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Fantasy Ordinacy Character Sheet (Closed)


Do Not Eat The Pretzel
Author's Note Hello! Currently 5 people have submitted their character sheets! The In-Character thread will start soon! For the newcomers, you are always welcome to join us and you can place your character sheet below.

If you are interested in joining Ordinacy you can check the thread here for more info


Being ordinary doesn't stop you from who you want to be

Character Creation
You need their appearance and all of that but your character must have:
  • Allegory - What is their problem why they couldn't view the world as it is anymore. Was it family issues, friendship, existential crisis etc?
  • Magical Abilities - A character must have only one magical abilities. I'm only allowing one since I don't want some of the characters being too overpowered. No OP characters allowed. I am begging you.
  • Weapon - Your character's magic cannot be summoned without their weapon.

Places and Races for them to be:

  • Aevenir - Futuristic and Heaven inspired country.
  • Henrith - Medieval and Hell inspired country
  • Canvis - Monochromatic and the gateway to the different countries.
  • Eothea - Soft and Dream-like country
  • Spriton - Monarchy and Pixie land kingdom
  • Opostia - Home of the Rebels
  • Algion - Dead World Prison
  • Ordinancers - Humans that entered the world *Optional for Character Creation*
  • Darkeshels - Beasts who kills all of the inhabitants including Ordinancers
  • Fraingels - Angels who are the citizens of Aevenir *Optional for Character Creation*
  • Asprimon - Demons who are the citizens of Henrith *Optional for Character Creation*
  • Sprites - Pixies that we're born from human positivity
  • Acprento - Apprentices that inherited power from the Gods (Only one part of that God like Medusa's eye or etc.) *Optional for Character Creation*
  • Docteryn - Pixie Doctor that inherits the power of a Sprite *Optional for Character Creation*
  • Soulez - People who have failed in being an ordinancer and now they are turned into pets *Optional for Character Creation*

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Alison Reynolds

Nickname: Ali, AJ
Age: 19
Birthday: May 5
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Weapon: Sniper rifle
Magical Ability: Healing herself and others
Race: Ordinacer
Country in the RL:
Country in the AL: Eothea


Height: Pretty average, about 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eye Color: Green-blue during the summer, during the fall and spring more auburn, during the winter really dark blue
Hair Color: Platinum blonde
Skin Color: Tan Caucasian


Reading, writing, listening to and making music, drawing, playing with animals, hanging out with friends


Running a home daycare


Very friendly once you get to know her, but Ali does tend to be shy when she first meets people


A younger sister, two younger brothers, and her mom and dad




Goal: Ending any war that exists
Motivation: Ali is afraid that if a war pops up, her brothers and possibly her sister are going to be drafted, and Ali has always acted as the overprotective big sister.
Purpose: (See "Motivation")
Fears: Spiders, someone taking any of her family, her brothers or sister being alone in the city without adult supervision
Flaw: Her protectiveness over her younger siblings. Ali's been known to threaten people if they threaten her siblings, especially her little sister.
Conflict: Ali's always afraid that she'll be taken from her family, and seeing as her parents are always away from home because of work, Ali has basically become a second mother to her siblings.
History: TBR
Personality: Very fun loving, messy, and occasionally called "cat-like", which she takes with pride because of her love of animals
Interests: Learning about where she came from, reading, writing, creating and listening to music
Meaning of Name: "Noble, exalted"
Lover: N/A
Unique Trait/Goal: Tends to bounce foot or tap fingers/pens/pencils on desk/table/leg
Intelligence: Average
Social Status: Middle Class
Character Completion

DRITANNickname: Dri

Age: 1948 years

Birthday: January 19

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Weapon: (1) Spear Sword, (2) Daggers (for summoning his magical ability, the spear sword must be used; the daggers, although useful, have no magical capabilities on their own)

Magical Ability: Enhanced Combat Skills (The user is unbelievably skilled in most known forms of fighting, usually. However, only when using his spear sword in combat can he use his ability, and so he uses it for various forms of fighting). Additionally, being an angel makes him possess basic flying abilities.

Race: Fraingel (angel citizen in Ordinacy)

Country in the RL: Albania

Country in the AL: Aevenir

Physical Attributes


With sharp features and steely eyes that would stop anyone in their tracks, Dritan strikes an imposing figure. He has weathered many years of traveling, fighting, and hunger and it shows in his tanned and roughed skin, which is heavily decorated with scars. He doesn't bother cutting his hair until it gets in the way, and it's unevenly and shaggily cut from maintaining it himself. If he was ever considered handsome, it's impossible to tell now, but it doesn't matter. Not to him.

