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Realistic or Modern 𝓞𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽.... [1x1]


Reiia silver

Queen of romance!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
This is a Roleplay about a girl who falls for a gangster, but there are a lot of secrets that will eventually be revealed. Are they strong enough to handle it?​
It all seemed like his best business idea, yet. Club Eden. It mostly consisted of the social elite, or morally bankrupt; depending on whatever spin you wanted to add. A playground. Where the only rules that existed were his rules. Some interpretations of those ideals made it sound like less of a hustle and more like a reward. The idea seemed to appear overnight and came to fruition just as quickly. A quaint little nightclub with enough class to hint at elegance while still being accessible to almost everyone who even flirted with the dangerous nightlife of the city. Crime had become easy, mundane. The club had only been open a few months but it had become the perfect veil for an untold amount of leisure: money laundering, drugs, violence, s*x. This place was truly a place for anyone to let their hair down, the fact that it grew his finances and reputation was merely a happy coincidence.

Lighting a cigarette, his pink lips parted with a deep inhale. Pale thin fingers clutched at the nicotine almost desperately as he overlooked the rail balcony. The bitterness of the night air nipped at his face as he eyed the seemingly endless queue for the nightclub, below. This floor was his entirely, or at least it would be if he didn't always have someone at his damned heels. Kier offered a tut, and a small wag of his fingers, before hearing the balcony glass doors slide to a shut. Privacy. Thank god. Another nicotine-filled breath offered waves of comfort, forest green eyes slipping closed as he savored the moment. A large hand reached up, to rub at his jaw as if reacting pre-emptively to the ache from fake smiles and painfully social occasions. He had always hated entertaining others but as the last remaining Quinn, it was a thankless necessity.

Tonight, for instance, he had arranged to meet with a part-time journalist. Something he had never imagined that he would do in his life, journalists irritated him. Journalists, News readers, bloggers- anyone who wanted to brand things with their 'white knight' label. Naturally, he rejected her presence at the club, but a familiarity of a certain surname swayed his decision. The Cain's surname wasn't just a personal, it was a generational gratitude. Despite the Cain's service for Kier's family ending with her father, they had worked closely for many generations. After all, a crime family like the "Quinn's" doesn't just appear overnight. Kier was curious enough to hear her out, he owed them that, at least. One last draw of breath, he felt a burning warmth flick its forked tongue at his skin, as he dropped it suddenly. "Times up." he remarked suddenly under his breath as he used his boots to stamp out the flame.

A steady sigh, readied him for such a demanding interaction, whilst he opened the balcony doors again and proceeded to the top floor. "Is she here yet?" Kier asked cooly as he lifted a glass of whiskey from the coffee table, taking a generous swig.
"Not yet." Not quite sure which of the several men had answered as he crossed almost anxiously to a mirror, he was grateful nevertheless, as he ran slender fingers gently through his short jet-black hair in a small attempt to tidy it.
Nodding gently set the glass down with a final glance, "Send her to my table will you?"

The club itself was stylish, he made every effort to ensure that every aspect looked as legitimate as possible. The music could be heard loud and clear from the top floor, but the middle one served as a suitable meeting spot. Bouncers sheltered each individual floor, which essentially gave everyone with access to the second floor the title of 'VIP'. Quinn surveyed the room, scarcely filled with couples or singles hopped up on drugs, it was hard to tell the difference. He slumped down in his usual booth and was immediately greeted with another glass of his favorite whiskey, quietly he smiled his thanks and tapped his fingers on the table with a ring of persistence.
Melody had a full shift at the hospital, but of course when she learned that the famous gangster Kier Quinn wanted to meet with her. This was a big break for her, she was told that she would be able to ask him anything. If she got the scoop, maybe this meant that people can finally get him locked away. Mel was quite exhausted but she was excited for this interview. Because she didn’t have a car she was going to have to walk all the way there with all her paperwork.

She definitely looked very disheveled, her hair was a mess and she had dark circles under her eyes as if she hadn’t slept in a very long time. The truth was she slept very minimum in order to keep herself alive, she lived on coffee filled with sugar and cream. Still, even in this shape she was still a really beautiful young woman.

As she walked towards the club, she had a bunch of paperwork, a tape recorder and other things that journalist needed when they were getting a good story or any story in general. She paused a moment when her phone started to go off and she let out a low growl. “What do you want? I can’t be at work right now–” she walked up to the entrance and there were some guys blocking the way, but she quickly showed her badge with her name on it and they quickly walked her in.

