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Active [Otenzal] A Night of Unspoken Truths


New Member
This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
  • Pacing will be once every three/four days to every other day. Depending on how many people actually join as well as overall manageable pace and total duration up to two months (depending on how fast it goes).
  • Should others join later on, multiple posts between narration rounds will be allowed. No double-posting or moving the scene (adding major NPC's, changing time, resolving matters, etc.) though.
  • This RP will be an entirely social based interaction, and won't be including combat or advanced rules mechanics.
Tags and character Goals:
Giftvi Giftvi - Minerva Rhea Albero - Obtain an a Villa Urbana of her own from a lower Otenzal noble.
Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne - Alexander Samuel Hidalgo - Gain notoriety as a thief, and will be infiltrating the social gathering under false pretenses.
Elvario Elvario - Zahrah Fiore - Will be performing at this Villa Urbana for either a tour set their foot in the door for Otenzal, or whatever personal reason may surface. Due to being a construct is very much being treated as an amusement firstly by guests.
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday - Valen 'Val' Rerin - Who could have been invited as a passing interest by nobles seeking entertainment, a plus one by someone who wanted to introduce him to other nobles, or potentially snuck his way into the gathering after obtaining some Otenzian garb.

Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas


As evening was beginning to slowly envelop the coast, and the sun began to pass across the western front leaving the beauty of the grace on the horizon with shades of pinks, orange and purples. A beautiful start of the banquet which was to make its beginnings, as many a cooks made their way through the kitchen, finishing the meals of the owner of the villa, master Cassius Acerronia.

Whilst on the other hand beastman servants, made their rounds throughout to clean every surface of the Villa. To make certain not a speck of dust covered the carpets or other furniture, nor dirt was to be found on the intricately carved and decorated tilings. As well sweating through the heat, as they moved the large wooden stage in the garden on which the planned entertainment would show off their talents to the guests.

The distinction between who were servants and what were slaves was very apparent upon sight, even though none of the beastkin owned by this particular noble were on the beastial side. Rather the 'breed' as often was called also referred to as Animale-Subumano, things others may call 'neko' or other offshoots of beastkin whose ancestry had been muddied to be barely recognisable, yet still treated as slaves nonetheless by the slave collars around their necks.

Slowly guests began to gather, either early, exactly upon time or fashionably late. Many of them carrying a variety of different meals prepared by their own cooks brought here in pans, platters or wrapped in cloth if possible or required and carried by slaves. Immediately it was apparent as well on just how exotic these nobles liked their dishes in occassions such as this. As all stops where pulled out even for these lesser nobility, whether gentry, moderately ranking members of the various clergies, or moderately ranking members of the merchant's guild within the Otenzal.

The dishes were the oddest things such as a pickled Kuridan parrot tongues served upon a platter with a gathering of fine fruits recently gathered from the orchards surrounding Otenzal, where one can question the amount of parrots it would have required to fulfill. A dish of salted salmon where the Otenzian Empire meets the northern sea, seasoned with royal jelly from the few species of bee still preserved from the boreal forests which were wiped out during the war. Smoked wyvern meat cured with various spices and laced with goat cheese from the Paizu Mountains.

All of these fine folk were dressed garish and well cleaned Otenzian garnments which consisted of toga's and many various jewellery pieces such as precious metal necklaces, rings or bracellets. Coverred with many gemstones or finely cut rare minerals.

Minerva Rhea Albero

Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]​

Among the crowd, singularly not being followed or accompanied by a servant or slave at her side in this moment would be a finely dressed and imacutely gorgeous woman to an extent one would wonder if she was a perfectly chiseled statue given life. Whomst would be standing taller then some of the men even here, her posture upright and dignified as she gazed across the gathering of nobility as if judging their position only with this singular glance. On whoever she was actually interested to make conversation with, or who she was fully in her right to ignore.

