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Active [Otenzal] A Night of Unspoken Truths


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
  • Pacing will be once every three/four days to every other day. Depending on how many people actually join as well as overall manageable pace and total duration up to two months (depending on how fast it goes).
  • Should others join later on, multiple posts between narration rounds will be allowed. No double-posting or moving the scene (adding major NPC's, changing time, resolving matters, etc.) though.
  • This RP will be an entirely social based interaction, and won't be including combat or advanced rules mechanics.
Tags and character Goals:
Giftvi Giftvi - Minerva Rhea Albero - Obtain asset [Cassius Acerronia’s Friendship F] and a Villa Urbana of her own through such. [Equivalent to Townhouse and paid through points gained through narrative]
Elvario Elvario - Zahrah Fiore - Will be performing at this Villa Urbana for either a tour set their foot in the door for Otenzal, or whatever personal reason may surface. Due to being a construct is very much being treated as an amusement firstly by guests.
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday - Valen 'Val' Rerin - Who could have been invited as a passing interest by nobles seeking entertainment, a plus one by someone who wanted to introduce him to other nobles, or potentially snuck his way into the gathering after obtaining some Otenzian garb.

Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas


As evening was beginning to slowly envelop the coast, and the sun began to pass across the western front leaving the beauty of the grace on the horizon with shades of pinks, orange and purples. A beautiful start of the banquet which was to make its beginnings, as many a cooks made their way through the kitchen, finishing the meals of the owner of the villa, master Cassius Acerronia.

Whilst on the other hand beastman servants, made their rounds throughout to clean every surface of the Villa. To make certain not a speck of dust covered the carpets or other furniture, nor dirt was to be found on the intricately carved and decorated tilings. As well sweating through the heat, as they moved the large wooden stage in the garden on which the planned entertainment would show off their talents to the guests.

The distinction between who were servants and what were slaves was very apparent upon sight, even though none of the beastkin owned by this particular noble were on the beastial side. Rather the 'breed' as often was called also referred to as Animale-Subumano, things others may call 'neko' or other offshoots of beastkin whose ancestry had been muddied to be barely recognisable, yet still treated as slaves nonetheless by the slave collars around their necks.

Slowly guests began to gather, either early, exactly upon time or fashionably late. Many of them carrying a variety of different meals prepared by their own cooks brought here in pans, platters or wrapped in cloth if possible or required and carried by slaves. Immediately it was apparent as well on just how exotic these nobles liked their dishes in occassions such as this. As all stops where pulled out even for these lesser nobility, whether gentry, moderately ranking members of the various clergies, or moderately ranking members of the merchant's guild within the Otenzal.

The dishes were the oddest things such as a pickled Kuridan parrot tongues served upon a platter with a gathering of fine fruits recently gathered from the orchards surrounding Otenzal, where one can question the amount of parrots it would have required to fulfill. A dish of salted salmon where the Otenzian Empire meets the northern sea, seasoned with royal jelly from the few species of bee still preserved from the boreal forests which were wiped out during the war. Smoked wyvern meat cured with various spices and laced with goat cheese from the Paizu Mountains.

All of these fine folk were dressed garish and well cleaned Otenzian garnments which consisted of toga's and many various jewellery pieces such as precious metal necklaces, rings or bracellets. Coverred with many gemstones or finely cut rare minerals.

Minerva Rhea Albero

Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]​

Among the crowd, singularly not being followed or accompanied by a servant or slave at her side in this moment would be a finely dressed and imacutely gorgeous woman to an extent one would wonder if she was a perfectly chiseled statue given life. Whomst would be standing taller then some of the men even here, her posture upright and dignified as she gazed across the gathering of nobility as if judging their position only with this singular glance. On whoever she was actually interested to make conversation with, or who she was fully in her right to ignore.

Rather then ant finely carved dish, she herself carried in a woven basket an oversized bottle of red wine whose top had been sealed off with sealing wax commonly used for opening letters or such kind and imprinted upon with the symbol of the Albero family, a reaping scythe used within farming under a circular bright sun. Placing it down upon the banquet table which had no seats, but rather many of the bottles and platters brought to or prepared within this villa along with glasses to pour within. As she looked towards one of the other noble who was closest to her in the moment.

The older man perhaps in his later fourties, but certainly still younger then here, whom looked upon her with a matter of deigned surprise yet not an apparent unwelcomeness underneath his half cocked smile. ["How wonderful to see you joining the festivities, I don't believe we've met before."] Giving a light courtesy bow as Minerva caught his eyes glancing downward with staring look yet did not interrupt as he continues ["A pleasure to meet you, please know me by Pausanias Salluci."] She couldn't help but almost groan, but withheld herself of course, as she gave a courtesy bow back to the man. ["And a pleasure to meet you as well, Minerva Albero will suffice for my sake, indeed we had not before. I have only merely begun to try and find my way in this city. So it is always lovely to meet new companionship."]

Of course she knew what sort of spindel she had begun to spun by saying such words to this vapid old man, however such thoughts had long since entered his mind likely. So to crush his fantasies would be such a rude thing to partake in, rather to prolong his hopefulness that something may bear fruit from his efforts. As she looked Pasuanias in the eyes, bearing the brunt of it, whilst struggling to not let her gaze wander too much just yet across the garden to see whomever else made their way across to here, and where her target for the night himself may be situated.
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Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

It'd been a while since they had been in the East Empire. Last time around, they joined the [Mile High Club of Happiness] and then crashed along with an airship that'd been captured by some mean folk. Their precious cotton had gotten soaked and they'd barely floated ashore. This time, however, they'd come here on even more fun business.