She was still on the phone trying to explain some medical procedure while they were walking her to see him. She was very much disturbed to see everything that was going on in this nightclub and she quickly shook her head.

It did not take them long and they were finally at the spot where the gangster leader was. “Listen I–” she looked fairly annoyed that whoever was on the phone was not letting get off the phone. She placed down her papers and let out a very heavy sigh before shaking her head.. “If I promise to come in after I’m done and help with it, can you let me go now? Okay…. Fine…. Bye…..” She finally hung up the phone and took a breath before taking a couple caffeine pills. She was definitely going to need them, she had no idea when she was going to get sleep.

She smiled over at Kier, reaching out to shake his hand if he so chose to. “Mr. Quinn, I am Melody Cain, you can call me Mel. It is a pleasure to sit down and interview you!” bright smile and face despite not feeling pretty or very charismatic at all in this moment. She took a seat nearby so that she could conduct the interview. “Shall we get started then?”

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Eyeing the stairwell meticulously, a security guard stood there offered Kier a brief nod. He returned it courteously before placing the glass he'd been nursing absent mindedly back on the table and rising to his feet. The blonde seemed to storm up in a state of urgency, distracted by a phone call- who knew she was so vital? Kier waited silently, a welcoming smile as she set messy stack of papers at the table.

The young woman seemed utterly exhausted, but the fire in her eyes served as a warning, the small growls under her breath fetched a small glint of amusement for Kier.

His smile remained intact, watching her end the call and swallow a handful of pills. Though, the Dark haired man got the impression that they weren't anything like what he sold. Straightening his suit jacket, it was almost startling hearing such a sudden change in her tone. The urge to check if it was really the same woman, was quenched by her outreached hand. He gently took her hand and offered a small shake, as if afraid to break her.

"Good to see you, Miss Melody Cain," he smiled warmly, she definitely seemed highly strung and it was clear that she was here for one thing alone. "Can I get you anything to drink first?" Kier returned to his seat in the booth, and took another sip of his glass. He was immediately thankful that it had seemed to take the edge off, much more used to women throwing themselves at him; this didn't promise as much fun.

The expression he wore was gentle enough, but a sharpness in his glance that conveyed precision and attention to even the smallest details. Her parents definitely had enough money, the reason why she felt the need to wonder from shift to shift like a stray cat, didn't make sense to him. Alas, he would make his own fun one way or another.
Melody was ready to begin so she could figure out the issue they were having at the hospital. She worked so hard to make amends for what her father had done, to show people that the Cain name was still good. If she had to work herself into the grave to do so, which she was working on doing apparently, then so be it.

She looked up at him when he asked if she wanted a drink, she guessed it was rude not to accept when offered. “Uh, sure. I don’t drink a whole lot, so whatever you recommend would be great.” She gave him a smile, hoping that the caffeine pills she took would help her hold her alcohol better.

Still, Melody’s time was precious and she did not waste anymore time, as she pressed record on her recorder. “First off, thank you for agreeing to this interview. A lot of people are curious about you….” She smirked a little before thinking to herself. “Plus we can finally get you put where you belong….” Melody cleared her throat and tapped her pen to the paper she had in her lap.

“First off a lot of people think it is nice to be in charge of such a large organization? To have such power! What would you say to those people?” There was a bit of passion in her eyes for what she did, she was going to find out the truth for the people who wanted it so bad. There was a small sparkle in her eyes, anyone could tell this was important to her.

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Pearly white teeth peeked through an approving grin, he lifted his index finger towards the bar staff and almost immediately was greeted with a small glass identical to his own and a decorative glass decanter. He took a deep inhale as he leaned forward filled her glass, and topped up his own. As an added measure, he made a point of showing that the drink was safe, he raised it slightly with a crooked smile, “Cheers.” Kier took a sip and watched her expectantly, waiting for her to do the same.

She was indeed eager to start, he however was not. Truthfully, he couldn't care less about this silly interview, the Cain daughter was fine. Not exactly thriving, in fact at moments she looked like she might just fall apart at the seams. That was her business, he’d ensured that the family was safe and financially secure after her father’s death. Whatever this self-inflicted behaviour was for it couldn't be helped, or rather he wasn’t interested enough to help.

