• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Ostyae: The Six Kingdoms Of Sin


ur not a ghost, i'm not afraid of u
Edit these to your hearts content. Seriously any format or whatever is fine, please just make sure you include this stuff. Especially the last one, I know it's odd but it's necessary. If I like the post, than you're accepted. Though I won't add you to the overview sheet until you make a post.


(The kingdom your character resides in at the start of the RP. Doesn't equal loyalty.)

(Picture preferred. Can be realistic or animated, whatever floats your boat. Mention differences from picture if you want to change something.)

Age: (Vampires do the best you can, heh.)



Nickname: (What people refer to you as. Formally or behind your back.)

Occupation / Title: (King, Mason, Mail-man etc.)

Personality: (Spice it up with a quote your character would have said.)

Marital Status: (Married, Single, Blah blah blah.)

Equipment / Gear / Looks:
(Jewelry, Special; Armor, clothes or weaponry. Tattoos or piercings.)

/ Strengths: (Specialty of your character, doesn't have to relate to your character's occupation. Include at least three because you're important.)

/ Fears: (Short-comings of your character, doesn't have to relate to your character's occupation. Include at least three because you're not a God.)



Brief History:

Paragraph example:
(Just write a paragraph from your characters point of view about anything. I just want a feel of your writing style.)
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Kaenirin Sylvis


"There's nothing wrong with taking what belongs to me, and let's face it- it all belongs to me."

Kingdom: Green, The Kingdom Of Greed

"It matches my eyes, don't you agree?"

Age: Unknown

"Anyone who's ever asked me such a thing is far too deceased to tell you the answer."

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

"Have you seen the men of my race?"

Nickname: Empress, Your Highness, Queen Kae, Your Royal Bitchness

"...I've never heard that one before. Simply ridiculous."

Occupation / Title: Queen

Marital Status: Single

"Men are for entertainment, not for telling me what to do. They're all so devastatingly boring anyway."

Equipment / Gear / Looks: Kaenirin is always dressed rather regally, adorned with various pieces of jewelry and flowers. Her hair is usually pinned up into fancy up-dos, only let down on special occasions. Her ears are pointed upward rather than downward, which is a sign of pure Elven blood.

Features / Strengths: Cunning-Kaenirin has always found ways to get what she wants, even if it involved tricking the Nanny into the wardrobe when she was a young girl.

Persuasive- If you can't trick someone into a wardrobe, Kaenirin soon realized that she would need the proper language skills if she was to get what she wanted. So she did.

Territorial- If it belonged to her, then that was it. Kaenirin doesn't share, and she doesn't compromise. If it's hers than it's exclusively so, and she'll do anything to protect and keep her belongings.

Flaws / Fears: Short-tempered- The blonde always had an issue with... Temper tantrums. If you piss her off, than she acts rashly. Which ties into our next trait.

Irrational- When tempted into anger or any other strong emotion, Kaenirin has an issue with acting first and thinking later. Let's not discuss how many lives have been lost over that.

Greedy (Who would've thought?!)- Kaenirin has an insatinable want for everything there is to own. She wants all the money, jewelry, and land she could possibly possess.

Likes: Money, Power, Elegance

Dislikes: Weakness, Poverty, Laziness

Brief History: Kaenirin was originally the youngest of her siblings. Stuck behind two older brothers, she was never supposed to become the queen of her land. But when her oldest brother Tate was killed in war, her next brother Feyril fled under the pressure of becoming king. Kae is still unsure of his whereabouts, or if he is even alive. Left with the aftermath of her brothers' weakness, Kaenirin became the Queen soon after her parents stepped down to become elders.

When she was first crowned, the Kingdom was in a great deal of debt and poverty. With much work and persistence Kae has managed to erase the Kingdoms debt, in turn putting many of the lands in debt to her. The blonde elf found great pleasure in receiving more land and money, as many leaders do. Her want for treasures has overcome her though, and nothing seems to be enough. She wants more, and she won't stop until everything is hers. Will it take death to cure her greed, or will something else convince her that enough is enough?

Paragraph example: Hollow tapping sounds echoed in the near-silence that enveloped the throne room of the Empress. It was her nails actually, long and painted emerald green as they tapped against the arm rest of her throne. She did this often, more out of boredom than anything else as she awaited her next visitor. It was all so repetitive, really. Nobody came to praise her anymore, or give her any good news. All anyone wanted to do was complain, complain, complain. Wasn't anyone thankful for her? After all, she was the one who had gotten them this far. Dark green eyes slowly met the guard to her right, Duval. Her pale chin tilted upwards as she addressed the armored elf. "Duval, what would you be without me?" She asked slowly, her voice tauntingly naive sounding. "Nothing, Your Majesty." Was the bland response that she received. It caused her eyes to roll with boredom, and her they narrowed confidently. "That's right. The same goes for the rest of you." She chuckled to the rest of her court. "You'd do best to remember that."

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"I will take what is mine with fire and blood."


Victoria K. Brooke


Blue kingdom, Yunkai


I'm 15


Male... Of course I'm a female what do you expect?


I'm a Wizardess

Face claim:

Daenerys Targaryen




Ria, The defender, Your highness

Occupation / Title:

The Queen and rightful Heir to the Throne... Problem?



Victoria is a an Outgoing,Strong-willed girl. She has extreme intelligence, grandiosity, incapacity for remorse, arrogance, and an unhealthy degree of self-confidence. She is a natural born leader. persuasive and capable of convincing leaders into pledging their allegiance to her, but is also proficient in the use of intimidation if individuals refuse to comply with her requests.When she is provoked by a enemy She is hostile, ruthless, and commits torture and murder in sadistic ways. Victoria wanted nothing less than absolute control, she likewise had remarkable control of herself, seemingly always able to react to any situation at a moment's notice, never losing her composure.

Equipment / Gear / Looks:

Elder wand


The Elder Wand is ancient and made of elderwood, rumored to be made by death itself. It is fifteen inches long and has a Thestraltail-hair core, which is "a tricky substance that only wizards that mastered death can control.".The Elder Wand, as well as being more powerful than other wands, is noticeably unique from other wands in its appearance, particularly because it bears carvings that resemble clusters of elderberries running down its length. This wand is passed down from ruler to ruler, during their coronation along with their crown.

Knives and daggers hidden in her clothes

Features / Strengths:

Magic ( Powerful enough to do wandless magic and only uses her wand for spells that involve a lot of energy)


Close range fighting (
there isn't a bit of wasted movement and her patience is lethal. She is able to perform acorbatic movements like they were childs play. She knows how and where to hit her enemy, vicious attack patterns keep her opponent off balance and leave them little room to make any kind of error without being punished for it. The brutal blunt strikes she can deliver end most brawls quickly.)

A natural born leader

Flaws / Fears:


Not reaching her potential

Losing power.

Failing her father










Her people



Being underestimated

Oppessing people

The other countries

Poverty in her kingdom


Brief History:

Victoria was an only child. Her mother and father wanted a boy but still molded her in the way they wanted her to be, teaching her the ways of magic, fighting, and how to rule her kingdom. She became a prodigy to earn her respect from her father. It paid off when her father handed her thr throne before his death, She's only lead her kingdom for 6 months but has successfully maintained the well being of her people, leading them into a new golden age of prosperity. Making the Yunkai the second richest nation but the first in advancements and technology.

Paragraph example:

~ 3 years ago~

"Do it again." She said holding up her fist, waiting for the man to strike back. Blood dripping from her cheeks. "That was good princess Victoria. You defended yourself in a great amount of time." Her mentor said as he lifted his sword once more. Though she was a wizard , she felt that she need to be able to fight, just in case her wand failed her in any way."No, I need to do it again. How can I protect my kingdom, if I can't even defend myself...Do it." She wanted to push herself more, she was the type of person that thought being good wasn't enough. The man charged at her as she grabbed his dominant hand which was holding the sword, punched him in the face quickly putting him in an arm lock soon after she released him then went back into her fighting stance. "Again."
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Name: Mordahl Cimedach

Kingdom: Red Kingdom (Cimedach Empire)


Age: 357 Years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Occupation / Title: Emperor

Personality: "If a man cannot defend his home, then he has been trespassing in my home."

