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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Dice Oriens Academy Reference


Black Market Witch
This thread will act as a reference for the current happenings in the rp. It will include a list of characters (separated into active, inactive and dead), the whereabouts of the characters, and even periodic summaries of the happenings in Oriens.

What's Going On Now: Click Me!

This section, also managed by TenaciousTinkerer, is meant to help everyone know what's currently going on in the rp. It'll list the locations of characters, who they're with and if they should be open to interaction.


  • Entries on the characters list are set up "Name (roleplayer) - age, race"

    Clicking on their names will link you to their cs.

    Characters are organized in alphabetical order by first name.


This section will link you to brief summaries of what has happened in Oriens during specific days. Each major timeskip, I will reread everything that was posted and write a summary, putting it in this thread and linking it below. Hopefully that will help people catch up if they join in later on. And I will never have floods of "Can someone tell me what's happening?" spam the sign up thread.

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  • This section is for the purpose of tracking a character's position, who they're with and whether or not they seem open for more guests. Hopefully, this will especially help those who either don't know where someone is or don't know if they'd be pushing their character onto someone else's uninvited.

    If any information pertaining to your character in this section is wrong, it is your duty to notify me as I can only infer so much from a post and will not track you down just to ask.

    Entries will be arranged as such:

    First Name or Nickname:

    • Location
    • Who They Are With*

    Red entries mean that more guests are not welcome or if I don't think it'd be possible or likely.

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January 19th

Another beautiful Sunday and Eric Price, as usual, was locked up in his room which he had converted into a makeshift meeting room for the Student Disciplinary Squad, since the Student Council wasn't going to sanction them an official clubroom for just two members. However, with the presence of Riffael (Riff) Raffit, his new roommate, he may have to give up his little office.

Not wanting to share his room, Eric lied to Riff that the room wasn't open for housing and even offered to take him to the Student Council to sort the little mishap up. However, before they could go, they were interrupted by Lilium (Lily) Darlingtonia, an alraune who seemed to have a bone to pick with Eric.

Wanting to anger Eric, Lily told Riff the truth behind the room, that he was indeed supposed to live there. And though he was a bit annoyed from being lied to, Riff has assured Eric that he can keep his office. So Eric can keep his office, Riff has a place to sleep, and Lily somehow got a pet neko named Anya.


Getting hit in the face with a stray hammer is never a good start to someone's day. However it was because of this that angel Lilith (Bunny) Mills got to meet Caroline Moon, undine and one of the many new students at Oriens. The two seem to get along as Bunny offers to show Caroline the route to the waterfall near the school. But on the way, the angel meets someone who may be the one she has come to Oriens in order to find.


Rillanna (Rilla) Cantrelle had spent much of her previous life as a lone wanderer, but now she was looking to end that. To have a place where she belonged and could call home. And that place would be Oriens Academy.

So far so good, as she seems to hit things off with her roommate, Kylier Bane, as the two wander around the school and talk of politics and ghost stories.

The two soon meet "Andrew Jackson", a boy destined for great things, or at least he believes so.


Little Anya Hawthorne had just crossed over the three week mark of her time in Oriens, And after getting over her homesickness and used to how things worked, she has decided that it was time to find a club to join. But so many choices, and she didn't exactly know how they worked.

Luckily, she met Georgeanne (Georgie) Roestone, gentle giant of the Student Disciplinary Committee. Though as nice as they come, Georgie's immense size intimidated Anya at first, but after using a rabbit as bait, the little neko learned not to fear the hill giant. Now with another friend on her list, little Anya went off on her own way, eventually coming across Lily, Riff and Eric.

Meanwhile, with Anya gone, Georgie comes across Skyia L. Riis, a lamia new to Oriens. And with a shared love for nature and animals, the two hit it off.


Azure Bane was nervous about his first day of school. Being a human in a school of supernaturals left him somewhat fearful of what the others would do to him. Luckily, his adoptive sister, Kylier, would be there to help him. Or at least he hoped so.

He soon meets Blaire Cross, crown princess of the elf kingdom, in a tree while looking for someplace to rest. The two speak for a bit before Blaire leaves to practice her archery.

Azure's next two encounters weren't as lucky as the first as both Lily and Mel were less than excited to meet him.


