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Multiple Settings original plots, some with fantasy/supernatural elements


fly? yes. land? no.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Junedingo here trying to find some compatible writing partners. I am a 34 year old dinosaur and work long hours four days a week, so I will not promise a daily reply, even if that's what I aim to accomplish when I can. I am happy to rp through threads, PM, and I do have a discord as well. If you would like samples, please look here.

For romances, my preference is in this order: m//, f//, m/f. I usually do well with writing partners that don't stick to one specific type of character.

While I do have ideas for plots, developing plots and backgrounds with my writing partner is very enjoyable to me. I usually only write original characters, even if it takes place in the universe from a known story/game/movie etc.

Typically, I am a middle to long reply writer, but during some conversations or action scenes I like to keep things more succinct to a paragraph or two so that my writing partner and I are equally flowing the event along.

Please private message me if any of the ideas below suit your fancy!
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Human Psychic/Medium x Summoned Spirit/Guardian - Modern University Setting (any city) with Supernatural Elements
(inspired by plenty of anime slice of life tropes from shows like Kimi Ni Todoke and Fruit's Basket and a very old manga I think called Her Majesty's Dog)

Character A comes from a family with a very storied lineage, with past centuries tied to the country's royals. While they were used by those of power, they were mostly a secret from general society, as their work involved death and spirits. As mediums, they helped to keep the dead separate from the living, purifying demonic spirits or sending restless ones to peace. Now in present day, they still secretly perform their duties, masking their work as secretaries or detectives, covering up the supernatural.

Character A initially shows promise as a medium and communicating with spirits, but despite this, they want to walk away from it all, and pour their concentration into their regular studies. They work hard as a teenager, and eventually, are accepted into an esteemed university as an adult. While Character A is elated to be studying towards their dream career, they often come across as extremely creepy to their peers. They find they don't fit in, and begin to lose self esteem, finding it harder and harder to keep up their perfect grades. Things hit rock bottom when their roommate is hospitalized, and rumors spread about Character A. A message that only Character A can see is left behind in the room, leaving behind a mysterious threat.

Worried for Character A's safety, the parents try to force their child to leave university and stay home. Character A comes up with a last resort, and summons a guardian spirit to act as their bodyguard. Character A's family begrudgingly agrees to this arrangement, and lets their child go back to university with their new "roommate" along. The protector, Character B, is a lion dog (or shisa/fu dog) spirit, who is strong enough to be able to take the form of a human at will.

After making a contract with Character A to provide protection in exchange for sustenance (they can snack on spiritual power or eat other demons/spirts), Character B pretends to live as Character A's new roommate at university. Initially, Character A is very reluctant to have anymore to do with Character B other than what is strictly necessary, as they don't want to be seen as even more of a creep by their peers. Character B is very outgoing though, and seems to make friends naturally with humans, getting invites to all sorts of events and learning to live life in the modern day happily. When simply being in constant proximity with Character B starts to rub off on Character A, enabling them to make a few treasured friendships, they start to think maybe this spirit bodyguard wasn't so bad after all. But what happens when more strange and dangerous things start to happen in the university? Who or what is responsible? And the link between Character A and B, will it simply be dissolved once Character A can fully support themself? And why did Character B agree to the contract in the first place?

Vampire who hunts beasts x Human villager - Set in 1500s-1800s Transylvania type of country (inspired by the Netflix Castlevania first season).

Character A lives a nomadic life as a hunter for hire. They offer to hunt down any pesky beasts lurking in the woods for a small fee and a free bed to sleep in. They hunt by night, and sleep away the days. Character A is very attractive, charming, and flirts easily with the women in whatever village they happen to be staying in. People grumble about Character A's home wrecking demeanor, but can't be upset when their hunting produces results, leading the towns to increased safety for a time.

Character B lives in one such beast-plagued village. Perhaps on the edge of a large forest in a village known for woodcutters, or perhaps in the mountains where they make a living through mining.

