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Fantasy Operation Last Judgement: Personnel Records



ur lite fades awey
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"Quote attributed to character."

  • Name:

    Nickname: If any.

    Nationality: Self-explanatory for Earth characters. For Erodiel characters put the nation they belong to, if any.

    Affiliation: Military branch or other organisation.


    Race: Erodiel characters can be your typical fantasy races. For obvious reasons those from Earth can only be human.


    Physical Appearance


    Features: Scars, birthmarks, tattoos, etc.

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"How long have we been fighting this war? How long must we continue to live like rats hiding in the rubbles of our once-great cities? There must come an end to this."

  • Name: Princess Cynthia Stormcrest

    Nickname: Commander, Cyn

    Nationality: Irdonian

    Affiliation: Erodiel Resistance, DAGR Team One

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Gender: Female

    Physical Appearance

    : 5'6"

    Description: Perhaps one might have referred to Princess Cynthia as a delicate flower, but that was long ago. Years of battle have taken a toll on her, with her gaining scars from numerous battles, along with a fair amount of muscle for her otherwise slim frame. Her light blue hair is tied into a long braid, and her ruby red eyes can only be described as piercing and weary. She usually wears a full set of plate armour that has been enchanted to be far more durable than a normal set, along with being imbued with holy magic to provide a greater resistance against demonic attacks. Since coming through the portal she has further enhanced her armour with modern addons such as magazine pouches and Kevlar plating. Like all members of the royal family, she has a birthmark on her body, hers being on her back.

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Léonce Blanchet

"Regent, copy."

  • Léonce.jpg
    Name: Léonce Blanchet
    Nickname: Leon, Gamma-III, Callsign: Regent
    Nationality: French-Irish Origin, Dual-Citizen UK/EU
    Affiliation: SAS, loaned to UN for ARCHANGEL

    Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Height: 181cm (5'11")

    Physical Appearance: Leon is a very typical human in his physical tones: Well within average weight, height and build. His demeanor is what sets him apart from other members of his squadron - brooding and thoughtful, he is almost never seen to wear a smile. Since his enlistment in the SAS he is always armed, even if just a pistol, and wears military uniforms or combat attire even when off-duty. It's a common joke in his former SAS squadron (Gamma) that he was born in a suit of armour.

    Features: Having no scars nor tattoos, Leon is most identifiable by his mixed-European accent. Though most soldiers know him only as a voice on the radio, since he operates a kilometer away from their location.

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"Take my hand, and I'll keep you safe. We're not meant to go through this life alone."

  • Name: Davian

    Nickname: N/A

    Nationality: Varstanian

    Affiliation: Cleric, Erodiel Resistance, DAGR Team One

    Age: 25

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance
    (main picture above)
    ianti follow me by outkaster77
    wither by outkaster77
    Davian clothing 5ac2cdc6a8af02c9b26b398a0520fdee.jpg
    mixed with
    Davian clothes f74e555af8bc807981f989a3b4848936.png

    Height: 5'8"

    Features: Davian has brown skin, blue eyes, and shaggy black hair. He has two vertical bars tattooed beneath his left eye, one longer than the other; they almost seem to glow. He wears a beaded necklace, the beads various shades of white, blue, and brown. His second necklace is a circular silver pendant with the symbol of Tahira engraved on it; this pendant used to be prominently displayed, but now he keeps it under his robe.

    He wears a long robe blue robe with underlayers of black. Both are lined with patterns embroidered in silver. His silver belt has some embellishments to it, and it is where he keeps his bag of holding and a few other pouches. Black boots adorn his feet. At a glance, one can infer he is a follower of Bo (the tattoo being the most obvious, but also the color scheme of his clothing).



  • ianti___follow_me_by_outkaster77-d4bjupt.png
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  • Davian clothes f74e555af8bc807981f989a3b4848936.png
    Davian clothes f74e555af8bc807981f989a3b4848936.png
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"You think that your family is bad? Yeah, uh, mine's trying to destroy the world."

  • RynV.JPG
    Name: Demi Tepes Drakos
    Nickname: Mi-Mi, D, etc. etc.
    Nationality: Irdonian
    Affiliation: House Tepes, County of Westwood

    Age: ??
    Race: Dhampir / Vampire Spawn
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7"

    Physical Appearance: Pale and lithe, many people would suspect that Demi is either sickly or half-elven simply by laying eyes upon her. Anyone who knows even modest lore about vampires or necromancy would suspect her after spending more than a few minutes in her presence. As if to intentionally accentuate this fact, Demi wears the classical trifecta of black-red-silver for almost all of her clothing; which includes ostentatious flowing capes, corsets and similar.

    Features: Like most vampires, it is impossible for Demi to have scars. Her eyes are too alluring, matching the color of blood frightfully perfectly and reports are inconsistent if she has vertical pupils.

