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Senior Member
About me:

- I barely know how this site works; you're not gonna get any pretty formatting out of me here.
- I'm 26; I prefer that my partner is 21+; I'm definitely am not comfortable RPing with anyone too much younger than me.
- I've been RPing for...a long time. 10+ years, at least.
- I'm not really a stickler for length, as long as it's something worthwhile to work off of. I fluctuate in length depending on what's going on, but a solid couple of paragraphs are pretty average for me.
- You can take as long as you want to reply; I don't really care. I'm a pretty frequent replier, but I can be patient; I'll probably assume something's done or send a reminder if it's been, like, a month, but if you fall off and want to pick back up again, shoot me a message and I'll probably be down.
- Either on threads, through PMs, or through email is great. Email's my preference, but whatever works. I don't RP over Discord.
- I would be...open to playing a non-romantic plot, but you'd have to sell me on it tbh.
- OOC friendly, but it's not a must to me.
- Open to MM, MF, and FF equally
- if your touch point for writing dialogue is anime babe it's not gonna work out

Bold is character I prefer to play; italics is characters I'm not confident in my ability with. If nothing's italicized, I'm happy to play either character, even not the bolded character.

The Adventure Zone (Balance, specifically,)
- Taako/Kravitz
- Barry/Lup

Critical Role
Vox Machina | The Legend of Vox Machina (happy to do either; have a preference for the original, but can work with the show too)
- Percy/Vex
- Cassandra/Kynan
- Vax/Keyleth
- Vax/Gilmore/Keyleth

The Mighty Nein
- Beau/Yasha

Baldur's Gate 3
- Gale/Astarian

(Any of these could be combined tbh)

- Arranged Marriage

- Vampires, overall
- New Vampire/Established Vampire
- Vampire/Vampire Hunter

- Supernatural Entities (Eldritch creatures, Ghosts, etc)
- Supernatural/Researcher
- Supernatural/Hunter
- Supernatural/Totally normal person just way in over their head

- Historical (with more regard to vibes than to complete historical accuracy) & Historical-but-there's-occult/magic/other spooky elements
- Edwardian
- Victorian
- Victorian doctor/anything interesting. Spinster on the edge of town? Witch? New Assistant? It's rife with vibes.

This is far, far from a complete list; if there's something you want to do that sounds kinda in-line with some of these vibes, hmu!

PM if anything interests you, if you'd like a sample of my writing, etc!
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About me:

- I barely know how this site works; you're not gonna get any pretty formatting out of me here.
- I'm 26; I prefer that my partner is 21+; I'm definitely am not comfortable RPing with anyone too much younger than me.
- I've been RPing for...a long time. 10+ years, at least.
- I'm not really a stickler for length, as long as it's something worthwhile to work off of. I fluctuate in length depending on what's going on, but a solid couple of paragraphs are pretty average for me.
- You can take as long as you want to reply; I don't really care. I'm a pretty frequent replier, but I can be patient; I'll probably assume something's done or send a reminder if it's been, like, a month, but if you fall off and want to pick back up again, shoot me a message and I'll probably be down.
- Either on threads, through PMs, or through email is great. Email's my preference, but whatever works. I don't RP over Discord.
- I would be...open to playing a non-romantic plot, but you'd have to sell me on it tbh.
- OOC friendly, but it's not a must to me.
- Open to MM, MF, and FF equally

Bold is character I prefer to play; italics is characters I'm not confident in my ability with. If nothing's italicized, I'm happy to play either character, even not the bolded character.

The Adventure Zone (Balance, specifically,)
- Taako/Kravitz
- Barry/Lup

Critical Role
Vox Machina | The Legend of Vox Machina (happy to do either; have a preference for the original, but can work with the show too)
- Percy/Vex
- Cassandra/Kynan
- Vax/Keyleth
- Vax/Gilmore/Keyleth

The Mighty Nein
- Beau/Yasha

Baldur's Gate 3
- Gale/Astarian

(Any of these could be combined tbh)

- Arranged Marriage

- Vampires, overall

- New Vampire/Established Vampire
- Vampire/Vampire Hunter

- Supernatural Entities (Eldritch creatures, Ghosts, etc)
- Supernatural/Researcher
- Supernatural/Hunter
- Supernatural/Totally normal person just way in over their head

- Historical (with more regard to vibes than to complete historical accuracy) & Historical-but-there's-occult/magic/other spooky elements
- Edwardian
- Victorian
- Victorian doctor/anything interesting. Spinster on the edge of town? Witch? New Assistant? It's rife with vibes.

This is far, far from a complete list; if there's something you want to do that sounds kinda in-line with some of these vibes, hmu!

PM if anything interests you, if you'd like a sample of my writing, etc!
Im interested. My favorite rolepays are vampire/ hunter. so that caught my eye.

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