Character A is hired to help Character B's village with their apparent wolf problem, and is put up to stay in their home. Character B is immediately suspicious because Character A wastes no time with flirting, seeming to show particular focus on Character B's younger sister. Being the protective older brother, Character B sneaks after Character A, only to come upon a truth they wished they hadn't:

Character A has their fangs in Character B's sister's neck, making a snack of the young woman's blood as she remains entranced and oblivious.

Despite the difficult situation for the both of them, they decide to make an agreement: That Character A can stay in the village, help with the wolf population issue, so long as Character A only uses Character B for blood.

I would like to play Character A.

Angel or Devil on your shoulder? - Modern day setting (any city) with angels and demons unknown to general populace - potential to be a small group of 4 rpers
Character A was always considered to be kind, generous, and forgiving by everyone who met them. Because they were always putting others before themselves, sometimes they were taken advantage of. Yet even when things were terrible, they still forgave those that hurt them. This pattern continued throughout their relationships of family, friends, and even eventually, love.

Character A is in love with someone they know isn't perfect, but is willing to forgive their faults. Its their three year anniversary for their relationship, and Character A is arriving home early from a business trip to surprise their lover, only to walk in on them in the middle of cheating. This horrible revelation inadvertently leads to death, as Character A runs from their home and is hit by a car while blinded by the rain and the tears in their eyes. Its all very tragic and cliche and should be the end.

Character A wakes up in Heaven, adorned with wings and a halo, and are quickly informed that due to their wonderful kindness exhibited all their life, they're now going to serve others in death. They've been made into an Angel, and are going to help others find their true happiness in love on Earth. WIth this announcement, something inside Character A finally breaks.

For the first time in their life, they want revenge. The feeling is so strong, that as soon as they're sent down to Earth, they immediately go to confront their lover. No, make it ex. Soon to be dead ex at that. Yet, when they find their former lover, still hanging out with the one they were cheating with, Character A is horrified to realize they can't tangibly touch them. Like this on Earth, as an Angel, they're essentially a ghost, unseen, unheard, and unable to harm. (This was all explained to them in Heaven, but of course they didn't hear a thing thanks to their enraged state.)

Distraught, Character A wanders aimlessly, looking at all the other selfish idiots and wondering why they'd always been so kind and taken so much shit from people their whole life. This is when they see someone who is so pathetic, they can't help but to become angry on their behalf. Its like Character A is watching their own miserable past.

Character B is the pathetic person, who Character A decides to 'serve'. Remarkably, Character B can see them, hear them, even touch them, and its a sign Character A thinks. So Character A asks, "Hey, could you do me a favor?" with a scheme in mind: Use Character B to get revenge on their ex. They'll make the horrible ex fall in love with Character B so hard, then break them up in the worst way, that it would have to be worth it, right?

Things become a tangled mess of emotions, with truths coming to light and changes of heart causing drama between all characters involved. This story will involve 2 main characters for each writer, or could be for a small group of four writers.

Bakeneko/Manekineko Possessed x Shinto Shrine Caretaker - modern-ish era Japan
Character A has been possessed by a tricky demon spirit for years now. It has greatly diminished their ability to live life normally. Due to the nature of the trickster neko demon possessing them, they had to drop out of regular school, and could only rarely go out with friends under the guise of poor health. This led them to becoming quite isolated in their youth, but they're determined to change things now as an adult.

With connections from their parents, Character A is set up to go and live at a Shinto shrine, in hopes that the priest/priestess who lives there can help them. Character A gets lost on their way to the shrine though, and falls into the unfortunately familiar blackout that is possession. When the demon cat takes over, it always gets Character A into trouble, either by stealing money or valuables (and sometimes getting caught red handed) or worse, being- ahem, a bit too flirty with people. This is one such incident, and its Character B who is passing by that saves them from a particularly dangerous situation.

The demon possessing Character A is immediately enamored with Character B, who turns out to be the Shrine caretaker and has an unnatural ability to understand animals. Already off to a very lousy start it seems, as Character A is full of shame once they are no longer in the the state of possession black out.

