Advice/Help Open Group RP Etiquette?


fly? yes. land? no.
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I was wondering what the general thoughts are around a truly open starter, and if this is something accepted in RPN? On occasion, I want to just get writing and do not want to start extensive plotting, nor do I require introduction to my rp partners for such a starter. Its a very on the fly type of approach, something that worked quite well back when I was active on tumblr. This impromptu style actually allowed me to find some amazing writing friends, and I wanted to see if that was something I could attempt here as well. I would likely write a somewhat detailed but succinct setting (time period, realistic or fantasy, etc), then write my character into the scene and leave it open for whoever wanted to reply. No application or character sheets required, coded posts or not accepted, you probably get the idea. If this is something that people have used in the past, what are the tags or thread title inclusions I should use to help people understand it's open to all? Thank you to anyone with input.
I don't remember seeing that type of RP on here in a long time (if ever), since RPN has generally taken the structured approach, however I do think that a classic 'just jump in'/Cadavre Exquis type of story could be quite refreshing if well-executed and with an interesting setup and skilled participants.

The seeming lack of precedent means there isn't much I can recommend to you in terms of tags or how the setup should be done, but that means you also have quite a bit of freedom in that regard, since there's no 'formula' to follow.

Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I do hope you're able to get this idea off the ground, as I'd definitely be intrigued to see how it pans out ^^
This is something I like doing myself. The easiest way for me to get to know my characters is through story anyway. As long as the initial post is easy to work with, it shouldn't be hard to get into it. I would definitely make an OOC thread or if it's just two people a PM here or on discord to make sure you both can talk something out or ask questions to make sure you stay on the same page.
So I would probably still make an OOC thread just as a place for people to ask questions. Because this is not a format that is typically found on RPN you're gonna probably get a lot of people who want clarification on how it's supposed to work. You don't want them clogging up the actual thread with their questions so make an OOC.

At the top you can put the setting and a short description of how the roleplay works then leave it open to the players to ask additional questions as needed.

As for the thread itself just make sure the thread title has *accepting new members* somewhere so people know that you're still taking applications. Then at the top of the thread (above the setting) put a short description about how the roleplay works. I would also link the OOC here.
Thank you to you three for replies. This helps me a lot, particularly with the labeling to indicate what the thread is for. I think for my first attempt I will just use it as character exploration at a public place without introducing storyline, and others can use it as such themselves, in case they have a character they've been thinking of but no RP for them yet.
I was wondering what the general thoughts are around a truly open starter, and if this is something accepted in RPN? On occasion, I want to just get writing and do not want to start extensive plotting, nor do I require introduction to my rp partners for such a starter. Its a very on the fly type of approach, something that worked quite well back when I was active on tumblr. This impromptu style actually allowed me to find some amazing writing friends, and I wanted to see if that was something I could attempt here as well. I would likely write a somewhat detailed but succinct setting (time period, realistic or fantasy, etc), then write my character into the scene and leave it open for whoever wanted to reply. No application or character sheets required, coded posts or not accepted, you probably get the idea. If this is something that people have used in the past, what are the tags or thread title inclusions I should use to help people understand it's open to all? Thank you to anyone with input.

I actually do have something set up pretty close to what your lookin for. It's always open! Come check it!

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