Things couldn't possibly get much worse for Taka Gar-Hasnaoui. Deemed as trash by his family and thrown away into a new school without even a single servant, it seemed that the shifter had sunk to rock bottom. But he soon found out that things could indeed get much much worse . . .

Like meeting Vash Lilicka, a loud, overactive idiot of a demon who seems to think that Taka was in love with him. And soon he gets roped into a friendship with the demon, despite the fact that they never cleared up the misunderstanding.


While shooting her arrows, Blaire comes up with the idea of a school outing, mainly to appease her bloodlust. On her way to her sister, Rose, she comes across Corvin Braunwhinn, a shadow dragon who hitches a ride within the half-elf's shadow.

Ever since she was rescued by them when she was younger, Rose has always loved humans, so she was especially excited when she heard that there would be 4 new ones enrolling in the school. Unfortunately, she may get to meet some at the camping trip proposed by her big sister.
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January 24th

The day of the big camping trip had come and everyone is heading into the woods. Some were really excited for the outdoor excursion. Others were less enthused.

Things went somewhat smoothly as the students split into groups and began setting up their camping sites, except for Eric and Lily's battle to get Rose onto their side and, of course, the magical girl fight. A bit of discomfort arose when Kylier decided to play along with her teammate's, Anya's, game of pretend. The demon used her illusions to manifest the neko's "magic attacks" and a rather risque outfit for the ten year old, or just about anyone. Luckily, the "game" ended before getting too much of a rise from everyone. Though Kylier did earn the distrust of her other teammate, Vash, and perhaps the groundskeeper, Shift.

After that was settled, came the jewel hunt. And with $1000 as the prize, everyone was fired up to win. Even Shift was enjoying the game, though not because of a prize but rather because he met Bunny, a girl who didn't alienate him like many of the people from his past.

As the totals were being tallied up, Lily managed to get Vash to hand over all his gems for the promise of pie while Kylier tried to coerce Mel into a fight. Things didn't exactly go as planned as Riff attacked her instead. A fight broke out ending in Riff's defeat but not without Mel managing to gather a bit of information on Kylier's skills, though nothing is concrete yet.

With Riff's injured self and no one telling Rose what happened, the student council president was forced to end the camping trip early.

Team Lilycats ended up winning the prize with Vash's gems and both Lily and Eric got $1500, since Rose didn't need the money.
January 27

The Monday after the camping trip, classes resumed as usual, as did the activities of Oriens, including the introduction of some more new students. Jeso, an insectomorph who seems to have had a rather . . . strict background. As well as Aries and Riesa, a couple of humans that literally popped into the academy. And then, there's Victor and his guardian, Jayus.


Kylier fears that Azure is beginning to become rebellious and enlists the aid of Lily to retrain her little experiment. Lily agrees but only if Kylier becomes her pet as well. Kylier agreed, but who knows if she'll keep her word.


Mel came to the academy with plans, but it seems that those plans may be in danger as it appears there are some people quite aware of her past. From the vampire, Kristoff, who seems to want her to remember someone to the angel, Bunny, who seems intent on warning everyone about her.

And the angel seems to be doing well in that area. Though she wasn't able to convince Rose, Azure and Sayuri appear to believe her, with Azure having a rather similar situation himself. Mr. Richter though, was skeptical as well, believing the angel to be planning mischief rather than stopping a killer. Could he prove to be an obstacle in her mission?


Having lost her opportunity to influence Rose at the camping trip, Lily was determined to gain control of the student council president. And her weapon? A slumber party. With games, a movie, makeovers and her special Lily pies with a rather . . . unique ingredient.
January 28th

Feeling refreshed and de-stressed from the slumber party the night before, Rose was ready to take on the day. However that day was a bit much for her, including Mr. Richter who not only was teaching the students how to kill vampires but also admitted to having drunk blood from little Anya, and also the return of her big sister who had pretty much left the entire school for her to run.

After arguing with the vampire about his actions, Rose stormed off to the student council room, only to see Mr. Richter waiting for her there. The man told her a story of his past, of the only vampire he had sired who betrayed him by refusing to kill him and then running off. He warned her of a possible danger in the vampire kingdom that might affect her sister, Blaire's, reign.

Though Rose was angry at Blaire, she didn't want her sister to be overthrown in the future, so she left to find her in the training halls. However, Blaire was less than pleased to see Rose, yelling at her when Rose said she shouldn't rest there. The two argued. About the school, about responsibilities and about each other. Finally, Rose had enough and stormed off, determined to replace her sister's position as vice president with someone who could actually do the job.

