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Fantasy Operation Last Judgement



ur lite fades awey
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On New Year's Day three years ago, dimensional rifts opened up all over the world, and from them came demonic creatures that slaughtered everything in their path. The invasion lasted for weeks until the militaries of nations around the world managed to defeat the invaders, but not without massive casualties. The world was thrown into chaos, but slowly it began to rebuild and recover. Then only two months later more rifts opened, and then again, and again.

The nations of the world came together under the banner of the United Nations to respond to this threat, and with the combined resources of over a hundred nations the world weathered more of these attacks, until it seemed like it had become a new normal.

Then two years after the first invasion, a new rift appeared, but from this rift came not demons, but people who seemed so much like us, who had experienced their own invasion with much less success. They came from a world known as Erodiel, a world that seemed straight out of a fantasy novel. And through this rift came new opportunities. Humanity could finally strike against the invaders for the first time.

Seven months have passed since the world of Earth and Erodiel were connected by a portal opened by the latter's resistance forces, and seven months since the forces of Earth were given the chance to strike at the heart of the demonic forces themselves.

Six months since the combined militaries of Earth launched an invasion into the other world in a counteroffensive that took the demonic forces by surprise. Six months since the demons found themselves getting pushed back by the unrelenting war machine of Earth's militaries, and six months since they had realised that they were facing numerous defeats.

Three months since the forces of Earth found their advance slowing from their lines stretching thin and the demons stepping up their attacks. Two months since the offensive ground to a halt, and the war seemed to have become a brutal stalemate.

Now the forces of Earth under the command of the United Nations Extradimensional Response Coalition prepares for a decisive offensive that would hopefully end the war for good, but not before a newly-formed task force comprised of both the best both Earth and Erodiel has to offer is put to the test.


MAY 30, 2025
0755 HOURS

Captain Jonathan Merrick sat in the passenger compartment of the UN-60M Black Hawk, the morning sunlight streaming through the small windows on the doors on either sides of the helicopter, the electronic lights within the cabin itself helping to provide some much-needed illumination. The aircraft was making good speed as it sped above the grasslands of the Lower Galilee below. The cabin was empty besides him, but it still felt rather filled with all the thoughts swimming in his head.

Merrick leaned back, taking a moment to think. Just a few days ago he had been in Syria, combating a resurgent ISIS, and now here he was, on his way to his new tasking. For whatever reason he of all people had been chosen to lead one of the teams of the newly-formed Direct Assault & Ground Reconnaissance Program, or DAGR, in which hand picked members of Earth’s finest servicemen would work alongside the best of what Erodiel had to offer. He’d been told that it was meant to encourage cooperation between those of both worlds, but he knew that it was really more of an experiment than anything else.

He shook his head. He had his orders, and he intended to fulfil them. Instead, he decided to turn his attention to the folder in his lap that contained records of his new squad. He’d read them several times already to give himself a sense of familiarity, but from what he knew the members of the squad were already quite colourful individuals.

He flipped the folder open to take another read, and he was greeted by the ID photo of Veronica Amira, his new XO. She already seemed like quite a capable soldier, and one of the exceedingly rare female members of the British Royal Marines. Plenty of experience, too, a veteran of Operation Runestone just like he was. There were a select few other members of Earth’s military forces, but the rest were all Erodiel natives.

The one he hadn’t really expected to see was the princess of the Irdonian Kingdom itself, Princess Cynthia Stormcrest. Though, from what he knew, she had been one of the minds behind the program itself, and she was the commander of the Erodiel Resistance who had been fighting their demonic enemies for many years, and had been instrumental in forming the link between the two worlds. She was a capable fighter by all means, but he still had his doubts. Mainly the fact that the princess herself would be under his leadership.

Then there were some who worried him a fair bit, namely Damian Enyo. His file was heavily redacted, and from his psych profile Merrick wondered how he was even cleared for duty after what he had been through. Apparently, he was the only survivor of his unit and had been MIA for several days. Something had happened to him, and somehow he had gained the ability to detect nearby demons. He had also gone through something of a mental break and would refuse to show his face and even speak, so that was something he had to keep an eye on.

The other one was Demi Drakos. Little was known about her other than the fact that she was much older than she seemed, and possessed a great deal of magic prowess. And also that fact that she was an actual blood-sucking vampire, which was something. She seemed to be on their side, at least, but Merrick still wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that.

The other files contained the profiles of similarly colourful individuals, and that was only the first combat team of four in total. The support staff had a cast that was just as diverse, but he didn’t have their records.

