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Multiple Settings (Open / Searching) In desperate need of a roleplay (Greys Anatomy, Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, etc.)


New Member
Hello Guys!

My name is Kailyn, I have been roleplaying sine 2012. I am 20, and hence would prefer 17+, but depending on work I will allow younger people in! My schedule is pretty free (Thanks, COVID) for now, and I should be on for at least an hour each day. I take about 1-2 days to reply, anything longer than that and I will reach out to you and let you know. I tend to play female roles, I need to play at least one OC in whatever we are doing, but I can try to do some canon but I do tend to put my own spin on things! I am open multiple different subjects so if yours isn’t listed just run it by me and I will tell you if I am down! I am an open book so feel free to message me about anything!

Examples of Past Works:
Here are some works I have done in the past! Feel free to check them out!

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What I am looking for:

I don’t have many requests for a partner, but here are the few I have!

I like to roleplay some dark topics, and love love love dark romance and slow burn type of situations. I would prefer someone more mature as a partner, since my topics will be more mature.
-Solid writing, at least try to match my posts
I spend 2-3 hours on my replies at times, so I would love if you could try to mirror length.
Also don’t stress about grammar, I really suck at it so it isn’t a big deal! And typos are fine too, as long as it is readable I am down!
-Willing to play male character, or double
I thrive in my female OCs, I need to have one and 99.9% of my roleplays have some sort of romance / slow burn to them. What can I say I am a sucker for romance
-Responsive and Online!
I just want someone who will be online at least once a week, and who will be able to
Reply a least once a week. I get life gets to us, thats why I took a 2 year break. But, if something comes up please let me know! I will let you know if something happens to me, so please do the same!
-Someone who doesn’t exactly plan way to much
I am not someone who loves to plan, I love to talk the basics over but honestly I don’t want to plan too much besides the basics, I love to just see where the roleplay takes us!

And thats it! One more section to go!

Ideas / Plots!
~Where I place a * is where I would want to be

Greys Anatomy

Meredith never survived the drowning. She never came back and Derek has been in a slump ever sense. The group (Christina George Isobel and Alex) became friends with the man to help him and each other through their depressive states. Two years past and everyone seems to be doing okay, when Webber hires the most up incoming promising neurosurgeon in the country to intern under Derek. She graduated the same year as the group, but advanced through her residency at an alarming rate due to her Savant syndrome. She has a few quirks and tics, but besides that she blends in quite easily with her peers. Derek doesn't want her to study under him because she reminds him of Meredith, but Webber forces it. She quickly makes friends with the group and has to work her way up for Derek to even let her do anything that isn't an observation in surgery. They then start working on patients and eventually a clinical trial, which brings them closer together over time.



Plot #1
(Takes place after the first Avengers, is a mashup with the flash)
Tony Stark wasn’t able to close up the hole in time, while he was able to get the nuke in and destroy everything, it wasn’t before a radiation blast hit the city. Nobody thought much of it until a year later when the city started to get….weird. SHIELD begins to investigate these so called “Metahumans” as they began to wreck the city. One meta was causing them some significant trouble. A girl began to rob banks around the city, freezing open the doors with a mysterious water, and lifting rocks with the flick of her wrist, and somehow was able to get away every time. Tony and Cap manage to capture the girl after a hard fought battle, and when she wakes up in a mysterious cage she is told she has two options, to willingly come or be blasted to bits. They do some bloodwork testing and are about to send her off to SHIELD when Cap takes pity, and convinces Fury to let him take her under his wing. The avengers come back together and have to train her to get her help to take down the metas, before the city collapses on itself. The metas get turned over to SHIELD when captured, but Cap and OC figure out that they are being tortured, killed, and brainwashed. Cap/OC team up and go out looking for help once Tony refuses, determined to free them. (Will turn into a Captain America Civil War situation eventually)

Plot #2

A young girl was severely hurt after an accident (PTSD, huge limp, no use of right hand), and her career was shattered. She ends up searching for any way to get back what she wanted the most, and makes her way over to Karmar Taj where she meets Dr Steven Strange. They clash in ideals, but the man takes pity on her because she reminds him of himself. After a few years of training, a threat comes from a separate universe, and the two find another Strange standing outside. They find out several parts of the multiverse are in danger, and the two have to go around fighting to help save the universe together, without falling out into evil.