After all, they were researching their ability to make people happy by being an idol! What better place to start than the place hated by most folk? Beasts hated them cause they enslaved them, Fae due to the war. So clearly the East Empire would have many sad people, to be so hated, to go and make happy. As always, their logic was utterly flawless.

Then again, they were pretty confused almost instantly. There didn't seem to be much of a stage, there were no fans waiting to meet and greet... Hmm. Odd. This was very different than how Ophenia's concerts seemed to go. Did they do it wrong? They figured they'd better just go and ask someone. “Inee, meanie, miny moo, catch a bugfix by the toe...” They went. “I gotta ask and to you I go!” They'd continue, pointing around the room until their finger landed upon Minerva. From a distance, she seemed to be speaking Terran, so they'd adjust.

“[Hello there madam! Destiny just decided that you and I should meet! I'm Zahrah Fiore, researcher of happiness, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing and Understudy. I was asked to perform here, but I'm confused. There doesn't seem to be a stage or anything, or fans, is this ehh... mister Cassius Acerronia's place? ]”
Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas
Late Evening



As Zahrah walked into the garden or also referred to as the 'peristyle' of this magnificent villa, indeed compared to the levels of grandeur that Ophenia had received in past concerts the wooden platform which stood there was quite small in comparison. Honestly, depending on how much they were confident of themselves, it could seem far too triffle to be the actual concert stage that they would have to be performing at.

Nonetheless in this garden of beauty, which stood upon the clifface looking yonder to the eastern seas it was still an impressive sight to stand upon perhaps, as all would look towards you, lest they turn their back towards you.
The peristyle itself was rectangular in shape, where central to the entire of it stood a large fountain of marble stone inset with mosaic stonework at the bottom and rising out of it beautiful marbles statues numbering four representing some of the gods which were revered across the Otenzian Empire. Marble statues which seemed to rather then having been placed inside of the fountain were rather magically melded to become one whole with it.

Around it various horiculture of plants found within the tropical center of the Otenzian Empire stood alongside rare species grown within this latitude in the See of Chearon as well as the Ororoot Empire. Along with a few species more accustomed to harsher climates down south and up north, creating an artificial mishmash which was most aesthetically pleasing.

At the far edge of this rectangular garden furthest away from where the villa itself, where the largest banquet table stood along with Minerva and now approaching Zahrah, was the actual wooden platform, where one would overlook the coast if looking past where Zahrah would be standing.

Minerva Rhea Albero

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Surya Half-elf, Otenzian Nobility
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]
Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Minerva would look with a curiosity at Zahrah as they approached her, as they clearly stood out from the crowd in every single facet they could. With an almost comically strange attire which she herself would not know where to place even. From having to make an assumption perhaps Widersia would have been the place of origin. After all ever since they had defected the country had in such a short span been lauded as slowly arising to some of the strangest cultural shifts the world had ever seen before.

Of course that didn't mean her interest hadn't been piqued at all, nor that she minded this slight intrusion of Zahrah breaking the social boundaries. After all they were a foreigner who wouldn't know any better, and they were being oh so helpful in hopefully getting away from this sorry state of a man. And in all earnesty, Minerva almost though they should be applauded for being capable of speaking such a fluent and beautiful Terran.

Minerva returned the warm smile that Zahrah likely beamed from miles away, "[Oh that's quite mouthful there, how curious. You must have been very diligent so far in your life to carry such a repetoire of names I presume then. Might I shorten it to just Zahrah though? To repeat such would be quite cumbersome I think.]" Giving a slight chuckle to alleviate any remaining as she said so herself, "[But no you're quite correct there, this is the home of Cassius. Though sadly I'm not well acquianted to know myself what the situation might be regarding that, the two of us can search for him together perhaps and make certain everything is sorted out?]"

Saying so fully intent on killing two birds with one stone in this fun little 'twist of destiny' that they referred to. Minerva looked for a moment towards the gentleman who stood besides her, who himself had a slightly mixture of flabbergast and irritation from the intrusion which was quickly submerged once more to keep a good modicum of respectful stature. "[Well I must say... I suppose they are the performancer of arts who was invited by Cassius himself. I would love to continue this conversation on a later note on this evening though of course.]" The man seeming intent or hopeful enough that the conversation wasn't entirely cut short at this very moment, but perhaps not wishing to overstep any boundaries, or not knowing how to necesarrily in this situation without of course presenting himself in a crude manner. If Zahrah was to accept Minerva's proposition that is.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
It was just a small break from all the adventuring. After the last few jobs of labour and dungeon crawling, Valen had decided to accept a minor quest from the guild. Just escort a minor noble to a banquet filled with various nobles of the Eastern Empire. He was looking forward to a time of just watching nobles get drunk and he could have a quiet night of a few drinks. Yet he soon saw that what he had signed up for was not necessary guard duty. No no, he was here to provide entertainment.

He was dragged around by the noble, wearing the ridiculous garb of the land. A white toga worn over some leather armor. The belted garment reminding him of just a very fine sheet that one would put on a cot. He smiled and gave bits and pieces, all the time trying to find a way to get away from his boss of the night. He did eventually, and was now wandering the party. Admiring the fountain with the various gods of the land melded together in the fountain. He looked at the fountain with yellow eyes before making his way to the main banquet table and helping himself to the local cuisine.

