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Multiple Settings [OPEN] I have some plots and ideas- {mxm/fxm/fxf}

Creative Nick

I'm not lazy, I swear-
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I guess I'm back looking for partners for those plots....

Hello hello! I'm here looking for a roleplay partner (obviously). I'm 23+ yo, a literate to advance roleplayer, starting at two paragraphs and possibly writing more, it depends on my partner. I have 9+ years of roleplay experience, and my frequency of responses can vary due to college and other stuff. I love romance and twisting classic fairytales into plots!

Can also do a platonic rp, but then I would prefer to have some kind of interesting adventure or mystery to work on, so I would be pretty picky with that. I really do enjoy family/sibling stories ^^

I like absurd and creative settings, supernatural, fantasy, twisted modern, steampunk, medieval, Victorian or a mix of many. Usually not a fan of si-fi tho. Can do mxm, fxm and fxf....so anything you want basically. I love angst and fluff (but never one without the other) and some comedy from time to time haha. I'm a really slow burn kinda person. Besides romance I'm always adding something, so mystery, adventure, thriller, horror, drama, any kind of weird thing works. I don't do ERP. I love OOC talk. I prefer to talk OOC on Discord as I do talk a lot and I can do it more freely there, but it's not a must. As for rp I don't mind it being on the site or off the site.

My only requirement is for you to be 18+ as I feel uncomfortable roleplaying with minors.


I may have some random ideas, but I can also work from scratch! Or just listen to your ideas hh
And I would love to know something about you, please introduce yourself hh

All the plots contain romance rn as a default, so it's not listed in genres.
Crossed-out plots are not available right now.

(the amount of asterisks [*] near the plot represents how much I'm craving it at the moment)

Red-eyed witch (fantasy, drama, slice of life?) [*]
Long time ago, far away in the east, in a small village lived a girl known for her purely red eyes. People called her a "witch". She was feared because of the incomprehensive powers that she had. One said that she could read minds if you only looked into her eyes, others that she could put deadly curses on people or create dangerous mixtures. What was the truth, nobody knew.
But one, young man fell in love with a scary witch, who in his eyes reflected as a good-heated human being. People only labeled him as "the cursed one". They closed their eyes, pretending not to see how happy the two of them were.
However cruel times came. Crops failed to grow, mysterious disease started to spread among the animals, causing many deaths. The people blamed the witch for the curse, that had touched their village, and soon started to plot against her. "If we just kill the witch, everything will go away" - that's what they said. "Let's free the town from the evil beast and her servant."
Not many days after the witch had bore her first child, angry villagers surrounded her house, seeking revenge. The house was soon set on fire and the young couple had to escape. But there was nowhere to go. The witch, seeing as she won't be able to get out alive, as a last wish to her loved one, asked him to take the child to safety. And so, with a broken heart, he did.
In the last moments of his life man got to the church, the only neutral place in the whole town. An old, good-hearted priest lived there. One who had never involved himself in any conflict. Seeing the injured man, who was soon to be killed, pleading at least for saving the child, whom the town was not even aware of, the priest felt pity for the poor man. He took the innocent child under his custody.
And that is what happened 20 years ago. Witch's house burned so brightly, that it became known as "the scarlet night". But nobody knew... that witch's child was still among them. Living peacefully....maybe even unaware of things themselves.
Preferred role: either

Cursed Royal (mystery, drama, fantasy, supernatural) [**]
The kingdom is on the verge of ruin and a marriage between a royal from another kingdom and the king's only child is the only way to save the land from upcoming disaster. When a potential marriage partner arrives at the castle, they accidentally find out this castle’s secret. There exists another child who is a member of the royal family, locked away somewhere in here. It seems they’ve been cursed from birth so the royal family is trying to keep their existence a secret and even hid their face behind a mask. But the wheels of fate are about to turn when the outsider meets the cursed one.
Preferred role: the cursed one

Cat’s only wish (fantasy, drama, supernatural) [*]
Once upon a time there lived a black cat, whose life had been saved by a human. The animal fell in love with the human and thus it searched for them day and night. Cat finally found its savior locked in a huge mansion. Sitting on the windowsill, it heard them say “Ah, if I could only abandon my family name and change my destiny.” The human was supposed to marry another person of noble birth soon. Now locked in the mansion and forced by the parents to fulfill their duty, they cursed their fate. The cat felt so sorry for the human, it wished to obtain the power to change destiny. The same moonless night it heard a voice “I’ll give you a human form, but you can never speak of your true identity, or else the curse shall fall upon you.” The animal agreed, thus the cat became human and decided to do everything in its power to repay the human for saving its life, no matter the cost.
Preferred role: cat

