Oresius Melason, the Crescent Wing [Return of the Scarlet Empress]


New Member

Lunar Exalt - Full Moon

Name: Oresius Melason.

Alias: The Crescent Wing (title); Ore, Ori (diminuitives); Little Ore (Dock St).

Player: Gold.

Concept: Former street-rat scrapper - at least on the surface.

True Form: Ferruginous Hawk.

Tell: Hawk eyes - golden amber colored, with pupils that expand and contract dramatically.

Motivations: Survive. Avenge his mentor against any demonic force he encounters.


  • Trial by Fire - Though he is dead, Oresius learned much from him and still holds a great debt to his former mentor, at least in his mind. He will stop at nothing to identify who or what ever killed the elder Lunar and treat it to the same treatment.
    Solar Mate - Although he doesn't understand the fever dreams and confusing impulses that seem to strike him at the strangest times, he does know that he's missing something. His mate was a twilight caste exaltation, which unfortunately enough is still trapped in the jade prison.
    Dock Street Kids - His former gang in the Lower City of Lookshy, a bunch of rag tag street kids and young adults who stuck together for better or worse. Even though he was forcibly exiled years ago, he still owes most of them a debt that endures beyond the passage of time... at least in his mind.

  • Personality:

plucky, scrappy, seems shallow,

base, lewd, can't pull punches,

blunt, abrasive, between cultured/civilized and country/trashy,

observant, witty, cunning in his own way,

easy to please, enjoys a good meal, simple pleasures,

regal in his own strangely timed way,

feet firmly on the ground because it's practical and easier to get a head start running that way

  • History:

Oresius is a survivor.

He was born to a family that fell apart mostly because of him. They were never very wealthy, and his father decided he'd rather not deal with the additional burden, leaving early in his childhood. The economic climate was far from friendly at the time, and both of his parents seemed to be drifting between work opportunities. His lone mother just wasn't enough to support both of them, and out of a round-about sense of maternal nurturing she abandoned him. He ended up on the streets around the age of thirteen or so, living on the edge of Lookshy's Lower City.

It hardened him, taught him to be wary and alert, and to always have a plan in mind. Not necessarily cunning or intelligent by traditional means - but street savvy. He lived on the street and then with a series of gangs for most of his teen years, sticking together for protection and comfort. Never really petty, or into crime, it was a means to an end... and he ended up almost taking over the little 'family' they'd created. The Dock Street kids changed his life, really gave him a place to belong, and trusted him. He was reliable to them - he was smart and didn't take shit, and so he began to collect a following. He actually began coordinating the gang to STOP petty crimes, trying to garner rewards from the town inhabitants and officials.

He'd developed a sort of regal air to him, something that drew the weaker and newer members to his side. Long story short, about half the boys wanted him to take over for good. They thought he had better ideas, and actually would help them get ahead. They didn't want to live like that forever, and it seemed like he had a vision - an idea of how they could make their dreams a reality. However, the current leader of the rag-tag gang didn't really like that very much. Oresious was forcibly exiled, the leader and his friends beat him to a bloody pulp and left him in lying in the gutters.

This caused him to Exalt. He was almost eighteen.

This was pretty damned confusing, but lucky for him his stars had already been read by other Lunars. They knew an Exaltation was coming and sent a few to track him down before he could be exposed and get anyone or himself killed. For being wounded, he put up a pretty impressive fight, and didn't understand what the fuck was going on or why he was suddenly a few feet tall, covered in feathers and ...then he passed out.

They managed to get him out of town and into the wilderness where they explained things, and inducted him into the Silver Pact. Because of his plucky and direct attitude during his first impression and throughout his trials, he was labeled a Full Moon caste. Since then, he spent the last eight years or so learning under his appointed mentor, Trial by Fire, who happened to be a pretty brilliant magitech engineer. It sure didn't hurt that his first life saw him as one of the most skilled inventors among the Lunars. Why he's now a Full Moon is beyond any that were familiar with his history, but he oddly fits the description to a T.

Through a series of suggestions, trials and challenges, he was pushed by his mentor to acquire Heart's Blood of varied and unusual sorts - rarer and larger creatures, along with veiled suggestions of a more supernatural sort - for reasons the old man wouldn't divulge. He only implied that he had his reasons and loudly doubted his apprentice's acumen for the Sacred Hunt: that did the trick, and now Oresius boasts a fairly expansive library of Heart's Blood.

Not long ago, his mentor died in a mysterious magitech accident that had the stink of Yozi essence all over it, now he's striking inward to investigate. Running across Wraithblade's trail, he mistook her for the infernal presence and attacked her, actually causing her to expose herself as a Solar. For his own reasons - mostly strength in numbers and the fact that they may be able to help one another - he stuck with them.


Compassion: 3

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 1

Valor: 3

Willpower: 6

Essence: 3

Personal Pool: 15

Peripheral Pool: 36


Allies: 0 (Former gang - Dock Street.)

Heart's Blood: 2 (4-10 Forms.)

Mentor: 0 (Trial by Fire, Deceased.)

Moonsilver Artifact: 2

Reputation: 1 (Silver Pact.)

Solar Bond: 2


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 5

Stamina: 4

Charisma: 3

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 3

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 4

Wits: 3


*Athletics: 4

Awareness: 3

*Dodge: 3

Integrity: 2

*Martial Arts: 3

Resistance: 2

*Craft (Air): 4

*Craft (Fire): 4

*Craft (Magitech): 3

*Survival: 3



Humble Mouse Shape.

Towering Beast Form.

Deadly Beastman Transformation.


Hide of the Cunning Hunter.


Second Dexterity Excellency.

Golden Tiger Stance.

Wary Swallow Method.

Wind-Dancing Method.

Flowing Body Evasion.


Claws of the Silver Moon.


Spectral Talons (Tattoo Artifact 2)

Banded moonsilver tattoos that lace through and around the Lunar's fingers emit a bright luminesence, forming what seem to be claws or talons of light about two inches long from each fingertip. Although remarkably sharp and entirely unbreakable, their true benefit lies in their namesake: they literally pass through armor and defenses as though they were nothing more than shadows. This property makes them extremely deadly in unarmed combat, able to rake and tear at flesh beneath shields and even the heaviest of magical armor. Due to their nature, they naturally are capable of hitting spirits and other incorporeal beings, regardless of their intangibility.

  • Material: Moonsilver.
    Keywords: P, M, N.
    Speed- 5.
    Accuracy- 2.
    Damage- 4L.
    Defense- 0.
    Rate- 5.
    Attune- 6m.

*Ferruginous Hawk.

Str: 2, Stam: 2

Notes: *True Form.


Str: 5, Stam: 4, Dex: 6

Notes: Wings, Feathers, Talons, Enhanced Sight.

Alley Cat.

Str: 2, Stam: 2

Notes: An absolutely boring tabby cat with black, grey and brown coloration.

Burrow Lok.

Str: 6, Stam: 6

Notes: Giant trap-making badger.

Grass Snake.

Str: 1, Stam: 1

Notes: Non-poisonous.


Str: 9, Stam: 8

Ice Weasel.

Str: 4, Stam: 4

Notes: Giant white weasel.


Str: 1, Stam: 1


Str: 5, Stam: 4

Tree Pard.

Str: 5, Stam: 4

War Hawk.

Str: 5, Stam: 3

Notes: Giant hawk with a wingspan of thirty feet.[/i]

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