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Realistic or Modern Otto's Pub // Characters


Not Drawn to Scale
Otto's Pub
I trust you all, and I know most of you. I'm sure some of you are busy with finals, too. So, make your CS with as much or as little information as you want, make it look as fancy or as simple as you want. Worst case scenario, we end up with a bare character sheet and you end up developing your character through the roleplay. That's your problem.

That being said- age, occupation, gender, some personality info and a picture, at least.

designed by Fyuri
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( d a y a n a r a )


.:|| Persona ||:.
How easy it would be to shove her under a title. Maybe "tomboy." But tomboys can't be cheerleaders. And cheerleaders aren't supposed to swear. And people that swear don't have good grades.
No—in truth, she does what she wants to. If she doesn't want to do something, she simply doesn't do it. Daya is independent to a point where she feels insulted if offered help.
Though quite emotional at times, she is abnormally abrasive. She constantly avoids looking as if she adores someone... even if that really is the case. If a situation becomes "sappy," she's the first one to change the subject and make it clear she was "just joking."
Her humour is sharp, and her insults sharper. While in public she may be polite, but her name-calling is unfiltered—even down-right brutal—around her friends. She uses a great many offensive terms in jest, however absolutely never in seriousness. No, if she's truly angry, she insults character; digging under her victim's skin with back-handed comments and incredibly personal remarks.



.:|| n a m e ||:.
Dayanara Riz Martinez

.:|| n i c k n a m e ||:.

.:|| a g e ||:.
20 (I know, I know, you clod—let me be a rebel pft)

.:|| g e n d e r ||:.

.:|| s e x u a l i t y ||:.

.:|| o c c u p a t i o n ||:.



.:|| h e i g h t ||:.
5' 3"

.:|| w e i g h t ||:.

.:|| h a i r ||:.

.:|| e y e s ||:.

.:|| n o t i c a b l e - m a r k s ||:.
Light Freckles

.:|| s k i n - t o n e ||:.

.:|| e t h n i c - h i s t o r y ||:.
Latin(Specifically Brazil)

"Don't be a pussy. Life isn't short. It's the longest thing you'll ever do."
Sydney Oseto

Name: Sydney Oseto
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Ethnicity: Japanese; third-generation immigrant
Occupation: Florist

Face Claim: Nana Komatsu
Voice Claim: Kimiko Glenn (x)
Height: 5'2''
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Black
Skin: Light
Identifying Features: Quick hands that move in small, controlled ways. They have calluses and a lot of small scratches.

Boy, I can't see / Everything in front of me / But baby I'm ready to go
-Rebel estranged from her family
-Dropped out of university to go to an accredited floral arrangement school - and is coming out on top of her loans
-Works at Roget Flowers with two older, more experienced florists
-Wants to get out and start her own shop

-Blogs about cooking, collects geodes, and plays with her cat when she's not working
-Apartment is full of plants and super stocked with food

-Says exactly what she means, and to her credit, is pretty diplomatic
-Don't call her delicate, or imply that something's out of her capabilities
-Smiles at strangers
-Pretty generous and sweet, even if she doesn't know you very well
-Likes to give her friends and partners gifts (little boutonnieres, if not practical things)

-Open to adventure and experimenting, particularly in the kitchen and flower shop
-Prone to cutting people off (or at least putting distance between them) when angry enough with them

-Good at identifying flowers and bugs
-Rearranges things when bored
-Loves rain and holidays

code by pasta

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco she's finished!

EDIT: beware hidden scrolling in the non-accordion text box.
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