[Open] The Lost Jewels (SIGN UPS AND INFO/OOC)

Ene Kagerou

Member of the Mekakushi Dan
Moderators for this rp:


Ene Kagerou


Equinox was such a wonderful place exactly 2 years ago. That was when they still had their beloved Jewels and Princess. Now they can barely survive and the princess was taken away to a place where shadows grow. Now, 5 Espers have been sent to Earth to find those that they believe have the correct aura. Espers are able to take the form of a human-like creature, with two different colored eyes. But they also can turn into a smaller animal, looking more like a plush toy of sorts. They have powers that allow them to grant the wish of a person and bind with them, in exchange for services, and they have the ability to sense jewels in a 100 meter radius.Espers can have a huge amount of powers, they just can't use them by themselves, which is why they bond with those that are worthy of becoming a Magical Girl or a Magical Boy. They call this group, Project Forest.

Each Esper will will bind with one boy or girl and these boys and girls with grow powers to transform into a different appearance. Their mission is to get all 12 jewels to awaken the princess, but as simple as it seems, the jewels are gaurded by 12 monsters, that make up a group called Zodiac, the last one stronger than all of the monsters combined. Project forest usually meets up and trains or has meetings at a small coffee shop called Kit Cafe located on the north side of town.

Together will the friends save the sleeping princess? Or will Zodiac defeat them and have Equinox rot to its doom?


Playable Characters:

Your appearance will be an anthro/humanized form of each creature of the chinese zodiac.

Rat: (OPEN)

Ox/Bull: (OPEN)

Tiger: (OPEN)

Rabbit: (OPEN)

Snake: (TAKEN)

Horse: (OPEN)

Ram: (OPEN)

Monkey: (OPEN)

Rooster: (OPEN)

Pig/Boar: (OPEN)

Dog: (OPEN)

Dragon: Final Monster (TAKEN)

Magical Girl: " Evolve, Project Aranaea" Spider (TAKEN)

Esper: (TAKEN)

Magical Boy: "Evolve, Project Chiroptera (Bat)" (TAKEN)

Esper: (TAKEN)

Magical Girl: "Evolve, Project Kitsune, Spirit of Nine Guide me!"Fox (TAKEN)

Esper: (TAKEN)

Magical Boy: "Evolve, Project Crocuta"(Hyena) (TAKEN)

Esper: (TAKEN)

Magical Girl:"Evolve, Project Arachnid" Lizard (TAKEN)

Esper: (OPEN)

Magical Boy: "Evolve, Project Dragon, Let the fire inside me rise!" (TAKEN)

Esper: (TAKEN)

Magical Boy:"Evolve, Project Pegasus, Spread your wings to the sky and beyond!" (TAKEN)

Esper: (TAKEN)

Magical Boy: "Evolve, Project Canis Lupis" Wolf (TAKEN)

Esper: (TAKEN)



1. All RPnation Rules apply here. No Metagaming, bunnying or godmodding.

2. The majority of your posts must be semi-literate. 2-3 paragraphs

3. Rated PG-13, this means slow down on the cussing and the s3x. Yeah, Romance allowed, don't go past kissing unless you decide to use time skips. You can cuss, but don't post something like, "And Henry was such a damn mother-fu/cking crazy man-who/re that he decided to throw th fu/cking bomb at the fu/cking son of a awesome awesome person even though he wasn't even in his fu/cking second form." Yeah no. Don't do that.

4.Respect yourself and respect others. If you have a problem tell me or Nico about it before you deal with it. Also if you've read all the rules post, "Evolution," somewhere in your skelly.


6. 3 characters per person but only one Magical Girl/Boy per person.


Project Forest Skelly:





Normal Appearance:

Transformation Appearance: (Must include features from your animal)

Incantation: "Evolve, Project..."

Transformation Ring: (What your character uses to transform. Color of the Ring must match the color of your transformation)


Special Skills/Attacks:


History: (Opt.)

Familiar/Esper: (Can be played by someone else)

Theme Song: (Opt.)


Esper Skelly:



Assigned Magi:

Appearance 1: (human like)

Appearance 2: (doll)



Theme Song (optional)

Zodiac Skelly:






Special Skills/Attacks:

Theme song:


My Characters:

Name: Chiro

Gender: Female

Assigned Magi: Yuki Ario

Appearance 1:


Appearance 2:

Personality: Is a bit shy around others, unless it's Yuki or Yuki's friends. She absolutely adores rice balls (onigari), and sushi, but some people find her plush form a bit creepy. She doesn't like scaring others away.

Skills: She can fly because of her wings, but usually she only glides. She has the normal Esper abilities, but she also is able to heal small bruises and cuts a bit more fast than normal

Theme Song: [media]
Name: Mariko

Animal/Jewel: Zodiac Dragon


Personality: Mariko is arrogant when speaking, but she is a quick thinker. Those who are her enemies don't survive for very long, and she has killed all those who have challenged her so far. She can plan out every single move that could happen, within an instant, and by doing this, she is able to quickly act. It as though she can forsee the future, but she can't she's just extremely wise.