The excitement was almost amusing, the dark-haired man entwined his fingers and deep green eyes scanned the table before meeting her face again. He watched her intently like a cat finding the perfect ball of yarn. “Did you know malt whisky can only ever be called ‘Scotch’, providing it is brewed and aged in the confines of Scotland,” he began, “Similar to Sparkling wine being called as such unless its made in the region of Champagne. Its almost as if by removing it from its place of origin, depletes its worth. Rather sad, don’t you think?”
Reiia silver Reiia silver
Melody had only taken one sip of her drink, she was not much on alcohol at all and was more interested in this interview. Of course she should have known this man was not going to make it easy for her, figuring it was some metaphor. Mel nodded her head as it was a shame that the price would go lower, she wrote down what he said. “I suppose it is a real shame, something so good should be at its full worth.”

Not being easily deterred she looked over at her notes, gosh why did she spend all night working on these questions if this was how he was going to answer. Mel shook her head to herself, this was not going to stop her from getting the truth out.

“A lot folks have been saying that the man who was about to jump off, was actually pushed by you? They say he was indebted to you, for millions! Is that true? What is the story behind that?” Mel while still excited to be doing this was feeling very tired at the moment, she took another sip of the drink. “Now is the best time to get it all out in the open, to free yourself so to speak.” She stared him right in the eyes something most people would not do.

If he looked very carefully over at her papers, a picture could be seen of her father. It looked like there was another person who was in the picture who had been carefully cut out of the photo. Most likely her mother, who took all the money that had ever been given to them or from her father as her mother was extremely greedy.

sillykitty sillykitty
He couldn't quite read what she was scribbling down but, it brought him great amusement. Each soft shake of her head, offers more incentive to spin out his words. Kier had a feeling that she was not enjoying this as much as he was. The determination in her glare was almost as fierce as the sharpness of her tongue, he had been blamed for many murders. Most were correct, their cases just always seemed to always... slip away. Smart girl, the moment her lips parted, he knew the question she would ask. Perhaps acting coy wasn't the most tactful however if she wanted to accuse him of outright murder, then he wanted to hear her say it.

The exact murder she was referring to was as plain as day. However, it confirmed his suspicions seeing the old Polaroid paper clipped to one of the many clumps of paper. A glint in his eyes showed that he remembered the event clearly. "I'm sorry, Miss Cain. Could you be more specific?" The atmosphere remained unchanged, her burning persistence didn't touch his ice-cold exterior. In a somewhat informal manner, he leaned back and took another sip, as if the scene unfolding in front of him served as mere entertainment.

Quinn had never assumed that she'd be so hot on his heels, it was obviously a subject that she had spent many hours researching. He was a good man, but Kier knew that the only reason she had come all this way was to find someone else to blame. She needed someone to blame so that she could finally move on. So be it. If she came looking for a big bad monster, he would play his role ever so elegantly. The impatient taps of her pen made it all worthwhile, at least.
Melody knew a lot about this man, at least from what the rumors were. The thing is she didn’t want to just blindly follow all the rumors and instead she wanted to really give him the chance to explain his side of everything. Everything she had heard, this man was horrible and everyone even warned her not to do this interview. Of course they told her how amazing be if she could and how much would help the city. .

His voice and everything he said, it made her pause a moment as she could not believe how cruel he could be. This should not have surprised her, he was the leader of the top gangs of the city and had control over most of the city. She wanted to in the interview right then and there, as it was really tough to see someone who felt this way. Instead, she chose to grin him as she started grabbing news articles, one after the other as well as some information that would’ve been harder for a normal person.

“I apologize, I just remembered that you are accused of murdering many people. So my dear Mr. Quinn, let me refresh your memory!” she was going through the papers, but it was clear she wanted him to see everything she had so far. It was years of work, if any thing happened to her work she would probably been tempted to commit murder..

“Ah, yes! Here it is, it’s this one….. A family man, who had been trying to work off such a debt. With all that money you have, you could have easily let him go…. Do you like the control that you have over people?” This time she raised her eyebrow, but she was feeling rather proud of herself and she crossed her arms sitting comfortably after taking a sip of her drink.
Scoffing suddenly, he wasn't sure whether to find her life-threatening behavior fascinating or irksome. Melody seemed to beam as she gathered the respective documents, she was really quite irritating but he was glad in a way. All of this was closure that he, himself, had never gotten. Of course that didn't quench the urge to put her back in her place. Letting out a long whistle, he sifted through the documents. None looked unfamiliar, but an eyebrow arched at such a collection of a single case. Glancing over all the documents, it was almost impossible to tell if the glint in his eyes was still amusement, or whether it held sinister undertones as his gaze flickered back to the blonde.

