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Futuristic Order up in 1st Quadrant! (CS) 🥞🛰️


Vagabond Spectre

Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Meet the Crew!

This is the list of characters who you will witness and interact throughout the whole RP! NPC's can also be submitted here too.

Ship Captain | Diner Owner - Jericho Artino ( Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre )

Maintenance Mechanic | Waiter - Clara ( lizardanya lizardanya )

Medical Officer | Diner Waitress - Dr. Kanado Kaede ( Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic )

Navigation | Counter waitress - Val'sharra "Val" Nightshroud ( PixelSymphony PixelSymphony )

Combat Systems Engineer | Prep Cook - Loreskin Desai ( Solaris_ Solaris_ )

Communications Expert | Diner Sous-Chef - Telstar "Tel" Graham-Bell ( Spiderverse Spiderverse )

Archeologist Researcher | Line Cook - Eira Hathaway ( kakemha kakemha )

CS Template
Planet Origin:​
General physical description:​
Cybernetic Augmentations:​
Personal equipment: (Notable clothing accessories, Tools, Gadgets, or misc. items)​
Personality: (Bullet point or description)​
Background: (Can be set as WIP for now if no backstory yet)​
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1721437629155.pngRole: Ship Captain | Diner Owner
Name: Jericho Artino
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10ft
Race: Human
Planet Origin: Earth

General physical description: A round man with good posture. Sunkissed skin and soft short beard facial hair. Less wrinkles than most seniors his age. A man of comfy fashion and easy-on-the-eyes color combinations.

Cybernetic Augmentations:
  • Class-B Hydraulic spine - A standard cybernetic implant in medical hospitals. Commonly applied to those have experienced traumatic spinal injuries. It does not improve backbone performance only standing as the replacement of the real spine. Class-B synthetic spine implants are more pricier but better life quality than its Class-C types.

Personal equipment:
  • Glasses - Just good ol' titanium frame glasses.
  • Red scarf - always wrapped around his neck.
  • Pocket watch - Has the picture of Mrs. Artino
  • Flask - Only has fresh water
  • Multi purpose pocket tool

Personality: A man of hard work, cheer, and honesty. Jericho is a calm man who doesn't seem to stress about many things. Always putting others before himself. He remains active and prefers a more tactile work, as he hardly never seems to be doing nothing even while sitting down.

  • Well rounded spaceman - Has diverse knowledge in spaceship travel has gained decades of experience over the years. From ship navigation to slightly advanced engineering repairs, although he is not a master of any of the specific fields.
  • Restaurant Manager - Ever since he was married. He has gained recent management of handling and serving customer's with hashbrowns and pancakes and dealing with the setbacks of the diner.
  • Haymaker - In a rare circumstance, Mr. Artino is capable of throwing a good punch or two.
  • Green thumb - Having gardening as a hobby does give more green life on board.

Background: (Can be set as WIP for now if no backstory yet)

  • Mostly referred to as Mr. Artino or Jerry
  • He is half American/half Greek
  • His favorite flowers are Marigolds
  • Has a surprisingly good singing voice
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Role: Waiter and regular maintenance mechanic

Name: Clara

Age: 21

Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)

Height: 193 cm

Race: Human

Planet Origin: Mars

General physical description: Clara is a tall, intimidating presence. They have pale skin and messy short blond hair, with red tips. They have pale, grey eyes. They prefer practical dress, like overalls and tank tops for the sake of their work, but outside of their job they tend to like spicing it up and going a little wilder and messier. Really like layering. They have a few tattoos on their torso, and both their legs are tattooed as well.

Cybernetic Augmentations: Both their legs are cybernetically enhanced, mostly for the sake of durability, but they also have a few storage compartments for their tools.

Personal equipment:
- both basic and advanced mechanical tools
- a pair of earbuds, to which they cling onto religiously
- sunglasses, that they sometimes wear to hide their eye rolling
- a journal which they sometimes vent to. sometimes they write essays on several topics in it
- hoards of both cigarettes and nic patches (for long space travel)

Personality: Clara is cynical, sometimes outright rude, cold and closed off. They have little patience for rude customers. They have even less patience for annoying co-workers.

- a great and diligent engineer
- a surprisingly great writer
- the ability to put on a customer service smile atop of clenched teeth
- biting remarks. exceptional at being rude

They grew up on Mars and went to a prestigious university to major in engineering. They always dreamed of being an innovator, working their way to the top of the industry, helping humanity progress (without actually having to interact with too many people). In their teenage years, they had a "misunderstood genius" phase. However, having graduated, their dreams were crushed as they were unable to break into the technological scene. Most of the low level jobs were automated, and anything above was riddled with both nepotism and wants of more "experience", despite being unable to answer how they expect Clara to get any experience. There was really only one way left for Clara to make money: customer service. They hate working in customer service. They comfort themself with the knowledge that at least they get to work with technology in some way, even if it's not what they always dreamed of. Their bitter attitude grown on crushed dreams and a life time anti-social tendencies persists.