He was mid bite into some sort of salmon when he saw Zahrah speaking to some woman. Valen muttered a curse and turned about hoping Zahrah did not see him. He was not looking forward to the chaos they brought and the energy they had.
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

“[Yes! I've been in a lot of places for my happiness research and these title things just got stuck as a result! Of course Zahrah is enough!]” They'd reply, seeing no reason why more would be needed. Oddly enough the lady didn't give them her name in turn, but life was like that sometimes.

“[Searching him together? That'd be great! I don't even know what to look for and I think it'd be bad for happiness if I just started appraising people one by one~]” They'd state, happy to accept the invitation.

Tilting their head, they'd observe Minerva a bit more closely. (Eyes have multiple pupillary formations resulting in a star-like shape.) “[You're got pretty eyes. How did they get like that? Is that a natural thing?]” Luckily for Valen, they hadn't noticed him. Not yet at least.
Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas
Late Evening



Prokopios Patoutsis
The man who had accompanied Valen was a noble by the name of Prokopios Patoutsis. He was of short stature, standing at about 5'6'' only, and commanded not a regal presence of any kind. Yet he was by all means egalitarian in visage and how he held himself, and nor did he give Valen much time to himself during the party for a long time. Indeed partially it seemed like the man's intent was a source of entertainment, but also in a strange sense to have an easy jumping point of conservation with anyone he spoke to, due to the strange plus one who he carried at his side.

It became even actually quite quickly apparent what the man Valen had been brought with was invited for in regards this party, and it was certainly not for his... regal bloodline or anything of such accord. But rather due to his connections with the country of Ryke, explaining as to why he had send out the request through such channels in the first place. A man who hailed from the city or 'polis' of Pesaro, a small yet important trading location which had originally been a military town positioned close to the Brenner Pass before the Great War. Before due turning into the grander city is was now, as it possessed some of the most direct trading routes now these last 50 years or so with Ryke, due to the pass which through cut the southern Paizu mountainrange.

Many of these lesser nobles or merchants of influence within Otenzal were all too interested in widening their range of influence to more northern reaches after all. And perhaps Cassius himself as well, for whatever his own personal reasons were.

As Valen cut away through the thin crowd midst a more active conversation, stepping away out of sight with his acute skill in going unnoticed at moments when he most wanted such. It wasn't clear what the conversation so far had been about for him, as he had little skill in reading lips nor was his hearing as acute as his eyesight. But the general energy of the conversation was perhaps apparent enough for him.

The statues which stood wihin the fountain itself specifically were exactly some of the gods which he could recognise, as much of a bookworm he was back in his previous life, he might have given a quant few reads upon greek mythos or potentially how roman mythos took large inspirations from such. The gods which seemed to be given revenerence within this household, or which visually appealed the most to Cassius seemed to be Mercury, Venus, Apollo and Jupiter.

Minerva Rhea Albero

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Surya Half-elf, Otenzian Nobility
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]​

Minerva gave a warm smile back towards Pausanias, in a manner which was as earnest seeming as it could be for her efforts at the moment as she looked down upon the man, figuratively and literally as they stood so close to one another. "[Of course, if you would be so welcoming, I hope I'll be able to make time for such in the near future if not tonight still, to plan a meeting of proper accord. I hope you'll be able to make time yourself as well for the invitation when the opportunity arises.]" Giving a courtesy nod towards him after saying so, "[Of course my lady Albero. We'll see then when time is proper.]" After saying such the man began to depart first with the cordial resolution reached. And so her gaze fell upon Zahrah once more, now they were given a 'modicum of privacy', though of course many eyes were upon the two of them. Such a fact was very clear. "[Thank you for the patience, such matters need to be resolved quickly after all. I was so preoccupied I forgot to give my own name even, Minerva Rhea Albero. And that would be it, far shorter then yours as you can see.]"

Giving slight pause Minerva would look across the other people who stood closeby, giving a slightly glance towards Valen who would by all measures stand out sorely, as if wearing pink in a group of people who would all be wearing white. Before returning to look at Zahrah. The warm smile which did not show her teeth remaining constant. "[Oh well thank you, I'm glad we agree, since I'm fond of them myself, they're from my father. And I must say, I certainly have never seen such a fashion choice before, but the colours really suit you and stitching is of quality make. But indeed that would be quite rude, I think I can find him if I see him.]"

Beginning to give a small jaunt in her step as she would begin to make her way through the garden, standing closer to the railings, as even with how busy it had been so far, visually it was quite clear he was not within immediate sight. Though she had never met the man on personal footing, she had seen Cassius in a prior gathering seperate rom the rest. Unapproachable for her and the rest, and certainly she had no doubt that many still gave a respectable burth around the man to not interrupt whatever conversation he might be holding at this moment. Though she would stop, if Zahrah gave any pause, whether due to Valen or something else.

Meanwhile as Valen stood around the feast, feeling quite isolated from the gathering as a whole, as people continued their conversations as a whole or gave him momentary glances as if out of curiosity, or now due to the fact he was not with the man who brought him here out of confusion as to what he may have been doing here. Valen would see as among the crowd of many a nobles, slowly the sorry state of a few beastman slaves, whose necks had been collared would be walking around with jugs of wine to be poured out into the cups of any guest whom did not cover the cup with the palm of their hand.

