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Fantasy OSAG [LORE]



New Member
A War of Sugar and Gold

  • map (2).jpg
    Legend has it that long ago, the continent of Daitōryō knew peace, and prospered under a unified banner of mutual wealth and benefit. Yet, all available recorded history illustrates only eras of dispute, subterfuge, and warfare. In a world plagued by constant conflict, even legends and tall tales can be of relief for those in poverty. Imagination, to believe in better times, to believe that perhaps one day, things may return to how elders say they were. A time before the Emperors split the continent into a multitude of Feudal lands, a time before each country wasn’t forced into a perpetual military upkeep simply for the sake of deterrence. A time when one was all and all were one, when Daitōryō was really home.

  • Poverty and misery tend to rule the smaller lands. A cycle exists for those in power. Political neglect creates cheap benefits from those in poverty, and cheap benefits mean there is nothing else for victims to do except accept their neglect, or die of starvation. Many if not all Emperors in the line of succession adhere to such principles, to as to keep order and obedience within their continent. They rule in peace and greed from their palace at the center of Daitōryō, located in the Land of Gold. For decades, if not centuries, the Land of Sugar has been a primary victim of such a vicious cycle. The current Feudal Lord of Sugar, Grandmaster Harami, has recently taken up the position once more after his son perished of illness. Many citizens welcome the re-succesion, for Harami’s son was widely considered to be a weak ruler. Harami has received backlash across the empire for his rebellious tendencies, which is why he is popularly liked by his citizens. Nevertheless, it is no secret that he is an ageing old man, and the rains of the land are not merciful to the elderly. Thus, many question why he elected to return to the throne with so little time left. You, however, will soon come to know why. Two weeks ago, Emperor Futomo of Daitōryō also succumbed to illness. Futomo was a strict and powerful ruler, widely adored by many of the stronger Lands. His son, Futomaru, who happens to be next in line for the Imperial Throne, has followed closely in his footsteps. Many sages estimate Futomaru to be an even greater king than his father was, surpassing him in both physical power and global appeal. This is grim news for the smaller Lands. In his waning days, Grandmaster Harami has decided that this is his last opportunity to make a change for the better. Where he and his son failed to bring peace to their beloved Land of Sugar, he now has nothing to lose. Fail or succeed, his death will come soon.
    By order of Feudal Lord of Sugar, you have been summoned for a maximum tier assignment.

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A War of Sugar and Gold
The Land of Sugar


Many years ago, an Emperor whom's name has long since vanished under the weight of time divided the continent of Daitōryō, then known as “Endem”, into several territories which are now known as Feudal Lands. To keep things simple and orderly, each territory was named after its most prominent locality. Known for its abundance in sugar cane and exports in sweets, the Emperor named this small, rainy territory after it. The Land of Sugar is the smallest and poorest of all the lands. Its lack of strong military means it is constantly bullied by neighboring lands for cheap exports, and its conditions gradually dwindle due to constant rain and lack of funds for upkeep. It is a very metallic place, with tall, rusted buildings. What little arable land it has is used for the cultivation of sugarcane. Because of its small size, the land’s military focuses on individual excellence rather than abundant strength, meaning it is home to excellent, disciplined warriors. Due to a constant updraft from the Land of Clouds, rain is a common occurrence in the Land of Sugar. It rains at least 5 times a week here, making it impossible to practice horticulture or cultivate crops. Raising cattle is also very hard to do, because there is no mass vegetation for them to graze on, and pneumonia is a common illness for animals because of all the rain. As a result the citizens of this Land resort to growing Sugar cane, which can grow in well tended mud just as well as it could in sand or soil. Around 75% of the land’s citizens works in a sugar cane plantation or refinery, although this consensus excludes military personnel from the population pool.

Although it is located in a marshy, rainy field, the Land of Sugar's appearance has characteristic industrial elements. It is home to many rusty, abandoned skyscrapers from a long-gone era of industry. Smog from the sugar refineries pollutes the air every day, enabling a very gloomy, depressing atmosphere. Beauty is not something that this land is known for. Like all the other Lands, nevertheless, it is home to key points of infrastructure that they consider dear, and protect at all costs.

  • The Sugar Refineries are the heart and soul of the Land of Sugar. It is the industrial powerhouse of the land, the economic core that keeps the country running. Alongside the Hospital, the refineries are among the most advanced forms of technology owned by the Land of Sugar, and as such, it is a heavily guarded and protected location. Situated to the north-east, nearing the mountain ranges, the refineries are responsible for processing harvested sugar cane into raw sugar and sweets for export. It is made up of two individual refinery plants, both located in the very center of their respective cane plantations. Everything is overseen by a large control tower at the center of the installation.
    To the Sugarites, the importance of the refineries is borderline sacred. Virtually every citizen of the land has labored here at one point in their life, and virtually every member of the military has served important guard shifts here. The few noble families that do reside within the Land of Sugar all have economic ties to this installation, and upkeep it in whatever ways they can. The refineries have been attacked many times in the past, but have been successfully rebuilt. The blueprints for sugar processing are kept guarded within the Feudal Hall.


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