He'd kept tabs on the family, of course, he just didn't know the daughter had taken just as much notice. Annoying little thing. The smug expression was one he'd seen many times before, usually from anyone who thought they might have the upper hand. So why did the expression that rested on her face irritate him so much? Perhaps he wanted to punish her just a little.

"What answer are you looking for, Melody," His tone had a fraction more annoyance, this time "Would you like me to tell you that I killed your father?"
She definitely wasn't the most gentle woman he had met, nor the most interesting. Had he not held onto this familiar debt, would he have granted her such grace? Taking another drink, as if to smooth over the irritation. "Please tell me, Miss Cain. Tell me the answers that you so obviously wish to hear."
Melody thought she had the upper hand at this moment; it was something that she was pretty proud of at the moment. Of course that wasn’t going to last, her smile and confidence disappeared all of a sudden. At the mention of her father, she lost the fire in her eyes instead they turned dark, changing from her usual demeanor.

“Do not speak about my father from your disgusting mouth. What do I want? I want you to confess to killing these people, the families closure! I want it on tape!” she finally said, but was that what she really wanted? How did he know about her father? That was a stupid question, he probably had people find out this information a lot easier than she could.

Melody didn’t see why or how Kier would have killed her father, her father would not get himself entangled in some web of deceit and crime. She stood up tossing a folder in his direction, she licked her lips in that moment. “I’m on to you, I’m going to expose you the monster that you are and all the trouble you–” started to feel really nauseated all of a sudden and dizzy as well.

“I’m going to go to the restroom, I will be back….” She didn’t know if she was going to continue this interview, should she just keep fighting through the emotions? She walked herself as she stood there looking at herself in the mirror. “What is wrong with me?”
Kier would admit that it left a sour taste in his mouth, but he knew that her father would much rather her mourn and move on with her life. Pursing his lips, lightly, he felt guilty for stealing that burning desire from her- but it was the safest situation for all parties. It was selfish for her not to see it as such. He could arrange the most intricate web of lies, but nothing seemed to do his memory justice.

What a selfish girl, putting him in a situation like this. She could never even start to understand the murders that he had committed, the threats he had made. He was doing the right thing. Or maybe, that was something he had just told himself whilst reliving that very moment. He winced to shield his eyes, but he never flinched from the paper trail thrown in his face. He deserved it. Watching her storm off to the bathroom, his chest panged lightly. Nevertheless, he reminded himself that it was for the best.

Hearing the door slam shut, he let out a breath that he didn't realize he'd been holding. Standing, he took another un-sobering sip from the glass and sorted the documents. The more incriminating documents, he took in his hands and held them closely. He was careful to steal just enough so that the case would fall apart in court, but not enough to arouse any suspicions from her. After a short glance at the bathroom door, he carefully picked up the polaroid that had fallen in the scattered mess of paper. It was meaningful but there was no telltale sign of a specific emotion. Placing the photo gently back on the table, it laid face down, as if Kier was afraid to face the judgment.

He crossed the room to a small high-end fireplace, where he tucked the papers behind a hefty lump of coal and used a fire stoker to conceal it properly. "Get rid of this for me, please, will you?" he asked under his breath strolling over to the booth and pressing a single button on the tape recorder, exposing all of its recording. Grabbing it's film haphazardly, he handed it to one of his men and gently resumed the recorder to its position. The background noise was much quieter now, he noticed as he returned to his seat. The majority of people had left and those who stayed were drunk bar flies. Everything suddenly felt more solemn. Another sigh escaped his lips as he resumed his drink, nursing it, almost anxious for her return.
Melody stayed in the bathroom for quite some time, she could do this interview and it was almost pointless anyways. She had all kinds of evidence against him and could make the people see what kind of individual he was. Her home was that they would all stand together against him and finally be done with dealing with his organization. “Yes! I got this!” she gave herself a small pep talk, before fixing her hair slightly and walking out of the bathroom.

Melody made her way towards the room where they had been doing the interview, she walked in with a smile as she knew what evidence she had and they began to gather her items. She did not notice anything amiss, nothing missing or out of the ordinary. “Well, thank you Mr. Quinn for entertaining this…. Interview, but I think I have what I need….” She nodded her head in his direction, making a quick dart for the door in order to leave.

As soon as she was out of the club, she leaned against the wall as she tried to think about everything that was said. Why did he have to bring up such a painful subject? She slowly started making her way home, she thought about calling the hospital and telling them that she just could not make it in. Melody decide against this, if nothing else it would distract her from everything that had just happened.