- hates non-sentient robots with a passion
- has very passionate opinions they love arguing about
- all their tattoos are flower themed
- sometimes they sneak earbuds and listen to music on the job, ignoring everyone who tries to talk to them
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1721451353085.pngMedical Officer | Diner Waitress

(Dr.) Kaede Nakano
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5’ 3”
Race: Human
Planet Origin: Venus

Cybernetic Augmentations:
  • Class B Cybernetic Right Eye - Standard model replacement eye which she got as a result of a "little slip-up" in her teen years, colored to match her remaining eye. The visual acuity it provides is 20/20.
Personal equipment:
  • White Doctor's Coat - "Well how else are people gonna know I'm an actual doctor?", Doesn't wear while doing diner duties
  • Stethoscope - Old reliable. No good doctor is complete without a pair, even in the 25th century
  • Black turtleneck - Kaede's go to casual clothes of choice
  • Simple earrings & necklace - Wears almost all the time
  • Portable medical tools
  • Medical personal protective equipment - Standard PPE for medical use
  • Personal smartphone - One of the latest models from one of the larger personal tech corporations, she mainly uses it to stream her favorite shows, read her favorite books, and occasionally game on the go
Personality: Kaede is laid back most of the time, sometimes to the point to the point where some people might call her lazy, but she gets the job done all the same. The only time where she drops the laid back, easy going facade is when dealing with severe medical situations yet still maintaining a reassuring attitude.

  • Venusian Medical Alumni - Kaede attended and graduated from one of the top universities for medicine on Venus, with the medical knowledge to prove it
  • Medical Practitioner - Has the skills and capabilities to diagnose and treat most common ailments
  • Steady hands - A necessity in both balancing a tray full of food and working on the operating table
  • People person - Talking to both patients and hungry customers are all part of the job
  • Get Good - "You wouldn't expect a doctor to be this good at games, now did you?"

Kaede was born and raised on Venus, having been terraformed to permit human habitation. However, the planet still has a ways to go before the day where it can truly call itself "Earth's twin." It is on this backdrop, where most of Venus's heavy industry was focused on the terraforming effort, that Kaede grew up. It was not an uncommon sight to see many terraforming workers develop serious and oftentimes life long conditions due to the nature of their work, being an ever-present public health crisis on the planet. And seeing how Kaede's father himself works in the terraforming industry, it has always been a public health matter that is close to Kaede's heart, pushing her onto the path of medicine. When she got her bachelor's, Kaede went on to attend one of Venus's top schools of medicine. Upon graduating as Dr. Nakano, and with encouragement from her family to "get out there and see the galaxy," she began to serve on a few starships' medical crews for a few years until eventually finding herself serving on a certain star-faring establishment.

  • Kaede is a nerd at heart. If you get her talking about her favorite series/interests, good luck on getting her to stop
  • Often spends her free time in her room binging her favorite shows or e-books or locked in on a gaming session
    • When not doing any of the above, she can be most reliably found in the ship's medbay
  • Can get very competitive when it comes to games
  • Is the middle child in her family, having one younger brother, Mikio, and one older sister, Haruki
    • Mikio is currently studying off-world on Earth in the field of cybernetics
    • Haruki currently works as a spaceport engineer
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Role: Navigation/Counter waitress1721514340757.png
Name: (Sr.) Val'sharra "Val" Nightshroud
Age: 24(?)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Race: Felstari
Planet Origin: Hymnalia

General physical description: With stark white hair, intense red eyes, and pale skin, there is little doubt as to Val's heritage even without the characteristic horns and spade-tipped tail. Slim but lithe, with a stance at once both relaxed and ready to act at any moment.
Cybernetic Augmentations: None

Personal equipment:

Universal Comm Device - Essentially a super-duper smart phone. Manages to get signal on most planets... somehow.
Vintage music player - Salvaged from a trash heap on some planet they stopped at for fuel, it mostly now plays old jazz and big band standards.
Mysterious box - A wide, flat reinforced case sitting under her bed, locked beyond all belief. What in the world would a former nun posses that requires such security?
Skirt set: A semi-formal vest and skirt set that is Val's normal wear.
Diner uniform: Just as vintage as the music player, Val figures if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Personality: At first introduction she is surprisingly warm and friendly, her words seasoned with a touch of mischievousness and a surprising amount of equivocation and double entendres for someone raised under church auspices. Always confident in her abilities, and possessing an iron will, she is willing to see things through no matter what.


