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Fandom { OPEN } youtubers / mcyt!

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
ゝ☆く introduction!
hey there! my name is elyse and welcome to my mcyt search!
before anything, i'm taking advantage of the introduction portion to post some disclaimers and
such before you continue any further into my interest check.
before you interact and reach out, please know that a lot of my characters and plots will have darker, more
mature elements incorporated into the story and a lot of my fandoms simply have darker elements that will
likely be explored or implemented in a few plots. i often don't write mindless fluff, or soft plots, as i prefer
to have a full story that begins to grow and allows character development. most, if not all, of my plots and
pairings are romantic, but that is not the centerpoint. romance is always a subplot, no matter what. i do
like for relationships to form naturally and while i don't mind it, i am not the biggest fan of pre-established
relationships and similar. that does not mean i won't write it! i just don't prefer it.
also, another side note, i have a discord i'd be more than happy to send upon request if you decide you'd like to
write with me! i do understand that rpn is not the most efficient way of communication since notifications act
weird sometimes, i totally get preferring a different site, even i prefer talking and plotting over discord than rpn,
so don't be afraid to ask for my discord tag!
and, let me clarify that if any information in these big chunks seem weird it's totally... not
because i pulled it from my multifandom search thread and didn't proof-read any of it...
absolutely not...
ゝ☆く about me!
now, let's get into it! as i said earlier, my name is elyse, i am a student in college and living in the cdt/cst timezone!
i major in the forensic sciences, though i am also working on pursuing what may be a more farfetched dream of
going into an acting career. i was born in september, my zodiac sign is a virgo. i love literature and writing, i've been
attempting to write my own novel, though it's a slow process. i've been dabbling in creative writing ever since i was
in... middle school, maybe? i started getting into dungeons and dragons and DMing mini-sessions with my friends
and that was when i found my love for writing, i think. entering high school, tumblr brought me into the world of
roleplay, which i thought was utterly thrilling. i have been roleplaying ever since my freshman year of high school,
which may not be too many years, but i like to think of myself as an advanced literate writer! i add a lot of care and
detail into my writing and my characters, my reply length fluctuates depending on how much is needed for a scene,
but i can write over 2000 words or under 800. i tend to mirror my partner's writing style, more often than not, so don't
worry about having to write a million and one words. i like to say i'm pretty friendly outside of roleplay, i truly enjoy
making a friendship out of my writing partners instead of it feeling like i'm emailing a professor each time i try and
talk to a partner. i talk, a lot, so if you're cool with it, i tend to rant about my day, my schoolwork, our story, our characters,
the song i've been listening to, this tiktok audio that's been stuck in my head for the past four days, literally everything
and anything that comes to mind. aside from all that, i don't think there's much else to note about me?

ゝ☆く preferences!
this is the "rules" section except i don't like calling them rules since that sounds really intimidating, so this section is
the official section for my roleplay preferences! i'm gonna list these in a nice little orderly line so that it's easier to find
instead of a big block of text since i know that can be annoying trying to skim through a whole paragraph, so here we go!
there's not a big age requirement, just 15 or older, preferably, but i don't really care. though, do tell me if you're 17 or younger.
also, no big writing requirement? just no one-liners! i encourage new writers to interact with me, even! i don't mind how much you write.
be ready to double if you also want an ocxcanon pairing! i usually write only ocxcanon for my side, i am very open to doubling.
be patient and understanding of life outside of writing. as a student, things get hectic and sometimes i will not reply for a week or so! though, if something comes up, i will tell you.
bouncing off that, communication is key! i am ghost-friendly, but if you're unhappy with our plot or anything of the like, let me know and we can figure it out!
if you write an oc, do not make that oc a 2d character! give it depth. please. i cannot write with ebony dark'ness dementia raven way, i might go insane.
don't... be an asshole? i don't really know what else to add here honestly.
alright, bam, done, there we go. moving on.

ゝ☆く interests!
the fun stuff!!! is rping youtubers cringe in 2024. is cringe still real in 2024. i have a very oddly specific craving ... i'm looking to write EITHER straight up youtubers ( real person fiction / real person rp ) OR dabble into the fantasy side of writing mcyt characters, either from dsmp or from qsmp ( those are my two most known smps ... ). this is a safe place and i will not judge any one at all for anything if you're interested in this !! i have no idea how much attention this will get but ... i gotta try. im dying. i would personally prefer writing youtubers over mcyt characters BUT that is very flexible i'll do anything i swear. i'm looking for someone to write slimecicle ( charlie ) for me! i will take yt!charlie OR c!slimecicle! both are good :3 thats it thank you luv u bye!!!

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