Showcasing the ugly sight which this conglomeration of possessing such wealth meant for this nation, as besides Valen a man stepped up to stand beside him and take a small fingerful grab of the salmon himself before looking towards Valen.

"Do you speak Terran, you don't seem to be from anywhere around here after all, and I am guessing you're from Ryke due to the clothes you are wearing. I don't wanna be so rude to just speak to you in gibberish from the get go after all." Curiously speaking in common compared to most of the men here who had been speaking Otenzian with Valen, and in an accent which was an odd one to hear of all things, because it certainly wasn't any Otenzian Empire accent Valen must have ever heard before.
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

They didn't mind eyes on them, not in the slightest, but they did get a bit puzzled why Minerva seemed to still be stuck on the names. “[Well, my name is Zahrah Fiore, the rest are titles, but it seems like for you, those three are all names, so you'd have the longer name, right?]” They'd ask. “[That said, happy to meet you miss Minerva Rhea Albero~]” They'd reply, now having an actual name to use.

“[You got your father's eyes?!?]” They were shocked at first. That must've been a rather weird operation. Pulling out the man's eyes and stuffing it into her eye-sockets. Until their cotton brain recalled genetics existed. “[Ohhhh, you mean genetically?]” That would make more sense. Right? Then again, there was a lot of weird magic and stuff here, so perhaps it was literally.

“[It's idol fashion! I learned it from...]” For a short moment, they had a burst of impossibly high-ranking self-awareness. Mentioning a Fae hero in an East Empire gathering? Not the brightest idea. That'd be stupid, even by their (presumably) low standards. “[... mother! She's an artisan in Ryke!]” That at least explained the fashion parts. Perhaps not the idol part, but that could be left aside. “[I can make you a similar outfit, if you'd want!]” They offered. Somehow, they had still not noticed Valen.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
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Valen munched slowly, narrowing his eyes as he wondered why Zahrah was here...actually Zahrah was more a force of nature. Unpredictable and a force felt by all. He was not surprised Zahrah would be at such a event. But why did it have to be the one where he was at?! Valen chewed the food in his mouth slowly as he truly contemplated if he made a mistake taking this job. Yet the sweet succulent taste in his mouth from the food. The burst of flavour...yeah it was worth it. Valen hummed as he looked around, his eyes finding Prokopios int he crowd and watching him for a bit. Even though Valen was brought like a glorified, he couldn't hide from his employer forever. He was expected to make sure to defend him in case anything went awry or if he drank too much...get him out of there. A unfortunate situation could lead to a bad mark on reputation for the lesser merchant...noble. One of the two.

Honestly with the language barrier, it was hard to tell what people were speaking of. They could have been insulting him for all he knew, and he would just smile back. WIth these kind of folk, better to play dumb. Just smile and nod...until a voice spoke to him. A fellow salmon enjoyer. Valen looked at the man for a second and then tilted his head after swallowing "No I do not. Though always looking to improve." Valen looked down at his cloths. "...I was hired to guard a man, yet wanted give the culture here respect..thus this toga over my armor." Valen looked at the enslaved beastmen. A slight narrow of his eyes but then looking over at the man. "How bad is it? Insulting the host's honor with this sorry state of dress?" He gave a small grin.
Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas
Late Evening



Walking across the garden they look out on the western edge, if looking right one would see the coastline, but if one looked straight ahead and to the left they would see below them where the bay spread out. Where Otenzal made itself proper. Once evening would begin to hit, and slowly the light across the horizon would vanish under the western horizon, it would be filled with thousands of pricks of light. As dozens of servants and slaves would walk the night roads of Otenzal, filling the oil lamps which had been constructed at the sides of the road a few decades ago now. Though for now the city could was still visible in all of its glory. A slight cliff blocking off the view as you were to look deeper towards the city proper, making most of the Bay Area itself only visible. So whilst the view was stellar, it was far from perfect. Reminding that though this was a collection of aristocrats, none of them had such affluence to make deals with senators or maybe ever reach the eyes of the Emperor himself.

As they walked by, some eyes still continued to be on Zahrah, such was obvious. Yet overall removed from the center of the peristyle it wasn't any quieter, but it was still a little more private from preying eyes.

Minerva Rhea Albero

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Fae, Surya Half-elf, Otenzian Nobility
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario
Minerva's slow walk across the stone halted, as she gave a confused look towards Zahrah, who's shocked reprisal back towards her when Minerva had said she had her father's eyes put her quite off-kilter. “[Genetically? Mm, yes, that would be right… The other thought you must have had in mind was quite a gruesome one there. Though then again with the miracles of divine intervention or someone gifted enough it would be possible… I'm shocked that was your first thought, though~.]” Yet as she spoke, the tone was anything but of someone who had taken offense or found it uncomfortable. Rather, with how insightful Zahrah was towards the minor nuances of someone's expression and body posture, it was quite apparent she was just enjoying the conversation as something which was odd but also amusing. Before quickly returning to the other topic at hand, one which genuinely seemed to puzzle her more than the idea of that having been Zahrah's first thought. “[But what do you mean Idol?]” She muttered out of her lips, taking a short pause as if she was trying to gather a sufficient response. “[Sorry, the term… I've heard it before, it was being used in common in a fashion I had never heard before. But I can't recall what it was about again. You wouldn't be referring to an idol in the sense of a… being used for worship to a god, right? I mean, I know I am not informed of every religion here upon this continent, but I scantly recall there being one whose uniform was so unique.]” Giving slight pause to hear Zahrah's response there. Comparatively to before, when Zahrah had read Minerva, who in conversation seemed to pick a good amount of her words with care. This question was quite honest, straightforward, and out of curiosity. Even if it seemed to delegate into obscure oddness due to either a grave misunderstanding or a serious lack of any such “idol” culture even having actually spread over towards the Otenzian Empire before.