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"I've been here long enough to know that there's no place more hell than Earth itself."

  • Name: Jonathan Merrick

    Nickname: DAGR 1-1, Crunch (do not call him this)

    Nationality: American

    Affiliation: US Army Delta Force, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), DAGR Team One

    Age: 36

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance: Broad-shouldered and rather bulky, Merrick is essentially what one would picture when the word soldier is mentioned. His frame is highly athletic and muscular, as one might expect from his profession, and his skin is also tanned and rough. He maintains a short haircut as per military standard, and also is usually seen sporting a 5 o'clock shadow, though he is usually clean-shaven when not on duty. His eyes are a pale green-blue and very piercing. As per attire his default in the field is the standard US Army Combat Uniform with a ballistic vest chest carrier, along with a FAST helmet, with nigh-vision goggles if the mission requires it.

    Height: 6'1"

    • Gunshot scars on right abdomen and left shoulder
    • US flag tattoo on left arm
    • Delta Force tattoo on right arm

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Valarian Setuth

"I don't run a charity I work for coin. If you have it I'll track and deal with whoever or whatever you want. If you don't than kindly sod off."

  • Name: Valarian Setuth

    Nickname: Val, Strider

    Nationality: Sandran

    Affiliation: Mercenary works with DAGR

    Age: 29

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance: shoulder length brown hair, Has azure blue eyes , light skin with a small tan.

    Height: 6'1

    Features: he has two scars on his face one goes from his hair line down through his left eye to his jaw line. The other is a curved scar at the top of his lip.


  • - I -
    ~ Curse of the Crimson Willow ~

    ~ "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves..." ~


    [Name] - Damian 'Jackal' Enyo

    [Nationality] - Greek, British

    [Age] - 33

    [Gender] - Male

    [Nickname] - 'Blooded Soldier'

    [Affiliation] - UNSPECWAR

    [Race] - Cursed Human

    [Height] - 6'2"

    - I -

    -Psych File-F0JPDMTXsAEmlr6.jpg
    "Damian is a disturbed, ephemereal man. His time in Erodiel has changed him in ways he does not understand, warping his mind into fragments of lucidity beset with manic episodes and a disquieting lack of self-awareness.

    "He is often in a stupor, unresponsive save for stimuli that might remind him of his life before Erodiel. In that regard he is not particularly talkative.

    "While Damian experiences psychosis in the form of audio-visual hallucinations, he is deemed generally safe to be around. Collegues are urged to call out his moniker 'Jackal' to return him to his senses. Damian exhibits a strong sense of duty and professionalism, but tends to display chaotic behaviour when facing demon forces in the field. Caution is strongly advised."

    ~ ~ ~
    -Background Report-
    "My name is Dr. Maloy. The following is a recounting of Sgt. Enyo's experiences as far back as his memory will go. Events are subject to review by UNSPECWAR Commander [DATA EXPUNGED].

    "Enyo (Callsign: 'Jackal') joined UNSOFCOM on [##/##/##] to a sixteen-man recon unit. He served as a spotter and tracker where he embarked on multiple tours across Erodiel. He was awarded several honors for valor, including for the retrieval of vital information under extreme circumstance.

    "Early January [##/##/##] Enyo was picked up by an UNERM supply convoy, alone and unconscious. Medivac reported no physical trauma. His assigned unit was reported missing, for which Enyo was unable to provide a substantial explanation. Submitted for evaluation.
    "[##/##/##] Enyo's unit was tasked with scouting the enemy's advance. He described his unit entering an "unnatural" forest with a red mist. He recalled feeling drunk, unable to fully piece the experience together. [DATA EXPUNGED]. I'm not sure what to make of this.

    "Admitted to UNSUPCOM, transferred to UNEWDIV. [DATA EXPUNGED] known as the 'Curse of the [DATA EXPUNGED]'.

    "Submitted again for evaluation on [##/##/##] and deemed fit for service. All records to be scrubbed by order of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Transferred to UNSPECWAR for covert tactical operations. Reassigned callsign 'Jackal'."

    ~ ~ ~
    "There is much evidence to suggest Enyo's personal records have been altered. It has been assumed this is to keep in compliance with UNSPECWAR regulatory procedures."

    - II -
    Skills & Equipment

    -Skills Assessment-
    • Physical Fitness - "As expected of most soldiers, Enyo has kept his body strong, tough and flexible. He can lift 300lbs, carry up to 200lbs long-distance and hold his breath for 4 minutes."
    • Mountain Troop Specialism - "Mountain Troops are trained to survive and fight in extreme conditions. Their goal is to reach areas that most sensible people would consider inaccessable to attack the enemy from unexpected directions."
    • CQC Expertise - "Enyo has an extensive history of combat within enclosed spaces involving hand-to-hand engagement. He is considered highly skilled in this field."
    • Advanced Ballistics - "While able to operate a wide range of weaponry, Enyo's formal assault training was centred around pistol, shotgun and rifle use."
    • Survival Skills - "A necessity for reconnaissance units traversing unknown or hostile territory. Enyo knows how to sustain himself for long periods without support."
    • Wayfinding - "Another similar necessity; Enyo can determine polar direction, read maps, traverse difficult terrain and adjust to unknown lands with relative ease."