Height: 6'4" ft (~1.9 meters)

Weight: 140 lbs (~70 kilos)

Eye Color: Gunmetal blue (blue-grey | the sea in the midst of a storm)

Hair Color: Silvery white

Skin Color: Medium tan (or medium beige)

In the real world, he had no time for hobbies. How could he, and what were they in one of the poorest districts in Albania? If you want to know what he did in his "free" time, you have to read everything else.


He is a nominal paladin. Although he was regenerated as an angel in Alterna, he continues to try to follow his human values and fight for justice. He travels throughout the seven countries in search of untamed dangers and righteous battles.

Mannerism(s) [⟵Just a FYI, people usually have more than one]
1) When making traveling/quest decisions, he has the habit of scratching his chin when he thinks of his future plans.
2) He likes to cross his arms when he is stuck in a conversation he doesn't want to be in.
3) When he's bored, he likes to cross his legs, right foot kicking the air very slightly.

4) When he gets himself in a stressful situation, or just about to get into a fight or battle, his anticipation shows as he rubs his hands together.

Although he has no family in Alterna, his heritage from the human world is something that remains a part of him everywhere. His mother was the seventh offspring of a poor farmer in another rural north-eastern district in Albania, Dibra. Not having much prospects for a better future, her parents sent her to another district with a small marriage dowry, where she met her husband, and Dri's father. For a while, they were as happy as they could be. They were able to bring food to the table with the small farm they had, and soon, children were conceived in that small stone home.

He had an older sister that died of pneumonia soon after she was born, a brother that lived through his first years and then grew sick after malnutrition, and then, he was the first to be born that lived on, into his teenage years. After 8 years, his sister was born, someone who he cared for dearly, and protected against all odds. He was her knight in shining armor. That is, until, she was brutally being raped and abused by her alcoholic father, who, with the difficulty of working for so little and having to feed and provide for his family, finally hit the bottle.

This was when things really got bad. Days turned to months without their father going to work, and soon Dri had to take over. He knew that taking a job so below minimum wage was pointless, so he resorted to other means. Going to underground black markets and even, at times, when illegal fight clubs passed through, he'd participate for any money he could get. By this time, his mother grew thinner than she already was, weak and dead-eyed from years of poverty and abuse. His sister, although sheltered and fed by Dri, still suffered at the hands of her mentally-ill father. At the age of 9, while Dritan was out fighting for pay, his father raped her once more before killing her. Feeling completely hopeless about their situation, his mother commits suicide soon after.

All that is left is he and his father, and soon he leaves the wretched old man to his own devices, living off the streets, and getting close and protective of the little children that roamed there. Protecting them from older bullies and even street gangs in the more urban and crowded area, and sometimes abusive parents, he was able to form an alliance and a kind of brotherhood for these youngsters. These children became the only family that mattered to him.

He has yet to make lasting friends in Alterna. In the human world, he was like the big brother for all the little ones in the poor north-eastern district of Kukes he lived in. He has a hard time connecting to those who are around his own age, because he was either taking care of the children (giving them food, keeping them safe, etc.) or talking to adults (being a very serious and realistic child, he seems to be able to bond with older people more). The only real best friend he had passed on.

The Important Shit [which for some reason is at the very bottom]

Goal: He desires not to cleanse the world of suffering, he knows that it would not be possible, not for a long time. His genuine desire is to bring justice to those who were wronged.

Motivation: [His past. And obviously his moral standards. Please. Read on to History already!
Begrudgingly, TBW. It's getting repetitive though.]
He thinks of all the wrongs he could have stopped in the past, and perpetually vows to never turn a blind eye.

Purpose: He wants to stop all the guilty and evil creatures of the world from taking those he loves, and those who are innocent. He yearns to do good, because he believes that

Fear: Dri has more fears than he'd like to talk about. Alcohol, the Albanian government as well as its economic system (which had already whisked his life into a poverty-ridden abyss), Bees (he is extremely allergic to their stings), death and sickness (which has taken so many around him in the human world), and he absolutely detests any kind of serpent.

Flaw(s) [⟵Just a FYI, people usually have more than one for this too]: The so-called angel also seems to have more flaws that he'd like to admit. He is undeniably stubborn, and hates being corrected. He would do anything to prove his beliefs or his points, and can hold grudges for a very long time (almost perpetually). He is solemn and is rarely ever seen with a smile; people in both the human world and Alterna wonder where his sense of humor went (explained in history). Being an angel, he's usually clean and, well, the white knight archetype, but in the human world, he would never be that
hygienic because of the way he lived--and he just doesn't have much time for himself when he's out avenging others in Alterna!

