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Multiple Settings [Open] The novel idea of writing with a partner instead of on your own (Fantasy/Futuristic/Post-Apocalypse and more!)


A nerd
The beginning boring tangent
Hey there! I'm fairly new to the site but not to any of the ins and outs of writing or roleplaying (I meant to post a writing sample on here as well but it isn't completely done with yet, but if you'd like to get what style I do I'm more than happy to send parts of it!). It's always been a big passion of mine and I love to see what other people can come up with cooperatively like this. Usually my goal is keeping things not needlessly long and doing my best to aim for quality over quantity. I'm very fluid with things as well so don't be shy to bring up changes/additions/etc. that'll make it work for you. My goal in the end is for us both to be happy!

The very vague genre list
  • Fantasy (modern or traditional).
  • Science-fiction, as heavy or light as wanted.
  • Post-apocolyptic/Survival
  • Modern with some sort of twist (not just straight slice-of-life)
  • Supernatural themes
  • Dude y'know sometimes you gotta just play out a cute romance between people because you need some sappiness.
The main thing I tend to not do is usually pre-established characters, though I've done some Fandom roleplays in the past.

Pretty much all of them I'd say! I'm willing to play any character(s) alongside any other character really in terms of romantic or dynamic in general. I actually tend towards female/feminine characters but I'm comfortable with more masculine characters too.

Active Plot Interests (not end-all, be-all)

MMO - Inspired by 50 million series, games, stories, and so on, the fun mix of in-game adventure and toeing the line of various guild and dungeon conflicts as well as out of character chatting and self-discovery.
Runaway - Government experiments on the run. What could go wrong?
Never Stop Running - Since the apocalypse started years ago, towns and settlements have finally began to rise once again, glimmers of hope towards civilization once more. But the scavengers and runners are still the ones who are the bloodline of the peace and safety inside, and one the ones with their blood on the line when the hordes strike.
Hello! I'd be interested in doing a "Runaway" thread with you, if you'd still like to do that! :)
Seems like birds of a feather really do flock together (y'know, nothing but Pokémon profile pictures so far). Either way, I've been looking for a partner to get into some hijinks with and feel this could be achieved with both the 'MMO' and the 'Runaway' setting. So, if you're still looking for a partner for either of those two, hit me up. Maybe we can discuss the specifics of it; see if we can build something interesting together.
I hate to ruin the streak of pokemon-only avatars, but...

I'd absolutely love to brainstorm something up for Never Stop Running if you're still looking for another partner! Message me if you're interested. c:

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