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Fantasy Operation Last Judgement: UNERC Dossier



ur lite fades awey
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- United Nations Extradimensional Response Coalition (UNERC)
Formed in response to various incidents related to extra-dimensional rifts and tears, the UNERC is a global military, civilian and research effort meant to stop, contain and study the mysterious rifts that have appeared on Earth all across the globe. Additionally, the UNERC also serves as an expeditionary force, having the resources and manpower to mount excursions through the rifts and into the world of Erodiel which has allied itself with Earth to repel demonic incursions originating from the rifts themselves.

- United Nations Special Operations Forces Command (UNSOFCOM)
Responsible for overseeing all special operations forces (SOF) within the UNERC the UNSOFCOM is the premier command entity directly in command of all SOF-units operating with, under or in parallel with UNERC forces on Earth and Erodiel. These SOF units include a variety of non-conventional small-scale assault, infiltration and recon teams hailing from various countries with a select few teams being of mixed nationalities.

- United Nations Rift Defense Forces (UNRDF)
Designed to function as an auxiliary force meant to support the UNERC, the UNRDF consists of reservists, volunteers and logistics staff specialized in and equipped for static defense of strong-points, bases and other military installations guarding or observing the extra-dimensional rifts. While generally equipped with older vehicles and weapons the UNRDF makes up for this more than enough with sheer numbers and local knowledge and expertise of its many defense areas.

- United Nations Special Warfare (UNSPECWAR)
A special, highly classified, and covert part of UNSOFCOM, UNSPECWAR is the blanket-name for a few number of asymmetric special warfare units operating ahead of or in tandem with regular UNERC forces. UNSPECWAR units are the best of the best and some are rumored to count elite warriors from Erodiel among their ranks, bolstering these already lethal units with the local military intelligence and experience of Erodiel's native people.

- United Nations Experimental Weapons Division (UN E-WEP DIV)
Loosely attached to UNERC, the UN E-WEP DIV- also known as 'UNEWDIV'- is a military R&D branch of the UN's combined military forces. The main purpose of UN E-WEP DIV is to research, develop and test new weapons against the rift demons. Such weapons may vary in size, scale and operation, ranging from magnetically-accelerated rifles to unstable energy grenades and more.

- United Nations Expeditionary Command (UNEXCOM)
Responsible for all military forces of the UNERC operating on the Erodiel-side of the Rift, UNEXCOM manages military assets, tactical decisions and military logistics for all UNERC forces on the ground. It traces its roots to both the United States Marine Corps and the United Kingdom’s Royal Marines, as well as many other expeditionary military forces.

- United Nations Support Command (UNSUPCOM)
Organizing field medical care as well as the support and training of its Erodiel allies, UNSUPCOM plays a key role with the overarching UNERC mission to support, train and aid Erodiel’s many native people. This also plays a key role within Operation Archangel, indirectly planning for Erodiel to be able to fend for itself on a long-term basis.

- United Nations Extradimensional Auxiliary Corps (UNEAC)
Consisting of Erodiel natives who are employed under the United Nations, these auxiliaries have been trained to use modern technology, and largely function as a support force such as clerks and accountants, among other roles.

- United Nations Erodiel Relief Mission (UNERM)
A primarily civilian branch dedicated to providing humanitarian support to the inhabitants of Erodiel, helping to provide food and medical supplies along with assisting in the reconstruction of liberated settlements.

- United Nations Department of Peace Operations (UNDPO)
Also known as the Peacekeeping Corps, prior to the first intrusions, this department was the largest armed wing of the pre-reform United Nations, keeping the peace in unstable regions of the globe while donning their iconic blue helmets. Now, the Peacekeepers continue to provide security to heavily unstable regions affected by the intrusions, along with functioning as general security personnel and rear guard units. The DPO is primarily armed with more second-rate equipment compared to frontline personnel, and has the largest size of all combat units. Peacekeepers can be easily identified by their blue helmets and white-painted vehicles.

- Local National Militias
Non-professional armed personnel who typically function as a quick response force for locations without a major military presence, such as rural towns or more isolated settlements. If an intrusion were to happen within the boundaries of these locations, the militias will be the first to respond, holding off the demonic forces before professional units arrive. Typically formed by community volunteers, militias most commonly use whatever gear and equipment they can get their hands on. Not to be confused with professional organisations such as the US National Guard or Chinese People’s Armed Police.

- Direct Assault & Ground Reconnaissance (DAGR)
A newly-founded program under the command of UNSPECWAR, DAGR-units are composed of elite UN military and paramilitary personnel as well as highly-skilled and well-trained Erodiel-native warriors. Members of DAGR are trained in- but not limited to- assault, recon, NATO-communications, field medicine and prolonged fieldcare, Erodiel linguistics, close quarters combat and more. Some are specialized to fill additional roles- such as JTAC or combat surgery- though all members can be counted as being among the best of the best on both Earth and Erodiel. DAGR is currently a company-sized unit, comprised of four teams.