Scout - A natural-born pathfinder, Val has a preternatural ability to know where she is in relation to the land around her. She has since expanded this to navigating through the universe like a sea of stars.
Faster than the Eye - Val's agility and reflexes are astounding. Her coffee pours are the stuff of legend, with dozens of mugs filling up in the matter of seconds all possessing a volumetric precision generally reserved for chemical experiments, and the number of times she's caught an errant plate falling from a shelf in mid-air is uncanny.
Conversationalist - While the jury's still out in whether Val is an extrovert or just a highly trained introvert, it's clear she's pretty good at talking to people.
Mixologist - The range of drinks that Val has created at the diner's coffee bar range from delicate and exquisite foam topped lattes with customized pictures drawn in them, to military-grade rocket fuel with enough caffeine to blow a hardened spacer's socks off. And that's not even getting started with the tea blends she has on hand...

Background: Like many who initially end up ultimately devoted in service to their Creator, Val grew up a ward of the church: an orphan of unknown lineage in the care of one of their several humanitarian branches. When she became of age, she chose repay the kindness by joining in holy service, setting off to the church's central facility to begin her training. Her devotion was tested thoroughly, with strict tutelage combined with rigorous training eventually rewarding her with the title of "Sister". She began her service immediately, full of righteousness and devotion... only to suddenly leave it all behind and escape into the cosmos looking for work. Since then Val is hesitant to speak of the details of her former occupation, and despite her clear continuing devotion to her cause, her relationship with the exact tenets of her faith can best be described as "troubled".

Trivia: Wary of large organizations, in particular those with an authoritarian bent.
Very big fan of whiskey, favorite drink is a Hot Toddy
Likes long walks through forests
Eagerly sings along with any catchy tunes selected on the diner jukebox.
Tends to stare out of windows wistfully when she thinks nobody is looking
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Lokerin Desai
1721530357656.png Role: Combat Systems Engineer and Gun Commander / Prep Cook
Age: the approximate human equivalent of 18 years
Gender: male
Height: 5'6
Race: Verderen
Planet Origin: Zulveu, he lived in the city Dacara

General physical description: Loki falls right about at average height for a Verden his age. His skin is a greenish shade and his eyes are golden, typical characteristics of the Verden. He has long green-colored hair he swears he's genetically blessed with (don't mind the stack of hair care bottles hidden in that closet, he doesn't know what those are...). His usual style resembles that of a human cowboy, when he's not forced into diner uniform.

Cybernetic Augmentations: none

Personal equipment:
- cowboy hat (he won it in a card game)
- handheld game console
- solar-powered laser gun (he keeps it in a brown leather holster on his belt)

Personality: Loki is very outgoing and has a witty sense of humor. Growing up on his own forced him to develop a sense of craftiness; he can think quite well on his toes and talk/fight his way out of sticky situations. His charm enabled him to get close to people in his pick-pocketing and betting days. He loves adventure and prefers to jump head-first into things rather than reason logically through every possible outcome. He is easily excitable and energetic. He is very protective of his friends and won't hesitate to stand up for what he believes is right.

- marksman
- pick-pocketing
- charming/friendly persona that wins a lot of people over
- fluent in the languages and knowledgeable about the cultures of a vast variety of races (the Verden emphasize the importance of cultural competence to benefit the bustling city of Dacara)

Verderen Traits/Abilities:
- green-colored skin, gold-colored eyes, & pointed ears
- empath abilities: the genetic ability to feel another being's emotions when physical contact is made
- chlorokinesis: the genetic ability to manipulate plantlife (though Loki never cared to develop this ability, so the most he can do on command is speed up the growth process a bit)

Background: After losing his parents at a young age, Loki had to learn to support himself. Surviving off pick-pocketing tourists in Dacara and betting on card games only got him so far, though. His dream was to travel the cosmos, going on grand adventures and helping people; like the cowboys he idolized in those old human western movies. When the opportunity to join a crew aboard a traveling diner presented itself, he couldn't refuse.