Immediately following that statement, Emperor Mordahl sat upon the throne that he has kept, uncontested, for the past two hundred years.

That statement introduced an immediate political change; A conglomerate of Demon's once made up the "Dark Council" or better known as, the "Red Republic." Demon's were elected, based on their merit in combat, to represent their tribes to the overarching ruler, Executive Baalthasad. To become an Executive or Councilman took several centuries, because no one would vote for a young demon without an extensive combat history and fruitful connections with wealthy tribes.

When Mordahl publically challenged Executive Baalthasad to a duel of life or death and defeated him, Mordahl asserted that the current political system was broken and that the demon's representing them were, "obviously not the strongest among us."

He sat upon the throne, looked every former Councilman in the eye, and dismissed them from duty, thereby dissolving the Red Republic, and naming himself Emperor over all the tribes

Equipment / Gear / Looks:

1.)Mordahl boasts a very cumbersome and unique scythe that can be flipped upside down and used as a mace. Using his control over fire, Mordahl can channel a searing heat into his weapon to expound upon it's damage. If dipped in Lava, Mordahl can keep the lava at it's hottest temperature for weeks before it dissipates.

2.) Black Onyx Armor, tempered in the deepest volcanic crust of the Red Nation, covers Mordahl from head to toe. Tribes that have submitted to Mordahl's authority have carved their symbol into his chest plate, promising allegiance.

3.) Crimson red skin with pale white eyes, for those who have had the rare privilege of seeing Mordahl without his helmet. Mordahl stands at a menacing 6'9" and has a body type to match. Muscular, hard, intimidating. These are the words used to describe Mordahl's figure. Black wings, 6 feet wide on either side when fully extended, lie folded at his back

Features / Strengths:

1.) Demon Prime: There are two types of Demon's in the Red Nation; Demon Prime's and Lesser Demon's. Mordahl is a Demon Prime, meaning he can command fire, lava, and any other burning element. This also grants him near immunity to fire and lava. Some tomes have stated that it is possible Prime's to be healed by fire, but this has never been verified. He is intelligent, unlike Lesser Demon's. A true unique strength, for Mordahl, is that his strength compares to those of the Lesser Demon's, who are truly monstrous but highly lacking in intelligence.

Summoner: Throughout his centuries of training and meditation, Mordahl has gained the capacity to summon lesser creatures from the void. Many are better summoners than Mordahl, but typically have to spend their entire lives mastering it. Currently, Mordhal can summon a Hellsteed, a Lava Ooze, and a Fire Imp. He can only summon one at a time and must mentally rest before summoning again.

Lavasmith: Mordahl possesses an ancient knowledge of a rare and highly expensive craft. Lavasmithing is the highly volatile, unreliable practice of crafting the strongest weapons and armor in the depths of an active volcano or other similar setting. Mordahl successfully created his armor and weapon through Lavasmithing, and survived.

Flaws / Fears:

Flightless: While Mordahl and other Demon Prime's possess the ability to fly, Mordahl cannot from the sheer weight of his armor and weapon. On that same note, this also causes him to move slower and louder than other Demon's of his type.

Reckless/Vain: Mordahl is theatric. He will take questionable, ill-advised risks in combat for the mere purpose of defeating his opponent with a flair. If it increases his power or political standing, Mordahl will relentlessly pursue it until it is his.

Paranoid: By his own mouth, Mordahl created a Darwinist, "Take what you want" society. While he does not fear combat, he does fear being assassinated without a chance to defend himself. As such, Mordahl is quick to challenge and execute anyone who he believes might attempt to subtlety usurp his throne.


Fury of combat: Mordahl hosts several "Arena Days" at his palace in which he offers a large portion of his wealth to the victor.

War: On top of competitive combat, Mordahl often fantasizes of invading and conquering another continent. A goal he plans to pursue before the end of his life


1.) Bureaucratic governments, to include politicians.

2.) The notion of Peace

The Cimedach Empire, formerly known as simply "The Red Nation" is a barren, unrelenting wasteland of firestorms, earthquakes, and drought's. Completely infertile soil, making farming impossible. Many have asked how the Demon's of the Red Nation were able to thrive with no reliable source of food, and the answer is: The Kahoonta.

The Kahoonta are an indigenous species standing over 12 feet tall (Elders are 16 feet tall) with extremely nutritious meat and bones. For ages the Demon's of the Red Nation have hunted the Kahoonta for their meat and for "coming of age" initiations.

There are 42 tribes throughout the Cimedach Empire, but each of those 42 fall under the umbrella of the 6 Major tribes:

1.) Twin Giant

2.) Ebon Sun

3.) Savage Hand

4.) Hell Claw

5.) Eternal Smog

6.) Cruel Scar

-Currently, the Eternal Smog is at war with the Cimedach Empire, refusing to acknowledge Mordahl's rule.

-Ebon Sun and Cruel Scar have recently resumed their age-old aggressions after a short, tense, and unsuccessful treaty. However, both are loyal to the Empire.

-Twin Giant claims to be loyal to the Empire, but continues to trade with the Eternal Smog.

-All other tribes acknowledge Emperor Mordahl's rule.

The Red Nation was once a Republic, ran by elected officials from the various tribes throughout the continent. But after Mordahl Cimedach challenged and defeated the powerful and well-decorated Executive Balthaasad, he dissolved the Republic and named himself Emperor. While some tribes refuse to recognize his rule, he is currently considered to be the supreme ruler of his race.

Paragraph example: "Yes!" Mordahl rasped as the lava dribbled neatly off the side of his newly crafted breast-plate. "Yes!" he repeated. "It is done!" The fires of the active volcano raged around him, threatening to devour him in a moments notice.

Mordahl lifted the breast plate over his head and gently brought it down over his body, a satisfying smile on his face as his head fit perfectly through and the plate rested neatly on his shoulders. "With this Armor!" he exclaimed, taking his scythe and raising it over his head. "I am ready to take down the Executive!"


Baldassar Haagen


Race: Vampire.

Age: 287 years old of the 29th generation.

Weaponry / Clothing:

  • Slender Blood Runner: The razor sharp edge of this sword was made to cut into any exposed skin, blood spraying to it's touch. Greatly impaired by armor. It's light weight partnered with the dexterity of a Vampire makes it's ideal for parrying, yet blocking a strong attack with it can weaken the blade -potentially shattering it to pieces-.

    Excellent results when on the offensive. It's defensive capabilities are limited, highly dependent on the wielder of the blade.

  • Hook Glove: For his left hand Baldassar fancies a metal glove, the palm dressed with many minor hooks. If he grabs hold of naked skin with this it will tear it to sunder. Can also be used for less elegant weapons -Spears, glaives or axes- grabbing the wooden handle, not easily letting go.

    Used to control his opponent rather than delivering fatal damage.

  • Hardened Plate Armor: Hard plate armor of an ancient metal, crafted by vampire smiths for vampire use. Made to protect against even the sharpest of weapons without compromising the speed and agile movements of a vampire at night.

    Excellent protection from most melee weaponry. Leaves little protection from ranged or magical attacks, made with the intention for the wearer to be apt enough to avoid such dangers.

  • Casual Wear: It's rare for a royal guard not to be on duty, but when he isn't Baldassar wears an outfit of a soft purple. The clothes is draped with silvery figures, depicting stories and legends from all of the kingdoms. Loose-fitting and with a cape, it's meant to impress those with more corrupt blood.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nickname: Deepwell. Given to him after the events of 'Stoke Well'. Some use it to show respect, -usually the more pureblooded vampires- others as a showcase of tyranny.

Occupation / Title: Ascended. Royal guard, servant of the pure-blooded.