Conflict: He has an innate anger he projects to the universe because the universe has taken so many of those he cared about. Specifically, he's furious with the world's materialistic and addictive items, i.e. alcohol. We'll get to that later though.

History (includes Allegory): The history of him, is mostly the history of his family, and those he cared about around him. However, there are other aspects of his own identity that includes other's tragedies, others that passed on.
[Additionally, the affect of those around him will be here:]

In the beginning of his youth he met the girl on the other side of the dirt ridge where two farms lived adjacent to one another. Her name was Mirena, a name that meant of the sea. Her bright blue eyes drew Dritan in immediately. They had a shining kind of hope that seemed to be extinct in these parts. He fell in love with her eyes, and then her smile, and then her laugh. Soon, they were roaming the dirt roads together, talking of life outside of the poverty they lived in. They confided in everything--dreams, their ambitions, their hopes, and even their many problems. His family, and constantly drunk father, and her stringent uncle, whom she lived with because her parents had died when she was young.

Soon, family became a problem for both of them. Her uncle's tensions were taken out on Mirena while Dritan's father took it out on his mother and sister. Although he knew about his abusive tendencies, he did not realize the extent of his violence until he discovered one night of the rapes that were occurring. Young and outraged, he and his father got in a fist fight until the latter was rendered unconscious. This is when he thought this was the last of his violence, at least for a little.

This is also when the symptoms of the seriously untreated Mirena began to arise. She flinched every few minutes in pain, unable to hide it for more than minutes. When Dritan demanded she get checked by the local (though not professional) physician, she did. By then, however, it was too late. Dritan spend his every waking hour, trying to find medicine, money, food, all for Mirena. Alas, this is when his father had more time to himself, more time to do unspeakable things to the vulnerable women at home. While Dritan was losing sleep over the worsening Mirena, concurrent terrible events were occurring without his watch over the broken home.

Then, suddenly, Mirena was found laying on the ground, in the wild grass of her Uncle's farm. It was later found that because of the lingering injury had an unexpected affect on her heart. The girl of the sea was seen held in that sea of untamed grass, in the arms of Dritan. He roamed the streets for awhile aimlessly, until he knew his grieving is over, and that he had others to take care of too. By then though, it was also too late. His sister was dead, and his mother was close to the same predicament. Enraged, he stormed out of the house, becoming even wilder on the darker sides of the district.

It was then that he met the children. They were his past, the innocence he had once had that he wishes to protect with all his life. Even with all the valiance and self-sacrifice he showed to these kids, he cannot do justice to the wrongs of his father, the suffering of Mirena, his mother, and his sister. That is when, in a dark alley in between two concrete buildings, he was given the life he had never had. The life, of the Ordinacy.

Personality: While Dritan wants the world to be good he knows it isn't. Outside of the utopian country of Aevenir, there are much darker things that he doesn't like to ponder on, but, ironically, wants to bring justice to. He doesn't think he exists to make the world a better place, because he doesn't believe that it's possible. He does it because it's what's right. Years of fighting for justice and the oppressed has left a sour taste in his mouth, and even though he's just a young man of an angel (approximately 19 in human years), he isn't the idealistic youth he once was. Cynical and gruff, he might stand for justice, but that doesn't mean he's particularly kind. He is closed off and doesn't care for pleasantries or small talk. (Though if you manage to get him to open his mouth for a conversation, he has some very interesting stories to tell) He is a very authoritative person, and people listen to him, whether inspired by fear or respect. He can be quite intimidating, really, which is why he doesn't seem to have many he's close to.

That said, Dri is very protective of the people he surrounds himself with, even if he doesn't necessarily agree with their choices. He believes that he fights for the rights of others to make their own choices and that it isn't his duty to define another person's moral code. He seems to understand that the world was forged in shades of grey and the only absolute good can be found in each individual's freedoms.

Interests: ["Interests? What's that supposed to mean?" -Dri *COUGHS THIS IS THE SAME AS HOBBIES IT'S A SYNONYM COUGH COUGH* -Arty]

In all honesty, being in the position he was in, his life was far too real, too abominable to have these things. His interests? Getting food on the table every day, and taking care of those who needed it. He was too busy doing the hard work to kick back and have "hobbies."

Meaning of Name: Dritan is an Albanian, (masculine) given name, which is derived from the Albanian word dritë, meaning "light".