Corrupted Angel (drama, supernatural, fantasy) [**]
Long ago an angel was sent to earth and given the role of a guardian. He had been asked to protect his human from any harm and make sure that they wouldn't choose a path of sin.... but the angel failed. Devastated, heaven's messenger became corrupted because of their grief and soon their wings became black, as they lost a place in heaven. Angel could not go back, so they stayed on earth. Soon another angel came down, tasked to hunt down the corrupted guardian and throw them into the depths of hell.... because the other started to cause more and more problems on earth.
Preferred role: either

Living Doll (action, fantasy, mystery)
A young dollmaker, who's known for their life-sized creations, puts together a beautiful doll. But they had never suspected that their masterpiece would be given life. Was that a power of an unspoken wish or maybe something else?
And why did the doll suddenly become a target of many, weird individuals? What power does it hold?
Preferred role: either

Childhood promise (slice of life?, supernatural) [*]
Long time ago a child found a broken and old toy. They felt sorry for the poor, abandoned thing and took it with them. Now, even after they have grown, the toy is still kept in their room. And during a very difficult time in the owner's life... the mysterious toy is given life and gains a human form, as if to save them. But what is the truth?
Preferred role: toy

Silver bullets & Broken promises (vampires, action, supernatural, slice of life) [***]
In a world where vampires hide themselves among the humans, two kids played together since they were little. One was a vampire and one a human. One day the small vampire lost control of themselves and bit their best friend even if they never wanted to hurt them. Exposed, the whole family was forced to move, but the human felt betrayed by the other and, as the years passed, those feelings grew into hatred. In the end, the human became a hunter whose only job is to kill those soulless creatures. But what if they meet once again and will they even recognize each other at the very start?
Preferred role: the vampire

Vampire Crimes (vampires, mystery, action, supernatural)
A detective investigating a case of weird murders in town visits an old mansion, because of the recent reports about suspicious activities around here. Inside he meets a vampire that had not gone out to town for centuries and barely has any idea about the outside world....
Preferred role: either

Land of Dead (mystery, action, thriller) [***]
Is this a dream or reality? The realm of the dead is a peaceful place... even if the sun never rises, and the full moon is the only source of light during the eternal night. Yes... a dark city covered in mist. Every soul that comes here is bound to leave sooner or later, vanishing from this world with no regrets... at least that's how it was supposed to be. But the peaceful times are long gone.
The day it had all begun a stranger came to town. A man with a determination to come back to life... a determination so strong, that he decided to look for the opening in any way possible. He was sure that there was a way... that this world is connected with the realm of the living. He began to gain followers... who were ready to take any actions necessary to make that dream a reality. The ones who refused death.
Feared by the whole city, they terrorized the dead souls just to achieve their only goal. Even if it seemed pointless, the place soon changed into a city full of crime. Without laws to stop them, without a sense of regret... it had become hell.
Till the day that one human, that did not belong there, had appeared...The one that was still alive in the land of the dead.
(The plot in my mind would circle around a human in a land of the dead who met there his dead childhood friend and they together have to fight and return the living one to the land of living while everything wants to kill him-)
Preferred role: dead friend.

Lost memory (slightly si-fi, drama, action) [*]
A robot created in the shape of a human, meant to be used as the most powerful weapon in history, was programmed with an AI. The robot was kept in a lab, isolated from the outside world, as his creator did not want anything other than him to influence his machine and wished to shape its mind as he pleased….
Ver 1
But the information about the powerful weapon begins to leak and soon the robot gets stolen by a small mafia organization. Sadly its memory chip gets damaged in the process and the mafia leader not only finds out that the machine looks and acts closely to a human being, but also lacks any memories and has no idea about even being a weapon in the first place. With many people now after the damaged machine, what will happen?
Preferred role: either
Ver 2
But the robot is curious about the outside world and begins to question its own existence. One day it manages to escape, damaging itself in the process and losing its memory data. With its systems clearly malfunctioning he gets found by another human. Soon not only the creator but other parties try to search for it, dragging the poor, unrelated person into the whole mess.
Preferred role: either

Dream demon (supernatural, fantasy, drama)
To deceive others by showing them images that they want to see. Show worlds that do not exist, events with no hope of coming true... is what those monsters do. They control the world of dreams. Your dreams. But remember, never make a deal with them, or you'll lose yourself. They feed on memories. They consume the weak. They consume those in a vulnerable state. One wrong move and they will steal your body....because otherwise, they lack any material form, the only thing that they can create are illusions. So even their whole existence is covered in lies.
Hm? My child... of course, they are bad. They are evil. Monsters that deceive only to steal the most important things you have. So never say 'yes'.
(The concept revolved around an entity known as a dream demon, who eats people souls by getting them to agree to a contract with wonderful illusions.... and probably a very tragic human being.)