    ~ ~ ~
    • Fairbairn Sykes Commando Knife (x2) - "A thin 7 inch doubled-edged high-carbon-steel dagger with a brass and leather grip. While Enyo has two, only one is often used."
    • Glock 17 Semi-automatic - "It holds seventeen 9mm rounds and is equipped with a red laser pointer and gun-light. It's worn from frequent use.
    • Remington 870 Pump-action - "It holds four 12 gauge rounds, increased to twelve with a mag-extender, and comes equipped with sporting and slug barrel attachments. May fire Hatton & R.I.P. rounds. It seems to be in near-perfect condition."
    • Survival Kit - "Standard issue. Contains a black Nylon windowed pouch, air-tight re-sealable bag, mini-compass, mayday signal mirror, tinder cards, fine cord, sail needles, needle threader, wire saw (wrist loops), fishing kit, flexible tubing, fireball flint, hacksaw striker, brass wire, suspender clips, stainless steel multi-tool, matches, water bag, water purification tablets & a tornado whistle."
    • Worn Photograph - "A picture of someone. The image has faded so much that it is impossible to tell who it is."

    ~ ~ ~
    -The Crimson Curse-

    • Dæmonic Attunement [30ft Radius] - "Subject #0888 [Jackal] has displayed precise awareness over Daemonkind, able to sense them given enough proximity. However, it is apparent that demon individuals may also sense him in what seems to be a two-way connection."
    • Madness' Gaze [Visual] - "Through means unknown, Jackal can observe qualities and detail of objects and people that are otherwise not apparent; such as strengths and weaknesses. Talking to him can even reveal one's innermost fears. This appears to take a cumulative toll as Jackal experiences traumatic delusion and psychosis with each use."
    • The Crimson Willow Rages [Moderate Wounding] - "Jackal has displayed impressive resilience, ignoring trauma and reabsorbing blood lost from open wounds at an astonishing rate. It seems this process has an acute mental side-effect, quickly inducing rage-filled hysteria. Advise caution."

    - III -

    • Enyo seems to respond only to his callsign 'Jackal'. It appears he does not register being addressed otherwise.
    • Strangely, no one currently working with Enyo has ever seen his face. He is always observed wearing a face-covering or visored-helmet.
    • Often assumed mute, Enyo rarely speaks. He communicates in head movements, gestures & even ASL.
    • Enyo is an avid coffee-enjoyer.
    • Few have seen him fight, but those that have describe him to appear like the demons he tears apart - sometimes in a literal manner.
    • Enyo originally served in the British SAS alongside Léonce Blanchet before transferring to the Erodiel mission.


    • Damian 'Jackal' Enyo / "The Blooded Soldier"
    • Served in the SAS, then UNSOFCOM and finally UNSPECWAR
    • Wields a pistol, a shotgun and two commando knives
    • Lost his mind when cursed during a recon mission in Erodiel
    • Is capable of specific supernatural feats under particular conditions
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Warrant Officer Veronica Waincroft - DAGR 01

  • Name: Waincroft, Veronica AmiraWO2 Veronica Waincroft.png

    Nickname: 'DAGR 1-2', 'Nic', 'Amira'

    Nationality: British

    Affiliation: 30 Commando, Royal Marines, British Royal Navy, UNSPECWAR/UNSUPCOM

    Age: 31

    Race: Human

    Gender: Female

    Height: 179cm/5'10''

    - Military tattoo; Royal Marines motive, right arm
    - Tattoo, unknown motive, tribal, left forearm
    - Scar, fragmentation, left thigh and hip

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Pieter Evanline

"Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu, you are all my people."

  • Name: Pieter Evanline

    Nickname: Pete

    Nationality: South African

    Affiliation: South African National Defence Force

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance

    : 170cm/5'7"

    Features: Two tattoos. A Sentence on each arm. In Afrikaans they say "For the brave, for the proud".

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"Blood and MEAT!..How do you like it? Want some extra bones in there hmm?

  • Name: Xuruk

    Nickname: Xuruk

    Nationality: Duoneya

    Affiliation: Erodiel Resistance

    Age: 32

    Race: Orc

    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance

    A Male orc with their hair tied back in a braid. His skin slight gray color and his eyes bright red.

    : 6'8"

    Features: His body covered in red warpaint, and he was wearing a patchwork of leather and steel to cover his body.

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