Whereas on the topic of wanting one as well, Zahrah might think she didn't seem to be purposefully avoiding the question. More that her attention or interest had been entirely elsewhere to really ponder such at the moment, as the conversation still wasn't all too long. And as for Zahrah's sight of Valen, lest Zahrah would see Valen in the first few moments of stepping away, due to the large crowd of individuals between him and them now it was unlikely that Valen would be seen. Even if he stood out quite a bit there. Though it was still possible, as they moved along and folk moved to the side, for a moment here or there.


Mention: Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
The man in front of him took no waste of time to also try some salmon laced with royal jelly himself, as Valen tried such with obvious glee on his face from the taste of it. "Thank goodness, I am glad I began with common. And understandable of course, it's a tricky language with the amount of vowels used in places you honestly wonder what the people who made it were up to. And as for that question…” He said as he looked Valen up and down for a good few seconds there, “If you appreciate honesty… It's kind of a sorry state to look at. But knowing Cassius for the little time I have now? Nah, probably not. He'd probably be bemused, as long as you are honest on whose behest you're here.” Giving a solid grin back towards him, as his look towards Valen was not at all one of the curiosity and playfulness which most of the other men here seemed to have been giving him. “Honestly, I'm more surprised you aren't sweating yourself to death under all of that. But where are my manners, Anar… eh… How to pronounce it. Anargyros Ikonomos. Whose company may I be, sharing?” He said as he held out his hand to shake with Valen.
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Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

They were shocked by Minverva's shock. “[Gruesome? Really? Yeah! Divine and healers and stuff! Doesn't this world have some really fancy healing magic and the likes? I'm sure just scooping them out and healing it or putting in someone magic ones in its stead wouldn't be too difficult. I'm not sure why you'd want to do so, but, you know~]” They'd reply surprisingly cheerful for what they were saying. “[Then again, the genetical way sounds better for happiness~]” They nodded sagely.

“[An Idol is someone dedicated to making people happy through song and dance! They also can do things like building fan-clubs, giving out signatures and ehhh... I forgot the rest. I'll ask the one I studied with when I see her again! Anyhow, they're really great for happiness! So I want to become one too! That's why I'm performing here as well!]” They'd give their flawless explanation.

They tilted their head at idol worship. “[I guess some people worship idols, though that isn't the goal. Although, I met a fertility goddess not that long ago! I was with this blue horny bovine lady, Giovanna, a shirtless horny man, Dreayth, a man dedicating to looking for old stuff or something, Valen and a really wise man that did invention things, Erich! We went into some sort of theatre and I ate a tiny glass turtle and could hear the voice of the fertility goddess I saw visions of her!]” They explained. “[Also, I'm pretty sure there would be at least some deities dedicated to lust, pleasure, fertility or other things like that somewhere, right? They'd have to be even more scantly clad, so it's not that bad!]” It seemed they had entirely misunderstood the usage of 'scantly' right in that sentence.
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Valen idly looked around, trying to see his boss through the crowd. He hummed in response to Anargyos. "True, yet that is what gives it that unique flow over others. Would not mind learning it on my own time." He scratched his chin and he said more to himself "Maybe I should pick up some books while I am in this land." He then paused ad looked at the man raising a eyebrow "Well I suppose I am lucky I am not looking to play politics or gain the favour of a noble here. And well if we must have someone to blame let it be a man called Prokopios. He could have prepared me more for the evening." He grumbled the last part as he looked around at the guests in their cloths. Sure he stood out, but he at least had something that offered a little protection in case anything happened. He only knew little of this land and did not know what to quite expect.

"Valen, a pleasure." He shook the hand of the man and looked at him. A somewhat confused expression on his own face before giving a small grin back. "Just a relic hunter and adventurer, somewhat sweaty but manageable. What is your profession?" He looked over the crowd "Curious, what does Cassius even looks like? Where is he in this crowd?"
Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas
Late Evening



Minerva Rhea Albero

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Fae, Surya Half-elf, Otenzian Nobility
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario
Minerva's expression took two sudden turns, nor yet was it for the worse either, as indeed it seemed her interest lingered for further onward as they talked. Once where her curiosity seemed to overtake her, yet one where displeasure seemed to a less pleasant thought or something.

Whatever words that Zahrah spoke which triggered such would be faint and hard to catch lest they had specifically paid attention to such at the moment after all. But there was a glint to her starry eyes. A glimmer of light which sparkled, figuratively speaking.

“[I've never heard of the occurrence, after all often one could cure blindness were it due to sickness, or recent injuries, though I suppose even magic can be fickle if something is a natural-born impairment. So there could be some point to taking such steps I suppose, or did you think of something different then?]” Though staring at Zahrah for a moment as their expression seemed to be of one who seemed so convinced of their own judgement as they nodded away in the thought of genetically it being better for happiness. Whatever her thought was at that moment, she would keep it to herself.