Baldassar is weak willed, often complying without objection. He strongly believes in the 'Rite of Blood', the purer the blood the more authority the vampire should have. His obedient nature have made him frequently requested for work, fulfilling his task as satisfactory for the pure-blooded as possible. This have left him confused, a stranger to himself. It's becoming a struggle to keep the Royalty's words from his mind, their wishes twisting his own, making the two align in the end. The only refuge from this is his curiosity, his studying of the other kingdoms. After 'Stoke Well' he has begun to smuggle in books, adding literature from other kingdoms to his personal library. These are books frowned upon by many vampires, thus the need for secrecy.

''They weren't planning a coup. From the moment we first saw them, there was no warriors, no diplomats. Just families, friends and strangers escaping for a different life. Yet they had been ordered exterminated, no trace of their disobedience left. So I served.''

/ Strengths:

  • Loyal - Baldassar will do as bid by his superiors, putting away his own morale or opinion. This have made him a reliable servant, -especially- for secretive or sensitive matters of his superiors.
  • Hardened by duty - As a Royal Guard he have been shaped to serve. Trough countless skirmishes Baldassar have become quite adapt in combat, excelling with his sword and hook-glove. He doesn't discriminate between opponents, cutting down his enemies no matter race, gender or age.
  • Servant first, Scholar second - In the little free-time a Royal Guard is allowed, Baldassar likes to spend his time with literature. Studying the roots of the kingdoms, diplomacy and warfare. Lately he has found more interest in literature written by other races. These are highly illegal, punishable by death, yet he often goes trough great effort to obtain even the shortest of books.

/ Fears: (Short-comings of your character, doesn't have to relate to your character's occupation. Include at least three because you're not a God.)

  • Broken mind - Baldassar has known for a long time he isn't sane. The words of his superiors weight more importantly than his own instinct, feeling the blood burn in his body at the mere thought of opposing their wishes.
  • Scarlet Paranoia - His weak mind leave him socially crippled, paranoid at the thought of being around vampires with corrupt blood. He's afraid that he'll be associated with them, tempted by them, even just seen with them. He must look a prime example to the pure-blooded. He must.
  • Envy Runs Deep - Prone to extreme jealousy, mostly apparent when his brethren are praised by the pure-blooded.
  • Ears of a Corrupted - Even-though he is of the 29th generation, his hearing seems far inferior to his brethren. He obviously haven't mentioned this to anyone, afraid of the consequences and rumors of his likeness to the corrupt.


Serving - Being praised by the pure - Literature - Being challenged in combat - The excitement of smuggling books - Learning of foreign cultures - The map of the kingdom's he's got hidden.


His jealous tendencies - Standing guard duty for the Royal mansions - His weak will.

Brief History:

Who'm Baldassar was before 'Stoke Well' doesn't matter, not anymore. He had read human literature, tales of farmers rising to an occasion, becoming legends for their deeds. In Baldassar's mind, he'd fit into these legends. He'd been ordered to lead a unit of Royal Guards, find a nearby camp of rebels and eliminate them. They were far away, having made it all the way to 'Stoke Well' before the Royal Guards caught up. Yet it wasn't rebels looking to perform a coup they found, only broken vampires trying to flee the purple kingdom.

Once they were all dead
Baldassar ordered them dropped in the well, the corpses stacking up halfway trough the well.

The deed had worked, not a single vampire having left the purple kingdom since that day eighty years ago. He gained great praise by his superiors, being handed a large ruby to fit his armor with. While among his fondest of memories, he can't help but feel like he lost something that night. It wasn't just his mind he lost, not just his own free will, he lost something alongside that, something that only felt gone when he read stories of the other kingdoms.

Was it self-respect? Sense of purpose? This kindness that the heroes of the stories show, even to their worst enemies? He couldn't tell. Yet he wouldn't stop looking for the answer, not as long as there are more books to read, cultures to learn.

Paragraph example: (Just write a paragraph from your characters point of view about anything. I just want a feel of your writing style.)

Baldassar was weary from the travel, yet he didn't allow it to show. He was about to give the report to a Royal, the first time he had ever been in private company with someone so pure. He bowed as he entered the room. It was the backroom of a burnt-down building, hard to tell what it had been used for when it was still intact. Probably a tavern for the corrupt. The Royal was covered in a dark cowl, impossible to guess who'm it was. Even the gender seemed hard to determine. ''I-'' his throat clogged up in nervousness. ''I took care of what you asked.'' He bowed again, a vampire custom when addressing those of higher purity. ''We found no trace of their plans. They had only a single map and provisions. Enough for a long travel, heading towards the blue kingdom, if they spoke the truth.'' He took a hard swallow again.

We killed them, dropped their corpses in the well. To leave a message.'' The figure in front of him slowly nodded, reaching for something within his cloak. He pulled out a giant ruby, the scarlet colour a deep dark red. Impressive indeed, must be worth more than Baldassar could even imagine. ''Destroy the map. Embroid this in your armor. You stopped a great coup, saving many Royalty, maybe even the Oldest Ones. That's what happened.''

The rest of the night was a blur to him, the praise he received sending him into a high, the kind he never felt again.
'To have saved the Oldest Ones!' He kept thinking, starting a fire in home, ready to throw the map into it. He stopped shortly, looking the old paper over again. He folded it, hiding at the bottom of his bookshelf. ''For later study.'' He told himself. ''It won't hurt, besides, they won't know.'' His hands were shaking in ecstasy, joy overflowing. This would call for a feast.
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Name: Brian Ravenblack

Kingdom: (The kingdom your character resides in at the start of the RP. Doesn't equal loyalty.)

(Picture preferred. Can be realistic or animated, whatever floats your boat. Mention differences from picture if you want to change something.)

Age: (Vampires do the best you can, heh.)



Nickname: (What people refer to you as. Formally or behind your back.)

Occupation / Title: (King, Mason, Mail-man etc.)

Personality: (Spice it up with a quote your character would have said.)

Marital Status: (Married, Single, Blah blah blah.)

Equipment / Gear / Looks:
(Jewelry, Special; Armor, clothes or weaponry. Tattoos or piercings.)

/ Strengths: (Specialty of your character, doesn't have to relate to your character's occupation. Include at least three because you're important.)

/ Fears: (Short-comings of your character, doesn't have to relate to your character's occupation. Include at least three because you're not a God.)



Brief History:

Paragraph example:
(Just write a paragraph from your characters point of view about anything. I just want a feel of your writing style.)


Agatha Sallow


The Yellow Kingdom - The Kingdom of Languor











Occupation / Title:




"... I'll share my special present with the people. We can all sleep, permanently!"

Agatha, being a typical citizen of Languor, is quite lazy and doesn't like to do work. She is usually expressionless but can have a certain child like madness when enjoying herself or killing. She can be a sadist and and sometimes masochist, finding much enjoyment in poisons and pain. She is often quite childish despite an undetermined age, but has darker mature side. She doesn't like to work and be active, but when she does, she does it efficiently and easily. Despite seeming weak and underestimated, she is very intelligent and incredibly skillful with her mind.

Marital Status:


Equipment / Gear / Looks:

A thin and weak looking girl, with pale skin and strange purple eyes. She has white, long hair which may seem tinged with a pale violet. She usually dresses in a knee length skirt, a white shirt and an over sized jacket. Inside this jacket though, she carries many bottles of the deadliest poisons you could imagine, and many much worse that she's created herself.

Features / Strengths:

Murderer/Poisons Knowledge. Agatha is a master of the fine art of murder, and knows everything about poisons. She's so good with poisons, she even creates her own, which contain much more painful toxin. Her poisons, even to an immortal, will do incredible damage and make one very weak.

- Intelligence. Though it may not seem like it at first, Agatha is quite witty, clever, and cunning, at that.

- Inactive, and loves it. Ah, let's just face it; Agatha, a true citizen of the Purple Kingdom, hates to work for anyone and anything, and would rather rest and sleep.

- Fast. Fast and agile, with that skinny body of hers.

Flaws / Fears:

- Lazy. Flaw.

- Two faced. Flaw.

- People not dying when she poisons them. Fear.


- Poisons!