Past scars (supernatural, drama, slice of life) [**]
(Here there can be any two species of monsters, even the classics werewolves and vampires, or maybe werewolves and some other were-animals-)
There was once a human who married a monster. They lived happily and soon the child was born. Sadly soon the monster died, leaving the human with the child, without most of the knowledge needed to care for the small one. They did not know about any monster needs but they gave their best. Soon the other monsters from the clan found about about the child who had been born from a forbidden relationship and decided to kill them, and so the human fled…. In the end, they both ended up on a territory of a completely different monster species. But how would they know? What will happen if the child is discovered? Will the human be able to find an ally among so many enemies?

To my dear demon lord (fantasy, drama, action, politics)
A hero, descendant of gods and angels, chosen by humanity and burdened with one mission from the very beginning. They were fated to destroy the demon kingdom, home of a horrible and cruel race, threatening humanity for ages now. They solved everything with strength and didn't know kindness.
The ruler of all demons, newly appointed after defeating the previous one, searches for a way to finally stop this conflict between demons and humans. But it's hard to fix something this broken.


Red snow (Little Red Riding Hood)[**]
A small village surrounded by deep snow, cursed by a black wolf. Once every few generations a child is born. Poor soul turns into a fierce wolf each and every night. By the tradition old as time the cursed one is sent to the dark forest and forced to live there for the rest of their lives. To satisfy the hungry creature the sacrifice is chosen every year and forced to enter the forest. This is believed to keep the village from harm and the wolf's anger.

One day a small girl, dressed in red enters the forbidden and cold forest just to meet there a small boy, who barely even knows how to speak.

What she does not know, is that the poor girl is going to become a sacrifice many years after...

Hunting for the red hood (Red Riding hood)[**]
Long ago there lived a small wolf. The wolf could not be accepted by the people around him, as they were scared of him. He was a cursed being. He lived in the forest, not knowing human customs, only hunting to live. One day he saved a young girl wearing a red riding hood, when she was attacked by a wild animal. But as soon as she looked at him, the wolf hid afraid of even being seen. Feeling pity for the wolf she gave him the red cloth so he could cover his face and animal ears, which he was so ashamed of. The wolf was not even able to say thank you for that day, as he was barely able to communicate with others. The girl left and the wolf decided to dedicate everything to learning more about humans. Thanks to his red hood he mixed into human society and began the search for the one person he wanted to thank. But what he did not know was that the girl was the daughter of the famous hunter.

Last favor for my beloved (The Little Mermaid)
Once upon a time there lived a young mermaid, the youngest of the sea princesses. She was a truly naive and innocent soul, kind to every creature living underwater, even the evil witch, who was hated and feared by everyone else in the kingdom. The witch had ties to dark magic after all. This kind of magic was all about sacrificing something to get something else, equal exchange if you could call it that, be it physical or more abstract. But the mermaid didn't listen to the warnings and still went to visit the creature from time to time, bringing wonderful stories every time, as she grew very fond of the witch.

And the lonely witch grew fond of her too. More than she could express in words.

But the princess was as fond of the humans above as she was of the world underwater, but all she could do was watch from afar. Until one day, that she saved a human, a prince, who fell into the water. After that she wanted nothing more than to see him again, and so she begged her friend to help her.

Even if pained her greatly, the witch decided to agree to the request, but under the condition of letting her accompany the young princess. But there was a price to pay for every spell, the venture would surely be a dangerous one.

(Let's make the prince an asshole, come on xD)

Witch’s servant (Hansel and Gretel)
Long, long time ago, in a huge mansion in the middle of the forest, there lived an evil witch. The witch was unable to leave one room, but could control the whole house as if it was her own body. She had a taste for human flesh so she lured the children who got lost in the forest into her mansion and ate them. One day there appeared a young child, who had proposed a deal to the witch. In exchange for sparing their life they will work for the witch and lead the other who enter the mansion straight to her. As it would be easier for the one who could not even leave a room, the witch agreed and thus the child became the witch’s servant. Years passed and the child became an adult. One day a familiar person appears in the mansion, a childhood friend who was looking for the missing child for all these years. Will their meeting be tragic? Will the witch’s servant decide to finally break the contract and break free from the witch’s control, saving his old friend, or will he sacrifice even them?