Hopefully, Lily would accept the job as vice president. Her and the new secretary, new kid Alex (Bolt) Bolton could be immense help. Even if they joined for other reasons.


Blaire, after the fight, got a little visit from Kylier who suggested that Rose might be trying to control Blaire, forcing her own ideals onto her big sis.


Meanwhile, Lily also had her hands full as Kylier dropped Azure off for his "re-training". The human boy was wary of his new surroundings and "master" at first. However when Lily offered to free him from his previous lifestyle under Kylier, Azure was brought to tearsm the hope of losing his stepsister filling him. Of course, he'd have to do as Lily said, acting the role of a reformed, obedient dog. But if that's what it took to get rid of Kylier, then so be it.

However, it seemed a peaceful life was something that wouldn't come to easily. Due to Kylier's fight with Riff the weekend before, Mel was angry and all too willing to pay the pink-hair demon back for damaging her property. What's worse is that now she knows of Azure's relationship with Kylier and might be using him to exact her revenge.

Not only that, but when Lily warns Riff about hurting her new pet, she ma have earned the anger of the princess of Lucifer, and that could mean that Anya would get involved.


Anya had been on orders from Lily to befriend Bunny and keep the angel away from Rose at all costs. Why Lily would want this was unclear, but Anya, being as obedient as she was, did as she was told and sought the angel out. Anya succeeded, as Bunny seemed to take well to the neko child, but their time together was cut short when Lily and Azure found them, asking her about Mel.

But as Bunny told Lily what she could, Richter showed up and he was determined to find out what Bunny was up to exactly. Bunny was forced to reveal everything, including her real age, though that was by accident. And though her story sounded improbable, Richter believed her and offered his assistance. He did strip her of her student status though, though he probably didn't have the power to do so.

Together with Azure and Lily, Richter set out a plan. First get Azure and Lily to lure Mel out, trick her into attacking them. Then, after proving to Rose that she is violent, and getting a pardon for killing a human, Richter will try to kill Mel.


Other things that happened:

Lily has finally admitted to herself that she likes Anya.

Azure gave Skyia a weapon, or at least promised her one.

Naval Hemoic Famal and Orion Surtur have met and may join the Student Disciplinary Committee.
January 29th

Today, Richter's class had to show him their homework, to come up with a way to make a stake pierce a human sternum. Some did well. Others did not. In the end, Riff won the prize and that prize was the chance to kill a ghoul. The blond demon killed it without even blinking and moved on with his day. Some students though, mainly a particular neko, could not move on as well as the demon, and was greatly affected by the sight of the ghoul.


Rose woke up looking forward to the day. Today, she got 2 more student council members, vice-president Lily and secretary Bolt. Soon, she would kiss that stack of papers on her desk good bye. So far the morning went well. Bolt seemed hardworking and Lily accepted her new post. They even got 2 new potential student diciplinary committee members, even if one was a bit trigger happy.

But the peace was short lived as Anya came running in, terrified out of her mind, mentioning a monster in her class. The promise of ice cream and sweets brightened the neko's mood though, as did the promise of showing her Rose's castle one day.

Rose, Lily and Anya all drove to Adelmar, a city close to the school, to a shop called Sweetie Belle's. They gorged themselves on desserts and had a nice time. Rose even offered to take them to her castle that weekend.


Meanwhile, back at the academy, Richter, Bunny and Azure were planning a trap for Mel and her servants. And though Azure's atempt to lure them out was rather obvious, they came anyway. At 7, everyone gathered in the courtyard, some in plain view while others were hidden.

Azure began asking questions but that only encouraged Riff to leave. It was only when Bunny tried to intervene that provoked Mel into attacking them. As Mel tried to attack Bunny, Azure helped the angel, trying to stop and reason with Mel, though that didn't stop the girl from breaking the angel's arm.

Richter was dealing with the servants. Just Riff at first, but Vash joined in once more players showed up, mainly Naval and John. Naval tried to help Riff, but it went unappreciated as the ice demon attacked the sylph for getting in the way. Richter got a new hole in his chest and before long, Mel showed up and they got away.

With two people injured and the enemies gone, Richter opted to go search for them, but Bunny had another idea. Arm still in pain, though dulled thanks to Azure's help, the angel marched to the student council room to show her evidence to Rose.