“[Ah, okay, I think I get you know. Hmm, the closest comparison to what meant when you speak of an idol would be a performer of the arts, such as famed actors who participate in the elaborate pieces at the Amphitheatre. Famed Athletes best in their field who show their skill in front of hundreds, nay thousands. Or poets and story writers who weave ballads and tales.]” Minerva rebutted, as she explained a more Otenzian ideal of an idol. Diverged far from whatever Zahrah themselves spoke of.

“[As for… The last part, well, sometimes the deities of whatever pantheon decide they wish to intervene in mortal affairs. Many can be as whimsical as us, after all. So I am not to say exactly surprised, but that it wasn't a response I was expecting is for certain, that it is an amusing tale cannot be denied though. One worthy to make a ballad of. I myself am not much of a performer of arts, though I love it dearly, mayhap I missed a proper adviser though?]” Minerva said as she couldn't help but snicker at the thought of the story, the mirthful smile upon her face turning into a playful grin at the moment of a proper adviser towards Zahrah. Perhaps to play off of their passion for the arts themselves, and the fact they were so quick to spurn on such clothes on her, though the idea of wearing whatever Zahrah wore wasn't much in her interests earnestly.

As they made their way further through the peristyle, if it hadn't been apparent due to the expression on Minerva's face which bore recognition towards the person standing in front of them, then the fact of who they spoke with bore much intrigue towards Zahrah likely. As in their entire time in this party of seeing human man and women dressed in fine garb, as well as human servants or beastkin slaves wearing adequate garb but the latter with a silver collar engraved with C.A. upon their neck. Because in front of this man stood a singular beastkin, whose white and black striped fur was matched with gorgeous Ororoot cloth which had been embroided with flowery detailings, and golden jewellery inset with ruby's. Their eyes an amberish brown, which had a ferociously intelligent glint in them under all of it. Though it was hard to tell whether they were a woman or man.


Yet it wasn't the tiger or liger who wore such refined attire and had such a glint in its eye who dominated the conversation. Nay, the man in front of him who wore garish clothing and jewellery as if they were to sell their own body or had spent their entire fortune upon only their appearance. His voice was the one which carried forward. Wearing jewellery on many places, including his left ring finger. “[I think it'd be wisest to deal less in brown rice from the southern hills, even with the healthy oils it would bring. Autumn will be coming to the Northern Hemisphere at the least or most opportune timing. Say this scourge isn't eradicated after all, certainly warmer months will come to the south. Yet with so much land unusable, no farmer could sow in the coming spring there. Neither will they be able to subsist off of the farms from the north with the long, harsh winter approaching who will subsist mainly off of meats, especially at the pinnacle of the continent. They will need to ration their food, whilst the farm land in the north is used. The shelf life of such is too short to presume otherwise, we need more hard grains or white rice, or pickled fruits and vegetables.]”

Cassius Acerronia

The tiger nodded affirmingly, “[That I agree with. It is unfortunate, it'd be a waste with the plentiful harvest. Autumn is coming after all, would you agree it would be best to direct our supply lines with Rotia then? Autumn is coming, and they are unable to ration for long anyway to keep their numbers healthy and strong to fight off the coming monsters this Winter.]”

Cassius gave pause, about to speak further, before his attention wandered off towards the two individuals who had wandered into the conversation that was happening, certainly other people stood nearby. Yet they had given a slight distance and kept to their own conversation and their eyes to themselves after all. “[Ah there is my star, Zahrah, a pleasure to meet you in person for the first time there. And I see you've a companion alongside you there, a pleasure to behold you as well.]” The man gave a short pause as he looked towards his other companion, “[My apologies there, I have many guests to attend to.]”


Mention: Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
The man gave a curious look towards Valen, even if the words he had spoken were after all more of a minute grumble towards himself, rather than anything directed towards Anargyros or something meant for the ears of others. “I recommend being a bit careful on throwing direct slander, though, even if you know you should be honest. Not getting on the bad side of someone can be a good choice, if you want to avoid politics. I do get what you mean, sometimes I need to wonder why some folk give me a moment of their time. What their intention has to be.” Shrugging his shoulders as he said so. “A pleasure to meet you Valen, and huh relic hunter. As in entering a tomb in search of gain, or as in preserving history with the intent of not seeking profit?” Speaking with an open and curious tone, as he threw neither a preferential word choice in his answer, as if he was wishing to hear one more than the other. Though maybe he wished to gauge just how honest or vague Valen wanted to be in this conversation? Or however Valen would personally pick such up, that would depend on him of course, perhaps that was less the intent there. “As for my own profession, well, tonight I'm but a simple guard to settle in and play observer for a recent friend. I came here though due to high praises on tactics and hearing of what is happening in the south, only a bit ago, but right now I serve as an Optio. So I'll have to deal with the tiresome hassle of proving myself off under one of the Centurions of the Feet of Hermes.” Giving another shrug, as he sounded not at all dispassionate, just a bit tired at the exclamation of sounding aware already or having a strong hunch on what will be thrown towards him. “As for Cassius, hmm, I don't see him right now, but I would gander a guess he's at his favourite spot on that end. Overlooking the crashing waves below. How to describe him? I suppose even though he is gregarious as you can see from his living, and a little odd at times. One good way to recognise him? The unique golden pendant always across his neck, you don't really ever see something of that design in Otenzian jewellery. It always catches my attention.”
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Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

They titled their head a bit, thinking deeply. What exactly did they mean when they talked about exchanging eyes. “[I think it was something I saw someone do in some Yandere anime or something? That's what my database suggests. Or well, what remains of it. My brain is cotton now and my databases are still on the other world, I think, so my memories are all weird and jumbled up and stuff~]” They'd say, sounding extraordinarily cheerful for someone whom just admitted they had some severe memory issues.

