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Multiple Settings Original Sci-fi(fantasy adaptable) daily, adv-lit/lit, match-novella


Supreme ruler of all things (that I wrote)
Adaptable setting, fantasy, cyberpunk, sci-fi, :

In a world/galaxy full of diverse life, hundreds of sentient peoples, a half dozen ruling governments, religions and philosophies…

Long ago there was one species, Aza’idej that had usual powers, some could read minds, heal, sense futures, communicate with animals, shift forms, among other things. And for many generations they were prized among the other races for their abilities… but war tore that era apart and most of the Aza were killed, a half dozen families hid, incredibly secretive and fearful of those still actively hunting them. The Aza’idej, originally had blue skin and red eyes, but most are now hybrids, having various skin colors of their mixed heritages, eye color is routinely changed for protection. There are two main types now, covert-born, and destiny-born. The Covert mostly live in secret family groups, keeping to themselves and caring for their legacy. The Destiny sense a future for themselves outside of the secret families, and go forth into the world at large to make whatever difference they can.

Emperor Enitapla, overlord of one of the largest empires is one such hunter and destiny born. Enitapla grew up outside of the covert, her abilities having skipped several generations so she had no connection with the family she hunted down and murdered. She views all others to be threats to her and her empire. She appears to be human, with normal skin tone and eyes, and she is arguably the most powerful individuals. She has one adopted son, another Aza’idej, and he is quite cruel with a reputation for violence. They have started cloning and producing modified constructs of machine and blood, some with abilities, under the control of the empire.

A rebel alliance has risen, still mostly secret with a half dozen individuals of power and influence. Leftover warriors from days gone by, mostly crippled, teach the young bright eyed rebels.

Coverts themselves are extremely secretive, not even teaching their children the truth until they have proved themselves of good moral character and loyal, often letting children leave for big cities and new lives, not even knowing about their true heritage unless they themselves have abilities. I’m craving the story of one such boy, who suspects but has no obvious abilities, but is rather intelligent and a great tactician. After rising quickly through the empire’s academy he’s hand picked by the emperor to be one of her top military commanders. Aside from explaining his usual eye color he has no trouble convincing the emperor that he is loyal, while secretly watching out for his own kind, hoping one day he will be in a position to rescue his own… that day is fast approaching.

There is lots of room for all sorts of stories, all sorts can be inserted into the mix from canon Star Wars—original alien races, droids and mecha. You can ask about the characters mentioned above or introduce your own. The major familit’s take the crests of mythical creatures, dragons, elves, werewolves, etc.

I’m personally looking for something balanced, with action and intrigue as well as personal and intimate.

Back to the beginning, let me introduce myself.
Hi, I’m just go by my muse’s name Serenity.

I felt my intro got too long so I thought I would break it up a bit!
-I had some thoughts
-I have my own introduction
-I have characters and ideas
-writing sample
Feel free to scroll to whatever one first. Some of it will be repetitive because I don’t know what you will read first. If you’re like me you skip to the good/important parts first.

> **My thoughts**

Welcome to my interest check, this is the part where I tell you to put yourself out there and pitch your plot idea. I’m happy to plot even if we don’t get to a starting point, my sci-fi world can be adapted to most fantasy ideas so I would love to hear what you’re craving. Feel free to leave comments about what you’re looking for in the comments section, I don’t mind people bumping my check or using it as inspiration if you want something beyond my interests.

> **My intro**
-I’ve roleplayed for 10+years (well before I could write worth beans)

-I’m Advanced Literate,3+ paragraphs average; seeking Adv/understandable writing that won’t get us bogged down in explanations

-Quality over quantity. **Just let me know up front what length you’re comfortable with**

-Pairings: MxF or any combination of Nb

-I can’t believe I’m 30 now… still single… and very lonely

-Not good with mxm and fxf. Romance is Not Necessary. I enjoy writing two character partnerships that don’t necessarily lead to kissy kissy.