- Cats

- Sleeping, resting

- Reading

- Being underestimated (All the funner to kill!)


- Royalty

- Dogs

- Having to work when she doesn't want to

Brief History:

Agatha grew up in an average household, with her mother and father. But her father poisoned her mother, so a vengeful Agatha poisoned him.This was her introduction to the deadly art of poisoning and murder. She found enjoyment in it, and began to poison many of her friends and other family members, nobody spared. She created many new poisons. Agatha lived in her house alone. She managed to survive. She also went to school before dropping out after a while.

Paragraph example:

Agatha crept into the house. It was a dark night, and the stars didn't seem to sparkle as much as they usually did. Something else, another sparkling, substituted for the lack of shine. In Agatha's violet tinged eyes. Tonight she faced two options; staying in her room and sleeping, or going outside. And because she had chosen the first path three times in a row now, it was due for someone in the Kingdom to receive her special 'gift'.

Agatha looked at the sleeping boy. He looked around the same age, if not, older. A normal young man.
"Are you having a nice sleep?" she asked. Agatha opened her jacket and debated over which bottle to take. She chose one of her new creations, a small bottle filled with a dark crimson fluid. "This is my special gift for you! I know you'll love it..." she whispered. Slowly, she uncapped the bottle poured a drop of it's scarlet content into his mouth.

Instantly, his eyes opened with horror. Agatha smiled hazily as she saw all kinds of things in his eyes; terror, agonizing pain, a plead for mercy. Her began to scream but she covered his mouth with a small, pale hand. She watched as his muscles loosened, his chest stop moving. His eyes were still open and frozen. She took her hand off his lips and saw her skin splattered with red blood. She smiled.
"Ah, you enjoyed..." she whispered with twisted satisfaction.

As Agatha climbed out the window, she looked into his paralyzed eyes once more.
"I hope you loved it. My new present: Blood Splutter Poison!" And with that, the window closed with a shut.

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(Forgive me if this is a lil rough around the edges but I come from the elder days of rp and not used to CS and this forum style)

Name: Damian Shanache

Kingdom: He's currently in yellow even though he really just travels around aimlessly

No headphones obviously. Lol, He also doesn't have painted nails.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Nickname: He got the nickname Shadow in the underworld

Occupation / Title: Assassin & Scholar

"Why am I always given the hard jobs" Damian is rather lazy when it comes to things that don't interest him. He is an assassin that doesn't really like to fight. He is interested in knowledge and killing things happens to pay for his hobby. He's sarcastic in life and in the heat of battle. He is rather intelligence since he has traveled around and been reading books and scrolls from places he probably shouldn't be. He tries to avoid any attention and blends in with the crowd and he's also a bit shy.

Marital Status: Single

Equipment / Gear / Looks:
Damian doesn't keep much gear on him. He usually has a tight fitting black "onsie" so to speak on under his normal clothing. He is an assassin after all and favors mobility. He is around the average height for a human and he is on the smaller size when it comes to build. He doesn't believe in being bulky in his line of work. He is usually seen in all black. Jeans, shoes, and shirt. He is a deadly proficient and efficient fighter. He usually keeps throwing daggers on his person. He had an undisclosed number he keeps in his sleeves. He has two Kukri knives in sheaths on his lower back.

/ Strengths:

Damian is an expert in the quick kill because of his primary ability.

He is also rather intelligent from his travels and studies.

He can blend in pretty well anywhere because he has visited every country for a job or something he wanted to know more about.

He isn't the strongest physically but he can augment his strength his his secondary and more dangerous ability.

He dabbles in poison but he is nowhere near an expert and he prefers to just buy them when he has the chance.

I guess I should explain his two abilities.

The first one is the manipulation of his shadow and any shadow he connects his to. He can make it as soft as a feather or as hard as steel. It can be broken by ridiculously strong creatures or if it takes repeated shots. When he activates it, it take the form of a pool around him. The surface area is affected by the time of the day and how many shadow's he can connect to. He has mastered this ability and can fight for a lot longer than he can with his other. The drawbacks of this are. There are times when there is no shadow and at night he can't really use it unless he creates some light or the moon is bright enough.

The second ability he has is "Deity Wielding". This is his strongest ability and changes based on his knowledge. He had the power to imitate within limits the power of a deity. For OOC purposes an example, if he wields Hephaestus (Greek god of fire), he would be immune from fire damage for a limited time. He has a very very short use time for this. He has about 5 minutes for lower deity's and 3 minutes for high gods. The drawbacks of this cause he's not invincible is his stamina. He is literally useless if he pushes it to the limit. He won't be able to move or defend himself. He also can't augment his power to ridiculous levels. If he imitates a god of strength, he could push himself to become as strong as a high demon but he only has a minute limit on that. A lower demon he has like 2 minutes before he is exhausted. He has no stamina for this ability at all because it's not meant for humans. Also if he pushes past let's say the 5 minute mark, his soul starts to deteriorate and his body will be left a lifeless vessel. (I have no idea where I came up with this from..just was thinking one day but it's also why I put crazy limiters on it because he is only human and an assassin. I can change it up if it seems overpowered or anything)

/ Fears:

He doesn't have much stamina | He has trouble against opponents that can match his agility | He has a habit of playing in combat

He can't really relate to people's emotions well | He also has no idea how to act around royalty |

Fears: | Dying | Ship travel | Never finding out how he got his abilities | He's apprehensive around fairies | Not finding his parents |

Likes: Food | Alcohol | Red-Headed women | Women with a temper | Knowledge | Quick kills | Easy money | Vampires |

Dislikes: Demons | Arrogant people | Turtles | Becoming an idiot | Not knowing his past | Bland Food |

Brief History: Damian doesn't know much about his real parents or anything. He was found when he was five and he had been apart of some dark magic ritual that gave the normal human boy 2 extraordinary gifts. One is quite easy on his body and doesn't tax him out as much as the other. He knows dark priests were the ones that did it to him but he doesn't know if his mother and father were the ones who did it, if they were killed and he did it, and he wishes to find out. He was raised on a farm and appreciates little acts of kindness and genuine people, which he believes are hard to come by in this crazy world. He learned his sarcasm from his adopted father and his semi-distrust of people from his adopted mother. They were killed by lower demons and that is where his dislike from demons come. He has only met one vampire and oddly enough the two became friend's but he hasn't seen him in a very long time.

Paragraph example:

The young man was sitting under a large tree and there was a slight wind tonight. The wind whipped his hair back a little but a small and enjoyable smile crossed his face as the chill bit at his face. He had always come to enjoy the cold of winter of the heat of summer. The sun had set a few minutes ago and the animals of the night were starting to come out as well as some of the supernatural beings. A starling sound escaped from his lips as a small glowing figure seemed to have sneaked up on him and his eyes narrowed a bit in suspicion and he leaned his body a little away from the fairy-like creature. His brows seemed to come closer together as he raised his right hand and he bought it down harmlessly towards the creature but he missed since he wasn't actually trying to harm it. He had always been a little suspicious of the little creatures and he always thought they were going to steal something or cause him trouble - which he actively tried to avoid if he could. "Shoo shoo" He spoke in a slightly irritated voice as he moved his hands back towards the fairy to try and get it away from him. This would be his undoing as the little creature called backup and they seemed to be able to sense his annoyance with them.

A groan escaped his lips as several more fairies started to dance around him. He was far too lazy to get up and escape from them but his irritation level was growing and his veins started to bulge a little. This only would lead him deeper down the hole of despair as the fairies began to dance even more. He raised up his hands as a sign of saying he gives up. His eyes shifted towards the sky and the look of annoyance had changed to one of defeat as he fell backwards. His body hit the moist ground and he placed his hands behind his head as the fairies continued their dance of annoyance. "Ughhhh why do things such as this always happen to me..I'm probably gonna wake up tied up, naked, and without any money"


Vali Pierce


The Red Kingdom - The Kingdom of Cimedech










The Dark Butler



Occupation / Title:

Personal Butler/Bodyguard- To Mordahl Cimedech


Vali is a dedicated butler to Mordahl and upholds a strong sense of duty to his master. He faithfully follows and carries out every one of Mordahl's orders, while ensuring that everything runs smoothly. He does not sleep for he deems it a form of luxury—and thus, he frequently performs tasks for Mordahl at night. One of his quirks is that he will always respond to Mordahl's demands with the saying "Yes, my lord."