- he LOVES old human western films
- he is extremely good at card games and just about any video game
- he's been lovingly nicknamed 'Loki' by his human friends
- he's vegetarian (most Verden are)
- his ears perk up when he's excited/happy and down when he's frustrated/sad
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1721489244305.pngRole: Communications Expert | Diner Sous-Chef
Name: Telstar (Tel) Graham-Bell
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft (183 cm)
Race: Cyborg
Planet Origin: Earth's Moon

General physical description: Although often confused for a robot or sentient AI, Tel is actually a cyborg, although the only human parts of his body remaining are his head and digestive system, only revealed when he is tasting his cooking or repairing his helmet. Underneath, Tel's hair is has been maintained in alternately dyed red and black dreads, which fall to his shoulders when not concealed in his helmet. His face is heavily scarred, with multiple deep scars that render his healed eyes a blurry white, heavily impaired by past injuries and augmented by his cybernetic body. He has light brown skin, though he reminisces about its previous darker coloration when he was "all natural" on Earth's moon.

Cybernetic Augmentations:
  • Class-A Synthetic Body Repo - A high class cybernetic replacement only implanted in severe cases. Sometimes referred to as a full body replacement, this "implant" is customized to the recipient's specifications, or in cases where the recipient is unresponsive, their next of kin or proxy's specifications. Due to the nature of the "implant", it improves the recipient's bodily functions and durability. Class-A synthetic body repos are extremely expensive and are often given to select military vets or wealthy individuals.
Personal equipment:
  • "Kiss the Cook" Apron - Standard fare for every experienced chef
  • Comms Jack - Computer Interface plug-in stored in the back of his helmet
  • Apollo 48 Pin - Starship pin attached to chest
  • Golden Hair Cuffs
Personality: Tel is a culinary machine with a sharp tongue and a sharper wit. Known for their biting sarcasm and playful jabs, when Tel is in the kitchen humor and high standards will follow. Beneath the sassy exterior, Tel genuinely cares about their craft and their team, always striving for culinary perfection that will bring a smile to their patron's faces.

  • Aromatic Cooking - Tel is a well tested chef, with a unique ability to infuse dishes with herbs and spices from all across the galaxy that satisfy the taste buds of whoever tries them and takes them on a trip down memory lane.
  • Perfect Foil - Utilizing the enhanced processing and database style memory of his cybernetic body, Tel is able to expertly assist others in whatever manual task they are doing, making him an amazing assistant
  • Debugger - Through his cybernetic body, Tel is able to process data and a much faster rate than most biological organisms can, allowing him to identify errors and parse documents in whatever tech he interfaces with physically
  • Cosmic Battery - Without a doubt Tel's body requires an immense amount of energy to perform, which is where his battery comes in. With a high storage capacity and the ability to convert radiation, plasma, and solar energies into electricity, Tel can be active in almost any situation
Background: WIP

  • Prefers to be called Tel
  • His favorite food is burgers
  • Follows all of the custom instructions for diners to a T, even when they make no sense
  • Has an encoded memory
Eira Hathaway

Role: Researcher (more on archaeology) / Line Cook
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3 feet
Race: Human
Planet Origin: Neptune


General Physical Description: Eira has long wavy stark white hair that goes all the way down to the small of her back. You can find her hair up most of the time, whether that be in a ponytail or bun. However, if it's a special occasion or she has some downtime, she tends to don intricate braiding patterns. She's quite thin making people believe that she doesn't eat enough, which is the farthest thing from the truth (she just has an incredibly fast metabolism). Her wardrobe consists of a lot of dark colors in comparison to her pale complexion and light-colored hair.

Cybernetic Augmentations: None
Personal equipment:
  • Dangling Pearl Earrings (serves as her database, and contains all of her and her family's research)
  • Diner Uniform (her chef's coat)
  • Leather-Bound Journal (quite the old-fashioned way of keeping information, but she enjoys writing)
  • Watch (always good to know the time)
  • Necklace (gold necklace with her family crest on it)
  • Meticulous (always thorough in everything she does)
  • Soft-Spoken (she may not be shy, but her voice isn't very loud)
  • Curious (she loves to ask questions and discover new things)
  • Friendly (she tries to be nice to everyone she sees)
  • Homebody (doesn't like leaving the ship very often, not great at combat in the slightest)

  • Photographic Memory
  • Amazing Cook (loves to do it in fact)
  • Great Braider (her hair is an exhibit of that fact)
  • Has a very pale complexion due to the very low temperatures on Neptune
The Hathaway family line withstood the test of time. Eira doesn't even know how far her family roots go back, but they seem to be present ever since the very beginning of history. Her family was always known for their artifacts, whether that be actually finding them or collecting them. Due to this, they've accumulated quite a bit of wealth, which only aided them in the hunt for artifacts.

Soon, the world expanded. New planets were ripe for exploration. As you can guess, the Hathaways were very eager to be some of the first people to get out there. Once the human race scattered across the galaxy, so did the Hathaways. With their family being quite large, it seemed like there was a Hathaway on every major planet.

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