Origin of sorcery... Ho' Crap!


Ten Thousand Club
Um, I didn't even notice this the first time I read through, so it's probly news to some of you too:

Autochthonians, page 148: "Sorcery, the secret of manipulating Creation at its fundamental levels, was practiced by the Primordials and given to the Exalted by the Yozis..."

Um, wow. So all that Bridget bollix was a fancy cover for "I called upon the Unconquered Sun, and lo, he did bring before me one vanquished foe, the demon goddess of the thousand crystal spheres, and she spoke dire truths to me."

Or whatever.
More or less. There were earlier hints as well.

It's shown up in the past... look in Book of 3 circles and you'll notice that the 'wood goddess' that appeared to Bridgit had ALL the signs of Mara (2nd circle demoness from ST compaion?).
Actually, it's not so very unexpected.

Come to think of it, anyone ever saw a mentioning of any spirit or god casting spells? I certainly can't recall. Spirits, Ghosts and Gods only use charms. Technically only exalted can practice real "sorcery" (with a few exceptions to the list of course, like deathlords)
Also, the Infernals have a form of Sorcery that rivals Solar, but even infernal DBs can use it. Obviously, they kept the "real" sorcery for themselves, and gave the Exalted of Creation hand-me-downs.

The references pre-Autochtonian book would be Story Teller's Companion + Book of 3 Circles.

In Autochtonians, it's alright stated that sorcerery is something that the Primordials invented, and the exalts stole/were given it after the end of the war or near the end of it.

The Infernal bit is in Blood & Salt and possibly the Player's Guide
Sorry, should have been more specific.

Yeah' date=' Second Circle Infernal sorcery can be learned at Essence 3.[/quote']
Where's <i>this</i> specifically from.

Sorry, the whole Mara inspiring Bridget is old(er) news, but did I miss something in the PG or what?
Dulkesan's Amulet in Blood and Salt.  It may be artifact specific but, if it is, then that artifact should be N/A instead of 5.
Just a thought that occured to me as to Why The gods, elementals, first age Exalts and everyone else didnt freak about this, because "Surely" one of those 8+ Intelligence beings would have found some discrepancy that made them go WTF! upon hearing Brigid's tale. Perhaps this is how the primordials fufilled their oath of servitude to the Exalted for their defeat. Sorcery was already there, had always been there, just a part of creation that was and is as inherent to its design as Esssence and everything else.

The Primordials knew about sorcery and precisely what sort of silly BS it could and would lead to so they had "no" problem at all with allowing their enemies access to it as part of their oath of sevitude, knowing full well it would interact with the curse their dead brothers had lain upon the Exalted and eventually some mad overpowered God king would break the treaty, crack the prison and let them all back out into a world torn and divided by the very beings supposed to be protecting it from them.

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