Now with the student council president finally believing the angel, tomorrow was bound to be interesting as they face off against the Princess of Lucifer.
January 30th

The morning after, everyone involved in the fight the night before, gathered in the student council room to recount their experiences to Rose. And as everyone began retelling their own version of things, trying to help, Rose could only feel bad, getting worse and worse with each telling. Though she eventually sparked up, angry at John, who seemed to imply Lily was holding some ulterior motive. How could she have let this happen? There was a serial killer in her school and she'd have to deal with it.

But there was a problem. Mel was listed as a human and killing a human was illegal in the Elven kingdom. But a quick set of paperwork and that problem was solved. Now Mel was a demon, according to paper. However, Mel, herself, didn't seem so accepting of her new race. Having stumbled upon the president changing her to a demon, Mel glared at Rose before disappearing off.


After the little "meeting", John decided to get a few answers for himself, calling out Vash, with Azure tagging along. Yet, no matter how he tried to convince and threaten the boy, Vash would not give him a single answer.

Perhaps it was because he didn't get the knowledge he wished for, but when Vash and Azure left, John decided to conduct a little experiment. Messing around with some explosives, he sent himself flying into the teacher's lounge window, sparking a confrontation that evolved into a fight with Richter and Khan. It didn't really end well for anyone.


Today is Elaem's first day of school. There was no way he could possibly have known that he'd get wrapped up in all this business about killers and demons at Oriens. However, Naval seems to have roped him in, piquing his curiosity. Both thirsting for answers, they tried to pry it from Vash's mouth, but like John was sorely disappointed.


Today had also been Curtis' first day of school, though his day was a bit more uneventful than Elaem's. Classes were cancelled. And other than a somewhat interesting encounter with Lily and Anya, a brief meeting with Rose and a fainting couple, he spent his day in his room, knitting himself a sweater.


Today was just raining new students, as Dawn, Black, Aayame and Mikamia all arrived. Ariel as well, came down from Heaven as a new student. Though like Curtis, it wasn't much of an eventful day.


After trying to find Mel and failing, Rose eventually came across Azure and explained what had happened to him. Hearing this, Azure volunteered to sacrifice himself, saying that if worse comes to worse, he could absorb Mel's attack.

But while they were discussing this, the PA system turned on and a voice belonging to none other than Mel called throughout the school, calling out the people who seemed to be conspiring against her. And after joining up with Richter and Bunny, the group headed out for Mel, unaware of Elaem trailing quickly behind.

The group found her at the waterfall where she had been waiting for quite a bit. The fight started quickly and escalated just as fast, joined by Elaem, Riff, Vash and even Rasputin. It eventually ended when Mel took a knife to the back intended for Vash, dropping to the ground as if dead. Greatly affected by this, Riff and Vash both entered partial transformations, nearly losing to their demon forms. They chased off the others to mourn the loss of their mistress.

However, it seems she isn't dead after all.


Meanwhile, while all this was going on, as if in their own little world, Lily and Anya were playing in their room. First dress up (that was "supervised" by Khan) and then playing with various cat toys. As the rest of the school seemed focused on murderers and killing, these two were focused on their little games. As the two got closer, emotions began to emerge. It turns out, Anya missed her parents very much and Lily very much liked having a friends. And after a bit of a cry, the two eventually fell asleep in the same bed.
January 31st

New Members: Lerrus, Reggie, Emily, Josue, Olga, Robin


Despite being pumped with Rasputin's raw magic, Azure seemed to have recovered nicely with a good night's sleep. The boy also seemed to have become rather popular in that night as he was visited by Kylier, Skyia and Rasputin. Although the teacher's aide was more interested in a new research subject, threatening Azure with expulsion if he did not attend a school trip for a class he didn't even enroll in.


Mel's awakening came as a great relief to Riff and Vash, both glad their mistress wasn't dead. However, there was still something Riff felt he had to do. Confronting Richter, the boy tried to convince the vampire that Mel didn't deserve to die. However, the vampire was convinced he did nothing wrong.

Lily, Azure and Skyia all overheard this. But while Lily seemed as skeptical as Richter, Azure chose to believe Riff and became determined to make amends (though life sort of got in the way).