Rather then ant finely carved dish, she herself carried in a woven basket an oversized bottle of red wine whose top had been sealed off with sealing wax commonly used for opening letters or such kind and imprinted upon with the symbol of the Albero family, a reaping scythe used within farming under a circular bright sun. Placing it down upon the banquet table which had no seats, but rather many of the bottles and platters brought to or prepared within this villa along with glasses to pour within. As she looked towards one of the other noble who was closest to her in the moment.

The older man perhaps in his later fourties, but certainly still younger then here, whom looked upon her with a matter of deigned surprise yet not an apparent unwelcomeness underneath his half cocked smile. ["How wonderful to see you joining the festivities, I don't believe we've met before."] Giving a light courtesy bow as Minerva caught his eyes glancing downward with staring look yet did not interrupt as he continues ["A pleasure to meet you, please know me by Pausanias Salluci."] She couldn't help but almost groan, but withheld herself of course, as she gave a courtesy bow back to the man. ["And a pleasure to meet you as well, Minerva Albero will suffice for my sake, indeed we had not before. I have only merely begun to try and find my way in this city. So it is always lovely to meet new companionship."]

Of course she knew what sort of spindel she had begun to spun by saying such words to this vapid old man, however such thoughts had long since entered his mind likely. So to crush his fantasies would be such a rude thing to partake in, rather to prolong his hopefulness that something may bear fruit from his efforts. As she looked Pasuanias in the eyes, bearing the brunt of it, whilst struggling to not let her gaze wander too much just yet across the garden to see whomever else made their way across to here, and where her target for the night himself may be situated.
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

It'd been a while since they had been in the East Empire. Last time around, they joined the [Mile High Club of Happiness] and then crashed along with an airship that'd been captured by some mean folk. Their precious cotton had gotten soaked and they'd barely floated ashore. This time, however, they'd come here on even more fun business.

After all, they were researching their ability to make people happy by being an idol! What better place to start than the place hated by most folk? Beasts hated them cause they enslaved them, Fae due to the war. So clearly the East Empire would have many sad people, to be so hated, to go and make happy. As always, their logic was utterly flawless.

Then again, they were pretty confused almost instantly. There didn't seem to be much of a stage, there were no fans waiting to meet and greet... Hmm. Odd. This was very different than how Ophenia's concerts seemed to go. Did they do it wrong? They figured they'd better just go and ask someone. “Inee, meanie, miny moo, catch a bugfix by the toe...” They went. “I gotta ask and to you I go!” They'd continue, pointing around the room until their finger landed upon Minerva. From a distance, she seemed to be speaking Terran, so they'd adjust.

“[Hello there madam! Destiny just decided that you and I should meet! I'm Zahrah Fiore, researcher of happiness, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing and Understudy. I was asked to perform here, but I'm confused. There doesn't seem to be a stage or anything, or fans, is this ehh... mister Cassius Acerronia's place? ]”
Second Continent, Otenzian Empire, Eastern Edge of the Capital City Otenzal overlooking the sparking bay of the Eastern Seas
Late Evening



As Zahrah walked into the garden or also referred to as the 'peristyle' of this magnificent villa, indeed compared to the levels of grandeur that Ophenia had received in past concerts the wooden platform which stood there was quite small in comparison. Honestly, depending on how much they were confident of themselves, it could seem far too triffle to be the actual concert stage that they would have to be performing at.

Nonetheless in this garden of beauty, which stood upon the clifface looking yonder to the eastern seas it was still an impressive sight to stand upon perhaps, as all would look towards you, lest they turn their back towards you.
The peristyle itself was rectangular in shape, where central to the entire of it stood a large fountain of marble stone inset with mosaic stonework at the bottom and rising out of it beautiful marbles statues numbering four representing some of the gods which were revered across the Otenzian Empire. Marble statues which seemed to rather then having been placed inside of the fountain were rather magically melded to become one whole with it.

Around it various horiculture of plants found within the tropical center of the Otenzian Empire stood alongside rare species grown within this latitude in the See of Chearon as well as the Ororoot Empire. Along with a few species more accustomed to harsher climates down south and up north, creating an artificial mishmash which was most aesthetically pleasing.