Other ones I would love to do but don’t have specific plot for:

Winter Soldier / OC (With a side double as Falcon)

Honestly open to a lot! If you have ideas let me know!

Star Wars

Plot #1
(Would take place after the TFA)
OC is fighting with the Resistance against the First Order, determined to take them down as revenge for destroying her planet. Leia is hesitant but sends her to Starkiller on a spy mission, trying to get as much intel as possible. She leaves behind Poe, her current love interest as she goes off on her journey to Starkiller. She stays there longer than she should have, making her way up the ranks until she serves as an engineer on Finalizer. She knew she should have left then, but she was determined to see Kylo Ren at least once. She had heard of the man but never ran into him, and her curiosity almost kills her. As she is fixing his ship, Kylo comes on, and realizes he can’t get into her head. He knocks her out and interrogates her, eventually finding out she is with the resistance. Just as he is about to kill her, his lightsaber gets tossed across the room by her panic harnessing the force. He realizes she may have more use, and keeps her for training. After finishing her training she goes out with him to battle, and runs into her old crew at the Resistance. Will she stay with Ren or go back? Who knows because I don’t

Starts off as POE/OC* turns into Kylo / OC*

Plot #2
(Takes place during the Clone Wars)

This is a loose plot, but I would want it to be Anakin/OC(friends) where OC is Anakins Padawan, who slowly falls to the dark side (instead of Anakin). As she is fighting to keep herself together he is fighting to save her, and eventually he sends her off to Obi Wan, who keeps her under tight lockdown. Obi Wan helps try to control those urges and channel them into light, but will he be able to save her? Or will he fall alongside her to the dark side?
(Obi-Wan / OC romance wise)

Others I would do:

Obi Wan / OC
Kylo / OC
Ben Solo / OC
Han Solo / OC
And open to more!

Vampires and Wolves

Plot #1

War had always been brutal between the clan and its neighboring pack, until the alpha signed a treaty to keep the peace. That peace lasted for 30 years, and it was beautiful. Then, the alpha of the wolf pack dies, leaving his daughter to be the sole survivor. She gets challenged for her position and ultimately beaten, and she is forced to leave her pack. She makes her way over the river prepared to die, when she is captured by the large vampire clan that neighbors her pack. She is thrown into a cell and locked away, until the Master of the clan comes down to interrogate her. In exchange for her life and for the life of the pups that are in her pack, she agrees to serve him as a protection, a literal guard dog. One night there is a silent attack on the pack, and she ends up saving his life. She gains his trust and he slowly begins to get more and more fascinated with her, enjoying her presence. The clan is attacked again, and this time she doesn’t make it out easy. In his desperation to save her he gives her his blood to replace the blood she lost, and then it all hits the fan. She slips into a coma for a month and one day she wakes up, her eyes half red and half green. The first hybrid of her kind is born, and the Master must help her control her thirst and newfound strength before she kills everything in her path. Eventually the Council (Much like the Volutori) find out about her, and come to investigate. His father is on the Council and he was destined to be, but he turned it down. Will he save her or give her up? Who knows.

Vampire / Alpha OC*

Also open to
Vampire / Human OC
Vampire / Wolf OC
Wolf / Human OC
Wolf / Wolf OC

Other Topics I love:

Greys Anatomy
Hunger Games
The Flash
The Mortal Instruments
Avatar The Last Airbender
College RP

If you made it this far congrats! Feel free to comment / owl me to get something started! I look forward to hearing from you all!
Is this still relevant? If so I'd be interested in doing a star wars rp. I saw that you listed Han Solo as a love interest for your oc. I was thinking of doing rp around the Han Solo movie or maybe an Au of his and Chewie's adventures. If interested please hit me back.

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