Lover: He's in love with a girl in the human world, his former best friend Mirena. They stood by each other through thick and thin, even when he had found out that she had hid her pain from a nerve impingement. The lack of doctors available in the poorer parts of Albania caused her ailment to not be treated until it was much too late. Sudden cardiac arrest was inevitable once her electrical system to the heart malfunctioned and suddenly became very irregular because of the pinched nerve. The nerve was the Nervus Vagus which belongs to parasympathetic nervous system which inhibits the contraction of heart, decreases its excitability and frequency of generated nerve impulses. It was a sudden cardiac death, and Dri was absolutely devastated, blaming himself and what he could have done to stop it. Even in Alterna, he still continues to think of her, even though he can no longer be with her.

Unique Trait: Dritan has pledged himself to no greater deity, no greater royalty, though ironically being an angel. His oath was taken in the name of justice and vengeance and from his own power, and he isn't going to swear to anything else. While no one can deny their existence, he believes that the supposed deities that mortals (those in the human world) worship are no more than extremely powerful creatures from Alterna that the races in across the world have created mythos around. He has no respect for those who do deeds in their name, rather than of their own volition.

Intelligence: Although he may not be book-smart, he possesses a certain common sense that many do not. Combined with his high morale, he stands as a firm and trusted character. He does, however, know multiple languages in the land of Alterna, for the convenience of his travels. Living on the streets for his entire life in the human world made him become a quick-thinker and a fast learner too.

Social Status: Middle-high class in AL, destitute low class in RL
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Two character sheets accepted!

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
DameinWhiterose DameinWhiterose
Calcifus Calcifus
Ronan Ronan
Jigoku Jigoku

It's okay even if your character sheets aren't complete yet! We just need basic information and the required 3 aspects of the character!

You need their appearance and all of that but your character must have:
  • Allegory - What is their problem why they couldn't view the world as it is anymore. Was it family issues, friendship, existential crisis etc?
  • Magical Abilities - A character must have only one magical abilities. I'm only allowing one since I don't want some of the characters being too overpowered. No OP characters allowed. I am begging you.
  • Weapon - Your character's magic cannot be summoned without their weapon.
PretzelR PretzelR Can you just glance at my CS and make sure it looks okay? Also, do I need to have a picture, or am I okay without one?

It's okay! But if you want to add a picture feel free to do so! Appearances aren't required in this role play since this is mostly character driven. We focus on the personalities of our characters.
Alright, just checking. I do have a picture on hand that a friend drew for me, but it's not specifically for this to, and I don't really want to go into the picture and edit it to how I want it to look for this rp only, so, thanks!

PretzelR PretzelR

Victoria Imperium

Lady Victoria, Madame Imperium


June 6th

Zodiac Sign:


Magical Ability:


Country in the RL:

Country in the AL:




Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Skin Color:







Meaning of Name:
Unique Trait/Goal:
Social Status:
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Is it possible to be both an Asprimon and an Acprento?
I think it should depend on what kind of power your apprentice-turned-demon inherited. As a demon, I don't think it should be too powerful, so there's no god-moding or OP characters. That's just my opinion though.

Also remember that you can only have one magical ability.
Sheet is pretty much done. Just a few minor aesthetics to its appearance and the History thats left.


  • 13561979_710994152402467_719974335_n.jpg

    Abel Myers
    October 31st
    Zodiac Sign:
    Country in the Real World:
    The UK
    Country in Alterna:
    Borderline Genius
    Social Status:
    Low Class.
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Delilah Stone

  • Nickname: Seth (yes, it's a boy's name, but she still loves it
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Bah! RPN messed up my BBCode!

Also, thank goodness. I've had to work on my CS in spurts all day :P

Edit: Fixed my BBCode, partially. You should now be able to see the second half of History.
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  • Nickname: Kas

    Age: 17

    Birthday: April 15

    Zodiac Sign: Aries

    Weapon: She doesn't have a weapon with her as of this moment.

    Magical Abilities: ???

    Race: Illegal Ordinancer

    Occupation: Senior High School / Grade 11

    Country in Real Life: U.S.A, Minnesota

    Country in Alterna: Aevenir

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PretzelR PretzelR


~ O R D I N A c Y ~

| Basic Information |

Kyoya Zensho (Lit. Meaning: To recieve; Live Completely)



King of Lightning



Birth Date:

February 15th




157 lbs



Country (Earth):


Country (Alterna):



"I'll die shameless and pathetic -- fate sees to this outcome, as I have no wishes or pursuits against it."

| Personal Information |

Buddhism | Philosophy | Quiet | Solitude | Observing | Psychology | Puzzles | Martial Arts

Liars | Cowards | Losing

Cloud Watching | Smoking | Talking Shit

Leaving Alterna

To Be Revealed...