-Very flexible, Problem? *tell me about it.* Not working? *let me know, I don’t mind backing up*. Having a tough time reply for any reason, *Come ooc chat with me and we can work it out or just be friendly.*

-Seeking long term RP partners

-I do have a job, mental health issues & parents who need an increasing level of assistance. I expect to be able to reply once a day

-I RP to escape real life... NOT looking for Modern or Real life style RPs

-Definitely hoping for more people to play male characters in my life soon

-No real triggers on my end; please don’t forget to tell me if you have any!! The only thing I ask is that we not make side character relationships front and center. I’m the jealous type, what can I say?

-I Almost always double
-I play 1x1
-I can work with Starwars Fandom a bit but I love creative characters and universes better.
-Time Zone: PST


> ** My ideas/Characters**
First of all, Everything is negotiable! I would love to tweak Serenity and any part of her life to fit your universe instead of mine. This is just somewhere to start. I almost always double, so there is always room for more characters. I **really** want to hear about your ideas and anything you are excited about before you think too hard about anything below.

*Serenity Grace:*
A young girl that either died or was in a deep coma when they used her to make an (possibly illegal) construct Cyborg/Android. (Can be kissy kissy capable) Too tall, too sassy, too dangerous. Adventures and has a very, very dark side because she was built to be a walking weapon. She has some serious self-hate issues because of it.

Serenity is a construct, which is to say she’s a humanoid robot body with cloned or otherwise dead human parts. Technically an AI consciousness running on human brain matter and machine processor. Built to be a Security Unit or (SecUnit) she was made to be stronger, faster and smarter than a human. Her model is called a CombatUnit, so she has combat ready upgrades. She can walk through bombs and take bullets. (References to Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. Highly recommend you read that. But not necessarily a Fandom.)

Serenity’s “canon” universe is Cyberpunk, but she can be adapted to anything with enough technology to make her possible. Anything from futuristic Steampunk to Fantasypunk.

She woke up in a lab in an adult body. She has basic memories but wouldn’t recognize her own family if she met them. I do have some less human options but no one has yet been interested in those.

After some torture, or what we would consider torture and what they would call “training” she was stolen.

(I start breaking down things in places you can insert your character along her “canon” storyline, but you’ll probably want to read each one as they build on each other. Everything before the one you pick is backstory and can be flash back scenes in RP)

Your welcome to play the Tech person that was forced to create Serenity and other units like her. The jist is that no longer wanted to be a slave to the company building the constructs. They escaped together.
If you don’t want to be the tech, then I usually call her Na’zari. Dr. Na’zari and Serenity become fugitives as they run from the corporation-run territories called the Corporation Rim. They can be assisted by a (insert best description of your character(s) here) or they board a pirate/raider vessel willing to leave immediately.

YC can be the captain of the ship that Serenity and Na’zari escape on. Pirate ship or anything. Sky’s the limit, they weren’t picky they were just worried about getting away.

After finding a safe port the pirates realize that Serenity hacked the payment system and come after her and Na’zari. She’s forced to go to the local authorities or else kill all the pirates. When the local law enforcement figures out what Serenity is, they try to detain her semi-permanently. The Chief/Sharif/Commander/Admiral/person in charge with authority decides to put her on their team and use her. She ends up liking the job and impressing a lot of people, working up the ranks.

In one of her cases she saves an orphan child (which could be your character). The kid attaches themself to her. For quite some time she is their guardian to due to a crime lords desire to murder all the witnesses that include the child.

After inadvertently starting a relationship with the man that put her to work, an accident occurs. He is required to make a split second decision to order her to strike, or hold her fire. He ordered a fire, and she narrowly aborted. He had made the wrong call. She still ended up killing innocent people.

This of course put their relationship in jeopardy and he went to great lengths to make it up to her. They finally had things more or less patched up when they got an opportunity to take out the terrorist/crime lord that was trying to kill the kid. They put their relationship on hold so as not to compromise their mission.

She and he only had one shot, they would have to go undercover and follow a lead. Going dark to complete the unsanctioned mission, they got themselves in a bit of a sticky situation. He’s morally injured but she gets a stasis field on him so there is a chance he can be revived. She gets him on his way back and goes to finish the job. The terrorist is killed, but his buddies capture Serenity. They attempt to torture her for information but she dumps her memory core so she has nothing to give them. They implant memories to try to confuse her into telling them what she knows. They drug her in further attempts to disconnect her from reality.