Merrick sighed and leaned back. This was going to be a challenge, that much he knew, one that was going to truly test the limits of his command. He leaned back and closed his eyes, thinking of a memory.

"You're leaving? Already? You just got back."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner."

"No, I understand. This is bigger than all of us. They need you more than we do."

"Cath, I..."

"Don't say it. I get it. I really do. You need go back for a reason."

"I'm sorry it was on such short notice, Cath. It's just that this thing just came so suddenly, and you know I'm not one to ignore orders."

"Daddy, are you really going again?"

"I know, sweetie. But I'll be back in no time. I promise."

"Pinkie promise and swear on your heart?"

"Pinkie promise and swear on my heart. Now how about you go to bed, sweetie? It's late. Just remember that I love you. All of you."


He was shaken from his thoughts by the voice of one of the pilots. “Approaching Base Barak now, sir. Commencing landing in one mike.”

The Delta Force captain peered out the window to see his destination come into view. The swirling portal with flames licking its outline was the first to catch his attention, and really, of anyone’s. That was, as the United Nations had officially termed it, the Anomalous Extradimensional Entry Point, or rather simply and informally, the Gate. The interdimensional portal that connected the worlds of Earth and Erodiel. It sat at the peak of Mount Tabor, which was perhaps something very biblical. All around the Gate were structures, a massive fortress of concrete and metal that stretched from just by the portal itself to the base of the hill, all of which made up Base Barak. It was a massive complex that functioned as the final supply point on Earth before the other world.

Besides the hill itself was a large field of white tents surrounded by a wire fence, the trademark sight of a United Nations refugee camp. It was known as Accommodation Facility Naphtali, and it had sprung up to house the massive influx of refugees from the other world, fleeing from the demonic tide that had ravaged their world. The camp already housed a population of sixty thousand, and that number was continuing to grow as the war raged on the other side.

The Black Hawk descended, and then touched down on a helipad. Merrick slid the door open, and then he stepped out, his boots landing on solid ground. He took a moment to stretch, and then he took a breath of air, nose wrinkling slightly at the scent of engine smoke.

Well, time to meet the team...

Princess Cynthia Stormcrest sat within the small lecture room of the base. The room itself was arranged much like a theatre, with rows of chairs on one side and a podium and screen on the other. This was of course where men would gather to receive their briefing for a mission, or for other reasons. Now, however, it was mostly empty, with only the others members of DAGR Team One with her.

She drummed her armoured fingers against the armrest of her seat, and she glanced at the others. She knew many of those from Erodiel, as they had been in her Resistance. Still, while she knew their names, the only one she personally knew was the man simply known as Davian. She had fought by his side many times before, and she knew he was someone he could trust.

The others were a little more of a mixed bag. It was true that her Resistance was made up of just about anyone and everyone who opposed the demonic forces, but they had varying degrees of proper loyalty. Many weren't really soldiers, either, unlike the professionals of Earth's militaries.

Still, they had fought the demons all the same, and for what it was worth, that was enough for her. These were the Resistance's best, after all.

She glanced at the clock, noting how it was almost eight o'clock. Or, of course, as she had come to prefer, oh eight hundred hours. She preferred the language of Earth's armed forces. Simple and efficient, without the need for extra complexity.
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Some brief commotion could be heard just beyond the briefing room's side entrance - the sound of people stumbling or dropping something heavy - it was followed by a burst of laughter. Playful-pitched and feminine along with a much deeper, masculine tone following after it. This, then, gave way to a string of Scottish curses which, thankfully, no one was brogue enough to understand. It ended almost exactly as expected: Shadows flickered and there she was, the girl in black and red, leaning against the door which didn't even have to be unlocked for her. A grin poured over her features as the spawn continued to laugh merrily, almost uncontrollably for a moment.

A hand half-lifted, palm forward in pause, the girl gave a breathless statement to the room, "You- You should have- seen his face! Heeeheheheheheheh!" Whatever 'fast one' she had pulled on the man guarding the door, at least she found it unbelievably hilarious. It wasn't quite so certain if he did.

Only after some long moment of intense snickering did the girl practically dance away from the door, crimson eyes cast around the room, lit with curiosity well in-front of their restrained thirst. Eventually she would find her way to the edge of one of the seats, gracefully dropping into it to lounge in posture like some famous super model posing in a bathtub. Except that she wasn't wearing any bikinis, she had her cloak and leather armors. "Soooo...?" The unfinished question trails along with her tone as she looks for someone more important than the others.