Vali predominantly appears as a courteous and impeccable servant. However, he is, in actuality, callous, heartless, and sadistic; he is ruthless when attacking others on Mordahl's orders, Vali usually expresses his diabolic nature through his dark, sarcastic humor and inability to see good in anyone. He thinks of his own master as a brat who treats his workers rudely though every time he says this his master just bellows that's my job and laughs, but he has admitted that he does not dislike the butler lifestyle despite all the troubles he goes through on a daily basis.

Marital Status:


Equipment / Gear / Looks:

He typically dresses in a butler's outfit, which consists of a black suit jacket over a maroon-colored vest with a red, string tie and a white undershirt with a ruffled Victorian collar, which are worn with black pants. He also wears short black knee-socks and brown dress shoes.

Vali is a rather short, thin figure with a extremely younger look for his age, thus causing him to stand out as more childlike in appearance. He has light purple hair, which he inherited from his mother , with matching eyes, and dark undertones beneath them, most likely due to lack of sleep.

He has 7 swords which he has wandered all over the realm for and has finally completed his collection. He can summon each one at will but may only wield one at a time.

He uses a right handed grip in combat.


From left to Right

1.Nights Fall-Useful for killing giant enemies over 20 feet tall though the insane weight of the blade makes it hard for long use, 2.Peace Keeper-Able to Phase threw walls, ceilings, doors etc everything except armor which he finds strange it also glows gold when enemy's are nearby are ,3. Venom-Gives wielder a poisonous aura which causes fatigue to foes though this also effects the user slightly, 4.Gold Leaf-The sword is able to move on its own which means Vali can make a cup of tea while the blade fights his battles, 5. Deep Silver- The sword's blade can freeze any creature except beings who are made entirely of fire or lava or creatures who blood is boiling hot, 6.Reaper- The blade can grow up to 6ft long or shrink to the size of a small dagger, 7.Amergeddon- Causes the user to go insane and not able to distinguish from friend or foe though with this sacrifice comes great power the swords power is enough to slay 20 small Orges in seconds though it can oly be used once a month.

Features / Strengths:

- Peak Physical and Mental Condition. Vali has had a lifetime to train his mind and body to near perfection.He is much more powerful than he looks and his master knows this.

-Knowledge over thousands of edible plants, Poisons and Creatures that are found in each kingdom.He believes all butlers should know exactly what dangers their are to his master.

- Fast. Vali isn't the fastest in the realm but he can run though he finds it to much of a chore.

Flaws / Fears:

-Can be bribed with large amounts of sweets. Flaw.

- Not sleeping meaning hes a bit sluggish but larges amounts of candy usually fixes this. Flaw.

- Having to find a new master. Fear


Ancient symbols known as sigma crosses whenever Vali sees one of these he immediatly goes into a trance where he serves the next person he sees after looking at the cross.


- Sweets!

- Cats


- Reading



- Idiots

- Surprises

- Being mistaken for a girl

Brief History:

He shares this with no one(He might later in the rp)

Paragraph example:

He was silent for longer than he should after she addressed him. He looked at her with curiosity, almost as if he was expecting her to say more, but when a large burly figure entered the room the silence was filled once more. Vali had to raise his chin to look the master over, and his curious smile revealed itself over the edge of the cloak momentarily. This time, instead of letting the silence ring out in the room, Vali cut into the Master's sentence before it was over.
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| NAME |

Avalon Eros Araceli


Ava, Ave, Avie (pet name), Eros, Celi

Princess, Princess Avalon, Princess Eros, Princess Araceli

| AGE |









Single (and ready to mingle)



Avalon is very bold, spontaneous, open-minded, and impulsive. She loves adventure and exploring new places as she is a free spirit. She is always willing to try something new and often follows her heart rather than her mind, which can get her into a lot of trouble. Furthermore, she is very observant and detail-oriented, often noticing the slightest changes in a person's habits or appearances. This intuitive attention to detail extends over to other patterns and customs in her daily life, allowing her to detect what needs to be changed and make connections with others. Straightforward and upfront with her thoughts, Avalon is not afraid of confrontation and prefers to communicate clearly with others. She is headstrong and opinionated, always standing up for what she believes in regardless of the consequences.

Underneath her bold exterior, however, lies a very kind and warmhearted person, often becoming quite protective of those close to her. She offers unconditional loyalty and care to those she loves, as she would be willing to do almost anything for her closest friends. Avalon is also very independent and follows her own intuition, refusing to rely on anyone else but herself. She values her ability to express herself, and anything that interferes with that, such as rigid traditions or hard-line rules, can make her feel trapped or boxed-in.

Because she has such an unpredictable, defiant, and bold personality, she is very irresponsible when it comes to her royal duties. Being the princess of the Pink Kingdom, her parents, the King and the Queen, have placed heavy expectations on her for possibly taking over the throne in the future. Avalon, however, prefers to continue staying busy with her seduction habits rather than boring herself with any royal responsibility.


Adventures | Trying new things | Seducing others | Spontaneity | Adrenaline rush | Listening to and appreciating music | Emotional art


Narrow-mindedness | Rigid rules | Arrogance | Ignorance | Her parents' constant pressures



Avalon was born into the Royal Family of the Pink Kingdom as the third-born princess. She grew up with two protective older brothers, who she became very close to. Her brothers had been trained to become the future leaders of their kingdom ever since they were born, especially the eldest brother. Therefore, when Avalon was born, she was mostly free to use her leisure time however she wanted. This created her bold, spontaneous, and curious personality, as she often passed her days exhibiting typical Succubus behavior and enjoying herself. Her display of excellent seduction skills spread quickly throughout the kingdom, and she soon attained a reputation of being one of the best Succubi.

One day, in her late teenage years, her oldest brother fell gravely ill. He spent most of his days resting in bed, trying to recover, but the doctors predicted that his lifespan would be cut short, as he was slowly getting weaker everyday. Finally, after one hard-fought year, he passed away. This caused Avalon's parents to begin training her and her brother even more to lead the kingdom one day. Although neither her nor her second oldest brother have been officially named the Heir to the Throne, her parents began placing hard expectations on her to assume royal responsibilities. This unexpected change in lifestyle has been difficult for Avalon, as she is used to spending her days doing whatever she pleased and is not accustomed to this sudden pressure.


Desire/Emotion Manipulation

Avalon is able to sense and manipulate the desires of others, whether by increasing, decreasing, and changing desire, or even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. These desires can include love, attraction, adoration, addictions, hopes and plans for the future or even for basic necessities. Furthermore, she is able to sense others' emotions and manipulate their feelings, moods, or affects, such as instilling fear, anger, sadness, betrayal, jealousy, etc. onto others.

Enslavement Kiss

She is able to enslave or control a being with one kiss for a brief period of time. Upon kissing another, she is able to mentally control and manipulate the minds of their victims, effectively making one a slave to her will. However, these effects do not last very long, and the victim will naturally regain their own control.


Avalon is extremely attentive and alert of both herself and her surroundings. She pays close attention to detail and can often detect even the smallest of changes.


Because she had so much time to herself and not much attention from her parents, Avalon was given the freedom to make most of her own decisions. This makes her very independent, as she does not need the advice or counsel from others to make her own choices.

Open-minded & Creative

Avalon possesses a very flexible mind, able to jump from one issue to the next as needed and adjusting her way of thought to the situation. She is often able to concoct creative solutions to certain problems, and is very receptive to new ideas or suggestions.


Because she is a very opinionated person, she is not afraid to voice her thoughts or stand up for what she believes in. This gives her a very strong core and thus, remain secure in her beliefs and values.