At the far edge of this rectangular garden furthest away from where the villa itself, where the largest banquet table stood along with Minerva and now approaching Zahrah, was the actual wooden platform, where one would overlook the coast if looking past where Zahrah would be standing.

Minerva Rhea Albero

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Surya Half-elf, Otenzian Nobility
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | [Terran]
Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Minerva would look with a curiosity at Zahrah as they approached her, as they clearly stood out from the crowd in every single facet they could. With an almost comically strange attire which she herself would not know where to place even. From having to make an assumption perhaps Widersia would have been the place of origin. After all ever since they had defected the country had in such a short span been lauded as slowly arising to some of the strangest cultural shifts the world had ever seen before.

Of course that didn't mean her interest hadn't been piqued at all, nor that she minded this slight intrusion of Zahrah breaking the social boundaries. After all they were a foreigner who wouldn't know any better, and they were being oh so helpful in hopefully getting away from this sorry state of a man. And in all earnesty, Minerva almost though they should be applauded for being capable of speaking such a fluent and beautiful Terran.

Minerva returned the warm smile that Zahrah likely beamed from miles away, "[Oh that's quite mouthful there, how curious. You must have been very diligent so far in your life to carry such a repetoire of names I presume then. Might I shorten it to just Zahrah though? To repeat such would be quite cumbersome I think.]" Giving a slight chuckle to alleviate any remaining as she said so herself, "[But no you're quite correct there, this is the home of Cassius. Though sadly I'm not well acquianted to know myself what the situation might be regarding that, the two of us can search for him together perhaps and make certain everything is sorted out?]"

Saying so fully intent on killing two birds with one stone in this fun little 'twist of destiny' that they referred to. Minerva looked for a moment towards the gentleman who stood besides her, who himself had a slightly mixture of flabbergast and irritation from the intrusion which was quickly submerged once more to keep a good modicum of respectful stature. "[Well I must say... I suppose they are the performancer of arts who was invited by Cassius himself. I would love to continue this conversation on a later note on this evening though of course.]" The man seeming intent or hopeful enough that the conversation wasn't entirely cut short at this very moment, but perhaps not wishing to overstep any boundaries, or not knowing how to necesarrily in this situation without of course presenting himself in a crude manner. If Zahrah was to accept Minerva's proposition that is.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
It was just a small break from all the adventuring. After the last few jobs of labour and dungeon crawling, Valen had decided to accept a minor quest from the guild. Just escort a minor noble to a banquet filled with various nobles of the Eastern Empire. He was looking forward to a time of just watching nobles get drunk and he could have a quiet night of a few drinks. Yet he soon saw that what he had signed up for was not necessary guard duty. No no, he was here to provide entertainment.

He was dragged around by the noble, wearing the ridiculous garb of the land. A white toga worn over some leather armor. The belted garment reminding him of just a very fine sheet that one would put on a cot. He smiled and gave bits and pieces, all the time trying to find a way to get away from his boss of the night. He did eventually, and was now wandering the party. Admiring the fountain with the various gods of the land melded together in the fountain. He looked at the fountain with yellow eyes before making his way to the main banquet table and helping himself to the local cuisine.

He was mid bite into some sort of salmon when he saw Zahrah speaking to some woman. Valen muttered a curse and turned about hoping Zahrah did not see him. He was not looking forward to the chaos they brought and the energy they had.
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Giftvi Giftvi

“[Yes! I've been in a lot of places for my happiness research and these title things just got stuck as a result! Of course Zahrah is enough!]” They'd reply, seeing no reason why more would be needed. Oddly enough the lady didn't give them her name in turn, but life was like that sometimes.

“[Searching him together? That'd be great! I don't even know what to look for and I think it'd be bad for happiness if I just started appraising people one by one~]” They'd state, happy to accept the invitation.

Tilting their head, they'd observe Minerva a bit more closely. (Eyes have multiple pupillary formations resulting in a star-like shape.) “[You're got pretty eyes. How did they get like that? Is that a natural thing?]” Luckily for Valen, they hadn't noticed him. Not yet at least.

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