Our Creed (assassins creed fandom)


Dakiest Dak their is
If you are looking at this then, something peaked your interest. Then read on, you might like it. If you don't know about assassin's creed, play the game, but if you don't care and want it spoiled then I will post a link to a site that will spoil it. I don't recommend this, because it is a very good game and you don't want to spoil it. I haven't given any major spoilers if you have only played certain games of the Assassins creed franchise.

This is only a idea, I am working on refining it. So read on.


An old man sits at a table, in the corner of the room. No one has ever paid him any attention. But today their is something in the air today. “Ah you care to hear about the creed.” No one could make out his face with his hood over cast. “Well then come, sit down and hear my many tales. It all began with one artifact. a piece of eden."

He began to have a flash back. “Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad was an assassin, working for, well, the assassins. He was one of the masters of our creed. He was the one, that started the chain of events that would lead to the events unfolding today. he found a piece of eden... An apple.” He took a sip of his water. “ This apple would show him things that, at the time, were thought of as demons. He was banished from our creed.”

“He didn’t resurface till many years later, when he took control of the order. The apple was hidden for many years after that. The fight with the templars raged on. To this day we still fight them. Their name has changed. What was once templars, are the face of a major corporation. And the assassins now hide in the darkness, for the only way to keep the light is to fight from the darkness.” He took a sip from his water again. “ After a vast amount of time, one other Grand master of our creed, that would shape our creed is a nobleman from florence, Italy. His name was Ezio Auditore da Firenze.”

“Ezio would find another piece of eden... well, he wouldn’t find it, but it would in his possession, for a good amount of time. He would change the face of the assassin’s, by upgrading the art of killing people. He would introduce... well, lets not get into detail. He lead the assassins against the templars.” He played with one of his fingers, it had a burn mark on it. “ The assassins wouldn’t surface till the colonial period.”

“After comes Ratonhnhaké:ton, or known by many as Conner. He was half british, and half native american. He had a set list of, well, targets. This was during the revolution. He would become a major part of the war... But you don’t want to hear war stories. You want to hear about the assassins. He had find a major artifact form the ancients, but he didn’t care for it,he sought peace.”

The hooded figure got up. “Well, my friends it is time that I go. I have work that needs to be done and very little time to do it” He got up, but a slight clanging noise could be heard from his forearms. “ But before I go remember, nothing is true, but everything is permitted.” The figure left.

Welcome to Our Creed. A fandom of assassin’s creed. In this RP you will be an assassin on the streets of the modern day world. Their will be one person to control either the side of the assassins or the templars. If you are familiar with the game assassins creed, then sign up. If you aren’t well then I haven’t spoiled anything, and also join at your own risk. Spoilers might follow.

This is only the base of my idea. I am working on crafting it into a refined idea. But if you like it leave a comment, if you don’t say what you don’t and I will try and craft it into something you might wanna join.
well people are looking at it, I am working on it. I am close. Plus I have heard that they are just wondering how it would work.

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