Because she spent most of her childhood with the freedom to do whatever she pleased while her older brothers tended to their royal duties, Avalon was not given much responsibility. Now that her oldest brother is gravely ill, and thus, will most likely secede his position as Heir to the Throne, she now has many more expectations to fulfill.


Her thirst for adventure and spontaneous nature can cause Avalon to act rather impulsively. She prefers to think with her heart rather than her mind, sometimes failing to consider the consequences fully.


Avalon can often be very stubborn and argumentative when it comes to her core values, usually remaining steadfast in her beliefs. In addition, her direct and headstrong nature does not help her compromise, even when it's necessary.


Her lack of exposure to real responsibilities for most of her childhood and adolescence have caused her to lag a little behind when it comes to important affairs. There is quite a lot that she needs to catch up on in terms of helping to lead the kingdom one day.



A slim, curvy woman with light red-brown hair and piercing golden eyes, she is often clad in revealing, dark clothing. She has two small red-brown horns, matching the color of her hair, that grow out of her head, as well as a sleek maroon tail extruding from her behind. She has light skin, slightly pointed ears, and seductive red lips. Her eyes and her lips are the most effective parts of her face when she is seducing a victim. Her wings have dark skin along the bones but light red tissue that make up the wing's delicate membrane. In addition, she often wears tall, black boots and black gloves to solidify her look.

She hides various knives in her boots as methods of both offense and defense. These knives can be used for both throwing and combat, as they are extremely sharp and able to quickly draw blood. Furthermore, she is able to use her long, powerful tail as a whip during combat.


Father | King Eros Araceli | Adult

commanding, charismatic, assertive, impulsive, diplomatic, stubborn

Mother | Queen Venus Araceli | Adult

kind, decisive, understanding, caring

[deceased] Oldest Brother | Prince Audric Araceli | Youth

responsible, generous, hardworking

Second Oldest Brother | Prince Atticus Araceli | Youth

respectful, polite, easygoing, follower


A rooster's shrill morning call pierced the thin silence of the air in the Kingdom of Aizen. A thin, young Succubus slowly opened the door to her bedroom, careful not to make a sound. Avalon stealthily slipped out of her room and headed down the empty hallway towards the stairs, staying close to the walls. She knew that her parents, King Eros and Queen Venus, would be awake soon and summon her to her new royal responsibilities, so she hoped to escape the extravagant castle before one of the servants was sent to find her. Ever since her eldest brother, the once Heir to the Throne, had passed away, her parents had begun allocating much of the royal duties to her and her second oldest brother. She, however, had spent most of her adolescence doing whatever she pleased, so these sudden restrictions were a difficult adjustment. She silently made her way down the stone steps of the tower until she reached the wooden door at the bottom. The bright sunlight peeked into the dark tower as she opened the door, turning her light brown hair into a fiery golden color.

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WORK IN PROGRESS (BB Code is being mean)

Julianne Kontas



Julianne Meirf Kontas


"How dare you ask a girl her age?!"






Grand Duchess

Marital Status



"Oh my god, you honestly think I'd stoop to that level? Idiot! Use your damn brain, imbecile!"

Julianne is high-brow, jealous, personal, strict, responsible, and sometimes kind.

She sticks out a great deal as a inner demon for how she acts. She only wears fine silk made

by artisans from the Purple Kingdom. She's always wearing some sort of fancy jewelry over her neck, ears,

and hands. Although, whenever one is to get in her way, she gets a mean attitude towards them

acting as if she's god compared to them, a bitch as people would say.. But when it comes to one similar of her

rank, a friend, family, or some attractive dude, she turns into a sweetie. Always kind, offering gifts, hanging out with them,

she becomes completely different.

She is also very responsible of her duties, always staying neat and keeping things in check.

She is also very loyal to her queen, looking up to her in many, many aspects. She also wants

to be the queen herself, but she really doesn't want to overthrow her current state.When it comes to people

she "likes", she is a loving, caring, and kind person.

Brief History

Julianne was always a greedy, jealous kid. She'd refuse to share, she absolutely DESPISED

it! She only
really shared with her friends, it wasn't even all that much that she'd share. Her brother was her favourite

when it came to people. Although, her brother was stolen from love, and his
whereabouts are unknown to her. As she grew

up, she got more jealous because of his
disappearance. She was also lonely, but she's pushed through it all

from the support she's had from the newly Queen at the time.


- Very Precise

- Close Eye

- Loyal

- Hard to Read (In Public)


- Greedy

- Very Precise

- Gets soft at times

- Gets demanding at times

- Gets hateful at times

- A Bitch


- Darkness

- Silence

- Chaos

- Her Brother Dead


She always has a concealed small dagger in the back of her shoe. She either wears the outfit shown in the image or wearing a nice dress. She usually wears her hair in a ponytail laying against her back.. Her hair is decorated in clips at the sides of her bangs (Like those strands of hair at the side of your head., next to your bangs... Those.), and wearing the same Lapis Lazuli necklace amulet around her neck.

Paragraph Example

Julianne walked throughout the castle halls in her dress, after requesting a certain piece of jewelry be made. She made her way to the blacksmith of the castle, checking in on what progress the man had done. "What's your progress on that amulet...?" She asked. When she did, the man presented the amulet that she'd request. "Oh my god... You damn idiot. This is terribly made... Your lucky im refraining from yelling. Make it again, give this amulet to your wife. I cant stand the look of this thing...." She said, obviously mad. THe man was devastated at his hard work to be trashed on right infront of him. Anyhow, he did what he was told to do. Julianne left from the room, her face splashed with boredom as her heels clicked against the floor to her room.

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Name: Caius

Kingdom: The Red Kingdom


Race: Demon

Age: 253

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Nickname: Storm

Occupation / Title: Guardian

Personality: He has a calm personality, and yet, as his plan comes to fruition, shows more emotion, such as rage grief.

Marital Status: Single

Equipment / Gear / Looks:
He is a tall, slender, and muscular man with long purple hair and purple eyes. He wears a thin, purple bandana, grayish violet light armor, and carries a curve sword.

Features / Strengths: Monster Control, Will power, Speed.

/ Fears: His flaws are that he can't control every monster, He can only tame wolves. His will power cannot beat sheer force. He is speedy and he doesn't like to go fast when it's raining outside.

Likes: Chicken, Playing board games, War , Money

Dislikes: Liars, Fools, Bloaters , rain

Brief History: He was raised in the red kingdom most of his life. His father and his grandfather were both guardians for the red empire. Sadly they both died during the war and Caius has decided to try his best to become the new Guardian for the red kingdom to insure the safety of the people who live in the red kingdom and fend off enemies. But with Caius's fear of rain it's hard for him to do any battles outside. He grew up alone, he waged wars in his head until he finally decided that he will try to be somebody instead of being a no body. That is when he took on the role Guardian.

Paragraph example:
Caius makes for an intimidating sight as he bears down upon his enemies, brandishing his massive blade with ease. He is known for surviving every war but almost nearing the brink of death. He loves to protect people who is dear to him, so he feels like he is useful towards other people and not look like a nobody. He hates to feel unimportant so he tries his best to fit in with everyone to get along with them and make new friendships a long the way. He loves war but he won't cause trouble until somebody else causes trouble.
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Kingdom: Languor

Age: 23


Sexuality: Straight

Nickname: Holli

Occupation / Title: Painter/ People-Watcher / 'Our Lady'

Personality: Very laid back with an 'it happens' attitude towards most things. Often finds herself doing things most people would consider to be thrill seeking or insane, when all she's really doing is trying to get a good view for a new painting. Hollidae is a generally pleasant person on the outside, though she is always hiding her true intentions - amongst other things -, whether they be to help someone or to hurt them.

Marital Status: Definitely single

Equipment / Gear / Looks:
A roll of canvas wrapped around a few worn paintbrushes and a collapsible paint tray, the black, square-rimmed glasses she hates to wear, and an old, faded painting are hidden in a small, black satchel pressed close against her right hip. Around her neck hangs a long, thin gold chain with a pendant of yellow crystal dangling from it, usually hiding beneath her shirt; a pair of round, gold studs is her matching earrings and only piercing. Aside from a small dagger strapped to her belt - usually covered by the satchel - the only other thing about Hollidae that is worth mentioning is the tattoo on her right wrist. It is a sequence of two black orbs, a fourth orb, and then a fifth, each separated by a much smaller dot (OO.O.O).