They lit up at the amphitheatre. “[Oh, I think I recall that thing! That's one of those ancient Greek and Roman things! They got totally outdated, which is weird, as research suggested they were great for happiness! I'd totally love to bring one back! Oh, oh, oh! An Idol in an Amphitheatre has a lovely ring to it, doesn't it? Do you think I could ever perform in one?]” They were rather excited at the thought. “[On the topic of Athletes and Amphitheatres, is it true that Athletes compete naked? I vaguely recall that being a thing people were talking about online at some point and also that people complained that modern inventions were making the competition unfair, like how countries like India and Bangladesh never one at hokey again after they started using fake grass instead of real grass in the Olympics! Oh, do you have Olympics here?]”

As for deities... “[That's so cool! So I can meet up with more deities? Do you think I could get them to come to my performances? It'd be great to make even deities happy through song and dance!]” They'd happily deduce. “[Arts are totally good for happiness!]” They would encourage Minerva. “[Totally, I can totally try to advise you all you'd want to be advised on! Totally!]” They'd speak, brimming with utter self-confidence.

They were surprised when they got addressed. “[Oh, wow, you mussed by... mister Acerronia! You totally must be, as you look fancy enough for sure!]” They nodded, after their flawlessly executed deduction. “[Your out-there style must be totally good for happiness as well!]” They'd add.

It seemed they were already known, so they'd not need to introduce themselves all over again. “[Yes, I noticed! So many fancy people, you're like, totally popular!]” They'd observed well. “[Though I did overhear! Can't you just throw all food that might perish into a [Pocket Dimension], then bring it with you going through one of the portals, then if it's freezing out there, you just keep it outside so it stats frozen and fresh until you need it?]” Clearly their flawless and non-asked-for logic had triumphed yet again. “[Also, before I forget, when and where do you want me to perform, mister Acerronia?]”


Valen pursed his lips in thought and gave a nod of his head as h conceded to the man "Hmm you are right, I just am not used to these sort of events. I grew up a farmer before becoming a adventurer." He looked over the crowd. "I do not want to gain the ire of a noble." He then chuckled as Anargylos asked him about his profession "Both. Usually to preserve...all the better if I am paid to do so though from a quest. I need to take care of myself." He looks at the fountain "It is like a mystery or lost story coming into the light, must say I enjoy the work greatly. Even if it is quite dangerous. Worst part is the traps." He hummed "Those can get pretty creative, especially when magic is involved."

"Hmm you are blending in well, did not notice you as a warrior...sorry for the tiresome hassle. But you can not deny. You are eating quite well at the momet."
Valen nods his head at the rich and extravagant foods."He then looks over the crowd looking for Cassis after the description. Giving a hum as hhis eyes wandered over the crowd. "Hard to miss then...and what is the necklace a family relic then? Maybe a gift given from someone outside this land?"
Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas
Late Evening



Minerva Rhea Albero

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Fae, Surya Half-elf, Otenzian Nobility
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario
The expression of genuine interest mixed in with a slight confusion from some of the things which Zahrah had been talking about turned into one of genuinely only confusion. As she looked almost dazed from the odd words spoken by them. A facet not only supported by the fact they weren't speaking in any capacity modern English or Japanese, which was where the words originated from. But rather Terran, meaning not only had she never heard those words before, they were also being shown into a sentence in a fashion which made no sense whatsoever. Depending on how loud she had said such a fact, even a few of the other people present around the two of them looking across their shoulders to look towards Zahrah. Giving them a look which bordered on as if they wondered they had been insulted by an obscenity in some foreign language. Due to the fact it wasn't Common, Terran nor even something akin to Analogue.

Not only that, but following the strange topic, Zahrah began to talk about her society in reference to names she had never heard before, and in a fashion which called them to be ancient history lost to time. Something so lost to time that facts began to be twisted out of reasonable proportion at the thought of people openly participating in professional sports whilst wearing nothing at all. As well as modern inventions, which were Terran words, and most probable to describe both Roran and Widersia. Yet then even more strange words which sounded like they were in reference to names of something, as well as the concept of fake grass? What was that even about?

Minerva just kept a cool face, as she let Zahrah channel their internal chaotic child-like energy, hearing more and more this strange fixation on the broad concept of 'happiness' as it were the only metric they lived by. “[Right. I don't know, earnestly. Perhaps you would be able to perform in the amphitheatre of some city here in the Otenzian Empire. But you'd have to get into the good graces of some wealthy patron of the arts, willing to make a bet on whether a crowd would come for your performance… As for Olympics… I have never heard of such, but the largest athletic competition we have are the Illyrian Games, held in honour of Jupiter. Held in a small town to the north of here, on the southern portion of the Paizu Mountain range.]” She had to give slight pause to her words to not sound to not sound presumptive of a deity's actions as she followed up, “[As for whether the deities would listen to you? Earnestly, that's up to them. Apollo is the patron deity for the arts, so if your performance is great enough, perhaps he would join to listen personally or challenge you to a friendly match.]”