The story can involve trying to figure out where the possession curse stems from, and how to end it. Perhaps there is no 'fix' for Character A, and the matter is to simply accept the possession but learn to harness it for themselves, making themselves a stronger and more confident person.

Kemonomimi - fox and wolf tribes, fantasy elements with childhood friends to lovers alongside more plot - set in a North America mostly untouched by European society.

In this world people exist with traits of different canid species. From painted dogs and jackals, to manned wolves and arctic foxes, people have the defining traits of the ears and tails of those canid species (so a fox tribe member would have red ears and tail like a fox). Other than these traits, they are human in appearance near completely.

In this world magic does exist, and people are divided into tribes generally based upon their canid traits. For instance, the fox tribe has shamans and are generally known for being strong in magic, particularly in shapeshifting and other tactics that keep them secretive from other tribes (think mage or warlock in rpgs). They do this to ensure their safety, as the fox tribe was often attacked by other tribes for their inferiority in battle. One such tribe that was routinely able to best them in battles and would pillage their villages was the Wolf tribe. The wolf tribe has magic with abilities that enhance their physical strength or endurance. Because of their physical strength, the wolf tribes live out in the plains and do not seek the cover and seclusion that the forest provides like the fox tribe.

This story would have a wolf tribe child being taken in by the fox tribe after the wolf tribe child fled from certain death. The wolf tribe had been attacked by something so strong even their warrior strength stood no chance, and the single survivor was the child who ran to the woods blindly. There, a fox tribe child deemed to be the next religious leader of their community, found them and protected them, and although it was not like their ways, the fox tribe allowed the wolf tribe child to stay and grow in their safety.

The story would begin with the characters grown up, and now the fox tribe is starting to want to push the wolf out.

I would be happy to play either character.

Veterinarian x Werewolf - Modern Day Alaska/Canada! - THIS PLOT IS TAKEN
Character A is a veterinarian who has just taken over the practice for an aging doctor in an Alaskan or Northern Canadian town/city. The doctor who owns the practice is experiencing some health concerns, and knowing the community would be in trouble without a practicing veterinarian, Character A decided to pack up and move. They'd just had some troubles at the practice they'd worked at previously, some personal drama with perhaps a staff member or a relationship they needed out of. So the sudden move to a place they've never been is taken as a chance for a bit of a break, a fresh start in a beautiful area.

During their first week, things are going alright, but what they thought was an injured dog on their back step turns out to be a wolf! Alarmed, they drag the animal into the clinic just as they were closing, and even though there is no person in sight, they can't just leave the beautiful animal to die. Examining them shows bullets, and after extracting the bullets they do what they can for the wolf, leaving their survival up to the strength of the creature itself at this point.

In the morning, Character A is alarmed by the sight of a person in their clinic. The doors are all locked still, but there's a person in a pair of leftover scrubs just sitting in their lobby, yet the wolf is no where to be found. The person is Character B, who has hair and eye color the same as the wolf, and explains that there is no wolf, that they are in fact a werewolf and want to thank Character A for saving their life.

From here, Character A will get dragged into Character B's drama, and the world of werewolves.

Monster Hunter World - enemies to lovers m// hunters, with handler ladies gossiping and trying to hook them up behind their backs
Characters A and B are part of the 5th fleet. Both of them are freshly minted hunters and are assigned handlers. Character A - who is assigned to the Serious Handler - is a hunting horn user. They are charming, flirtatious, and don't take many things seriously. They also love a good drink after a hunt, and so the Serious Handler has her work cut out. Character B is quite the opposite to Character A. Character B - who is assigned to the Handler - is a shy, quiet, and competitive insect glaive user, making him an odd choice for his Handler. From the very start, Characters A and B don't get along, yet due to circumstances beyond their control are paired up for missions on a regular basis by the guild. Over time, they learn to rely on one another, and build a bond first through fighting monsters together, then through genuine connection.

