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Fandom original hunger games rp?


I am currently searching for a partner who will be active and engaging!

As the title implies, I am looking for someone to do a hunger games rp with me, but, instead of rping as the tributes, we will be roleplaying the victors. Our characters will be mentors, victors of previous games who are both from the same district. I have written up an oc already, as I've been sitting on the idea for some time now, and I would love to have someone who makes a character they care about equally as much as I care for mine.

Here is the link below to her sheet, things may be changed as we plot!

For this rp, I anticipate there will be a lot of angst, as well as heavier topics such as violence, gore and death. Lots of hurt and comfort. I would like for our rp to have flashbacks as well as have our ocs go through the games, together, as mentors. We will be following the canon lore to an extent, but we can create our own unique games. Npcs will also definitely play a big role in this, as our ocs will be training tributes! I have lots of ideas hehe

I don't really care if this rp is a mxf or fxf rp, though I will say I have more experience with writing mxf relationships. Length wise I aim to have about 3 paragraphs average per reply, but I tend to write more the more excited I am for the rp LOL. Also, I am over the age of 18, so adults only please!

I think that's all. Please like this and message me if you're interested!

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