The first class of the day was Khan's unarmed combat class. And though itbegan with a brief Q&A/discussion on Greek wrestling, the topic was quickly extinguished for worksheets asking about how students would handle various situations.

After everyone passed theirs in, Khan called for some volunteers to spar as a demonstration for the class. But it seems his definition of "volunteer" was a bit off, as though some people did raise their hands, the shifter decided to pick two people at random, both who didn't volunteer initially. The two chosen were Lerrus and Elaem, both having their first classes that day. The two reluctantly made their ways to the front of the class but their spardidn'tlast very long. Lerrus ended up forfeiting shortly after infear of his powers going out of control.


After class, Azure pulled Rose aside, wanting to tell her about what Riff had said. He was able to speak to her about some things, mainly what Rasputin has done to him, but before he could get to the business about Mel, someone came crashing into the classroom they were in. Olga.

Searching for Richter, the woman first got into a bit of troublewith Azure and Rose before finding her fiance and declaring herself the new head nurse.


Miss Espinosa's class was next and was a bit more eventful than what one would think from a history class. There were waivers for a trip to Egypt, a video about their destination, a couple late students who weren't exactly welcoed with open arms and the teacher fawning over Josue,another new student. However, most of the class seemed to be more focused on harrassing Azure.

First, Rasputin abused the PA system to threaten the boy to come to a class he wasn't enrolled in. Then the mage used his power to harrass the boy further for sitting next to some girls, saying that Azure was hiding behind girls. Soon, more joined in, believing themselves to be helping him.


The last class was Richter's and it seems Azure just couldn't get a break today. After taking out a bio-organism for the class to see, the vampire became angered at Azure's constant questioning and solutions to hypothetical situation. He then began drilling the boy with other situations, with none of Azure's answers satisfying him.


Perhaps it was his rough day or perhaps it was due to previous emotional trauma, either way Azure was in a bad mood. And enough of one to mistake a new student, Robin, for his sister, Kylier, and challenging her/him to a spar.

Both parties were allowed a bit of time to prepare before meeting in the gym for the spar. Azure came back with a new outfit and an array of knives and weapons. Robin came back with Curtis. The fight was brief with both sides retaining rather little damage. Soon enough Azure seemed to have come to his senses and forfeited.


Emily's first day of class wasn't an uneventful one at least. Receiving a phone call from someone saying some people were pursuing her, getting a gaping stomach wound (that no one seemed to notice until 2nd period) stitched up and spending a couple minutes watching the spar between Azure and Curtis, she ended up locking herself in her room after seeing a couple suspicious people in the gym.


The classes for the day ended and everyone went back to their rooms, Lily had hoped for a private game of truth or dare. However, it seemed a bit too much to ask as once she got the other players (Rose, Bunny and Anya), two random boys (Robin? and Curtis) broke down her room door and turned her game into a spectacle for the entire school.

Under the name of an "official match", the boys, soon joined by Josue and Reggie, not only invaded her privacy but altered her room, created merchandise and invited strangers in without her consent.

The game ended soon enough without any major incident, other than Bunny's panties being flashed on a jumbo screen, and once everyone had their pay, the day was done.
February 2nd

New Characters: Sol/Los Ifris, Yuuma Takumi, Stone Earn Heart, Lairen Tokage, Maxine Sanshoo


The trip to Egypt was cancelled due to recent events, the main one being the death of Azure. And though they were able to find a cleric to revive him, the image of his corpse remained heavily on the minds of those there to witness it, mainly Skyia and Rose. And it seemed especially hard on the lamia who ended up waiting outside the boy's door until she eventually fell asleep there.

Luckily, the spell seemed to be successful, as Azure was up and looking perfectly fine. However, he didn't seem to possess any knowledge of the trip or his death. And upon seeing this, Skyia took Rose aside where the two agreed they wouldn't tell Azure about it, though should he find out, they would support him the best they could.


Meanwhile, Vize arrives at Oriens, looking for an old friend of hers, Kylier. And upon finding the demon, she gets persuaded to kidnap another blast from the past, Azure.

So she did just that, or at least attempted to, and she succeeded in drugging both Azure and Rose in doing so. However, once she saw Skyia, who also seemed immune to her poisoned feathers, the harpy became scared and gave up, letting go of Azure and flying away.

When questioned about it, Azure insisted that he had no idea who that girl was or why she'd want to kidnap him. Still, she must've had some connection to him, right?