Ghibli Studios Inspired Plots

Kiki's Delivery Service - Think slice of life fantasy with comedy and cute romance awkwardness
Character A is working as a manager at a cafe in a tourist destination town, a sleepy seaside villa during winter months that is absolutely bursting with people during the summer months. They can be someone who has lived there their whole life, or be someone who is just short term, taking a break from universities studies. Either way, when one of their recent hires backs out at the last second, they are in big trouble to find another employee to help right before tourist season begins. This means that they're not very picky when Character B falls into their lap - literally.

Character B is just finished with their magic studies, and is now looking to finally enter the real world using their talents. They've been offered a mage apprenticeship at some town way down the coast, so packing up their belongings and hopping on their broom, they fly optimistically towards their future career. Things go awry though when they crash into a cafe in a seaside town miles away. Too embarrassed to own up to the fact that they've wrecked their broom and can't seem to fix it - something they should be able to do easily by now - Character B decides to just stay in this town and gets hired to work for the summer at the cafe they crashed into.

Spirited Away -
Character A is a guardian spirit of the forest, but has lost their memories and therefore forgotten who they are for a long time now. They only know that they signed a contract to the owner of the spirit onsen, essentially enslaving themselves in return for something the owner had granted them in the past. Mostly, they live humbly and see to the menial chores of the facility, cleaning the tubs, answering patrons when yelled at for more towels or to scrub harder between their toes.

Character B is the human who stumbles into this world, and its only Character A intervening to protect them that keeps Character B from being devoured by a spirit. Character A takes B under their wing, and thankful for their help, Character B decides to start trying to find out why Character A can't remember anything, and how they can help free them from the onsen's contract.

I would like to play Character A. I have an idea for them as appearing as a tall male in early twenties, dark skin with speckles all over like a deer, even complete with antlers on their head. They're shy, hardworking, and very kind.

Howl's Moving Castle - This plot needs a lot of help, I just love the world and premise and would be happy to rework it with similar or different type of characters.
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Plots without any fantasy or sci-fi elements
Zookeepers crushing on each other - modern setting
Character A is a zookeeper of either lions or wolves, and is known for being strong and able to physically play with the animals like they're all siblings in the same pack. They're popular among the other staff, have a boisterous personality, and are able to converse well with the visitors. They especially like to take part in educational segments for children, and are sometimes present on the zoo's social media.

Character B is also a zookeeper, but works in the nocturnal animals section, specializing in caring for the bats that need extra attention. They are reluctant to ever be on camera for any social media, as they are very shy, quiet, and keep to themselves. They have a very hard time getting along with Character A, who for reasons that B can't figure out, tries to talk with them sometimes despite neither of them seeming to have anything in common.

What Character B doesn't know, is that Character A has had a crush on them for months.

The plot could entail a simple rom-com type of story, with perhaps them needing to share a living space for a little while, or maybe they're both invited to some event together, etc. I just had the idea for the silly dynamics and lots of misunderstandings between them.
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A few fandoms with oc plot ideas
(adult characters only obviously)
  1. Pokemon - oc characters, no cannon interests for me here​
    1. Playing around with the various jobs/trainer classes, as well as time periods. Rangers saving idiot trainers in the mountains. Researchers needing to hire a bodyguard type of trainer to help them navigate dangerous areas.​
    2. Team Rocket grunt that is so enamored by the mysterious trainer who just royally whipped their team in battle that they have a complete change of heart and ditches Team Rocket to follow the mystery trainer.​
  2. Monster Hunter World/Rise/Wilds
    1. Classic handler/hunter relationship. (Really want f// for this one!)​
  3. Monster Hunter Stories
    1. Hunter x Rider - either the simple hunter washes ashore to an archipelago of riders after their airship crashes, or a romeo and juliet type of romance between two opposed cultures.​
  4. Inuyasha!​

    1. I adore this specific blend of action, fantasy, drama, humor, and romance, and would love to come up with a similar style storyline with a writing partner who also enjoys this type of show. I even have a half swan demon character or a martial arts experienced human I could play in the very world Inuyasha takes place.​
Other Media of Interest
Astral Chain - love the police concept
Fire Emblem (Awakening and 3Houses canon characters, throw your fave pairing at me!)
Stray Kids - Chanlix
Casette Beasts
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