/ Strengths: When it comes to painting, she has an eye for detail. Things that most people wouldn't notice or even be able to see, she can capture in a snap. Surprisingly, this translates into her shooting skills - when she's focused; the girl would make an amazing marksman in the military, if she were capable of any kind of consistency and structure. She is also a fantastic actor and capable of staying extremely calm and relaxed in most situations.

/ Fears: It may be easy for Hollidae to focus on anything that will eventually make it onto her canvas but distractions come easily for her. A high build-up of emotion that's been pent up for too long or a passing thought that turns into a daydream can quickly shut down her focus and make her a bit... not all there. While this in no way makes her seem ditsy or unintelligent, it does reinforce her careless attitude. The lack of focus also does a number on her vision, making it waiver and blur when she's at her worst. Her acting skills generally come in handy for selfish reasons - such is the flaw of a human.

Likes: The outdoors | Knowledge | Traveling | Peace | Relaxing | Shameless flirting

Disruptive people | Uncertainty | Spoiled brats | Kangaroos

Brief History & example: "Demons, vampires, elves... Like there isn't enough crap to deal with in humans. Oh, wait! They're all mine to deal with, anyway. Why not add a few more to the mix?" The words dripped with venom as they fell from pale, pink lips. Fortunately, there wasn't a single person around to hear them. The cold air whipped ginger waves against against the girl's soft skin, sending a shiver throughout her entire body. It was barely twenty degrees on the cliffs, but the blood moon would be devouring the sky in just moments - a sight no true artist would miss.

With another frustrated exhale, Hollidae Gelb dipped the tip of a thin paint brush into a a thin blob of white liquid before fluidly pressing the bristles against her canvas. The scene before her was that of a landscape of rocky shore and crashing waves. The only thing missing was the sky, which would take up an entire half of the painting.

The girl tried to keep her mind clear as she worked, but it was proving harder than usual. It had only been a few months since her father had informed Holli of her 'true destiny', which happened to mean that the lives of all humans rested in her hands. Books and the natural world had always taught the young woman not to trust her own species and now she had to secretly rule over them.

"It is your birthright. Your papa performed his duties as Our Lord from the time he was only thirteen until his dying moment, just days ago."

Hollidae flattened out the skirt of her black dress, all expression drained from her face. Only an hour had passed since her great grandfather was buried in the family cemetery; her father wasted no time passing the crown - or in this case, the rock?

"This crystal is a symbol of our kingdom of Languor. It was once a portion of the incredible fortress that stood in the center of Pangea. When the fortress fell, your ancestor fled with this piece so that we would always have a way to remember the past."

Deep green eyes flickered up to old brown ones. "And you expect me to believe this. That papa was some human king and all the mythical creatures of lore are real? And that this..." She turned the yellow crystal between her thumb and pointer, "...rock is somehow important?"

The memory was annoyingly vivid and it took all of her willpower to keep Hollidae's vision from blurring every so slightly. The days following her grandfather's burial were spent pouring over journal after journal explaining the 'true way of the world'. By the time she was done reading, Hollidae was easily questioning what she knew about the world - and understanding less and less.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the thoughts out of her head as best she could and focused on the enormous red orb that was beginning to fill the sky. Repeated flicks of her wrist sent paint in different directions, helping relax her mind. Our Lady Hollidae would try to keep her life as normal as humanly possible - pun intended - until she was forced to meet with the other kingdoms. At any rate, she would definitely get some good painting out of her upcoming travels, if she's given the time.
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DraeDC said:

Kingdom: Languor

Age: 23


Sexuality: Straight

Nickname: Holli

Occupation / Title: Photographer / People-Watcher / 'Our Lady'

Personality: Very laid back with an 'it happens' attitude towards most things. Often finds herself doing things most people would consider to be thrill seeking or insane, when all she's really doing is trying to get a good shot. Hollidae is a generally pleasant person on the outside, though she is always hiding her true intentions - amongst other things -, whether they be to help someone or to hurt them.

Marital Status: Definitely single

Equipment / Gear / Looks:
A Nikon D800, the black, square-rimmed glasses she hates to wear, and an old, faded photograph are hidden in a small, black satchel pressed close against her right hip. Around her neck hangs a long, thin gold chain with a pendant of yellow crystal dangling from it, usually hiding beneath her shirt; a pair of round, gold studs is her matching earrings and only piercing. Aside from a small side-arm strapped to her belt - usually covered by the satchel - the only other thing about Hollidae that is worth mentioning is the tattoo on her right wrist. It is a sequence of two black orbs, a fourth orb, and then a fifth, each separated by a much smaller dot (OO.O.O).

/ Strengths: When it comes to photography, she has an Eagle Eye. Things that most people wouldn't notice or even be able to see, she can capture in a snap. Surprisingly, this translates into her shooting skills - when she's focused; the girl would make an amazing marksman in the military, if she were capable of any kind of consistency and structure. She is also a fantastic actor and capable of staying extremely calm and relaxed in most situations.

/ Fears: It may be easy for Hollidae to focus on anything through the lens of a camera but distractions come easily for her. A high build-up of emotion that's been pent up for too long or a passing thought that turns into a daydream can quickly shut down her focus and make her a bit... not all there. While this in no way makes her seem ditsy or unintelligent, it does reinforce her careless attitude. The lack of focus also does a number on her vision, making it waiver and blur when she's at her worst. Her acting skills generally come in handy for selfish reasons - such is the flaw of a human.

Likes: The outdoors | Knowledge | Traveling | Peace | Relaxing | Shameless flirting

Disruptive people | Uncertainty | Spoiled brats | Kangaroos

Brief History & example: "Demons, vampires, elves... Like there isn't enough crap to deal with in humans. Oh, wait! They're all mine to deal with, anyway. Why not add a few more to the mix?" The words dripped with venom as they fell from pale, pink lips. Fortunately, there wasn't a single person around to hear them. The cold air whipped ginger waves against against the girl's soft skin, sending a shiver throughout her entire body. It was barely twenty degrees on the cliffs, but the blood moon would be devouring the sky in just moments - a sight no photographer in their right mind would miss.

With another frustrated exhale, Hollidae Gelb lifted her bulky camera to focus in on the landscape of rocky shore and crashing waves. It had only been a few months since her father had informed Holli of her 'true destiny', which happened to mean that the lives of all humans rested in her hands. Books and the natural world had always taught the young woman not to trust her own species and now she had to secretly rule over them.

"It is your birthright. Your papa performed his duties as Our Lord from the time he was only thirteen until his dying moment, just days ago."

Hollidae flattened out the skirt of her black dress, all expression drained from her face. Only an hour had passed since her great grandfather was buried in the family cemetery; her father wasted no time passing the crown - or in this case, the rock?

"This crystal is a symbol of our kingdom of Languor. It was once a portion of the incredible fortress that stood in the center of Pangea. When the fortress fell, your ancestor fled with this piece so that we would always have a way to remember the past."

Deep green eyes flickered up to old brown ones. "And you expect me to believe this. That papa was some human king and all the mythical creatures of lore are real? And that this..." She turned the yellow crystal between her thumb and pointer, "...rock is somehow important?"