Memories cannot save you (Beauty and the Best) [**]
Once upon a time there lived a pair of very close friends, who knew each other from the moment they were born. One had developed very strong feelings for the other and after many years fell into despair, because they were sure there was another one that their friend loved. They went to seek a sorcerer, who granted wishes in exchange for one’s soul, and said to her “I want my friend to be mine and only.” She gave them power in exchange for their humanity, so they could make their wish come true… but they were given one condition to fulfil, along with a red rose. If they are able to make the friend fall in love with them before the rose withers, they could get their soul back, but if they fail to do that, the sorcerer will eat their soul in full and destroy their entire existence. In hopes of starting all over they completely erase their friend's memories , locking them in a huge mansion, so the friend can be their only even if for a short amount of time. But lost memories start to slowly come back…what will happen before the rose withers?

Into the dream (Sleeping Beauty)
Note: Here I'm just kinda into the idea of going inside someone's perfect dream and disturbing it. I'm up for any changes around that idea, here's just an example of a plot (That can totally be used):

A long long time ago, there was a person who was gifted with a perfect dream by a witch. A dream that could become anything, they could change the dream world however they pleased, see their deepest and greatest desires, a perfect world with no end in sight. But losing themselves in a dream was not a good thing, people outside grieved. There was one friend who visited frequently, and thus the witch gave him a proposition. “How about you go into the dream and rescue them? But if you fail you will also be trapped in a dream forever.” The friend agreed. Will they succeed in pulling the dreaming one out of their perfect dream land as the only, uncontrolled anomaly in their world?

Heart vs Logic (The Wizard of Oz) [*]
In the faraway land of Oz there lived a wizard who had the power to make anything happen. He ruled over the beautiful emerald city and was regarded as a wonderful king. One day a group of three travelers, a lion, a scarecrow and a tin woodman, arrived at the castle. They had survived a horrible journey to finally reach this place. The wizard decided to hear their wishes. Lion asked for courage, as it was a coward, the scarecrow asked for a brain, as it wasn’t very smart, and the tin woodman asked for a heart, as it could not understand emotions. All three were gifted a human form and the one thing they wished for. Soon knowledgeable and the rational scarecrow along with the empathic and kind tin woodman became royal advisors and the courageous lion became captain of the royal guards.

But the gifts came with their own hardships. As the one with the newfound heart starts to fall for the one that sacrificed their emotions for pure knowledge. Understanding the exact feeling on either side is not easy.

When the clock strikes 12 (Cinderella)
Once upon a time there lived a demon king, who wished to control the whole world. A human noble could not stand it and decided to collaborate with a fairy and kill the evil itself. The fairy decided to make a magical dagger that, when piercing the demon’s heart, could completely seal his powers and destroy his soul. But for the spell to completely work there are two conditions. Firstly, to even make the steel blade a fraction of the victim itself is needed. Be it even one hair off their body or a droplet of blood. Otherwise creating the weapon is impossible. Second, the weapon must be used during the full, red moon, which appears once every 100 years. A ball celebrating the event is organized every time the red moon graces the sky, and it so happens it will be held in exactly a month. The noble decides to infiltrate the demon’s castle as a poor, human servant and get the part of the King’s body that is needed for a spell and then pierce him during the ball, when the clock strikes 12. But what will happen during that one month?



vampire x human
werewolf x human
werewolf x vampire
mermaid x human
actually any monster x any monster / human xD
monster x monster hunter
demon x human (summoned maybe hh)

Nobility and stuff:

arranged marriage (any kind)
phantom thief x noble
noble/king x commoner
servant x servant (dunno why but still hh)

Work /Entertainment industry:

Fashion Designer x Model
Reporter x Someone involved in a scandal (dunno where that came from, but-)
Book publisher x Ghost writer (who's forced to write for someone else)

Actor x Actor/TV producer
Music Idol x Music Idol (same band)
Idol x Menager

More action/mafia/criminal stuff:

mafia leader x police detective/private detective/reporter
thief x any detective

I like making friends, don't be afraid to talk to me, I don't bite....probably. I wish you all a good day~!

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