He had already been here when the others began to arrive: Leon was never late. In his duty, hesitation meant someone's death and so a marksman was always prepared - always punctual. Though the voices and antics of others did briefly attract his attention, he didn't speak up nor raise a brow at them. There would be time for that and it wasn't it. Instead the Frenchman busied himself with maintenance.

Part by part he disassembled his silver sidearm: The magazine removed calmly, the slide snapped back with a practiced motion of his thumb-and-finger grip - he caught the round it ejected and placed it neatly next to the magazine. His grip upon the pistol twisted, the slide pressed forward and then removed. It was followed by the grip as the retention spring was calmly pulled, joining the others. Leonce was left, then, with the barrel alone which he examined at length before dusting it briefly against the wrist of his urban-copat style armour cloak.

Seeming eventually satisfied with this, the process was carefully and calmly reversed with pause given here or there to briefly turn his attention upon the others, as they came or went.
Davian sat in the briefing room with a thick, heavy book open in his lap. His blue eyes traced over the words, though he wasn't taking much in. It was a medical textbook from Earth, and the knowledge contained within was far beyond what he and others from Erodiel had achieved. Though, Erodiel's healing magic trumped this lack of knowledge. His eyes reached the end of a paragraph only for him to realize he had once again lost his focus somewhere in the middle of the first sentence.

The difficulty of the textbook wasn't the issue. Rather, it was the slowly filling room of his new comrades.

He paused in his attempts to read each time someone walked inside, and he would look up at them with a friendly smile and nod. Normally, he would get up and greet newcomers, chat with them and put them more at ease, but it didn't seem needed here; introductions would come once everyone had arrived, and he doubted any needed some form of comfort. They had all been chosen for this team, after all.


A poor choice of words, even several years later.

Davian focused back on his book only to turn towards the door at the commotion there. He blinked as a girl in black and red simply appeared there, and it quickly became apparent she was going to be a handful. Still, he gave her his usual friendly smile and nod. As she moved to a seat, he once again turned to his book--only to quickly be torn away once more.

"Our leader isn't here yet," Davian said to the girl (it was weird to make such a statement when Princess Cynthia also sat in the room, though she was not their leader for this). "Though, I'm sure he and the others in our team will be here shortly." Not everyone valued punctuality, but this didn't seem a meeting it was wise to be late to.
Pieter looked himself once more in the mirror. His eyes slowly scanning over the man in the mirror. A neat uniform, ironed and sporting the colors of the UNERC yet with one small touch. Nothing major, that wouldn't make him stand out over any other of the UNERC. A small flag of the SANDF on the left shoulder. He turned to look at it gave a grin, flashing those pearly whites. "Moving up again hey?" He snorted and the grin turned to something serious as he looked down and washed his hands in the sink. Dabbing some water on his face to help against any drowsiness. Giving one last look at the mirror, as he started to feel a tremble in his stomach.

He was nervous no doubt about this recent assignment. Too much unknown, but he was supposed to be working with finishers. If anything maybe this would be a learning experience, or even something better. Something to help against the recent stalemate this war has been slowly lulling into. Maybe a deathtrap. Whatever the case, all in now. His steps were strong and did not waver, but his hands kept clasping and unclasping. He was told he would be supporting a new unit. The best of the best. It was hard to get exact details from anyone he knew. Even the few officers he had suction with. They had nothing to give him or couldn't and that scared him. Noone he knew was apart of it either...it was hard to leave friends and his old unit in UNERC..but he was not one to lack duty.

He eventually made his way to the briefing room, giving his rank and number to the guard before being allowed to enter. Entering the room, he paused as he looked over those currently occupying it. A mixture of soldiers and other residents with equipment and armor less practical. He took a seat quickly bobbing his head in a nod to those sitting. "Good morning." His eyes looking over those present. Pausing on the woman with red eyes in which he took a sharp breath. He stiffened and narrowed his eyes before looking away...watching as a man doing maintenance on his sidearm. The hell has he gotten into?


Xuruk growled as he rubbed at his belly. Striding his way down to the room for the briefing. He enjoyed making other people move out of the way, and giving the occasionally glare. He was missing breakfast for this, and even though he had a quick snack, a whole young boar. Good eating, but it was simply not enough. He needed more. Maybe this meeting had food at it? His eyes widened and he picked up the pace. Finally making it to the briefing room, and loudly announcing himself to the guard outside.

