamed them. But he also can't say that he was entirely okay with having been sold. And then they started experimenting on him, it was worse than any pain he had felt before. He had held hopes that his parents would come back for him once they had things settled. But after years he gave up on that hope after all they wouldn't recognize him now anyway. His hair went from black to blue and his eyes changed from blue to red due to what he had been injected with.

Crush: Open

Lover: Open


Name: Terrance Orson

Age: 16

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers(Up to 2): Animal empathy - he can sense and understand animals emotions and intentions. He can even soothe an animal if it is in the edge of attacking. There are times that he can actually read an animals mind but he needs to have been around the animal for at least a month and spirit walking - Able to send his soul out if his body and travel great distances to different places. Great for tracking people and giving messages to others.

Weakness of his powers - Sometimes an enraged animals emotions can take hold of him sending him into a fury. Mostly happened when he first discovered his powers... Also with spirit walking even though his soul can't be hurt his body if left in a coma-like state and if he is gone for more than a day in his spirit form he is likely to get stuck in a coma.

Human Appearance: 85641aabacf33cbd04bd802ac9dcbbe5.jpg

Shifted Appearance:terrance tiger form.jpg

Height: 5'9

Weight: 200

Shifted Height: 6'1

Relatives: None

History: Terrance was living in an abusive home before the state took him away finally. He was placed into a foster care but it seemed no one wanted him. After all who would want a kid with silver hair, he always cursed his silver-white hair blaming it for the reason anything bad happened to him. But when someone came saying they wished to adopt him he didn't care what the circumstances were. Even after everything went through and the people took him to the lab he was just glad to be of use to someone. The experiments they ran on him were painful but no more so than when his father used to beat him. Plus after a while...pain just sort of fades away in the background.
Crush: Brie
Lover: Brie
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Experiment CS
Name: Riley
Age: 7
Rank: Scout
Sexuality: she doesn't know yet
Type of Experiment(Explain what you are): Cheetah hybrid, Peregrine falcon
Powers(Up to three): Enhanced speed, Electrokinesis

Height: 50.5
Weight: 53.5
Relatives: None
History: Riley had a happy life until she turned 4 her parents are always traveling because of that they were in the government the accident happen when she was with her aunt she has no one her aunt was killed when the government people came to get her she lost everything to the government they experiment on her ever since she was 4 all she wants freedom and someone to care for her she looks up to Juliette and Derek she tends to fall a lot she still a child so she tends to be playful with her group
Crush: nothing yet
Lover: nothing yet

Name: Brieanna
Age: 13 turning 14 soon
Rank: Healer
Sexuality: Bi
Type of Experiment(Explain what you are):
Penguin Hybrid and bird hybrid
Powers(Up to three):
Telepathic, breathing underwater, Empathetic Touch

Height: 5,0
Weight: 90
Relatives: mother Dr. Helen Clarfree father Unknown Sister Lexi and Serena
History: Bri was born in the laboratory with her sisters Lexi and Serena Bri hates her mother and Lexi her big sister roam free while she stuck in a cage she has a soft spot for her mother and Lexi she doesn't know why she lost her ability to see so know she has good hearing due to losing the ability to see she loves Serena even though she can be a little strict overprotective of her
Crush: Open
Lover: Open
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Name: Avery
Age: 4
Rank: Scout
Sexuality: she doesn't know
Type of Experiment(Explain what you are): shark/ dragon
Powers(Up to three): breath fire, she can breathe underwater for a long time
Height: 39.5
Weight: 34.0
Relatives: Raven (mom) Dorian (dad)
History: TBR
Crush: none
Lover: none
Name: Valentino Grimtine
Age: 29
Occupation: Medical Doctor
History: Valentino had always been fascinated with herbs, so he made it his hobby to study up on them and find their weak and strong points especially when combined. As he got older he decided to become a doctor while also trying to introduce more healthy solutions to peoples problems. However, things weren't working well since his solutions weren't like those of normal doctors. When the Verntal Company contacted him saying that he was exactly what they were looking for and that they could help his research of medicines expand and grow to help the world he signed up almost instantly. Soon though he was introduced to the horrors of the Verntal Company coming to find out that they were actually experimenting on humans and creating all sorts of creatures for war. He was stuck there unable to back out and only able to accept the job in order to try and help the experiments who were always put through so much pain and suffering.
Appearance: Screenshot_2017-07-24-19-12-28.png

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