Maxine Sanshoo, after leaving for a family trip, came back to see that her disciplinary committee had vanished. The members missing and the room in a state similar to a ghost town. Luckily, it seemed Sayuri was still there, having brought her newly arrived brother, Lairen, to see the room. And there was a potential candidate as well, Naval. She also met Yuuma Takumi, a transfer student and human as well.


Ever since he had first seen Azure's blade, Victor's curiosity about it has only grown. What was it? Where did it come from? What did it do? So he though he'd get some answers from the boy's sister, Kylier. After showing her one of his little hideouts in the school, he asked the demon his questions.

However, Kylier was not willing to let go of this information for free. In exchange, she asked Victor to tail Bunny, wanting some information about the angel. To which, the human agreed.


As noon approached, everyone headed for the cafeteria, including Sol, aka Los. While in his female form, Los was approached by Azure, both hidden by Kylier's illusions (for reasons I don't know). One thing led to another and she ended up kissing Azure, angering Kylier who kicked the boy, breaking her illusions.

Soon the whole cafeteria was looking in their direction, especially Maxine, who was furious. She asked both Kylier and Los, who turned back into Sol, what had happened. Kylier placed the blame on Sol and the vampire didn't bother to defend himself. The only other witness was Elaem, who was immune to Kylier's illusions, but when he tried t explain what happened, she used her illusions to make it seem like he was defending her and not the vampire(s).

Not wanting someone to get punished for no reason, Elaem threw his food at Kylier and hit Maxine's foot, hoping to get the dragon to chase him out of Kylier's range. And it sort of worked. The dragonshifter did chase him and nearly KO'd him, but she was still in Kylier's range, which did not end well, so he gave up in the end.


At sundown, Bunny was ready to execute her plans for Mel. Luring Vash out into the forest with cake, she managed to lure Mel out as well who came to protect her servant. However, after Mel sent the boy running away, the entire thing was revealed to be a trap, with some of Bunny's followers hiding in the shadows. The trap seemed to succeed, and Mel might've died if not for Riff's prompt arrival.

The two did fairly well, and managed to incapacitate 2 of the members. But things went south quickly when somone managed to rip off Riff's choker, releasing the boy's demon form. Mel went to calm Riff down but in that momentary confusion, Bunny killed the demon with an attack meant for Mel. Mel herself tried to exact revenge on the angel, taking an eye and an arm from Bunny.

However, before Mel could kill her, Bunny flew off, only to be killed by an unknown trio.


Having witnessed the entire thing, Victor went to Kylier with his findings who just told him to keep an eye on Mel now.
February 14th

New Characters: Alexandra Edgar, Stormy


Valentine's Day. A day for love and romance. Though that's not exactly what happened at Oriens. As the day started out with a massive, and unnecessarily violent, food fight that nearly destroyed the entire dining hall, ending in what could only be described as a food nuke.


Next came magic class and the introduction of the new magic teacher, Alexandra Edgar. After a brief roll call, the siren asked for some of the students to show off exactly what they could do in terms of magic. Some, like Lerrus and his Death's Door, proved impressive. Others, like Vash's performance, proved to be less so.

The final segment of class was used for golem making. The students were given clay and asked to sculpt something to have it be animated at the end of class. The students produced a wide variety of golems. From small to large and from useful to what the hell did you just make. The most popular choice seemed to be a companion or pet type golem.


After class, the students went their separate ways. Kylier tried to suggest a virtual reality system to Rose but was turned away as the president made it clear that she had no power to make such decisions. Stormy went to discuss her powers with Alexandra. Lerrus had a tour of the school with Rose and Maxine.

The most noteworthy incident may have been Azure trying to meet up with Mel. After finding Riff's collar at the site of the boy's death and upon learning of the events that transpired, the boy wanted to make amends for being a pawn in Bunny's plans. And in an attempt to do so, he parked himself near her room witht he collar he had repaired.

Unfortunately, the incident didn't go over well. As soon as Mel saw Azure, anger bubbled within her, and his attempt at talking to her only made things worse as they made her remember the death of her best friend more than she'd like. She began yelling at him which got Azure yelling as well. The boy even tried to hit her though failed to.

It was at this time that Stone and Naval came across the scene and decided to barge in. The mermaid separated the two, but without any sort of questioning, blamed the entire event on Mel, which only served to anger the girl even further.

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