Cassius Acerronia

“[Oh this attire? Awe, that's so sweet of you there, it's certainly doing wonders for my happiness. How could it not when I look so good in them. And yes, this small little party has been wonderful so far, earnestly so happy to see so many known faces, just having a pleasant time talking to one another like this. And don't worry your pretty like face about that, focus on the upcoming performance.]” He'd say, with his focus being towards Zahrah at this moment “[But no, it's just some small business talk, the usage of pocket dimensions can be useful of course at times.]” Turning his attention towards his other companion giving them his full attention, “[That sounds like a deal though Guiying, if you could inform the Ororoot traders to reduce earnings to a minimum. Sell it for cheap, no haggling. We can't do charity, sadly. Inform them they can pay in credit to me for an instance instead, they may not have the coin and the gratitude is payment aplenty.]”

The beastkin tigress who went by the name of Guiying apparent responded in kind, “[Of course, sounds like a wonderful idea, if the payment of credit is too much it can always be references back towards one of the Dukes or Counts of the area.]” To which Cassius would nod, and face Zahrah as well as Minerva again, “[Okay, now for your performance, I was in no rush, if you would want to walk about for a little more I would understand as well. Though I don't know if many here appreciate you as I do in conversation, I had planned the podium behind us to be suitable. Everyone will have their eyes on you. Unless you find it lacklustre ? I had forgotten to purchase any novel appliance from Widersia which some performers utilize there.]”

Looking briefly towards Minerva now as the focus, though generally looking at the both of them, “[Oh and where were my manners, a pleasure to make acquaintances for the first time, uhm miss Minerva would it be? I think I remember, I met your younger brother Decimus after all when I was on a visit to Cosa, though that was after you had moved here.]” He said boldly, showing just how informed he truly was about every person who was at his party. “[Oh no of course, it is a pleasure to make acquaintances for the first time, I'm surprised Decimus even mentioned my name in all honesty. He doesn't want to burden me with the rougher side of the family business, as a sweet little brother, after all. So I am not a part of such discussions.]” Cassius would smile at that comment, perhaps easily having peeled back the hidden meaning behind it, and looked towards Zahrah for a moment, “[Do you two share any past history there? I hadn't imagined the familiarity after all.]” Gauging whatever their response would be.


Mention: Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Anargyros would nod with solace but a smile upon his face as he listened to Valen's response, certainly there didn't seem to be any judgement or any thhoughts of rather deprecative nature towards Valen at all. Visibly pondering afterward upon hearing Valen's question, seemingly having had the expectation to hear such asked, yet also not have a foolproof answer in return for it. Nothing he could back with certainty as to what was to be the history behind the necklace. “[A farmer? An admirable profession, I've worked in the fields myself when I was a child, waking up before the brink of dawn. Ploughing the fields, checking upon each crop to check their health, or spreading manure collected from the village and animals. It makes one productive in my mind.]” Spoken in a tone which lacked any sarcasm, just honest admiration. “[I do personally have an opinion upon the relic seekers, the ones looking for ancient technology or history which seems to remain, it irks me a little they pilfer and tarnish the past of a land not their own. But I understand the desire to chart and discover more of what was before us. Such things coming to light can mean a lot.]”

As Valen looked across the crowd, due to how busy it was to notice such a small detail as a necklace was difficult. But with his exemplary sight what was instead perhaps just faintly in sight was Zahrah and the people with whom they spoke at this moment, though the same could be said in return for Zahrah if that were the case. But other then such most of the people whom stood out here amongst the men and women of nobility and upper class were the odd ones most likely. Or those with the most seniority, as a few even appeared to be within their 70s or 80s, like people who survived the Great War and had gotten land due to their valiant efforts, or those who simply had such a position due to familial history. “[And thank you, being a soldier is a profession after all, it isn't all there is to my life. And indeed, in all honesty, this might be the best food I've ever eaten. But as for the history behind the necklace, I couldn't say, perhaps it has sentimental value. Maybe it was gilded afterhand. It is definitely important though to him at least.]"
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Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

They'd nod. “[I'm sure I can get in some good graces~ So all I'll need is to figure out who's wealthy!]” That was pretty much half the job already done. “[Oh, wow, you have Jupiter here as well? That's neat. I'm surprised you have the largest performance in just a small town. Wouldn't that be more of a capital-based deal?]”

“[Oh, cool! Apollo's pretty great! Let's hope one day I'll be good enough to have a duet or something!]” They'd nod to themselves once more, happy with their conclusion/discovery.

As for Cassius, they'd smile. “[That's flawless logic! Clothes make the man!]” Agreeing happily. As for the upcoming performance, they did recall something. “[Oh, right, what type of songs do you like, mister? I can try to adapt and improvise!]” They'd call out. This seemed like the type of wealthy patron of the arts they'd want to get into the good graces of.

They'd tilt their head. “[Will there be other people to make music, if there's not a machine, or will I be going a cappella? I do have my Tin Whistle with me! Though most of the time, others did the music, so I can't really play other instruments, I fear...]” Not having a music player was going to be a tad more challenging.

Zahrah titled their head when they were asked if they shared past history, their cotton brain not fully managing to grasp the figurativeness of the question. “[We met here, though it was destiny that decided it!]” They'd eventually settle on replying, as they had met her at random-ish. “[Miss Rhea Albero helped me find the stage, or well, helped me find you so you could point out the stage~ Although we did talk a bit about history! Like, I told her I'm becoming an idol through song and dance and she told me that the people here call the Olympic Games the Illyrian games and have them in a small town instead of in the capital.]” They could go on for a lot longer, but even their cotton brain realised it was probably better not to do so.
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