Weapon: Seperation, is what it's called. It's a chinee-looking sword with a golden dragon head on the handle and a silver blade.

Special Skills/Attacks:

-Four Winds of the dragon: A number of swings of her sword, and a certain incamtation, this attack sends blasts from all sides, the only way to escape is by air.

-Wings of Luck: Gives her a boost when in the air, so that she can stay in the air longer, or get higher.

- Fire Vorpex: She can blow fire from her mouth, this attack giving her the ability to send a tunnel of fire at the enemy
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Ene Kagerou maybe you should put that posting 2-3 paragraphs should be required.

Name: Yukio Ario

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Normal Appearance:


Transformation Appearance:


Incantation: Evolve, Project Bat

Transformation Ring:




Special Skills/Attacks:

Sonic Echo: Sends out a wave of sonic blasts to injure the opponent.

Shadow Claw: Can make a claw out of shadows to attack the opponent

Heightened Senses


Yukio is a outgoing guy that seems to get along with others. He tends to have a bit of a temper and an attitude. He, when fighting enemies has a bit of blood lust. He is dark like that but, very overprotective of his friends.

He tends to be a bit hotheaded and does things before he acts. He loves the colors purple and black. He has a bit of a sweet tooth and gets hyper when he eats sweets, which is most of the time. So mainly he is hyperactive and smart mouthed.

He is flamboyantly gay and isn't afraid to flaunt it. He flirts with guys he thinks are good looking. He falls hard and takes rejection harder.

History: [Optional]

Familiar/Esper: Chiro

Theme Song: Animal I Have Become: Three Days Grace

Other: Is called Yuki by close friends.
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A couple questions before I build a character:

Is there a particular theme of animals you're going for for the magical boys/girls? Are insects and spiders fair game for inspiration?

Second, should weapons be the traditional magic girl staff or are we open to swords and other oddities?
Skid said:
A couple questions before I build a character: Is there a particular theme of animals you're going for for the magical boys/girls? Are insects and spiders fair game for inspiration? Second, should weapons be the traditional magic girl staff or are we open to swords and other oddities?
The 'Project Forest' theme is animals, I'm sure insects and spiders are fine.

Any weapon is fine, I'm using claws for my character. Like Wolverine's claws. Skid
Name: Trent Hurdlow

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Animal: Hyena

Normal Appearance:
He looks like this, but he has darker brown hair, the piercings that his transformation has and amber eyes.

Transformation Appearance:

Incantation: "Evolve, Project..." Hyena

Transformation Ring:


Special Skills/Attacks: Heightened Senses/Strength (Can I just have him be like the underdog with no real magic? Or does he have to be able to be all magical? .__. )

Personality: Trent is a very laid back guy. He can be a douche at times due to his sarcasm but is also nice to be around. Hes funny, lazy but kind. When he gets angry he can become snappy or physical, and once he does something bad to someone he cares for he'll do anything he can to apologize. Hes also very loyal.

History: (Opt.)

Familiar/Esper: (Can be played by someone else)...What?

Theme Song: (Opt.)

They can be that way with just a sword. Also Esper/Familiar are like little doll/Plush toy looking characters, that help the Magical Girl/Boy find Jewels and alert the enemy. I can make one and be your character's Esper.

Cause you are Accepted. :3
Name: Drake Selus

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Animal: Dragon

Normal Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mk4y28mvJx1s8mgkyo1_500.png.e1f2e52f4ff4b120da7f2ffca01aefd5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3963" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mk4y28mvJx1s8mgkyo1_500.png.e1f2e52f4ff4b120da7f2ffca01aefd5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Transformation Appearance: Pending

Incantation: "Evolve, Project Dragon, Let the fire inside burn!"

Transformation Ring: (It's kind of a rainbow tornado of fire. Like in "Avatar: The last Airbender", when he discovers the beginnings of fire bending)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/il_fullxfull_312917953.jpg.b24c31417b967480abc382d50720a469.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/il_fullxfull_312917953.jpg.b24c31417b967480abc382d50720a469.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: But without the dragon around it

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/dragon2.jpg.cb99c0ce35da28dd0526a25b32fa3f13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/dragon2.jpg.cb99c0ce35da28dd0526a25b32fa3f13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special Skills/Attacks:

  • Flaming Blade: Can set his sword aflame and send waves of fire from it
  • Flight(Obviously)
  • Dragon Avatar: Can create an ethereal avatar of a full sized dragon around himself and use it as armor and to attack large enemies.

Personality: He's a really fun guy, gets along with everyone, and loves to have fun. At least that's how he is on the outside. He's very dark, and afraid of himself, of the pain he could cause others. Sometimes this feeling of self loathing consumes him, and almost nothing can snap him out of it.

History: [Placeholder, will be added later]

Familiar/Esper: Ethel Marune

Theme Song: Monster in Me- Hypernova

Other: He's quick to fall in love, and takes rejection hard.