The memory was annoyingly vivid and it took all of her willpower to keep Hollidae's vision from blurring every so slightly. The days following her grandfather's burial were spent pouring over journal after journal explaining the 'true way of the world'. By the time she was done reading, Hollidae felt as if she had binge-watched all of Game of Thrones in one sitting.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the thoughts out of her head as best she could and focused on the enormous red orb that was beginning to fill the sky. Repeated clicks of the camera shutter helped relax her mind. Our Lady Hollidae would try to keep her life as normal as humanly possible - pun intended - until she was forced to meet with the other kingdoms. At any rate, she would definitely get some good photos out of her upcoming travels.
Ummm.... It's kind of medieval and though you're character is DA bomb. She doesn't really fit
Name: Jamilia

Blue Kingdom


Age: 29


Sexuality: Bisexual

Nickname: The Alcohol Witch

Occupation / Title: General, commanding officer of Adwest (Air Division of the West), headquartered at Ridget Castle (here aircraft refer to broomsticks, pegasi or wyverns)

Personality: She seems prone to drink alcohol on any occasion

Marital Status: Married

Equipment / Gear / Looks:
She uses a long halberd (~10ft long) both as a wand and as a means to fight targets that are immune to alcohol magic, upon which the standard of the Air Division of the West is attached. And also, due to her magic, she seems to only wear armor when in a parade or in a joust.

/ Strengths: Can drink tons of alcohol without blacking out or otherwise suffering from side effects, can use a variety of long and thin implements as a wand, can serve alcohol like no other

/ Fears: Lacks agility, gets thirsty fast, cannot cast spells without an object she can use as a wand, gets tired quickly afoot, alcohol prohibition (fear)

Likes: Alcohol, knowledge, food, flying

Tight spaces, deserts, fools, forced marches on the ground

Brief History: Born into a family of innkeepers, Jamilia developed a fondness for alcohol from a young age. She quickly discovered her talent with magic and she became adept with using magic in combat, developing a whole range of alcohol-based spells from which she derives her pride. Thanks to her, Ridget never seems to run out of alcohol and she happily supplies alcohol by the barrel for everyone to drink. Upon discovering how to use alcohol magic as a weapon, she began combat training with an halberd, only to find herself deployed as a bomber witch in combat. Her alcohol magic proved ineffectual against stone walls, but devastatingly effective against portcullises, drawbridges, thatched roofs as well as other items made of wood or metal. For this reason she taught her cadre of bomber wizards how to cast alcohol magic for use in siege warfare, and, as such, she had her share of successes when the situation calls for carpet bombing.

She was given the command of the Air Division of the West as a result of the death in battle of its previous commander and her subsequent marriage with the Duke of Ridget. She also pursues her alcohol magic research; as a result, she has entire spellbooks of alcohol magic in her memory as well as in print.

Paragraph example:

Jamilia is positioned at the center of a camp set up by the airmen of the Air Division of the West, as well as their ground-bound custodians. Wizards, ballista operators, pegasus and wyvern jockeys, everyone stands at attention. "The Air Division of the West is poised to attack the Pink Kingdom's coastal defenses. Our first step is to capture the fortress of Misthalin due to its strategic location; capture Misthalin and the road to the Pink Kingdom capital is bare open" she began. "We'll be deep inside enemy lines; how can we make sure that the Pink Kingdom won't try to intercept us while at sea?" an air superiority witch asked, although that particular witch would rather have the Air Division of the West used as a "fleet in being" instead. "Here, we'll have Squadrons 16 and 17 patrol the sea in search for enemy ships to sink before committing to battle on the other side of the sea. And also take a detector witch or wizard with you while flying. The seas and the skies may be rough, but take out the enemy fleet and we can attack Misthalin afterward" instructed Jamilia, with her head turned towards the pilots of these squadrons. One of these detector wizards, crystal ball in hand, detected an enemy fleet in it and reports about it during that briefing. "General, there are enemy ships thirty leagues to the west from here!"
Name: Jack Cavour

Kingdom: Blue Kingdom

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hererosexual

Nickname: Mad Jack


Personality: distant, yet kind

Marital Status: Single

Equipment/Gear/Looks: Using a longbow against distant targets and a Broadsword against those who get close enough. Leather armor and steel plate gloves for protection, and illusion magic to get out of a tight spot. Has a tattoo of the Ace of Spades in his right hand.

Strengths: An archer with skill to rival the elves, Enough cunning to get out of a difficult situation and to convince clients to pay extra, and able to go unnoticed to even the best spotters, at least until it's too late

Flaws: Distant so working with a team is a challenge, shows mercy often, willing to join a doomed fight to save a few

Likes: Archery, Jobs, and Good food

Dislikes; Betrayal, being beaten, and spotters

Brief History: Life in the open, empty spaces of the Blue Kingdom was never a challenge, nor was it easy. Having to hunt game for.a meal wasn't difficult, especially after learning how to use the bow, Raiders are a different story however. After capturing his family and demanding a huge ransom, Jack went to do any jobs he could to get them back, after 6 years of work, he had finally earned all the money he needed, only to be tricked and his family slaughtered right infront of him. He went berserk and killed the bandits, after this he came to his senses, buried his family near their old home, burned it to the ground, and set off to find more work.

Paragraph Example:

"Having to pursue the target isn't usually that tough, but it's tougher when I have to chase you through a city" Having recently done a job for this old noble, Jack expected to be payed in silver, as was the deal, but what he got was steel. In an ambush against 6 bandits, all were killed except 1, that last one told him who hired them and ran away with his tail between his legs. Jack found the noble and threatened him to either pay up or be killed, having already put an arrow into each of his hands, he told him the next one wouldn't miss. The noble finally talked and payed up, after checking to see if the money is real, Jack ran off in the city roof tops, leaving his signature calling card, the arrow tipped with the Ace of Spades.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.7433dbc7fbe0416e76dd4ebc436e1100.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.7433dbc7fbe0416e76dd4ebc436e1100.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Eirian Anwar


Green Kingdom




460 (physically 23)




Doesn't know and doesn't care


“Historian” (more of a title she’s referred to as than a nickname)

Occupation / Title:

Royal Chronicler/Historian


“If you have time to be bothering me with your nonsense then you most certainly have the time to be doing your work.”

Eirian is a serious and no-nonsense woman, she very rarely shows any emotion as she was raised to be as unbiased and impersonal as possible. The Historian is an intellect who loves order and knowledge and the palace library is like a second home to her but, because of her upbringing, she can be a very cold person.

Marital Status:


Equipment / Gear / Looks:

The elf is adorned in fairly simple attire: Loose black shirt and skirt with the shirt sleeves falling down to her wrists. Embroidered in white thread onto the right sleeve of her shirt is the official mark of the historians. This mark has also been tattooed onto the left side of her face in silver ink. It shows her status as the successor to the family and the head of the historians and due to the color, it often goes unnoticed by most. It is unseen yet sees all; a perfect symbol of her family’s mission. Eirian often wears her hair pulled back into a simple bun, displaying her delicately pointed elven ears, and is prone to carrying around a writing utensil and journal to jot down anything of note she might see.


Features / Strengths:

Extremely intelligent, photographic memory, good judge of character

Flaws / Fears:

Unable to focus when surrounded by disorder, she can be very rude and cold, and she hates the thought of any important history being lost forever


Books, Silence, Learning


Ignorance, Unintelligent or vapid people, and a messy work space

Brief History:

Eirian comes from an ancient family of historians, people who were in charge of recording as much of the elven history as possible. Being the only child and successor, she was given a rigorous education in preparation to fulfill her role and taught to separate her feelings from situations in order to get as accurate an account as possible. Eirian took to this teaching style with enthusiasm, or as much enthusiasm as she could show, and was eager to learn all that she could. When the head of the family passed away, Eirian, at the tender age of 400, stepped up to take his place to document and keep the elven history.

Paragraph example:

The young woman sighed as she walked through the halls, her progress accompanied by the quiet shuffling from the sheaf of papers she held in her hands. Crystalline blue eyes flitted across them, taking in information as her already present frown grew in size. Not only had one of the junior book keepers- assistants from outside of the family who worked under her- been slacking off, they had reportedly re-shelved a book in the wrong section of the library. The palace library was an area of great importance and the chance to work as a book keeper was a coveted job-- not many were blessed enough to have the connections and status to make it. If that was the case, then how did an imbecile like this make it in? It appeared as if she were going to have to keep a closer eye on the entering pool of candidates from now on if dreck like this were being admitted.

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