About 20 minutes later, she ended up at home and she tossed her stuff to the side. She quickly jumped in the shower, as she let out a sigh. The few friends she had were incredibly worried about her not getting enough sleep, but when was there time? She got in the shower and dressed the hospital, but she had a bit of time she had to leave and she began going through all of her stuff.

“Wait a minute…. Where is all the information on the murders? Where…. Where is the tape from the tape recorder…. The photos…. It’s all gone….” She looked absolutely defeated, at first her tired brain was not working very well and she didn’t really know what might have happened. Then it dawned, Kier must have destroyed some of her work as that was the possible explanation. She grew angry, so angry that without thinking much about the fact that he was a powerful person and had murdered people, she was going to confront him.
That could have gone better. At least it appeared that he'd swayed her from returning. He hadn't thought about that old man in a while; seeing him, the same little girl that he kept the photo of in his wallet. It was something to digest. Of course, things had changed now. The small, whispy haired, child had turned into something of a brat, "the hell did you do with her?" he asked with an amused chime. Kier rubbed the back of his neck as if all of his body ached, checking the time on his watch. It wasn't overly late, but he only felt- worn down. Bruises marked his chest and back, but he didn't mind as much, as long as they weren't visible. How on earth was he supposed to keep up his pretty boy routine with a scarred face?

In all honestly, the evening he had planned for the evening, lasted much longer. After he bedded the interviewer and she volunteered to accept a few cash handouts, the world would be much brighter. He didn't plan on her being so difficult. He just hoped that she would have the sense not to come back. Not to dig around for answers. Especially ones that weren't especially helpful.

Apparently, the rest of his evening was free. Grabbing his glass, he strolled over to the fireplace and used a stoker to re-arrange the burning logs. The last of the evidence was long gone, the only traces left were the deep black soot that stained the bricks. Resting an arm against the brickwork, he stared into the flames, rationalizing where the papers came from. As far as he knew, all the city's officials served as decoration, under his command. Figured of power, that made people feel safe yet: didn't really have any power to begin with. They would have brought it to his attention if she had been fishing around too much, or even reported anything. By the sounds, she didn't. Why? If she had such a heavy axe to grind then why come to him first? Dark eyelashes fluttered at a particularly loud crackle of the fireplace, before he turned on his heel. "I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me."
Melody was running on pure adrenaline this point, she was exhausted to the point that any moment she could pass out. Still, she was absolutely serious and no matter why no one was going to get in her way when it came to confronting him. How could he do this to her? He was the one who had offered to do the interview, this made no sense to her and it only meant that he probably had a lot more to hide.

She showed up at the nightclub, but of course they were not going to let her in as she did not have an appointment. She was fighting with the bouncers upfront and even though they were a lot bigger than her, they were having trouble managing to keep her out. She managed to slip past them, despite them chasing her from behind she was a lot quicker as she had less weight on her than they did.

She looked around for him and saw him exiting the room that they had been in for the interview. She walked right up to him and slapped him, chances are he did not see her coming. “How dare you!? I came here because you offered the damn interview! So you destroy all my stuff ?? worry piece of crap!” She was hurling insults at him, some of the people who were there looked really surprised. This caused Melody to look around for a moment, but she didn’t care at this point he could kill her and what would it matter.

She lifted her arm again as she looked like she was about to slap him again, but she was a little bit wobbly at this point and it was clear something was wrong. “I don’t …. “ She blinked a few times as everything was getting so blurry, she took one step back almost like she was about to fall. “I …. I ….” Then all of a sudden she started to fall forward, towards Kier and she fell forward she lost consciousness as she was absolutely exhausted. She didn’t eat much as she was too busy, so there was probably a bit of malnutrition at play too.

One thing she hated was happening, she was at a very vulnerable place right now…..
Hearing only remnants of yelling, Kier tried turning on his heels but was met by the dull sting of her slap. The atmosphere weighed heavily on his chest as he faced her. Judging by the fact that everyone else other than the huffing Melody, seemed to hold their breaths, he wasn't the only one to feel that way. His nostrils flared a moment, the adrenaline seemingly contagious. Pink lips pursed firmly, his eyes sharpening as he stared down the girl. She was obviously distressed, he'd allow her this one grace. Reaching to touch his mouth, he dabbed his mouth lightly, ensuring that his lip ring hadn't torn, he scowled deeply.