After introductions, he swung the door open and strided into the room without a care. His eyes looking everyone for snacks! Yet he quickly saw there was none. He huffed and took a seat next to a woman that seemed to be lounging.
2 months ago...

1900 HOURS

The small convoy of armored cars slowly halted to a stop on the isolated dirt road. Even before the invasion the road had been empty and seldom traversed, used mostly by hunters and distant merchants of lesser reputation hoping to avoid the militia patrols controlling the main thoroughfares.

Having left the safety of the AEEP and its surrounding military fortifications- including sandbag walls, concrete barriers, armed watchtowers and moats lined with napalm traps and mines- the convoy of armored MRAP-vehicles had silently switched off their transponders and left the main road leading to the front.

Instead the all-black vehicles, numbering five in total and armed with remote weapon stations, had went out of their way to go to where they currently were, seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

Doors were opened and slammed shut as uniformed soldiers armed to the teeth left the relative comfort of their vehicles to form a perimeter. They were all dressed in grey uniforms- reserved for UNERC's special forces- though all but one was armed.
The unarmed man- wearing nothing but fatigues and with no patches or emblems besides that of a U.S. Army colonel- clearly stood out among the others who carried assault rifles and squad weapons while also wearing lightweight helmets, low-profile body armor and balaclavas to mask their faces.

The Colonel sighed and silently lit a cigarette just as one of the soldiers approached.

"Overwatch this is Stalker Actual, we've passed Gondor, over."

"Roger Stalker Actual, Overwatch acknowledges, out."

Veronica nodded and turned towards the Colonel. "Remind me why I wasn't allowed to bring any air support for this little excursion of yours, colonel?"

Grinning, the Colonel nodded. "Well, for starters, it'd bring to much attention to us. Few know we're here, even fewer know why we're here. I intend to keep it that way, Warrant Officer Waincroft."

"And secondly?" Asked Veronica, clearly tired of being kept in the dark.

"Secondly, you'd scare them away."

Just as the Colonel spoke a few dozen men stepped into the moonlight. Numbering in the dozens, they were armed with both traditional Erodiel weapons such as axes and swords as well as with bows and the odd crossbow here and there. Dressed in what might have once resembled a uniform at one point they now looked worse for wear rather than a professional military forces.

Veronica and her troops raised their weapons though that reaction prompted a laugh from the Colonel. "Tell your people to stand down, these are our allies," he said as he dropped the cigarette and stamped it out.

"Sir?" Said Veronica, eyebrow raised.

"Do as I say. Have four of your men begin unloading the crates we brought."

Veronica relayed the order before she and the Colonel approached one of the men, this one equipped with ornate armor which distinguished him as an officer or perhaps as their leader.

"Kazbaah, good to see you," said the Colonel.

"And you," replied the man with a stern nod, his right hand resting on the hilt of the sword currently sheathed at his hip.

The Colonel gestured towards the man while glancing at Veronica. "Waincroft, this here is the man that will help us ensure long and lasting peace after the war."

Veronica tilted her head, narrowing her eyes as she did. "After the war?"

"Yes, once the Demons are gone. We must ensure that a strong and powerful Erodiel is in place once we win this war for them."

The Colonel grinned;
"Kazbaah and his men will help us with that."



07:59 HOURS

Dressed in her grey UNERC fatigues with the patches of the UN and the UK on her left arm and that of the Royal Marines on her right, Veronica also wore her gunbelt with its assorted pouches and holster. While the base on Mt. Tabor was relatively safe there were still so many unknowns regarding the Demons, thus encouraging all soldiers- not just base security- to be armed.

Besides, everyone from Erodiel seems to carry a sword or a dagger too.

While the transition to DAGR was a great honor Veronica did have her qualms about the team itself. Some of her fellow 'Earth-kin' had troubling dossiers and the members from Erodiel varied between royalty to mere mercenaries. Regardless, she was the team XO and she'd do her very damn best to not only assist Captain Merrick but also to keep the team intact and as efficient as possible.

After all, this was war and war called for more than just sheer bloodlust and skill with a weapon- you need a strong mind and a strong team to survive as well.

She entered the briefing room after saluting the rather pale-looking sentry, removing and rolling up her green beret as she did. Veronica took a moment to observe everyone assembled- giving each a nod as she did- before making her way to the front of the briefing room where she positioned herself at the side of the podium in a parade-rest stance while waiting for Merrick to arrive.

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