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Multiple Settings (open & looking!) would you like to write with me?


New Member
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be careful,

you are not in Wonderland.


I've heard the strange madness
long growing in your soul

. . .
greetings and salutations!
my name's scram and i am currently looking for a partner to write with.

here's a run down of me:

* i am semi-lit. / lit. / adv. lit. roleplayer. i tend to write at least three paragraphs per reply and i'm more focused on wanting to improve the quality of my replies instead of making them lengthier. if you would like a writing sample for me, just message me! i'll most likely ask the same of you.
* i don't have a preference with playing a specific gender, though i'm more comfortable portraying characters who identify with traditional gender roles (though, that doesn't necessarily mean i only play masc. males and femme females).
* i'm also comfortable with any kind of ships: f//, m// or f/m! platonic ships are very much welcome and greatly encouraged!
* i tend to like some dark content in my stories / roleplay. if you have any triggers, please feel free to tell me!
* i'm a full-time student studying in the uk, so sometimes i will get busy and struggle to reply back. i will try my best to notify you when i'm busy. but if i haven't spoken a peep, feel free to send me a message to remind me. sometimes i forget or get too caught up with irl but once i see your message, i'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!
* i don't mind ooc chatter, in fact i think it'd be nice if we strike up a friendship! that being said, if you'd rather not and keep to business-like rping, then just say the word and we shall proceed to act as formal business-like rp partners.
as for what i'm looking for...
* i am looking for other roleplayers on the same literacy level as i am! i feel as though that would make the roleplay far more enjoyable for both of us :^)
* i am looking for partners who'll be willing to be an active participant when it comes to plotting and someone who will be willing to do world-building with me. i greatly prefer a partner who likes to voice out their ideas instead of someone passively keeping quiet. i tend to like to pass and bounce ideas around and then figuring out what we both like, you know?
* i want someone who won't be afraid to speak up if they're not enjoying the roleplay. that way, we can discuss about what to change or to just end it without having to have myself question what did i do wrong lol ;u;.
* roleplayers who are about 16+ of age. i don't think i'd be comfortable for anything lower, apologies!

aside from that, i don't think there's anything else. so, without further ado, here's the entrée!

  • KEY
    bolded means i can play this character.
    ! means i'm interested / craving this right now. more than one ! means it has a higher interest. if ! , it means i'm very keen for this.
    note: pairings can be platonic or romantic. these are just the relationships that i find interesting and would like to explore!


    naruto ! ! !
    sai / sakura
    ino / sakura
    sasuke / sakura
    an AU, of course! you know, the one where sakura actually gets traumatised by what sasuke puts her through and they have to go through the process of healing that may or may not work ahaha
    i particularly like the idea of a shallow!sasuke, which can be comedic and terrifically sad all at the same time.
    oc genin team ! ! !
    dear lord please, give this to me and i will be so eternally grateful.
    dragon age
    solas / lavellan
    anders / hawke
    tamlen / mahariel
    oc / oc ! ! !
    i got a plot bunny for a very AU for this if you're interested!
    persona 3 / 4 / 5
    mc / ryuji
    mc / aigis
    aigis / mc / ryuji
    yuu / adachi !
    akira / akechi ! !
    redemption arc akechi redemption arc akechi redemption arc akechi
    ocs as the main cast ! ! !
    this one too please. we can discuss where it will take place and decide whether to follow the plots of the games or create a new one entirely!
    i have a fantasy au for this too!
    star wars
    kylo ren / rey
    stormtrooper ocs !
    greatly inspired by the fanfic "have you heard" by peradi

    class of 198x
    ocs as cast ! ! !
    prior knowledge of the podcast is not needed!

well then, thank you for your attention and i hope to hear from you soon!

. . .
lest we die unbloomed. ❞




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