Kyoya has lived and lead a life of success for as long as he can remember. Since childhood, he has excelled in whatever practice he devoted his mind to. None of it, however, was enough to escape fate's cold grips. Having been born when his parents were young, it was only natural for a younger sibling to follow in his wake. This younger sister was damned from an early age, though, a tumor being found in her brain when she was only seven. Kyoya struggled with emotional stability a lot of his life already, and the fact that his sister had such a short time to live was tearing him apart. An affluent young man, it was hard to accept that all the treatment he paid for would only prolong the inevitable. With no one to turn to, Kyoya found himself facing many sleepless nights and simply wishing away the nightmare that had come to be -- even offering his own life to whatever god would listen. It is for his inability to come to grips with his reality and wishes to run from it that he has been taken into Alterna. Once happy and carefree, Kyoya can not see light in a world where his sister is forced to drown in darkness. The one thing holding Kyoya back from realizing his own allegory is his burning stubbornness.


Approach With Caution - Kyoya's reputation is marked by a tendency for violence and unpunished crimes committed. Though he sees some of his lesser deeds as outweighed by the positive he's brought to some of the different countries in Alterna, it is only natural that Kyoya would be more well known for his worse side. Most would say to avoid the 'King of Lightning' altogether, being that the outcome of such an encounter is so unpredictable, but some know that he is simply a misunderstood wanderer with no true place to be. Of course, this does not stop those who hunt him in the name of glory from seeking to behead the lone samurai.

Kyoya is an individual who values dedication above all else; this one major factor about his personality has been present his entire life. He is a reliable and dependable person whom treats everyone he meets with a sense of respect. That being said, he also has an unrelenting anger that for years has managed to remain bottled up. Though, the mere fact that these emotions are kept under locks means that it is just for them to give way, creating a very temperamental state of mind. This leads to Kyoya being the aggressor in situations where there is strife most of the time, his unfiltered voice getting him into more trouble than is necessary. That is not to say that the young swordsman is unsociable as he has, at times, demonstrated personality traits that are amiable, highly comical, and even mischievous. He is generally a kind individual, demanding respect an intuitive mindset which calls for cunning and quick-witted actions that follow through thoroughly.

Kyoya is a handsome man by most definitions of the word, in terms of his physical appearance. His facial features are soft and inviting, his complexion clear of any blemishes and telling a tale quite the contrary to the one Kyoya has lived while in Alterna. A well-defined jawline and thin nose shapes Kyoya's face well. Still, it is hard to look away from those amber colored orbs he has for eyes. They burn with an intensity akin to that of a flame, both cold and passionate at the same time. The young adult known as Kyoya is exceptional in fitness as well, having well defined muscle to show for it. He doesn't show off this fact much though, having a very conservative style of dressing that is highly contrasted by the wild head of hair he usually keeps.

"No philosophy suits a devil shunned by hell."


| Combat Information |


A simple Katana made from a foreign metal -- clearly not of Earthly origin.

Magic Ability:
Lightning Projection - Kyoya has inherited an ability among some of the most deadly in Alterna. In essence, Kyoya has the ability to control the element of lightning, both through internal projection of the element and external projection of the element. Naturally, as he has full control over lightning, Kyoya is also immune to the ill effects that electricity normally would have on the human body. With such a creative mind as Kyoya's, he has come to grips with a nigh-endless list of techniques with his new-found power. It is to be noted, though, that Kyoya's magical ability does not come without it's limits.

Firstly, he can not project electricity outward without direct contact with an object; namely, he cannot produce phenomena such as lightning bolts and such. He is limited to only generating electricity through an object he has physical contact with, either directly, or via another object he is in contact with.

Secondly, Kyoya can not use his magic to destroy another weapon of magical significance. The backlash for attempting to do so is great, and Kyoya had to learn this the hard way. It would appear that this reaction is purely dependent on Kyoya's intent on destruction, though, making it an interesting limitation on his power.


Having been thrusted into, arguably, the most dangerous country in Alterna, Kyoya had to adapt quickly and learn to hold his own. Luck was on his side as he took on the practice of multiple martial arts in his time, and was far from a pushover. He is a Master Swordsman; Kyoya is able to operate with little or no effort with a sword, delivering skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cutting only and exactly what he wants. He is naturally skilled with a sword and his remarkably fast weapon control may allows him to easily bypass obstacles in order to cut his intended target. Hand to Hand Combat is no foreign practice to Kyoya either. His skills as a student in Karate, Kickboxing, and Capoeira make Kyoya a formidable opponent even when not wielding his weapon of choice. Always known among his peers for his Impressive Intellect. Kyoya frequently exhibits a level of superiority over most in his flawless decision making, ability to defeat foes through pure psychological manipulation, and proficiency in the solving of complex questions.

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