Since the First Intrusion on New Year’s Day 2022, the governments of Earth have come together in order to form an emergency defence coalition to counter the demonic threat, and as such the militaries of the world have been more mobilised than ever before. Due to the demons being able to appear just about everywhere, a large part of the population in various countries have been relocated to the fortified cities, although many still remain in rural towns. Measures have also been put in place in the event of a sudden demonic attack, such as drills and shelters.

The ERC is headed by the most powerful nations in the world, primarily that of the United Nations Security Council who form the core leadership and military forces, although powerful non-UNSC members such as India and Japan also contribute a significant amount of military personnel and funds.

Due to most of the world being focused on countering the demonic forces, global cooperation has been its highest in history, with old enemies and geopolitical rivals putting aside their differences at least temporarily for the protection of the human race.

However, some less developed nations have also fallen completely into chaos, either due to societal collapse in the wake of the initial invasions or due to becoming overrun. Some countries that were already on the brink of collapse even before the invasions due to civil war such as Yemen or Somalia collapsed completely, now either being lawless wastelands or absorbed by neighbouring countries. North Korea in particular suffered the worst, nuking itself into oblivion after its government was completely overrun.

Despite the global cooperation, there is also infighting, due to conflicting ideals, especially the issue of what would happen were the demonic forces to be defeated for good.
DAGR-teams (incl. NPCs)

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    A newly-founded program under the command of UNSPECWAR, DAGR-units are composed of elite UN military and paramilitary personnel as well as highly-skilled and well-trained Erodiel-native warriors. Members of DAGR are trained in- but not limited to- assault, recon, NATO-communications, field medicine and prolonged fieldcare, Erodiel linguistics, close quarters combat and more. Some are specialized to fill additional roles- such as JTAC or combat surgery- though all members can be counted as being among the best of the best on both Earth and Erodiel. DAGR is currently a company-sized unit, comprised of four teams.

    Members of DAGR hail from a wide assortment of military, paramilitary as well as other special forces and elite units. This includes (but is not limited to) US Delta Force, USAF Pararescue, British SAS and SBS, French RPIMa, German KSK, Russian VDV. A large number of members and officers hail from regular military units as well, albeit filling more specialized roles and with an overall vast amount of experience to bolster their abilities in the field.



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- Religion (Erodiel)

Erodiel has (or had) many gods and goddesses, both major and minor. These deity draw from an endless source of power within themselves, but the worship of mortals allows them to exert a larger influence over Erodiel.

For the current day, some think the deity have fallen to the demons as well, others think the gods and goddesses have simply abandoned them, and others still think the deity sent the demons as punishment. Others think the deity are still around, but just aren’t doing much against the demons for whatever reason.

There are a few different organized religions, though they are closer to different sects of the same religion, some overlapping in their deity. Each country has a different relationship with the churches, some with religion more integrated into their politics than others. Up until the previous century, national worships have operated in greater independence, coming together only to deliberate on the impact of clerical law and a select few theological paradoxes (during events known as Councils). However, Council of Denaraw saw the creation of the Nahmumenate (“oecumene”), also known as the Universal Council, which was set as an institution transcending the boundaries of separate religions. Several have denounced it, positing that the Universal Council’s establishment had to to with politics, not with faith, but up until the Rift disaster it sought to consolidate teachings, impact social politics in broad strokes and improve cooperation.

How individuals interact with the gods is the cornerstone of a given country’s religious tradition. Commonly, ordinary people have clergy to direct them in worship, with clergy referring to a specific social group that is able to make do of divine energy, either by design or through descent. Members of the clergy, clerics, possess divine powers, both of their own and those bestowed by acts of service to deities, but they aren’t unique in that regard. People outside of the clergy have received such powers in the past as well. There exist legends of the Heavensbound, children of gods that walked Erodiel in times long past, who ascended to divinity upon their death, but the more well-known example is that of Saints. Men and women that have been born with unique attunement to deities, they exist outside of clergy and act as passive representatives of the pantheon. Different religions interpret them with varying levels of pomp, owing to the fact that Saints (especially those recognised in their lifetime) are a very recent theological development, but the relationship that organised faith has with them is usually a positive one.

- The Church of Aruviaz
The Church of Aruviaz (“the all-compassing way”) is the largest church, and it is also the one who recognizes all of the deity as being under the same pantheon.

The Church is led by a group of five—the Archbishop and the Cardinals. Together, they represent four points of a circle and its center, symbolizing the all-encompassing pantheon of the Church. Countries/regions have their own councils, called lesser cardinals. The size of the region they’re over varies based on need, but they oversee most larger issues and let the Archbishop and Cardinals know of anything of major importance in their areas.

The Church’s temples and monasteries are largely all the same, rituals and the internal structures standardized. Many times, temples and monasteries are located next to each other, but both structures can stand alone. Meeting houses are usually much more informal, they largely run by believers rather than official clergy.