After three years he wakes up out of coma, and comes for her. He finds everyone was told that he died and locates his team. After she’s rescued, he has to convince her that her own memories are real and help her cope with the paranoia that had kept her alive the last three years. They have to decide where to go in their relationship and lives from there, likely having made some powerful enemies along the way.

5 years instead of 3 and he has to track down Serenity as she was broken and put back to work as a functional CombatUnit. She’s lost touch with her identity, believing he’s dead. Her owners are using her to fight a rebellion on a colonized planet.

7 years instead of 3 and he actually is dead. Serenity is now no longer functional as a person. Your character finds/rescues her from being recycled.

Azalea was taken from her parents by pirate, and as the name implies she is indeed Aza’idej. She was sold into slavery and needs a rescue. I’m shipping her with the young military commander mentioned in the top most section, and as she comes out of her shell, she is thrown into the middle of the empire’s conflict. Initially their assessment is that she’s too broken to be of any threat to the emperor. But I’m eager to see someone make this story their own.

(So this is me on top of my game. Here my partner threw me a curve ball, I was expecting her to catch him at the ship’s airlock, but her post ended with him waiting for him in his room. Sooo had to come up with a plausible explanation on the fly. This is playing off another novella style writer, don’t let the wall of text intimidate you, I normally match.)

When the door slid open energy poured into the room. Serenity was wild-eyed and desperate. Almost before the door was open she suddenly there, like she’d teleported. Stopping only because the ship’s AI warned, *Don’t touch!* via her cybernetics implant her head. Only then did she see his wounds but she was already reaching for him. The suddenly awkward fluster might have been hilarious under different circumstances.

She’d been crying and it had dried. Suggesting that she’d been delayed getting here. She dropped her hands, finding instead an undamaged arm. Taking another step she leaned up and kissed the top of his head, saying “We’ve got you. Your home,” as her head dropped beside his ear.

She didn’t know if *home* was the right word. But she didn’t figure home could be any other place for him. Serenity remembered how he’d been happy at the party her first night here and couldn’t imagine he’d rather party elsewhere.

She made herself comfortable on the edge of the bed. His hand in her lap in her far hand and the other on his arm and wrist. When they were done with their greeting she told him, “Nothing important’s happened here. The fightings moved out of this sector. Just a distress call or two was the only excitement. The flight crew has me playing poker most every night.” She knew if she didn’t keep taking her throat would tighten up and she’d break. Besides she knew her voice would be soothing even without checking his biometrics. “I’ve done every battle sim any of us could think of so there will not be any more surprise malfunctions,” she tried to assure. Serenity had run them more to keep herself distracted and put her worried energy into something productive. Most of the sims she’d run by herself... every day. She’d been playing music and reading books constantly to keep herself from thinking otherwise. Slept hardly at all. At this point she wasn’t listening to herself and realized she was telling him that she’d been playing That Sound Bite every night on a loop until she could sleep. Suddenly embarrassed she explained, “The clip I saved from,” she had to clear her throat, it was a soft noise, “the night before the rendezvous.” She glanced at him to see if he recalled. Only then did she seem to register his condition.

Then bow was breaking, she couldn’t hold in the misery of the last two months, eyes dropping she turned her face away as the heat poured down her face. “Sorry. I’ve been missing you,” she explained it wasn’t about his injuries. At least not entirely. She’d actually been telling herself he was in his cabin the whole time, just resting up. That he wasn’t in a slave camp being tortured, just in here letting her run things for him. Now the fantasy fell apart.

She would have been at the airlock had Nessa and John not stopped her. They explained he would be in rough shape but she hadn’t believed it. That he wouldn’t want her to see him that way and that she had to wait. She relented but they’d been called to a skirmish and by the time he’d opened the door for her she’d been needed on deck. She’d spared Kory and Nessa because she, John and the AI could compensate well enough. She’d gotten here as fast as she could. “Tell me **this,** was worth it. That you wanted to do this,” she demanded now. Voice rough and raw.

But she knew he couldn’t answer. How could he? “No more Marcus.” Serenity whispered.

“No more camps.” Admiral Tal could stick it up her ass. Serenity would have done it for her. She could have shot the admiral at that moment if she’d been on board to shoot.
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