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Futuristic Operation: Gods Above

General Stone was storming down the corridors of HMWS London, the flagship of the RIF fleet. He had gotten an emergency holo-message to meet on the bridge. They hadn't told him much, only that COG 1 had refused orders and had taken matters drastically into his own hands. The general ground his teeth as he reached the bridge, the doors sliding out of the way before he entered the room. "Someone please tell me what the hell is going on!" HE growled as the dozens of people working at the computer banks around him cowered in fear. Stone wasn't known for his mercy. One of the lieutenants on duty marched rapidly over to him and gave a somewhat shaky salute.

"It's the COG's sir, they refused to neutralise the objectives and have begun to escort the objective out of harms reach." He reported, his voice quivering, anticipating the rage in Stone's response.

"What!" The General shouted, marching past the smaller man and viscously throwing him aside. He approached the main control panel and picked up a small microphone, which appeared minuscule in his large palms. Half a second later the live feed from COG 1's mech suit flashed up on the big screen, a smaller box in the corner showed the bloody, exhausting face of COG 1, otherwise known as Luke Peake.

Luke leant down in the mech suit and lifted the fallen tree blocking their path with ease, tossing it to the side as easy as a child would throw a twig. The COG's had been sent to Epsilon, a forest planet for their mission, all equipped with mech suits. The mech suits enhanced the COG's strength greatly but Luke wasn't sure how long he had until it was remotely shut down. "You are now talking to General Stone COG 1." A computerised voice spoke softly, the V.I. of the suit. Luke cursed softly and looked up as he noticed a small window open up on his HUD displaying the general and the bridge of HMWS London.

"What the hell do you think you are doing COG 1, that is a high value target and I order you to eliminate it." He shouted, spit visibly flying from his mouth. Luke bit his lip and turned around to look back at the survivors and COG's that were left. They had lost two of their own during the fighting that ensued and two more... Couldn't see the justice in Luke's choices. That left the six of them, a handful of Kulysk civilians and the High value target (HVT) which had since become their VIP. She sat on the back of the widow spider tank they managed to commandeer, still unconscious.

"I can't do that general, She's not guilty of any crimes." Luke said seriously, looking the projection of General stone directly in the eye.

"That doesn't concern you, what does concern you are the orders you were given to kill her!" He shouted again, his face turning red. Luke quickly muted his microphone before looking over to Drew who sat with Erica's head between his hands.

"Drew, how much longer?" He asked, biting his lip nervously. Drew had managed to disarm three of the fail safe chips already but Erica, Rachel and Chris' were still active. Drew didn't answer for a few seconds, a look of intense concentration coming across his face before he looked up with a smile as Erica's eyes fluttered open.

"Erica's is offline, I'll need another twenty minutes to do Chris and Rachel though they are heavily encoded." He grimaced, leaping over the main compartment of the Spider Tank over to Chris who took of his helmet expectedly before Drew closed his fingers around his fingers around his head. After seeing this he tuned the mike back on and turned back to face the general.

"Sir with all due respect, if you order me to do something that compromises my humanity... Well, you can shove the order up your ass." Luke said with a grin, enjoying the sense of freedom, forgetting the danger they were truly in.

The general was fuming and turned away from the main screen, muting his microphone.

"Execute protocol Ragnorok, send in four hundred Colt 2's for a clear and sweep." He spoke seriously, no hint of emotion on his face.

"Sir are you sure, they are valuable assets an-" His lieutenant questioned, moving over to the main control panel.

"Do it!" The General shouted, placing his palm on a scanner on the far right side of the control panel, while his lieutenant did the same on the far left. Before he gave the final order he turned his microphone back on and gave Luke a smug look in the eye, he had never liked that kid. "Goodbye All-father, Computer, execute Ragnorok." He spoke, his voice full wit a sadistic glee.

The General's final words filled him with terror, Luke hit eject seconds before his suit shut down.

"Vulcan get away fro-" He was cut off as Chris's head popped like a cherry, splattering the tank and surrounding people with blood, Rachel's to disappeared almost immediately as he headless corpse fell from the tank and hit the ground. Drew let out a scream of agony as Chris's head had torn his hands to shreds, little more than bloody stumps. Drew, Carlisle, Luke and Erica had all managed to escape their suits but the previously helpful machines suddenly sprung back to life and turned towards the COG's. Robots always obey programming after all. Luke swore and drew Gungnir, a small foot long pole which rapidly grew into a six foot spear, the blade igniting with a plasma edge. He leapt rapidly at his mech suit which was just levelling the flame thrower at him. With a swift swipe the entire Mech's arm was gone, followed swiftly by it's head then his CPU in it's chest. Satisfied that the Mech was down he turned to see Erica and Carlisle had dealt with the other Mechs and the spider tank with the aid of some of the Kulysk civilians. Carlisle ran over to the wreckage of the tank and scooped the VIP up into his arms, she was still unconscious. Luke himself walked over to Drew who had passed out from the pain and carefully picked him up to, his armour quickly growing slick with his blood. he nodded towards Erica who quickly moved among the wreckage, finding their possessions and emergency packs. Carlisle shifted the VIP's weight and looked over to Luke.

"We're going to have to move, and quick they've probably already dispatched a clean up force." He said warily, glad to see Erica was okay.

"Good point come on." He said moving to head off into the thick jungle while Erica twisted her tongue this way and that making the strange sounds of the Kulysk language, explaining to them why they could no longer accompany them. Their leader nodded, wishing them luck before the small group of refugees were left behind as the COG's disappeared into the jungle.

General stone sat with his head in his hands, infuriated that they had just lost what was supposed to be Humanities key to winning the war. He climbed to his feet and walked over to the main control panel and after a few quick voice commands he was looking eye to eye with a colossal video feed of Dr Coin. "Doctor, we need to move the Tier 3 COG's up to stage two of their training, the Tier 2's are M.I.A, assumed dead. The Iriki are planning something big I can tell and are forces aren't ready to handle it. I need them combat ready in two months" He spoke seriously, a sombre tone in his voice.

"General, The children aren't ready, They've barely finished combat training, intergeneration normally takes a few years at least." The doctor stressed, immediately speaking to the large man.

"Well you have two months Doctor, make it work." The General said, moving to turn away before the Doctors complaint called him back.

"General you don't understand the children have only been in isolated lessons so far, none of them have so much as heard the others names, let alone work together!" The Doctor pushed, struggling to keep her voice level. The General's face returned to it's mask of rage and his fists clenched by his sides.

"They are not children! Doctor! They are weapons! Weapons i expect to be ready in two months! Two months! Got that?" The General shouted, unable to contain his rage any longer. The doctor nodded meekly and turned to one of her many assistants. "Initiate integration phase by six o'clock tonight please." She said, her voice beginning to waver. The assistant nodded and moved off, seemingly glad to be out the room.

"Good." The general smiled sourly, turning away from the screen and leaving the bridge but not without delivering one last order. "Set a course for HMSS Olympus, We're picking up the new recruits."

Later, aboard HMSS Olympus

(Don't post just yet)
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