The second time her arm lunged towards him, he reached and grabbed her wrist. Just from the restraining grip, Kier almost felt her tremble. She didn't seem the type to dabble in psychedelics. Keeping a lingering hold of her, he eyed her curiously. Was she really in this much shock? As soon as her body leaned in towards him, he instinctively hooked an arm around her waist, securing her. In one smooth moment, he had swept her from her feet, and held her bridal style in his arms. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite sure what to do now. The only unconscious people he was usually around, were dead.

One thing he knew for sure, he couldn't just leave her here. "Manage things down here, will you?" He nodded to one of his men before carrying her up a short flight of stairs. His floor was an open plan, minimalistic but fashionable. Especially considering, he was eager to move anywhere else from a house so filled with death. He supposed she was sort of cute when she wasn't talking as much. She seemed to be breathing fine, at least it just seemed like she was genuinely exhausted. Maybe she just needed a good night's rest. Not that he imagined she'd get the best sleep here, but it was the only thing he could think to do.

Kier set her down gently on the bed, and rested a hand on her forehead to check her temperature. She felt hot. Draping a light blanket over the girl, so she didn't catch a chill, he stared down at her for a moment. He figured he'd stay awake a little while to make sure she was safe, he made his way over to the kitchen space and started brewing coffee.
Melody didn’t know what was going on or that she had passed out. She was lost in the darkness, the void she had so carefully tried to avoid. It never felt good for her to sleep for all she saw was the people laughing at her once proud father. She remembered seeing her father in the open casket, she had started to cry and held onto him as if he was still alive. She begged him not to leave her with her mother, not to leave her alone in the world and yet he was gone.

Every so often throughout time in the bed, she would sometimes start to get a little wild as if she was having a bad dream. If he touched her to check on her fever or for whatever reason, it would instantly calm her. Still, the tears would run down her face in her sleep, yet she would not wake up. Her body had been craving sleep for some time, now it was going to take a lot to actually wake her up by this point.

In fact, she didn’t wake up for 24 hours and by then the hospital had called to figure out why she hadn’t come in. In fact, it was one of these calls that actually woke her up and caused her to start shifting a little bit in the bed. She didn’t realize where she was at first, in fact she was trying to figure out what had happened. She looked at her phone, but she didn’t answer it and instead around the room.

That’s when she saw him, Kier was sitting in the chair by the bed sleeping. She was surprised, for a moment she began to panic and was afraid something had happened. Then she realized that wasn’t the case, but why did he stay with her all night?

“Mr.-- Mr. Quinn?” she gently spoke as she reached her hand out and placed it on his hand. She shook him ever so slightly, she wanted to find out what had happened. She didn’t even remember walking in and being so mad that she slapped him. “Mr. Quinn…. What on earth happened? Why am I asleep here?” there was probably a little hint of panic in her eyes and voice, what was wrong with her?

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His hand tugged away and he inhaled sharply as he stirred into consciousness. Everything in his body was flexed and working overtime as he blinked. "Oh, it's you-" his voice was a little hoarse as he ran his fingers through his jet-black hair, almost self-consciously. Stifling a yawn, he tilted his head, popping something in his neck. "You.. passed out, or, fell asleep?" Through the night he'd probably had more than enough coffee, but now that it was apparent that his sleep schedule was well and truly done for, he decided on another.

Rising from his chair and strolling over to the small kitchen area, it became apparent that he wasn't a morning person. The cluelessness that entangled his tone was enough to tell here was no malicious intent or even devious planning. However, he didn't care if she believed him. The Cain girl was safe and the evidence was gone, that was the main thing.

Boiling the kettle with a small flick of his finger, a slightly larger yawn arose; one that couldn't be suppressed. There was a small clank of ceramics as he fumbled around in a cupboard before he eventually set down two mugs on the counter, "How do you take your coffee?"
Melody was still really drowsy, as it was going to take a lot more sleep to make up for what she had missed. She watched him head over to the kitchen, a part of her felt bad for having caused him so much trouble. Then she remembered how he had destroyed years of research and suddenly she didn’t feel too badly.

“I like my coffee with some sugar and some milk please.” Her voice was soft and a lot different then earlier. In fact had she looked differently one would not realize she is the same person. Sleep had done wonders for the young woman, the bags were still there slightly under her eyes. “I suppose I lost my temper a little bit, I am sorry for slapping you. I can be a little much when I am tired.”

sillykitty sillykitty

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