Because of their unofficial nature, meeting houses can and often focus most of their worship on whatever deities are most important to the locals and their way of life. Some temples are also dedicated to specific deity—those usually located in a place of importance to said deity.

Clergy are appointed to their positions by those above them, with some of the higher positions needing approval by the Archbishop. Most clergy play a leadership/teaching role, the educational level/institutions varying with the country. Nuns, monks, and clerics are more service-oriented, with clerics possessing magic. Most clerics stay within their religious roles, though it is common enough for them to join adventurer parties and the like.

Clerics only gain said title once they give a vow to the gods. This usually happens upon adulthood, though it can happen at a younger age if they are joining an adventurer party, are traveling a lot, or some other such circumstance. This vow can be a route vow offered to all the deity of their religious sect, or it can be a personal vow given to a specific god or goddess. There is no hard rule about it other than it being a vow to deity. In breaking this vow, a cleric is stripped of their status; in some cases, they also lose any favor they had been given by the gods.

There are also saints, these individuals seen as blessed by the gods. For the Church, the Archbishop recognises a given saint, but only after careful evaluation. To the Aruviaz, Saints tend to be exemplary individuals who devote their lives to making the world a better place. Alongside other traits, two recognised miracles are usually needed to support the Archbishop’s reasoning. Saints are fairly rare, though their numbers have slowly increased over the years—with some claiming this increase started with Saint Tahira.

- Bo, the Lord of Time
One of the gods is Bo, the Lord of Time. He rarely visits the mortals of Erodiel, but he began to visit more frequently in the years leading up to the demons—though he kept these visits secretive. His plans seemed to fall through, and he withdrew come the arrival of the demons.

His appearance often seems phantom-like, and his eyes glow an eerie blue. Various symbols are used by his followers, but they all keep the same blue glow.

Long ago, Bo fell in love with a mortal, and he spent much of her lifetime with her. They had no biological children, she infertile, and he tried to keep the fact he was a god secret from all but her, but still there are whispers about the saint Tahira the Pure being with the Lord of Time.

- Tahira the Pure
Tahira is not deity, but she was a mortal woman who gained the title of ‘saint’ with her legendary healing skills. She is also associated with orphans and the abused, as she took in all she could when alive (after suffering through a childhood of abuse herself). Those who follow her practice Ahimsa (non-violence/respect for every living thing), just as she did. Her symbol is a winged staff, the large angel wings encircling the bottom of the staff.

- Ekdur, the God of Healing and Disease
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There cannot be healing without hurt, and so Ekdur is the god of both. He sees both sides of his power as benevolent. What is life for except to overcome suffering? Advancements in healing magic and medicine have only come about because of sickness and pain. Pain humbles people or rids the world of a threat while healing gives mortals hope and prolongs their short lives.

One of his symbols is a peacock phoenix hybrid, it symbolizing rebirth, protection, and peace, but also the sinful pride of mortals, their stagnation that requires their suffering in order for there to be a rebirth. Another symbol is his white staff, which has a simplified version of his bird, Ravi, carved into the handle.

- Hilriha, the Goddess of Harvest
Hilriha has power over all plant life (and fungi). She is known for her flowing golden hair, it falling to her bare feet, as well as her green dress which is almost just as long.

- Magic (Erodiel)

On Erodiel, magic is an innate ability from within. Magic is made up of various elements (light, dark, water, earth, fire, air, healing, etc.), but, while one is born with innate elements that are easier to use than others, one can use any type of magic. Most tend to stick with their innate elements, the cost lower and the strength higher. A way to get around this issue some is to combine two elements together, such as using water to heal if one is born with an affinity for water but not healing.

Magic skill and strength also increases with study and training.

However, some races are more limited than others with magic. Some might have a strong affinity for one of the elements, but then remain weak in other elements no matter their efforts. Humans and elves tend to be some of the more versatile races, humans for being born with more elements than most and elves for their long lifespans where much time can be devoted to magic.

Magic is often measured in mana, and the two words are often used interchangeably. Mana is the elemental/magical energy stored within one’s soul, and the way to use it is to channel this energy into spells. Its capacity grows with both age and use, but one must always be wary of draining too much mana. It stored in one’s soul, it is closely entwined with one’s life force. Using too much mana can cause fatigue, sickness, unconscious, and sometimes even death.

As for magical things and items, they possess the element they were created with. How strong they are is determined by the skill of the creator, the effort the creator puts into them, and their core. Anything artificially given magic has a core off some sort to store mana, but these cores can vary greatly in quality and size. The higher the quality, the more mana can be stored in it; the larger the size, the more mana can be stored in it. No matter the quality and size of the core, though, anything powered by one will eventually run out of mana and need refueled.

For those who wish to use an element they don’t possess, magical items and the like are often the best way to go, though this can become costly monetary-wise.

There is also divine energy. This is not magic, but the power of the gods. The clergy commune with the gods through worship and prayer, and through this process divine energy is granted to mortals. This divine energy can strengthen the magic one already has, though this isn’t its only use.
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