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Nico said:
They can be that way with just a sword. Also Esper/Familiar are like little doll/Plush toy looking characters, that help the Magical Girl/Boy find Jewels and alert the enemy. I can make one and be your character's Esper.
Cause you are Accepted. :3
Okay. I was like "Well, there aren't any other Espers. xD "
BloodyRaze said:
Can't find a decent picture, just use your imagination, he has big dragon wings that change color, and he ends up glowing.
That is fine.

Sock said:
Okay. I was like "Well, there aren't any other Espers. xD "
Any specific way you want it to look?
BloodyRaze said:
Anne might be drawing it for me Nico! I might have a picture for his transformation!
Awesome and okay Sock let me work on it. 
Name: Shioh

Gender: Female

Appearance 1:


Appearance 2: (doll)


Assigned Magi: Trent Hurdlow

Personality: Shioh is quite the bubbly one. She is much like her specialty in love magic, lovable and happy. She wants to save her princess more then anything. She is willing to stop the Dragon King to do it.


Love Distraction: Can distract enemies with a love spell.

Tracking: Can track Jewels and Enemies
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Name: Ethel Marune

Gender: Female

Appearance 1: (human like)

Appearance 2: (doll)

Personality: Ethel is strong, and nobel. But, she's still fun and energetic. She likes to be independent but knows she has to show teamwork. She'll do anything, even sacrifice herself to make things at peace.

Assigned to: Drake Selus


Sense: Can sense everything all around her, even if she can't see.

Mind Twist: Can go into the enemies mind and can turn their thoughts into pleasure or tragedy

Light Shield: Can make a strong shield for her and her group from enemies

Laser Whips: Can form light/laser ropes she can hold to whip at her enemies

Med Force: Can heal any wound to a point, not fully, but she can do just a little so they can survive a little longer.
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Hehe Kyuubi. x3

Accepted who is it that you want your Esper to be assigned to?
Name: Xzevran Vasculas

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Animal: Wolf

Normal Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.08bf2cb6e38980187948628553108840.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.08bf2cb6e38980187948628553108840.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Transformation Appearance: Wolf ears, sharper canines, longer hair, long black trench coat. (I could not find a decent picture.)

Incantation: "Evolve, Project Wolf"

Transformation Ring: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.c21bc215221655f37c3a3c23b1317fdf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.c21bc215221655f37c3a3c23b1317fdf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.b793578590120b69cf97ac9bbd2dac5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.b793578590120b69cf97ac9bbd2dac5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.c1f5b0d3abbe5356915b577a092e1037.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.c1f5b0d3abbe5356915b577a092e1037.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.0b4704fc7ee5fdf31bc172433a483abf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.0b4704fc7ee5fdf31bc172433a483abf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Two katanas with rifles as sheaths.)

Special Skills/Attacks: Enhanced senses, strength, agility, and speed.

A variety of magic spells that can be used with or without magic circles.

Coating: Surrounds weapons with a magical aura.

Weapon modifying: Able to alter weapons with and without the use of magic.

Shadow Wolf: Uses the shadows in combination with the stealth of a wolf.

Personality: Xzevran is a serious person, but also easygoing. He is an intellectual who likes to think situations through, before deciding on a course of action. He is kind to just about everyone and has a good sense of humor. He enjoys a healthy dose of sarcasm and is a pacifist. He likes to focus on important things, but also making sure not to focus on only one thing. He is very enjoyable to be around, but he prefers to be by himself if given the option. He sees himself a little like a lone wolf, but he knows that he can't do everything by himself.

History: He keeps his past to himself.


Theme Song: (Opt.)



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Zodiac Skelly:

Name: Hua Xiao

Animal: Snake

Personality: Rich in wisdom and charm, Hua is a very deep thinker and prefers to do things at her own pace. It's very hard for Hua to stick to one thing, and is always changing up her plan, for her intuition guides her strongly. Many people don't trust Hua because they can't handle how secretive and mistrustful she is. Although Hua is very social and spontaneous, she also sometimes has the desires to just be left alone. Hua is a subtle worker, silently manoeuvring and manipulating until she gets what she wants.

Weapon: Two faithful giant snakes and Hua herself uses small sharp needle that, when used correctly, can go right through your body.

Special Skills/Attacks:

  • Conjure a giant snake to attack the enemies
  • Turn into a snake herself
  • Can swallow the victim whole (but prefers not to do so because she finds it "disgusting" and "vulgar")
  • Hua can issue a final attack by enveloping the victim with venom by fusing with her two snakes and creating a large snake. The giant gold snake will then rush towards the victim and pass through them completely. Hua and her two snakes will be standing behind the victim as they will then be overwhelmed with poison and die in a few seconds, maybe less.



Can I make another character? :3
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Both are accepted and yes you can make another character. 
Lucem Tenebris - Fix your pictures I cant see them and by "Evolve, Project.." Put "Evolve, Project Wolf!"

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