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Fandom Our Bizarre Adventure (JJBA OC X CANON)

Stitches and Patchwork

The Cheese Knees
Hello there

My name is Stitches. I am a hopeless romantic and OC/Canon trash, and have recently have been craving to do a roleplay based on the series, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.

I am currently in the middle of rewatching the anime after quite a while and have not had a chance to read the manga yet but I do certainly plan to.

That said, I have an idea for roleplays I’d love to try out so with that said, let’s get this show on the road.

About Me
•I am a literate roleplayer who tries to put at least a paragraph or two per character in reply.

•My time zone is Mountain Time and I currently am in school so I may be offline for a portion of the day during the week.

•My replies can be slow or quick depending on my mood. If I am truly invested in the roleplay, I’ll do my best to write a few ooc replies at least once a day. If I disappear for a day, feel free to give me a poke.

•I adore ooc chatter so while I may take a while with roleplay replies, if you ever want to discuss ideas, headcanons, memes, or life, please feel free to message me!

•I have a preference for playing female characters seeing as I myself am female so my protagonist would likely be female. That said, I am perfectly fine with playing male characters while doubling if you would wish.

•I’m very LGBTQ+ friendly so I’m up for roleplaying any pairing! Just as long as I can at least play a girl on my side.

•I’m a sucker for playing multiple characters. I adore group dynamics and exploring simply one relationship can get boring to me. So I am mostly definitely up for doubling, tripling, etc. with the most that I have played so far being 7 characters per person.

•Faceclaim wise, I prefer using anime or art but I am up for using real life faceclaims if you can convince me.

•Please be able to write at least a paragraph per character. The more material the better.

•Please understand that I’ll be expecting both of us to play multiple characters. Do not pm me expecting that I’ll roleplay just your protagonist’s love interests and that’s it.

•Do not make this roleplay all about your character. It gets quite irritating when it feels like my characters and such can’t contribute to the plot as much as your’s. This can also suck in ooc when one simply focus on their characters and makes everything feel a bit one sided.

•Please be willing to chat in ooc. I know it’s silly but it really comforts me in knowing my partner is as enthusiastic about this as I am.

•The password is your favorite color if you have read this far. I will not reply to comments or pms that do not mention it.

•While these roleplays will have romantic subplots, please understand that I do not want that to be the focus of the roleplay! This is meant to be an adventure filled not only with romance but angst, drama, friendship, and chaos. Let’s have fun with that!

•If we bring in any sort of darker themes, understand that I’ll expect them to be handled properly. If you only bring up dark themes for the sake of angst, bringing unnecessary attention to your character in an inappropriate manner, and handling them improperly.

•If anyone wants, I’m most definitely up for making this into a small group roleplay. Please state in your comment or pm whether you’d prefer for this to remain simply 1x1 or to be a small group.

•If you do not have a character prepared, that is completely fine. I don’t have characters completely prepared either and absolutely adore creating characters together and bouncing ideas off of each other, so please don’t feel stressed when approaching me. I’m not Dio... I think.

Now for the fun part.

Plot wise, I was thinking of perhaps starting from one of the earlier parts like Part 1 or 2 and roleplaying through each part with different OCs. In a sense, we go through the anime but with own characters and couples (preferably OC/Canon but I’m up for OC/OC) and see how they’d impact the plot.

It definitely will need some discussion especially when planning out the latter parts considering how there’s often recurring characters in them but I would love to try this out and how we can have fun with this already entertaining storyline.

While I am greatly craving this idea, if the idea of going through all the parts though is intimidating, I’m fine with just focusing on one and making a story out of that though it may need some convincing.

That said, if you are interested, please pm me or comment below and I look forward to interacting with all of you!

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